Home / Bilin


Rani Burnat from Bil’in

Rani Burnat

15th March 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | Bil’in, occupied Palestine Rani Burnat is an extraordinary human being in more ways than one. He was left paralysed from an injury sustained during the second intifada, learned to live ...

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Peaceful demonstrators tear gassed by Israeli army at Bil’in

A Palestinian man and a Israeli man stand together in opposition to occupation

4th March 2016| International Solidarity Movement, Al-Khalil team | Bil’in, occupied Palestine Today, groups of Palestinians, Israelis and other activists from around the world marched together in solidarity to oppose the zionist regimes annexation wall and illegal settlement of Modin ...

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11 years of peaceful resistance in Bil’in

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February 18th, 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, Ramallah team | Bil’in, occupied Palestine On Friday, February 19th, residents of the village of Bil’in will march to celebrate the 11th aniversary of the beginning of the weekly protest against occupation. The ...

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Update on urgent call – help Mohammed Abu Rahmah

Mohammed Abu Rahmah

09th May 2015 | International Solidarity Movement, Ramallah Team | Ramallah, Occupied Palestine UPDATED – On the 20th April, Israeli forces arrested Mohammed Adeeb Abu Rahmah while he was on his way to Mecca. Mohammed is the 19 year old son ...

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Prisoners’ day at weekly Bil’in demonstration

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17th April 2015 | International Solidarity Movement, Khalil Team | Bil’in, Occupied Palestine Over 300 people attended the Prisoners’ Day demonstration in Bil’in. The Israeli army fired endless amounts of teargas and shot one person in the chest with a ...

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