Andy Burnham: The greatest threat to the NHS in all its 62 years

Andy Burnham

Before the Election, barely a week went by without a David Cameron photo opportunity with NHS staff. This man, said his spin doctors, is a friend of the NHS.

Now he has got what he wanted, Cameron has delivered a bombshell to NHS staff. His White Paper is the biggest threat to the NHS in its 62-year history.

It will turn a fair service into a free-forall and let market forces run riot. Thousands will be out of work. The private sector is rubbing its hands. Patients will be the losers. It means the return of postcode lottery and that old Tory choice - wait longer or go private. Services will vary so much that the N in NHS will be redundant.

Earlier this year, following revelations that the boss's wife at Care UK was bankrolling Mr Lansley's private office, I wrote to David Cameron asking him what safeguards were in place to ensure there could be no perception that private health care companies had undue influence over Conservative health policy. I never received a reply.

Now we have a White Paper that has appeared with no consultation, no piloting, no evidence. GPs are unprepared for it, NHS staff don't want it and patients never asked for it.

We now need complete transparency on the links between private healthcare firms and the Conservatives, and what if any involvement they had in health policy development.

The NHS needs to focus on meeting the financial challenge. Scandalously, we learn this week that the coalition may need to set aside £3bn for reorganisation. That money should be going on patient care.

So my message to patients, doctors and staff is this - get ready for the mother of all battles. Labour will run a campaign over the summer to show the strength of opposition to these plans before the Health Bill arrives in Parliament in the autumn.

We will defend our party's finest creation with everything we've got from a Bill which threatens to unpick its very fabric.