Advanced Hadith Analysis and Isnad Criticism - Al-Salam Institute
Sunan al-Tirmidhi and
Sahih al-Bukhari: Hadith
Analysis and Isnad Criticism
Shaykh Akram Nadwi will continue to teach Sahih al-Bukhari and
Jami‘ al-Tirmidhi every Sunday at the new
ASI ‘alim classes run, as part of the advanced level course. These are amongst the mother books of the
Islamic tradition and need no introduction to advanced students. However, what does need to be mentioned is that the way the Shaykh teaches each of the two books is according to its own unique qualities
. In the case of Sahih al-Bukhari, the focus is on why the narrators meet his conditions and other versions within the six books do not, as well as an analysis of the content and arrangement of his book that al-Bukhari uses to argue that sahih hadiths are enough for a Muslim’s religion. For Jami‘ al-Tirmidhi the focus is on the craft of Hadith criticism and al-Tirmidhi’s distinctive grading of each tradition, including the many hadiths with ‘ilal (hidden defects), which he includes within his collection in order to teach about their deficiency.
Shaykh Akram’s method of teaching includes writing out the isnad chains and comparing and contrasting the narrators between different versions within the six books of canonical hadith and other collections. Through this, the student sees the practical application of the general principles studied in the subject of Mustalah al-Hadith (Hadith Terminology). In fact, Shaykh Akram stresses time and again to his students that the Hadith experts never relied on general rules alone, but considered each narration as an individual case to be investigated on its own merits. Only through careful analysis of each hadith’s chain of narration and text is it possible to establish its degree of authenticity and meaning. Shaykh Akram’s students, previous and current, including ‘alims well versed in Hadith, have stressed the immense benefit that they have received from their Hadith study with him. If you are serious about one day becoming a Hadith
Specialist, or you just wish to have a strong, balanced traditional
Islamic education, there is no other accessible course teaching these texts at this level.
Shaykh Akram Nadwi: Muhaddith of the
Western World
By the grace of
Allah, the tradition of true Hadith scholarship has remained unbroken until the modern age.
Masters of the discipline have remained amongst both the ulama’ of the
Arab lands and of the
Indian subcontinent. Shaykh Akram Nadwi hails from the
Indian city of
Lucknow and studied from many great teachers at the famous
Nadwatul Ulama, including Shaykh
Abu al-Hasan Ali Nadwi. He then embarked on his own rihla, taking from many senior shuyukh of the Arab lands, including the Hadith
Master Shaykh ‘
Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghudda.
Finally, he was sent to
Oxford in the UK, where he began to teach, alongside continued research into the vast ocean of the Hadith.
Today, Shaykh Akram has established himself as one of the most knowledgeable
Islamic scholars and foremost Hadith masters of the
Western world. The quality of his teaching of the technical disciplines of Hadith and his original research into the deep issues of the field is exceptionally rare. He is currently teaching Sahih al-Bukhari and Jami‘ al-Tirmidhi in detail whilst writing his own commentary on
Sahih Muslim. The care with which he investigates each hadith of these books within the classroom is such that there is no way to know if he will ever return to it again. Those who take this knowledge, benefit, while those who miss it, miss out. It is appropriate for serious students to make sure they avail themselves of the opportunity to study with scholars of this calibre while they are with us, may Allah give all the ulama’ long life, amin!
The Benefits of Advanced Hadith
Study with Al-Salam
• Taught by a traditional Muhaddith and master of Hadith criticism.
• Learn the methodology of the great traditional experts of Hadith and how to apply it to real isnad chains.
Become deeply versed in the transmission and interpretation of the authentic prophetic Sunnah from the perspectives of different schools of law.
Join a circle of serious students of Hadith and learn to benefit from deep scholarly interaction with Shaykh Akram.
Gain the Shaykh’s ijazah in the teaching of these key Islamic texts.
Course Start Date: 12 Oct 2014
Osmani Centre,
London, UK
Live Streamed Online
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