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JONATHAN MEESE | 20.02.2014 | ZÜRICH | Lektion vor Kunststudenten
An Abstract Look at Art with Jonathan Meese
Jonathan Meese: A soldier saluting art
Jonathan Meese - Eine Ameise der Kunst [Teil 1/5]
Jonathan Meese - Eine Ameise der Kunst [Teil 3/5]
Meese - Tell Me It's Over
JONATHAN MEESE | 29./31.08.2014 | BERLIN | Private Performance
Eklat um Jonathan Meese: Dünnpfiff und eine Glas-Attacke
Jonathan Meese: Hasstirade gegen Bayreuth
Meese Hotta Gandasige Demandappo Demand || Kashinath || Kannada || Full Movie
Baad - 01.21.12 Jonathan Meese
The Story of Jonathan Meese
Jonathan Meese & his mother: Mommy and me are animals
ZÜRICH, SCHWEIZ - Jonathan Meese haelt eine Rede zum Thema "Muss Kunst widerständig sein?" vor Studenten des internationalen Kunsttums und stellt sich anschließend Fragen zur Kunst in der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste am 20.2.2014 in Zürich, Schweiz. Meeses Lektion und das anschließende Künstlergespräch findet anläßlich des Master-Campus-Festivals "Kunst der Kritik - Kritik der Kunst" statt und wird von etwa 100 Studenten über etwa drei Stunden aufmerksam verfolgt. Erstmals seit acht Jahren wohnt auch Jonathan Meeses Mutter Brigitte Meese wieder einer seiner öffentlichen Auftritte bei und ergreift sogar mit einem abschließenden Plädoyer für ihren Sohn das Wort. Jonathan Meese spricht während der Veranstaltung ausführlich über sein Regie-Engagement bei den Bayreuther Festspielen, über seine vehemente Ablehnung der Demokratie und geißelt offen jeglichen politischen Aktivismus. Abschließend antwortet er in beruhigter Gesprächsatmosphäre auf Fragen von Studenten des Kunsttums. Ein Propagandawerk von Jan Bauer . Net .
Jonathan Meese believes that art can be anything you want it to be, no matter if it's made from paint and paintbrush or ice cream and hair. Check out the Bes...
Can an artist do the 'heil'-salute like the Nazis did during WW2? Artist Jonathan Meese was taken to court in Germany and won the trial. Here the artist expl...
Er bezeichnete sich einst als "Ameise der Kunst" und scheint wirklich von seinen Ideen getrieben, die man ihn auch ausleben lässt. Das Umfeld der Möglichkeit... Thema Synästhesie (Kopplung zweier physisch getrennter Bereiche der Wahrnehmung)ästhesie
Is this, is this the start of it? Has this become the part of it? Maybe we should've slowed down. It was the taste of it and this is how we wasted it. Maybe ...
BERLIN, DEUTSCHLAND -- In den letzten Augusttagen des Jahres 2014 entstehen eine Reihe Performances, die Jonathan Meese vornehmlich in seinem Atelier in Berlin zeigen. Die Performance "ICH GRUNZ', MEIN SCHWEIN PFEIFT IM PANAMAKANAL MIT PFERDEDEO (SZECHUAN ART)" verknüpft Jonathan Meese allerdings auch mit seiner privaten Küche, in der er sich seine Leibspeise aus Kindheitstagen zubereitet. 1970 in Japan geboren und die ersten drei Lebensjahre dort verbringend, machte die japanische SOBA-Nudel bis heute zu Meeses Lieblingsschnellgericht. Diese braunen Buchweizennudeln bereitet er im Handumdrehen zu, "verspachtelt sie in seine Schnüss" und stärkt sich so für den erfolgreichen Kampf gegen die Killer-Staffeleien in seinem Atelier. Ein Propagandafilm von Jan Bauer .Net .
Er gilt als einer der größten Künstler der Gegenwart - und als einer der gröbsten: Bei einem SPIEGEL-Gespräch in der Kasseler Universität beschimpfte Jonatha...
January 10 - February 21, 2015 Galerie Templon Paris Vidéo Sylvie Boulloud
Jonathan Meese wollte am Freitagabend beim Literaturfest in München über die „Diktatur der Kunst“ sprechen. Doch dann kam alles ein bisschen anders: Nach seiner Vertreibung vom Grünen Hügel nutzt er die Gelegenheit für Hasstiraden auf Bayreuth. Mit Schaum vorm Mund brüllte er seine Beleidigungen hinaus.
Movie Name : Meese Hotta Gandasige Demandappo Demand Cast : Kashinath, Madhura, Tennis Krishna, Sathyabhama, Vidyashree, Pamodhini, Hemanth Hegde, Bank Janardhan, Michel Madhu, BTS Murthy, Srinivas Gowda, Rajendra Singh, Mysore Ramanand, B V Sharada, Pankaja, Roopa Prabhakar, Sulochana, Veena, Meenakumari, Saroja Srishailan, Manjumalini, Uma, Preethi, Latha Subscribe For More Videos
Jonathan Meese is a German painter, sculptor, performance artist and installation artist based in Berlin and Hamburg. His works include collages, drawings and writing. He also designs theater sets and wrote and starred in a play, "De Frau: Dr. Poundaddylein - Dr. Ezodysseusszeusuzur" in 2007 at the Volksbühne Theater.
The German artist Jonathan Meese tells the incredible story of his childhood and of how he became an artist; how he invented his own language as a teenager, how he discovered his artistic talent on his 22nd birthday, and how he would have had just as much passion if he had worked in a bank. Interview by Christian Lund in Jonathan Meese's studio in Berlin, February 2011. Filmed by Marie Forchhammer and Martin Kogi. Produced by Martin Kogi and Christian Lund Copyright: Louisiana Channel, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art. © Louisiana Channel, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art -- 2012. Meet more artists at Louisiana Channel is a non-profit video channel for the Internet launched by the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in November 2012. Each week Louisiana Channel will publish videos about and with artists in visual art, literature, architcture, design etc. Read more: Supported by Nordea-fonden.
German artist & enfant terrible Jonathan Meese is interviewed with the most important person in the world -- his 84 year old mother, Brigitte Meese. The two have worked together for 44 years, if you include the years before he became an artist. You would have to look at long time to find a more endearing, odd couple than Meese and his mother. They seem in many ways to be complete opposites, yet their mutual love and respect has shaped a very fruitful environment for creating art. As Jonathan Meese explains: "When you love somebody you shout!" Art is a family business, according to Jonathan Meese, who has lived with his mother all his life. Meese describes his art, and the space he creates for himself as "anti-reality": A utopian future without parliaments. A place where play is master, and humans are free of ideology, politics or religion, living with full passion. Brigitte Meese describes Jonathan Meese as a dreamer, who used to have no idea what he wanted to do, and explains that she was simply glad when he finally found a passion for something. Brigitte Meese also tells us what she thinks about Jonathan Meese's special brand of art: "I am 84 years old, and I was educated in the tradition of older art. I now got used to contemporary art: Some of it I like, some of it I don't understand. But I work for 'The Case'." She supports Jonathan Meese in creating his things, helps sort out his collection of items, and assists him when he plays with it. Jonathan Meese and his mother do agree on some things though -- for instance that Jonathan Meese takes energy out of his stomach and puts it onto the canvas. Jonathan Meese explains: "It's evolution, it's playing -- but afterwards comes the words. We belong here, because we are animals: Biting away reality. That is my aim! Reality is shit, art is super!" Jonathan and Brigitte Meese were interviewed at Galleri Bo Bjerggaard by Christian Lund, January 2014 Cover photograph by Jan Bauer Filmed by Lea Hjort Mathiesen Edited by Kamilla Bruus Produced by Christian Lund Copyright: Louisiana Channel, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, 2014. Meet more artists at Louisiana Channel is a non-profit video channel for the Internet launched by the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in November 2012. Each week Louisiana Channel will publish videos about and with artists in visual art, literature, architcture, design etc. Read more: Supported by Nordea-fonden.
Christopher Hitchens and Ed Meese face off on CNN's Crossfire
Studio C's Matt Meese visits the newly renovated Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum, where he worked when he was a BYU student. The museum reopened June 7, 20...
"Die Diktatur der Kunst: Meese trifft Meyer" Unter diesem Titel findet am 21.11.2014 im Rahmen des Kuratorenprogramms forum:autoren das Gespräch zwischen dem Kurator Clemens Meyer und dem Künstler Jonathan Meese statt. Ort: MMA (Mixed, Munich Arts) © © #litmuc14
Interview with Studio C's Matt Meese and his role in Saints and Soldiers: The Void. #saintsandsoldiers Check out their Facebook page:
Studio visit to the German artist Jonathan Meese, who believes in The Dictatorship of Art, that art should rule the world, and that playing is the most radic...
Jonathan Meese: Ich nehme ein Buch nie persönlich. Ich nehme es nur als Angebot wahr.
A soccer penalty shootout video featuring goalkeeper Scott Sterling goes viral and receives almost 11 millions views on youtube. Catch what "Scott", Matt Meese says in his postgame interview on BYU Sports Nation.
War alles nur eine fiese Intrige? Genau das fragt sich Jonathan Meese nach seinem Rauswurf bei den Bayreuther Festspielen. Beim Literaturfest in München machte der Berliner Performance-Künstler seinem Ärger Luft - und spottete nicht nur gegen Festspielchefin Katharina Wagner, sondern auch gegen seinen Nachfolger Uwe Eric Laufenberg, der 2016 den "Parsifal" inszinieren wird. Redakteur Michael Weiser war vor Ort und hat Meeses Wutausbruch mit dem Smartphone gefilmt.
JONATHAN MEESE 4 feb. -- 15 april 2012 Artist interview. "EVOLUTION de LARGE (ICH-TEA-OHHH-SAURYS)" is the title of the German artist Jonathan Meese's first ...
Performance anläßlich der Eröffnungsausstellung "(my private) HEROES" im Museum Marta, Mai 2005.
Meese live at The Shelter.
The Start of it...Meese live at the Oriental Theater...
The Centennial (a.k.a Meese) play a cd release show in Denver at the Meadow Lark.
long lost footage taken from stage
The Fray pulls a prank on the Meese on their last night of the tour. 07-25-2009/Houston TX
8/7/09 White Rabbit San Antonio, TX
Meese singing The Start of it live in Houston, Tx @ Warehouse Live.
Meese playing "Next in Line" live at the target center in MN at the Jacks Mannequin/ The Fray concert.
Patrick and Issac sing "Movie Screens"
meese live at the university of wyoming, 4.12.08
the. best. song. evor. live at twist & shout in denver, co. 2.29.08 taken by the lovely melliss!
Meese sings "Broadcast" live in Houston, Tx November 14, 2009.
Meese Forbes with hit track entitled Can't Play A Playa - Captured Live on Ustream at
8/7/09 White Rabbit San Antonio, TX
Meese singing Say Your Ok live in Houston Tx @ Warehouse Live
Me and my best friend saw The Fray Live in Concert, and Meese was the first opening band.....they were decent (At least of what part of what we saw of them l...
Meese plays a new song, "Next In Line," live at UNC's freezing Springfest in Greeley, Colorado. 4.26.08.
live at Bortolami Gallery, Chelsea New york, November 4, 2011.
Meese plays a new song "Taking the World on," live at the Bluebird Theater on 5.18.07 in CO
Jonathan Meese was born in Tokyo. He attended Hochschule für bildende Künste in Hamburg, 1995 -- 1998. He is a self-proclaimed cultural exorcist and styles h...
I met Jonathan Meese at the opening of his exhibition in the Karl-Marx-Haus in Trier. He is a true revolutionary in the field of art.
John R. Meese on Bitcoin. We talk about Bitcoin in comparison to other Crypto-Currencies, it's open source code, is bitcoin truly volatile and China's influe...
Interview der 15 Quadrat Kids Redaktion mit Jonathan Meese und Peter Hönnemann. Aufgenommen im Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg. 15 Quadrat Kunst mach...
Meese talk about Nathan attending the top ten party school Ohio University (according to Playboy & the Princeton review), playing there and how it factored i...
An interview with former U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese III on why it's important to uphold the original intent and interpretation of the U.S. Constitution, and how President Obama's repeated executive actions and his administration's disregard of Constitutional law is making it "The most lawless administration in the history of the country." |
Meese - 1290 Studio Interview [June 2009]
Interview with former Attorney General Ed Meese. To learn more, read Ronald Reagan: Intelligence and the Cold War on's Historical Collections Divisio...
Former U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese spoke at the Right on Crime Leadership Summit. For more information about Right on Crime and the conservative crimin...
This interview is a preview to the "Conservative Intellectual Tradition in America - Session 9":
Da Ali G Show - Ali G interviews Edwin Meese, US Attorney General Da Ali G Show - Edwin Meese, US Attorney General Da Ali G Show - Ali G Our YouTube channel ...
Jonathan Meese interview 12-11-08 Copenhagen 2.
An interview with Ed Meese at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation on April 22, 2009. For more information on the ongoing works of President Reagan's Fo...
An interview with Ed Meese, US Attorney General (1985-1988), during the 'Ronald Reagan and the Fall of the Wall: Reflections from Yesterday, Lessons for Toda...
BERLIN, DEUTSCHLAND -- Jonathan Meese tanzt, singt und proklamiert quer durch sein Atelier am 4.5.2013 in Berlin, Deutschland. Dabei verbietet er kurzerhand "alles was nicht Kunst ist", tanzt zum Tschingderassabum mit einem barbusigen Pickelhaubenmädel, passiert mit einem Militärflieger die Höhen und Tiefen seiner eigenen Bildwelten und befeuert unverhohlen den Einmarsch der Erz-Kunstsoldaten ins Erzland Kunst. Eiserne Kreuze, goldene Pickelhauben und Adidas-Streifen flankieren den Tausendsassa im Eifer von "Distanzschaffungsmassnahmen" der Kunst gegen die Demokratie. Propagandawerk von Jan Bauer ...
Edwin Meese, the 75th attorney general for the United States, delivered the seventh lecture in the Conservative Intellectual Tradition Wednesday, Feb. 29, 2012 on the Reagan revolution.
Delivered at Casual Connect Asia, May 2014 Developers are finding great success on Google Play, where four times more money was paid out to developers in 201...
The inauguration of Ronald Reagan as president in 1981, ushered in an eight-year period of conservative leadership in the U.S. government. Under his leadersh...
The inauguration of Ronald Reagan as president in 1981, ushered in an eight-year period of conservative leadership in the U.S. government. Under his leadersh... The inauguration of Ronald Reagan as president in 1981, ushered in an eight-year period of conservative leadership in the us government. Under his leadersh... Why the Meese Pornography Commission Report Was a Joke: American Civil Liberties Union (1986) Why the Meese Pornography Commission Report Was a Joke: American Civil Liberties Union (1986)
Jonathan Meese is a German painter, sculptor, performance artist and installation artist based in Berlin and Hamburg. His works include collages, drawings an...
Former U.S. Attorney General (1985-1988) and Special Advisor to President Reagan is interviewed by former speechwriter for President Reagan Peggy Noonan. Hos...
So I've managed to collect an absolute ton of TvT footage - mainly Quarry and Border Duty, but also a couple of miscellaneous ones. These are those miscellaneous ones. Cat and Moose (Party Bus Edition) - Adversarial on Takistan Untamed Dogs - Adversarial with some AI on Chernarus Rifling Matters are an Australia-based Arma group. We take stuff seriously, but not too seriously. If you want to find out more about Rifling Matters, or join us, check out for application information.
Oct. 12, 2010: Journalism Director's Forum - Ray Meese Join Journalism School director Geneva Overholser for a discussion with Ray Meese from the Ventura Cou...
Playlist ○ Twitter ○ Twitch http://www.twitch....
The inaugural Honorary Reagan Fellow of Eureka College was former Reagan advisor and Attorney General of the United States, the Honorable Edwin Meese, III. T...
Museum of Modern Art-based scholar Kim Conaty delivers the lecture "Ahoi de Angst: Meese, Myth and Culture," discussing the Mead's special installation ALARM...
Edwin Meese III, then Attorney General of the United States of America, delivers a speech at the John M. Ashbrook Memorial Dinner on May 3, 1985. In addition...
Maggie and Miles Meese Wedding : Part 4
California's blackbird, the tricolor, Agelaius tricolor, is a near-endemic passerine that forms the largest breeding colonies of any songbird in North America. Originally almost exclusively a marsh-dweller, the tricolor now inhabits landscapes that differ fundamentally than the ones in which it evolved. Due to its gregarious nature and insect-dependence during the breeding season, the tricolor places huge demands upon lands within 3 miles of its breeding colonies. Through a multimedia presentation that includes still images, videos, and digital sound files, Dr. Meese will explore the tricolor’s natural history, field identification, history of research, and population trends. Drawing on his decade of work with the species, Dr. Meese will illustrate the tricolor’s extraordinary breeding and foraging habits, the relationship between insect abundance and reproductive success, discuss the results of the 2014 Statewide Survey, and the prospects for the species’ future. Photo by Robert Meese.
Program about social issues from a perspective that supports and affirms the value of human life. In this episode Alexandra Ryan talks to Dominic Meese. This episode went to air on Channel 31 Melbourne on Sunday 9 February 2014
Former Attorney General Ed Meese and Don Stenberg celebrating Ronald Reagan's 100th birthday in Omaha, NE on 12/8/2011. Ed Meese shared his experiences with ...
S ... , is Senior Legal Research Fellow in, the Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at The Heritage Foundation.
noodls 2015-03-30former Reagan Administration Attorney General Edwin Meese, former Congressman and Ambassador Tim ...
The Miami Herald 2015-03-27Marti Breehl, Carol Cattell, Susan Cole, Marge Collins, Mary DeGovanni, Sue Doidge, Rosemary ...
noodls 2015-03-27(Source: Gillingham FC plc ). SuperDraw Week 43 - 23 March 2015. £1,000 - Mrs C Lovekin - AF6739 ... £25 - Ms G Meese - K3638 ... com.
noodls 2015-03-26... studies at Georgetown University; Edwin Meese III, the former attorney general; and Timothy J.
Deccan Herald 2015-03-26... studies at Georgetown University; Edwin Meese III, the former attorney general; and Timothy J.
The Siasat Daily 2015-03-26WASHINGTON: ... READ ALSO: ... FBI Director Comey, Commissioner Meese III, and Commissioner Roemer speak during a news conference.
The Times of India 2015-03-26which included former Attorney General Edwin Meese, former Congressman and Ambassador to India Tim ...
The Siasat Daily 2015-03-26... attorney general since Edwin Meese was nominated by President Ronald Reagan exactly 30 years ago.
Media Matters 2015-03-26The commissioners were Ed Meese, who served as attorney general under President Ronald Reagan; Tim ...
Huffington Post 2015-03-25(Source: FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation ) ... Edwin "Ed" Meese III, former United States attorney general; Timothy J ... fbi.
noodls 2015-03-25(Source: ... Today, the FBI released The FBI: ... Edwin "Ed" Meese III, former United States attorney general; Timothy J ... fbi. gov ... :25
noodls 2015-03-25... studies at Georgetown University, Edwin Meese III, the former attorney general, and Timothy J.
The Charlotte Observer 2015-03-25Meese was a four-piece rock band from Denver, Colorado, signed to Atlantic Records. The name "Meese" is taken from the last name of the band's founders and brothers, Patrick and Nathan Meese. The other two members of the band are Ben Haley and Mike Ayars.
Meese shared the stage and toured with bands such as Our Lady Peace, The Fray, Straylight Run, Paramore, Phantom Planet, Dropping Daylight, Switchfoot, and many others. They have also played venues such as Paramount Theatre, Red Rocks Amphitheatre, the Gothic Theatre and the Fox Theater.
In July 2009, the band has released their first major studio album, "Broadcast," which has been received with warm reviews. The album's first single is "Next In Line" was offered as a free single of the week on iTunes. In May 2010, Meese confirmed that they had disbanded.
Formation and Early Years
The band began under the name "Patrick Meese" also releasing two EPs entitled "Patrick Meese" and "B-Sides" featuring Patrick Meese in a mostly acoustic style performance in which he played and recorded almost all the instruments himself. Reportedly after sending his brother a copy of the song "I Don't Buy It" Nathan Meese dropped out of school at Ohio University and moved out to Denver to join Patrick's band. Following this the band shortened their name to simply "Meese." During these first few months and shows Meese was joined by various friends who played alongside him. While originally Patrick stated that the band only consisted of him and his brother and that friends occasionally played with them, the band now has a solid four members which has been made apparent through their live shows over the past two years and recent signing with Atlantic.
Christopher Eric Hitchens (13 April 1949 – 15 December 2011) was an English American author and journalist whose career spanned more than four decades. Hitchens, often referred to colloquially as "Hitch", was a columnist and literary critic for New Statesman, The Atlantic, The Nation, The Daily Mirror, The Times Literary Supplement and Vanity Fair. He was an author of twelve books and five collections of essays. As a staple of talk shows and lecture circuits, he was a prominent public intellectual, and his confrontational style of debate made him both a lauded and controversial figure.
Hitchens was known for his admiration of George Orwell, Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson, as well as for his excoriating critiques of various public figures including Mother Teresa, Bill Clinton, Henry Kissinger and Diana, Princess of Wales. Although he supported the Falklands War, his key split from the established political left began in 1989 after what he called the "tepid reaction" of the Western left to the Rushdie Affair. The September 11 attacks strengthened his internationalist embrace of an interventionist foreign policy, and his vociferous criticism of what he called "fascism with an Islamic face." His numerous editorials in support of the Iraq War caused some to label him a neoconservative, although Hitchens insisted he was not "a conservative of any kind", and his friend Ian McEwan describes him as representing the anti-totalitarian left.
Is this the start of it?
has this become a part of it?
maybe we should've slowed down
it was the taste of it
and this is how we wasted it
maybe we'll get it back somehow
it made me furious
you said that if we bury this
never could dig up the past
i couldn't handle it
i thought i could dismantle it
maybe somethings weren't meant to last
kids of the frozen front range
carry the message if i fall
tell them we're moving on
sorting out who our enemies are
i've seen it, you say i don't believe it
it's either or...
tell me it's over or everything you hoped for
tell me either way, i know you know i never let this go
you've got the upper hand
wrapped tight around my neck again
and i can't get the words out
if you were listening
you'd hear the voice or reasoning
telling you walk away from this somehow
kids of the frozen front range
carry the message if i i fall
tell them we're moving on
sorting out who our enemies are
i need this, you can't deny you feel it
it's either or...
tell me its over or everything you hoped for
tell me either way, i know you know i never let this...
tell me its over or everything you hoped for
tell me either way, i know you know i never let this go
o.k. in the first degree
Two sides of me agree to disagree
They went their separate ways today
One stays at home the other walks the streets
That's how i lost the quiet side of me
He packed my yearbook and directories
And a list from bad to worse
He's got a list that he's been holding in
And you're the ones to hear it first
Knocking on the door of the friends who betrayed me
Standing in the street with the sign that he made me
Calling all the liars to tell them that the truth is
Better in the end when you're taking your revenge
Fire on the third floor, heading out the back door
Is the quiet side of me, making up for all the time he
Once my quiet side is satisfied
There's no one left to feed his appetite
He'll go back to how he used to be
Until my quiet side through with me
Hanging up the phone on the friends with the favors
Gonna get them back for the scars that they gave us
Fire on the third floor, heading out the back door
Is the quiet side of me, making up for all the time he
Hand to play nice guy, telling little white lies
Now the quiet side of me, is claiming his revenge on
I'm carrying the weight of
what you said
Now that I can't lift
my feet off the floor
Instead of getting stronger
I lose my grip
The words get heavier
and harder than before
Steady as she goes now
Time can heal
But when it moves so slow
that I can hardly feel
anything but normal is better than right now
Is better than the moment right before you let it go
Thrown everything away
hardly stand the pain
the medicine all gone
Say what you got to say
We knew it all along
the medicine all gone
I shake off the cloudiness
I shake off the promises
and I still can't lift my feet off
the floor and here come the warning
This is the last goodbye
And it's the moment right before you let it go
Thrown everything away
hardly stand the pain
the medicine all gone
Say what you got to say
We knew it all along
the medicine all gone
The way things go
Should've planned
The way things go.....
There never is enough
Never is enough
The medicine all gone
There never is enough
Never is enough
The medicine all gone
Is this enough now?
Is this enough to make it?
Is this enough now?
Is this enough to make it?
Is this enough now?
Is this enough to make it?
Is this the start of it?
Has this become a part of it?
Maybe we should've slowed down
It was the taste of it
And this is how we wasted it
Maybe we'll get it back somehow
It made me furious
You said that if we bury this
Never could dig up the past
I couldn't handle it
I thought i could dismantle it
Maybe somethings weren't meant to last
Kids of the frozen front range
Carry the message if i fall
Tell them we're moving on
Sorting out who our enemies are
I've seen it, you say i don't believe it
It's either or...
Tell me it's over or everything you hoped for
Tell me either way, i know you know i never let this go
You've got the upper hand
Wrapped tight around my neck again
And i can't get the words out
If you were listening
You'd hear the voice or reasoning
Telling you walk away from this somehow
Kids of the frozen front range
Carry the message if i i fall
Tell them we're moving on
Sorting out who our enemies are
I need this, you can't deny you feel it
It's either or...
Tell me its over or everything you hoped for
Tell me either way, i know you know i never let this...
Tell me its over or everything you hoped for
Tell me either way, i know you know i never let this go
O.k. in the first degree
And it ends like this
With a quote from an 80's song
"sing me to sleep"
She was hoping for it all along
I took the letter from my bed
And blacked out every line i read
Except for seven words
That made so much sense to her
It's like one voice in the choir
Buried by the rest
Holding our breath till there's nothing left
It's too hard taking the world on
Too hard taking the world on
She's the one true artist
The last of a dying breed
An unguarded heart is
The one thing you'll never need
The snow has never looked like this
The city never stops to rest
She's off to start a war
Is this worth fighting for?
This is like the flash that lights up your picture
Coming from the crowd
Throwing fists through the air when there's no one
It's too hard taking the world on
Too hard taking the world on
Carving our names so the past remains
It's too hard taking the world on
Too hard taking the world on
Stand up, the keys, and then the car
Drive up, the porch, and then the door
Two knocks, the lock, and there you are
Say what i could not say before
Standing our ground till the walls come down
It's too hard taking the world on
This is out of body
This is out of my hands
Music from the 80s
Played by electronic bands, bands, bands
This is where i lose control
This is where it falls apart
Gotta let a good thing go
Before i take it all to heart
Everybody blame the person next to you
Everybody hates what they have turned into
Everybody drinks too much, and so do you
If we're all this guilty, the standards must have
This is where i'm staying
When the glacier comes to town
I won't object to godholding
Nature's reset button down
This is how to fan a flame
This is how to make a spark
Watching while we ingest
Just waiting for the hurt to start
Everybody lies when theres a lot to lose
Everybody knows what word i'm gonna use
Everybody tells me what i shouldn't do
Everybody can't see what i'm going through
Everybody blame the person next to you
Everybody hates what they have turned into
Everybody drinks too much and so do you
If we're all this guilty, the standards must have
You stand in the street
I wave but you seem to see through me
Your face outof frame
Remind us of the mess we made
the mess we made
And could you show me
Just where we lost control?
'cause I can't see straight anymore
And if I wanted to leave
would you try to stop me
or would you wait for the day
i come home, i come home?
And if I wanted to stay
would you stop playing games?
and say you're okay
outside in the night
we say that we count the satin lights
I wait for a sign
I wait for the planets to align, to align
I'll make it eternal
I don't know where to go
and I can't feel it anymore
And if I wanted to leave
would you try to stop me
or would you wait for the day
i come home, i come home?
And if I wanted to stay
would you stop playing games?
and say you're okay
Holding on, holding on
for what might make sense
almost done, almost done
but im not there yet
3,2,1, and counting down the seconds
til it comes undone
and wait just one more moment
while i try to my head straight
And if I wanted to leave
would you try to stop me
or would you wait for the day
i come home, i come home?
And if I wanted to stay
would you stop playing games?
and say you're okay
and if I come home tonight
will you be like you used to be?
count down your lies
and you sit down right next to me
If I promise to stay
would you stop playing games?
You do so typical
I took you for original
Like all the other ones
Like every hit and run
How does your Hollowood
Reacting like the royalty would
Come and pack 'em in
You pack 'em in yeah yeah
Stop and rewind
Now I know what I'm leaving behind
And you'll always be the next in line
Make a scene
Make a scream
Like you're losing your mind
And you'll always be the next in line
She likes the sound of it
I think there's something wrong with it
I told you what you need
I told you everything
Stop and rewind
Now I know what I'm leaving behind
And you'll always be the next in line
Make a scene
Make a scream
Like you're losing your mind
And you'll always be the next in line
Now you know you're the one that I'm leaving behind
And you'll always be the next in line
Make a scene
Make a scream
Like you're losing your mind
And you'll always be the next in line
Mean what you say kid
Before you waste it
Slam on your breaks now
Before the breakdown
You're so much older now
You're holding out
You're holding out
So come in back come in
You're back come in yeah yeah
Stop and rewind
Now I know what I'm leaving behind
And you'll always be the next in line
Make a scene
Make a scream
Like you're losing your mind
You'll always be the next in line
Always be the next in line
When she came her family was there
And all her things were neatly prepared
When the moment came I was scared
If I look at her I'll break down
If I don't she'll know it somehow
When she came there wasn't a sound
Come on, come on, come on (x6)
Listen for the beat of her heart
Listen as your plans go apart part (?)
Listen but there's nothing there
When you lose what you never had
Left with impossible plans (?)
Listen in but you can't hear
We knew that this could happen
I feel the distance creeping
One there in my position (?)
Moving against my fingers
Against my human nature
Come on, come on, come on
Come on, come on, come on (x6)
Are you through with punishing me
I thought that you would at least
Give what you promised me
Are you through with punishing me
I thought that you would at least
Give what you promised me
What would a father say
He would say to come right home
What would a father do
He would try to comfort to you
What would a father say
He would say to come right home
What would a father do...
When she came her family was there
And all her things were neatly prepared
When the moment came I was scared
If I look at her I'll break down
If I don't she'll know it somehow
When she came there wasn't a sound
Come on, come on, come on
give it up for the forward motion,
give it up for the ones we left behind.
in the side with the logical notion,
i'm okay with the darkness coming for me, coming for
give it up for the forward motion,
keep moving and we never look back again.
so we burn what we can't take with us,
nothing left for the one too weak to hide.
give it up for the forward motion,
living on what the earth has left behind.
there's a door at the end of this hallway,
i'm okay with the darkness coming for me, coming for
give it up for the forward motion,
stay the course and the rest will fall in line.
when the light burns out in the basement,
close your eyes till we count to twenty-five.
give it up for the forward motion,
ever changing, everything comes to life.
when the killer is the one behind you,
let him know that you know that he's coming for me.
this time the fire we started comes burning away.
this time the fire we started comes burning away.
this time the fire we started comes burning away.
but it's coming for me. it's coming for me.
remember everything we lost,
remember what we had to save.
remember how much it had cost,
for it to seem like nothing changed.
remember everything we lost,
remember what we had to save.
remember how much it had cost,
to stay the same but it's coming for me. it's coming
for me.
remember everything we lost,
remember what we had to save.
remember how much it had cost,
Tell me what you want from me
Because a ship is sinking right beneath
A safety net won't break your fall
If you never make it off the ground
At all.
So far,
I've wandered apart
In a lost transmission
That was broken from the start
So far,
I've thrown it away
To get second chances
If the first one never came
And now a broadcast to you
Across the length of this room
Because the distance between
Is much to far
To travel through
And now a broadcast to you
Where ever you are
And if it finds you someday
I hope that you are not too
Far away.
Tell me will you cut the chord
Because I cannot hear you anymore
A bad connection never lasts
And then the dialtone is off again
You try to keep me away
But I'm tired and the static's
Gettin' louder every day
I try walkin' away
To get second chances
If the first one never came
If I promiss not to lie
Would you lay your armor down?
If I don't do what you like
Would you have to stand?
If I promiss not to lie
Would you lay your armor down?
If I don't do what you like
Would you have to stand?
And now a broadcast to you
Where ever you are
And if it finds you someday
I hope you are not too
Far away...
I hope that you are not too
count me out on the next one
you can tell your friends i dont need them
i be sound if i'm ready
dont brush just take what you're getting
cause this feels like the wrong move
when it breaks down, where do you run to
looking for a place to go
but you're all out of reasons
wonder if you'll ever know
but you just got to feel it
you can count me out
i'm not going anywhere tonight
and i got a feeling that it's going down
so just count me out
just count me out tonight
i'll be here if you need me
when it's going down in the city
you got that information
in the woken visit temptation?
looking for a place to go
but you can't slid in rouge skin?
wonder if you'll ever know
guess we will wait till it sits in
you can count me out
i'm not going anywhere tonight
and i got a feeling that it's going down
so just count me out tonight
you can count me out
i'm not going anywhere tonight
and i got a feeling that it's going down
so just count me out
just count me out tonight
i wont go even if you're there
this time i'm the better one
i'm the better one
looking for a place to go
but you're all out of reasons
wonder if you'll ever know
but you just got to feel it
you can count me out
i'm not going anywhere tonight
and i got a feeling that it's going down
so just count me out tonight
you can count me out
i'm not going anywhere tonight
and i got a feeling that it's going down
so just count me out
just count me out tonight
this is how we are we are
this is how we are we are
this is how we are we are
this is how we are we are
this is how we are we are
this is how we are we are
this is how we are we are