- published: 08 Feb 2015
- views: 1055
Old City or Inner City (Azerbaijani: İçəri Şəhər) is the historical core of Baku. In December 2000, the Old City of Baku, including the Palace of the Shirvanshahs and Maiden Tower, became the first location in Azerbaijan to be classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
It is widely accepted that the Old City, including its Maiden Tower, date at least to the 12th century, with some researchers contending that construction dates as far back as the 7th century. The question has not been completely settled.
During this medieval period of Baku, such monuments as the Synyg Gala Minaret (11th century), the fortress walls and towers (11th–12th centuries), the Maiden Tower, the Multani Caravanserai and Hajji Gayyib bathhouse (15th century), the Palace of the Shirvanshahs (15th-16th centuries), the Bukhara Caravanserai and Gasimbey bathhouse (16th century) were built.
In 1806, when Baku was occupied by the Russian Empire during the Russo-Persian War (1804-1813), there were 500 households and 707 shops, and a population of 7,000 in the Old City (then the only neighbourhood of Baku) whom were almost all ethnic Tats. Between 1807-1811, the city walls were repaired and the fortifications extended. The city had two gates: the Salyan Gates and the Shemakha Gates. The city was protected by dozens of cannons set on the walls. The port was re-opened for trade, and in 1809 a customs office was established.
Baku (Azerbaijani: Bakı, IPA: [bɑˈcɯ]) is the capital and largest city of Azerbaijan, as well as the largest city on the Caspian Sea and of the Caucasus region. Baku is located 28 metres (92 ft) below sea level, which makes it the lowest lying national capital in the world and also the largest city in the world located below sea level. It is located on the southern shore of the Absheron Peninsula, which projects into the Caspian Sea. The city consists of two principal parts: the downtown area and the old Inner City (21.5 ha). At the beginning of 2009, Baku's urban population was estimated at just over two million people. Officially, about 25 percent of all inhabitants of the country live in Baku's metropolitan area.
Baku is divided into eleven administrative districts (raions) and 48 townships. Among these are the townships on islands in the Baku Bay and the town of Oil Rocks built on stilts in the Caspian Sea, 60 km (37 mi) away from Baku. The Inner City of Baku along with the Shirvanshah's Palace and Maiden Tower were inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2000. According to the Lonely Planet's ranking, Baku is also among the world's top ten destinations for urban nightlife.
Old City may refer to:
The inner city is the central area of a major city.
Inner City may refer to:
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Köhnə BAKI - Старый БАКУ (Old Baku) - Photos
Old Baku - Sevimli Hiyleger
Old Baku - Bakı (Azerbaijan Rock)
OLD BAKU 19-20 century (Azerbaijan)
Old Baku / Старый Баку / Köhnə Bakı
Orxan Mirzeyev OLD BAKU instrumental qrupu yeni kompozisiya (Lumanovski) 2015
Old Baku - Sevgilim
Old City (Icheri Sheher) - Baku, Azerbaijan
Old Baku-Hacibaba Hüseynov, Rast
Orxan Mirnatiqoglu Bayati Siraz Popuri 2015 OLD BAKU Ag Seher Ansanbili AzTv DJ R@min M.M
Old Baku-Ag sheher qrupu-"Zita ve Gita" filminden musiqi
Baku. Icheri Sheher (Old City, Inner City)
Köhnə Bakı \ Old Baku \ Старый Баку
Old Baku
old Baku
Старый Баку / Old Baku
Super Popuri MahnıLar 2017 / Damla, Pərviz Bülbülə / XıZı
▐► Saymun -Old Baku "Albom kolleksia"(ag-gara)
Sözlər: Əsir külək,Xəzər coşur, Yağır yağış,şəhər yuyunur. Zaman donub,zülmət qarışıb, Sevimli hiyləgər yenə aramıza dalıb. Aramıza dalıb... Bir bəd mələk yenə sənə baxırdı, Yağırdı yağış həmin gecə vaxtı. Var idi iki gözü,bir cüt də buynuzu, Sevimli hiyləgərlər yaşayır uzun illər boyu. O sevimli amma hiyləgər gözləri ilə sənə baxırdı, Yanırdı,qəlbini əllərinə almağa can atırdı. O,sevimli hiyləgər gözləri ilə sənə baxırdı, Yanırdı,qəlbini əllərinə almağa can atırdı,can atırdı... O günü o insan vücudunda gəzirdı,hər gəzdiyini əzirdi,görən hər kəs onu sevirdi,amma bilmirdi onun sevimli hiyləsini,o satırdı tanrınin bəxş etdiyi bədənləri,dəyərləri paylayırdı hər kəsə yalan şərləri,küfrləri,kədərləri.Gözləri parlayırdı bir günahsız mələk kimi,yalnız bir şeydən çox qorxurdu ki,biri ayılar tut...
YENI SUPER DUET 2017 DAMLA - PERVIZ BULBULE Damla, Perviz Bulbule - Popuri 2017 / Mahnilar, Sheirler, Musiqili Meyxanalar Xizi Uceddin balanin ad gunu 2017 MEN SEVEN GOZELIN 2017 / GUNAH MENDE DEYIL 2017 / SENDEN SONRA 2017 / SEN VARYA SEN 2017 / PERVIZ SEVGI SEIRI 2017 / MENE DE GORUM 2017, DE MENE GORUM 2017 / DELI 2017 / BIR DAHA SOYLE 2017 / KARA BIBERIM 2017 / YOLLAR BIZI AYRI SALDI 2017 / BILEYDIM GEREK 2017 / ITIRDIM 2017 / YENE DOSTUM 2017 #damla / #damla2017 / #perviz / #pervizbulbule / #pervizbulbule2017 / #yenimahni2017 / #pervizdamla / #damlaperviz / #musiqilimeyxana2017 / #muzikalnimeyxana2017 / #meyxana / #meyxana2017
Bakının keyfi yerindədir, vecinə almaz, Hallıdır o, göylərdədir, adamı saymaz. Bakının canı xəstədir, o sağalmaz, Bakının başı dərddədir, Bakı oyanmaz. Bu şəhər yandırar yaxar, insanı qaldırar, yıxar, Başını aldadar o, inanma. Bakı kefinə baxar, qarnını doldurar yatar, Başını aldadar o, aldanma. Bakının gözü eyş-işrət gəzər, sözünə baxmaz, Bu dəli şəhər hamını sevər, özündən başqa. Bakı doğrunu pulla şərə satar, vecinə olmaz, Bakı bir ömür yuxuya dalar, Bakı oyanmaz. Bu şəhər canımızın bir parçası, İçər o qanımızın hər damlasını. Bakı insana geyindirər günahı yük kimi belində Cəhənnəm kimi zülmət bir yerə göndərər. Gözlərini örtüb yenə öz işlərinə davam edər. Bu şəhər yandırar yaxar, insanı qaldırar, yıxar, Başını aldadar o, inanma. Bakı kefinə baxar, qarnını doldurar yatar, Başını aldadar...
Late 19th cent. and early 20th century... Azerbaijani song ''SARI GELIN'' (''BLONDE BRIDE'').... 1982 year... perf. :- AKIF ISLAMZADE...
Bir nağıl oldu hər an həyatım boyunca, Yarımçıq qaldı sanki rəngsiz bir səma kimi. Bir ömür keçdi aylar,illər tək adladım Boşluqlar doldu sanki sonunda mən anladım. Çox sual var idi,cavabsız qoyduğum, Bir zaman var idi,saralıb-solduğum. Bir an içində dəyişdi,çıxdın o an qarşıma, Oh,əzizim mənim,xoş gəldin həyatıma. Hər zaman yanımda ol mənim əziz sevgilim, Bu həyat sənlə gözəldir,mənim mələyim. Tut əlimi,gəl rəqs edək,bir ömür gedək, Birgə keçən hər günümüzü gəl qeyd edək... Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/BAKU.fan?fref=ts
BAKU Köhnə Bakı OLD BAKU Azneft Zeynalabdin Tagiyev Zeynalabdin Tağıyev Oill Baku Neft Baku Oil Bayıl Qız qalası Neft fontanı Suraxanı Sabunçu
*ALL CREDITS BELONG TO RIGHTFUL OWNERS INTERAZ* Baku's centuries old "Inner City" or "Icheri Sheher". Enjoy!
Bakı. İçəri Şəhər Баку. Ичери Щехер (Старый город) Baku. Icheri Sheher (Old City, Inner City) Baku. Alte Stadt Bakou. Vieille ville Bakú. Ciudad Vieja Baku. Vecchia città Baku. Gamle by Баку. Ескі қала Baku. Vecpilsētu Baku. Senamiestis Bakoe. Oude stad Baku. Gamlebyen Baku. Stare Miasto Baku. Cidade Velha Bakü. Eski şehir Баку. Стари град Баку. Старе місто Baku. Vanha kaupunki Baku. Staré město Baku. Gamla staden Bakuu. Vana linna バクー。旧市街 巴庫。古老的城市 באקו. עיר עתיקה باكو. المدينة القديمة. باکو. شهرستان قدیمی Μπακού. Παλιά πόλη ბაქოში. ძველი ქალაქი
At the turn of the 20th century, the city of Baku accounted for half of the world's production and dominated international markets.
Super Popuri MahniLar 2017 / Damla, Perviz Bulbule / XiZi Xizi Uceddin balanin ad gunu 2017 #damla / #damla2017 / #perviz / #pervizbulbule / #pervizbulbule2017 / #yenimahni2017 / #pervizdamla / #damlaperviz / #musiqilimeyxana2017 / #muzikalnimeyxana2017 / #meyxana / #meyxana2017
AG-GARA albom#2 YUKLEME LINK:http://www.share.az/wzgz28bw0lze/Saymun-Old_Baku.mp3.html MUELLIF HUQUQLARI QORUNUR! ABUNE OLMAGI UNUTMAYAQ RESMI PROFIL:https://www.facebook.com/saymun.rapper Music by SAYMUN performing "OLD BAKU" Music Producer;senzura beatz Mixing & Mastering by;Black & white cover by;Perviz bagirov
www.theredquest.com I fly into the Azerbaijan capital for a quick 48 hours. I wander through Fountain Square, climb up Maiden Tower and see the old town. I walk past the old-Soviet Dom House and then the sea front promenade by the Caspian.
Let’s visit Baku in Azerbaijan. In this documentary video we will visit Baku and see Nizami Street, Old Baku or Icheri Sheher, Palace of the Shirvanshahs, the Maiden Tower, Baku Boulevard, Azerbaijan Carpet Museum, Little Venice, Heydar Aliyev Center, Gobustan National Park, and see Gaval Dash, we will also visit Yanar Dag, Atashgah Fire Temple, Mir Movsum Agha Sanctuary, Shahdag Mountain Resort, Shaki to see The Palace of Shaki Khans and a lot more. Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/c/AlphaTraveler?sub_confirmation=1 Follow: http://instagram.com/iAngary Contact: info@AlphaTraveler.net
A detailed travel and history guide to Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. Covers the four major tourist sites: Flame Towers, Heydar Aliev Center, Baku Old City, and the area near the Caspian Sea. Also includes information about the Turkic Seljuks, Safavids, Iranians, Russians, USSR, Nagorno-Karabakh, oil and natural gas, and current political climate.
Join me on my trip to Baku, Azerbaijan. Baku is a city where I was born and raised, and it's been a dream of mine to finally visit it with Alex and also to show you guys the city where I come from. Thank you for watching. Please Like and Comment :) I absolutely love reading your comments. Music by: Aygun Mammadova - http://www.youtube.com/user/AygunMammadovaMusic Macaw - http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Macaw/ Latche Swing - http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Latch_Swing/ ♥ instagram Mimi - http://instagram.com/mimiikonn Love you guys! xx Mimi
Sizcə əvvəllər ilə indiki İCƏRİ ŞƏHƏRİN NƏ FƏRQİ VAR? DİQQƏT DİQQƏT !!! KANALIMIZDA AKTİV OLAN YƏNİ ( ŞƏRH YAZAN, KANALIMIZIN İNKİŞAFI ÜCÜN CALIŞAN, BİZİ ÖZ FACEBOOK VƏ İNSTAGRAM SƏHİFƏSİNDƏ ) PAYLAŞAN 3 NƏFƏR ŞƏXSƏ PUL MUKAFATI VERƏCƏM. YERƏ 100 MANAT 50 MANAT HƏMƏN İNSANLA VLOG CƏKİLƏCƏK… Aktiv olun. —- 1. KANALIMA ABUNƏ OLUN! zəhmət olmasa! 2. ÖZ COMMENT-lərinizi yazın "LETS DO IT!" 3. FACEBOOK-da https://www.facebook.com/aliyevfarid82/ dostlarınızı TAG edin. 4. SUALLARINIZI YAZIN VƏ MƏNDƏN SORUŞUN — Music by Joakim Karud ------- Farid Aliyev Socsetlərdə... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/faridaliyev82/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aliyevfarid82/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/faridaliyevs Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/118349273176191305236/+AzerbaijanBakus?pag...
Baku is the capital of Azerbaijan, and I visited this city in April 2017. The countryside is very beautiful, and Baku is just perfect for a week. The Republic of Azerbaijan is a secular country and a welcoming country for foreigners. People usually don't speak English, but you'll find your way while exploring the city. This country is expensive than neighboring Georgia and Turkey (As I've been to Georgia & Turkey already). For more details: Website: http://www.flyingtoworld.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/flyingtoworld Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/onlineustaad Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crickteri Main Song: Geoxor - You & I [NCS Release] the music was provided by NCS https://www.youtube.com/user/NoCopyrightSounds Artist: Geoxor https://soundcloud.com/geoxor_official ...
Icheri Sheher - The historic center of Old Baku is the UNESCO World Heritage site.
Uploaded by yükleyen Bülent Pakman http://bpakman.wordpress.com/dunya/baku-2010-fotograflar/iceri-sehir/ Bakü içerişehir içerişeher
I was in Baku between the 27-30th Sep 2014. I really enjoyed it, it a beautiful and interesting city with kind people with picturesque old town which is part of the UNESCO World Heritage
Old City or Inner City (Azerbaijani: İçəri Şəhər) is the historical core of Baku. In December 2000, the Old City of Baku, including the Palace of the Shirvanshahs and Maiden Tower, became the first location in Azerbaijan to be classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. http://granitas.az/ https://www.facebook.com/GRANITASTRAVEL
Photos by Caucasian Panda (gragimli) Waltz by Azerbaijani composer Kara Karayev from "Seven Beauties" ballet. Old City is the historical core of Baku. In 2000, the Old City, including the Palace of the Shirvanshahs and Maiden Tower, became a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
Baku is the capital of Azerbaijan.The name Baku is possibly a contraction of the Persian bad kube (“blown upon by mountain winds”). Baku derives its importance from its oil industry and its administrative functions.The core of present-day Baku is the old town, or fortress, of Icheri-Shekher.The walled city, along with the Palace of the Shīrvān-Shāhs and Maiden’s Tower, were collectively designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2000.Baku with its old heritage and modern architecture is worth to see!
Old City or Inner City (Azerbaijani: İçəri Şəhər) is the historical core of Baku. In December 2000, the Old City of Baku, including the Palace of the Shirvanshahs and Maiden Tower, became the first location in Azerbaijan to be classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
Old City or Inner City is the historical core of Baku. In December 2000, the Old City of Baku, including the Palace of the Shirvanshahs and Maiden Tower, became the first location in Azerbaijan to be classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Built on a site inhabited since the Paleolithic period, the Walled City of Baku reveals evidence of Zoroastrian, Sassanian, Arabic, Persian, Shirvani, Ottoman, and Russian presence in cultural continuity. The Inner City (Icheri Sheher) has preserved much of its 12th-century defensive walls. The 12th-century Maiden Tower (Giz Galasy) is built over earlier structures dating from the 7th to 6th centuries BC, and the 15th-century Shirvanshahs' Palace is one of the pearls of Azerbaijan's architecture. Make sure you SUBSCRIBE for more videos , give thi...
This summer, I got the chance to fly to Azerbaijan and get to know the country, being sponsored by socar and e.on. I honestly had the best time of my life with a lot of great openminded people. The most beautiful country I've ever seen, definitely want to go back someday. Sadly a lot of footage got deleted by my brother, so you don't get to see everything... Still a lot of the many beautiful places got included into the video, and I'm really proud of the result. If you want to follow my journey, you can follow me on: Instagram: instagram.com/gl.ass Twitter: twitter.com/MeganJoyClaeys Music: Cape Town - Panama Remix by Clubfeet Footage and Video editing by Megan Claeys
• My trip to Baku, Azerbaijan. all videos taken by me • I love making videos, they allow you to always remember amazing experiences, hope you enjoy. • Instagram: Ronsbeenhere • Facebook: Ronsbeenhere • Twitter: Ronsbeenhere Music by Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com) Baku, the capital and commercial hub of Azerbaijan, is a low-lying city with coastline along the Caspian Sea. It's famed for its medieval walled old city, which contains the Palace of the Shirvanshahs, a vast royal complex, and the iconic stone Maiden Tower. Contemporary landmarks include the Zaha Hadid–designed Heydar Aliyev Center, and the Flame Towers, 3 pointed skyscrapers covered with LED screens.
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