- published: 15 Aug 2016
- views: 3561
State may refer to:
The black-capped chickadee (Poecile atricapillus) is a small, nonmigratory, North American songbird that lives in deciduous and mixed forests. It is a passerine bird in the tit family Paridae. It is the state bird of both Maine and Massachusetts in the United States, and the provincial bird of New Brunswick in Canada. It is well known for its capacity to lower its body temperature during cold winter nights as well as its good spatial memory to relocate the caches where it stores food, and its boldness near humans (sometimes feeding from the hand). It is almost universally considered 'cute' due to its oversized round head, tiny body, and apparent curiosity about everything, including humans.
Though often placed in the genus Parus with most other tits, mtDNA cytochrome b sequence data and morphology suggest that separating Poecile more adequately expresses these birds' relationships. The American Ornithologists' Union has treated Poecile as a distinct genus for some time.
National Geographic Kids is the child-focused brand of National Geographic Partners. Nat Geo Kids inspires young adventurers to explore the world through award-winning magazines, books, apps, games, toys, videos, events, and a website, and is the only kids brand with a world-class scientific organization at its core. National Geographic Kids magazine (10 issues per year) and Little Kids magazine (six issues per year) are photo-driven publications and are available on newsstands or by subscription in print and on tablets. The award-winning websitenatgeokids.com excites kids about the planet through games, videos, contests, photos, quizzes and blogs about cultures, animals and destinations. National Geographic Kids Books is the leading nonfiction publisher with as many as 125 nonfiction titles each year, including the New York Times best-selling “Kids Almanac.” National Geographic Kids games and apps engage kids to learn through play - like the online virtual animal world of Animal Jam and the Weird but True app.
National Geographic or NatGeo may refer to:
A state of the United States of America is one of the 50 constituent political entities that shares its sovereignty with the United States federal government. Due to the shared sovereignty between each state and the federal government, Americans are citizens of both the federal republic and of the state in which they reside.State citizenship and residency are flexible and no government approval is required to move between states, except for persons covered by certain types of court orders (e.g., paroled convicts and children of divorced spouses who are sharing custody). States range in population from just under 600,000 (Wyoming) to over 38 million (California). Four—Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Virginia—use the term commonwealth rather than state in their full official names.
States are divided into counties or county-equivalents, which may be assigned some local governmental authority but are not sovereign. County or county-equivalent structure varies widely by state. State governments are allocated power by the people (of each respective state) through their individual constitutions. All are grounded in republican principles, and each provides for a government, consisting of three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial.
Maine - Feat. Rapper MC Dee the Black-capped Chickadee | 50 BIRDS, 50 STATES
Black-Capped Chickadee - HD Mini-Documentary
Mass state bird...Chickadee...Chilmark mass
DeGray Lake Resort State Park Chickadee Trail
Hand Painted Chickadee Wine Glass State Bird of Maine and Massachusetts | Review/Test
Most Beautiful U.S. State Birds | State A - Z | Part 1
Pennsylvania Feeder Birds, White-breasted Nuthatch, Cardinal, Chickadee
Maine - 50 States - US Geography
Secrets of the chickadee
Barry the bald eagle flies all the way north to Maine to flap around with MC Dee the black-capped chickadee. In this land of lobsters, there’s a lot to explore on both the coast and inland. Dee is a great guide, telling Barry what makes the most northern state of New England so cool. ➡ Subscribe for more National Geographic Kids videos: http://bit.ly/SubscribeToNatGeoKids ➡ Watch the full series here: http://bit.ly/50Birds50States About 50 Birds, 50 States: Come fly with Barry the bald eagle, the United States' national bird, as he soars from coast to coast to meet the state birds and learn about their homes. More National Geographic Kids: Check out “Weird But True!” during Xploration Station on most FOX broadcast stations! Check local listings for times. Visit our website for more game...
http://quickdirt.com is my new mountain biking website. Check it out for more great adventures! Transcript: "This cute, little bird is the black-capped chickadee. It is found in Canada, Alaska and the northern United States and is the state bird of Maine and Massachusetts. It is generally a permanent resident of this cooler climate and has adapted well. On cold winter nights, these birds reduce their body temperatures by 10 to 12 degrees Celsius to conserve energy. In the summer, they feed on insects, but in the winter they ADAPT their diet to seeds and berries. The chickadee is named after its familiar call which is a complex song used to communicate threats from predators and to coordinate movement amongst the group. It is closely related to the Carolina chickadee its southern ...
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
This trail begins behind the Park Administration Office near the tennis courts. This loop trail takes you through a pine forest down along the shoreline. It is a wonderful trail for anyone interested in seeing waterfowl and wading birds, as well are those favoring pine forests.
Review about Hand Painted Chickadee Wine Glass State Bird of Maine and Massachusetts Hello, this is LogiReview a generative user- content summary of real user experience, in one short video is the easiest way to give an insight. This video composition will look at the structure that should be used when giving a presentation. When the customer published their review, We use them to generate computer audio voice track and put both together. The production of the video with this *advanced* generative methods that gives you the possibility to sit back and enjoy! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us: customerservicelogirev@gmail.com
Thanks for watching..................... 1) American Robin,Connecticut 2) American Robin,Michigan 3) American Robin,Wisconsin 4) Baltimore Oriole,Maryland 5) Black-capped Chickadee, Maine 6) BlueHenChicken,Delaware 7) Bobwhite Quail,Tennessee 8) Brown Pelican,Louisiana 9) Brown Thrasher,Georgia 10) Cactus Wren,Arizona 11) California Gull,Utah 12) California Quail,California 13) Carolina Wren,South Carolina 14) Common Loon,Minnesota 15) Eastern Bluebird,Missouri 16) Eastern Bluebird,New York 17) Eastern Goldfinch,Iowa 18) Eastern Goldfinch,New Jersey 19) Hawaiian Goose,Hawaii 20) Hermit Thrush,Vermont 21) Lark Bunting,Colorado 22) Mockingbird,Arkansas 23) Mountain Bluebird,Idaho
Northern Cardinal, Hairy Woodpecker, Nuthatch, Black Capped Chickadee... winter feeder birds here in the State of Pennsylvania. We feed them all black oil sunflower seeds as well as suet.
Maine is known as the "Pine Tree State." Much of Maine is forested, but between the thousands of lakes and rivers, and the extensive Atlantic Ocean coastline, residents of Maine spend plenty of time on the water. On March 15th, 1820, as part of the Missouri Compromise, Maine became the 23rd, and easternmost, state of the Union. Our series of videos "Visit the 50 States," gives you a little history and interesting facts about each state. For every state, you'll learn when it entered the Union, what's its motto, how did it get its nickname, and see what the flag, seal, and state capitol building all look like. We'll find the state capital on the map! There's also fun trivia - do you know the state tree, flower, and bird? Watch and find out! Try our 50 States Android App - it's FREE o...
(OFFICIAL VIDEO) BEST VIDEO AUDIO OF THIS AMAZING BIRD - The Black-capped Chickadee (Poecile atricapillus) is a small, nonmigratory, North American songbird that lives in deciduous and mixed forests. It is a passerine bird in the tit family Paridae. It is the state bird of both Maine and Massachusetts in the United States, and the provincial bird of New Brunswick in Canada. It is notable for its capacity to lower its body temperature during cold winter nights, its good spatial memory to relocate the caches where it stores food, and its boldness near humans (they can feed from the hand). LONG LIVE THE CHICKADEE" RECORDED BY ANTHONY.D
On today's CapeCast: The chickadee became our state bird in March 1941, so we bring you a 70th anniversary party full of bird secrets with Mike O'Connor of the Bird Watcher's General Store.
Barry the bald eagle flies all the way north to Maine to flap around with MC Dee the black-capped chickadee. In this land of lobsters, there’s a lot to explore on both the coast and inland. Dee is a great guide, telling Barry what makes the most northern state of New England so cool. ➡ Subscribe for more National Geographic Kids videos: http://bit.ly/SubscribeToNatGeoKids ➡ Watch the full series here: http://bit.ly/50Birds50States About 50 Birds, 50 States: Come fly with Barry the bald eagle, the United States' national bird, as he soars from coast to coast to meet the state birds and learn about their homes. More National Geographic Kids: Check out “Weird But True!” during Xploration Station on most FOX broadcast stations! Check local listings for times. Visit our website for more game...
http://quickdirt.com is my new mountain biking website. Check it out for more great adventures! Transcript: "This cute, little bird is the black-capped chickadee. It is found in Canada, Alaska and the northern United States and is the state bird of Maine and Massachusetts. It is generally a permanent resident of this cooler climate and has adapted well. On cold winter nights, these birds reduce their body temperatures by 10 to 12 degrees Celsius to conserve energy. In the summer, they feed on insects, but in the winter they ADAPT their diet to seeds and berries. The chickadee is named after its familiar call which is a complex song used to communicate threats from predators and to coordinate movement amongst the group. It is closely related to the Carolina chickadee its southern ...
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
This trail begins behind the Park Administration Office near the tennis courts. This loop trail takes you through a pine forest down along the shoreline. It is a wonderful trail for anyone interested in seeing waterfowl and wading birds, as well are those favoring pine forests.
Review about Hand Painted Chickadee Wine Glass State Bird of Maine and Massachusetts Hello, this is LogiReview a generative user- content summary of real user experience, in one short video is the easiest way to give an insight. This video composition will look at the structure that should be used when giving a presentation. When the customer published their review, We use them to generate computer audio voice track and put both together. The production of the video with this *advanced* generative methods that gives you the possibility to sit back and enjoy! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us: customerservicelogirev@gmail.com
Thanks for watching..................... 1) American Robin,Connecticut 2) American Robin,Michigan 3) American Robin,Wisconsin 4) Baltimore Oriole,Maryland 5) Black-capped Chickadee, Maine 6) BlueHenChicken,Delaware 7) Bobwhite Quail,Tennessee 8) Brown Pelican,Louisiana 9) Brown Thrasher,Georgia 10) Cactus Wren,Arizona 11) California Gull,Utah 12) California Quail,California 13) Carolina Wren,South Carolina 14) Common Loon,Minnesota 15) Eastern Bluebird,Missouri 16) Eastern Bluebird,New York 17) Eastern Goldfinch,Iowa 18) Eastern Goldfinch,New Jersey 19) Hawaiian Goose,Hawaii 20) Hermit Thrush,Vermont 21) Lark Bunting,Colorado 22) Mockingbird,Arkansas 23) Mountain Bluebird,Idaho
Northern Cardinal, Hairy Woodpecker, Nuthatch, Black Capped Chickadee... winter feeder birds here in the State of Pennsylvania. We feed them all black oil sunflower seeds as well as suet.
Maine is known as the "Pine Tree State." Much of Maine is forested, but between the thousands of lakes and rivers, and the extensive Atlantic Ocean coastline, residents of Maine spend plenty of time on the water. On March 15th, 1820, as part of the Missouri Compromise, Maine became the 23rd, and easternmost, state of the Union. Our series of videos "Visit the 50 States," gives you a little history and interesting facts about each state. For every state, you'll learn when it entered the Union, what's its motto, how did it get its nickname, and see what the flag, seal, and state capitol building all look like. We'll find the state capital on the map! There's also fun trivia - do you know the state tree, flower, and bird? Watch and find out! Try our 50 States Android App - it's FREE o...
(OFFICIAL VIDEO) BEST VIDEO AUDIO OF THIS AMAZING BIRD - The Black-capped Chickadee (Poecile atricapillus) is a small, nonmigratory, North American songbird that lives in deciduous and mixed forests. It is a passerine bird in the tit family Paridae. It is the state bird of both Maine and Massachusetts in the United States, and the provincial bird of New Brunswick in Canada. It is notable for its capacity to lower its body temperature during cold winter nights, its good spatial memory to relocate the caches where it stores food, and its boldness near humans (they can feed from the hand). LONG LIVE THE CHICKADEE" RECORDED BY ANTHONY.D
On today's CapeCast: The chickadee became our state bird in March 1941, so we bring you a 70th anniversary party full of bird secrets with Mike O'Connor of the Bird Watcher's General Store.
Episode 9 - Nature Discovery Screencast Photo Walk in the NC Creekside Nature Preserve Video 31 min - Audio Music and Narration Cabarrus County, North Carolina, United States Photo Walk - 02-20-2017 Discovery Notes: 1. Butterflies 2. Water Striders Mating 3. Carolina Chickadee 4. Stream Bed Backwater 5. Fish in stream 6. Small Bee 7. Spider 8. Honey Bee Drinking Water
a full length version of my 7-19-15 trip to Brazos Bend State Park in HD ANIMALS INCLUDE- black vulture, carolina wren, fox squirrel, carolina chickadee, tufted titmouse, alligator, red winged blackbird, northern cardinal, turkey vulture, red bellied woodpecker, boat tailed grackle, northern parula, acadian flycatcher, spider, turtle, american crow, orchard oriole, bullfrog, gray squirrel, white tailed deer, cattle egret, little blue heron, common moorhen, white ibis, yellow crowned night heron, green heron, anhinga, black bellied whistling duck, great blue heron, white faced ibis, snowy egret, roseate spoonbill, wood stork.
Ralph Culver’s work has appeared in many magazines and journals over the years, and he is the author of the highly praised chapbook "Both Distances" (Anabiosis Press, 2013). His poetry has been awarded grant funding from the Vermont Arts Council, nominated for a Pushcart Prize, is anthologized in the Green Writers Press collection So Little Time, and his poem “Signed Self-portrait: February” was selected by state poet laureate Sydney Lea as the first letterpress broadside to appear in the annual competition sponsored by Chickadee Chaps & Broads of Montpelier. Jack Pulaski grew up in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, NY. His stories have appeared in The Iowa Review, Ohio Review, Tikkun, Ploughshares, The New England Review, among others. His first book of stories was published by Zephy...
a full length version of my 3-22-15 trip to Brazos Bend State Park in HD ANIMALS INCLUDE- turkey vulture, black vulture, great horned owl, downy woodpecker, barn swallow, american crow, tufted titmouse, carolina chickadee, northern cardinal, alligator, boat tailed grackle, common yellowthroat, yellow rumped warbler, red winged blackbird, tree swallow, swamp sparrow, ruby crowned kinglet, northern parula, red bellied woodpecker, blue grey gnatcatcher, anhinga, white ibis, double crested cormorant, common moorhen, american coot, pied billed grebe, little blue heron, american bittern, great egret, black bellied whistling duck, blue winged teal, white faced ibis, snowy egret, tricolored heron, yellow crowned night heron, black crowned night heron.
a full length version of my 3-13-14 trip to Brazos Bend State Park in HD ANIMALS INCLUDE- european starling, red tailed hawk, black vulture, american crow, carolina chickadee, ruby crowned kinglet, northern cardinal, tufted titmouse, turkey vulture, yellow rumped warbler, turtle, carolina wren, skink, downy woodpecker, alligator, louisiana waterthrush, hermit thrush, red bellied woodpecker, eastern bluebird, american goldfinch, red winged blackbird, boat tailed grackle, white throated sparrow, pileated woodpecker, house wren, swamp rabbit, purple martin, american coot, blue winged teal, wood duck, yellow crowned night heron, white ibis, great egret, common moorhen, pied billed grebe, snowy egret, black bellied whistling duck, little blue heron, northern shoveler, tricolored heron, anhinga...
Vai minha tristeza
E diz a ela que sem ela não pode ser,
Diz-lhe numa prece
Que ela regresse
Porque não posso mais sofrer.
Chega de saudade,
A realidade é que sem ela
Não há paz, Não há beleza,
É só tristeza e a melancolia
Que não sai de mim,
Não sai de mim,
Não sai.
Mas, se ela voltar,
Se ela voltar que coisa linda!
Que coisa louca!
Pois há menos peixinhos a nadar no mar
Do que os beijinhos
Que eu darei na sua boca.
Dentro dos meus braços, os abraços
Hão de ser milhões de abraços
Apertado assim, colado assim, calada assim,
Abraços e beijinhos e carinhos sem ter fim,
Que é pra acabar com esse negócio
De viver longe de mim.
Não quero mais esse negócio
De você viver assim,
Vamos deixar esse negócio