MATT DAMON on U.S. SCHOOL SYSTEM - Public Schools Are Rapidly Turning into Indoctrination Centers
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Public Schools Are Rapidly
Turning into Indoctrination Centers
The busybodies in
Michigan have proposed a new bill directed at children who are homeschooled, which will require two annual home inspections and official state registration. children registered. As a result, thousands of decent and caring homeschool parents may soon be forced to allow an inspection of their family or be in violation of the law. The
British government is urging school leaders to use their “common law powers” to search student lunches and potentially confiscate any items they deem “unhealthy or inappropriate.”
Jim Carrey is speaking out against new legislation requiring all public school children in
California to be vaccinated starting in 2016.
children are our future, and right now the vast majority of our children are being “educated” in public schools that are rapidly being turned into indoctrination centers and prison camps. All over
America, school children are being immersed in the radical green agenda
. environmentally unfriendly . All over America, students are being taught that the
First Amendment does not apply in public schools. free speech in school are often cracked down upon very hard. For example, one group of high school athletes was recently suspended for “Tebowing” in the hallways of their school.
Putting kids in jail has become standard operating procedure in the
United States.
Today, nearly one-third of all
Americans are arrested by police by the time they reach the age of 23. United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world and the largest total prison population on the entire globe, and yet our society U.S. schools,
RFID chips are now being used to monitor the attendance and movements of children while they are at school "matt damon" school passion learn learning study student parent teacher "university degree" u.s. "united states" quality test exam teaching studying "home schooling" "international school" success speech free class "back to school" lesson knowledge "high school" college degree "student loan" funding "next generation" job talent education message media entertainment trends trendy movie tv debt corporate love relationship emotion support "elite nwo agenda" alex jones infowars gerald celente david icke louis farrakhan we are change we the people agenda 21 matrix end game cctv big brother puppet master george soros fema camp
misbehavior at many U.S. schools are being treated as very serious crimes.
A teenager in suburban Dallas was recently forced to take on a part-time job after being ticketed for using bad language in one high school classroom. Our children are being programmed to accept the fact that they will be watched and monitored constantly. surveillance cameras in the cafeterias of public schools all across the nation so that government control freaks can closely monitor what our children are eating. U.S. schools, armed cops accompanied by police dogs actually conduct surprise raids with their guns drawn
The U.S. government is now encouraging children to spy on their parents
Americans are now living in a society that in some cases is more draconian, more invasive and more Orwellian than the dystopian tyranny fictionalized in Orwell’s chilling classic
Nineteen Eighty-Four. pervasive and high-tech surveillance than anything
Winston Smith ever faced. Compare life in
Oceania to life in
2011 America, with quotes from
George Orwell’s
super rich have been busy securing property in safe heavens for at least five years in anticipation of the next financial collapse. prepare emergency personnel for dealing with weapons of mass destruction.
Dead elites are planning to live on in cyberspace by uploading their cloned brains to computer systems which will eventually take the form of artificially intelligent robots. Did you see
Katy Perry’s performance at the
Grammys? It was essentially an Illuminati-themed occult ritual.
Various media reports say that
Perry “dressed up as a witch”, and her performance included a
Knights Templar cross emblazoned across her chest, a beast with
Moloch horns, dancers in dark robes with devil horns protruding from their heads, and pole dancing with a broom. famous novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, it was the year 1949, and it told a dark story of what he envisioned life may be like in the future-in the year 1984. His book synonymous with privacy concerns involving technology and also an all-powerful, oppressive ruling elite that strictly governs the activities of the population with an iron fist.