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The Acumen Series

Each month the Eureka Acumen series will include: a special report, four-part video series - launched weekly, and a webcast at the end of each month to analyse the key findings of the current topic in review.

Positioning for the next resources ride

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Special Report

Australia has been a huge beneficiary of the so-called commodity “super cycle,” which kicked off in 2003 when demand from China and other emerging markets spiked higher.
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The Year ahead 2013/14

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Special Report

Getting set for the new financial year is always a challenge as the uncertainties of the markets, political instability and fluctuating exchange rates tear at the investor’s heart – just as they did last year. However, there are some very good reasons for optimism.
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The Hunt For Yield In Mid-2013

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Special Report

This first report outlines the current yield landscape for Australian investors, with low interest rates the major factor in driving investor support for higher yielding shares. It outlines the key areas for investors to consider during the second half of 2013 in their search for better returns, including banks shares, mining stocks, listed real estate trusts, and fixed interest securities.
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