- published: 30 Apr 2016
- views: 59318
Center (or Tsentr, Russian: Центр) is a Russian-speaking band, which can be described as eclectic and experimental. The styles of their music are very different, starting with new wave and Russian rock in the early years, crossing over to Electronica.
Center was founded by Vasily Shumov in Moscow, Russia in the late 1970s. The first band name was "777". In the early 1980s Center became popular in the Soviet music underground. The band released over 25 albums, created music for films and TV, appeared in the TV shows, and performed in Europe and America. Center is documented in numerous publications and books.
In the 1990s the band leader Vasily Shumov moved from Moscow, Russia to Los Angeles, USA where he continued his music and art work.
An album "Plastikozamenitel'" ("Plastic substitute") from the year 2000 is the first release of Center that features the new concept of so-called Centroborators. Centroborators are the artists from various locations, who contribute to the albums of Center, transferring their digital recordings to Vasily Shumov's studio using internet. Several albums after "Plastikozamenitel" were created using the Centroborators concept.
"Постскриптум" с Алексеем Пушковым (30.04.2016) © ТВ Центр
Детский развлекательный центр с горками и батутами бассейном с кубиками kid's intertainment center
ВЛОГ детский развлекательный центр и втреча с подписчиками Sky Park kid's indoor intertaimnent
Германия #8 Лего центр и много конфет и игрушки в ToysRus и МакДональдс VLOG Legoland new Toys R us
Боевики пять раз обстреляли позиции сил АТО, - пресс-центр. 04.05.2016
Construction site of skyscraper Lakhta Center (online)
Власти Москвы выселили Центр адаптации детей беженцев
В Мариуполе работает центр, в котором помогают детям-переселенцам
Центр помощи малоимущим, многодетным семьям, инвалидам и пенсионерам "Добромаркет"
Inside a Google data center
Things guitar center employees say
Унікальний Центр спадщини Вигодської вузькоколійки відкрили на Прикарпатті