How to store open bottles of wine

From full-bodied reds to champagne, you’re probably doing it wrong. Our expert debunks the myths about serving, chilling and teaspoons in the bottle

Refridgerating red wine, particularly lighter ones, brings out their fresh fruit flavours.
Refridgerating red wine, particularly lighter ones, brings out their fresh fruit flavours. Photograph: Jose A Bernat Bacete/Getty Images

How full is your fridge? I ask this because you may have to make room for some more bottles. According to renowned wine expert Jancis Robinson, author of The 24 Hour Wine Expert, any open bottle – even a red – should be kept in the fridge.

Reds in the fridge?

Yup, it’s a thing. Particularly with lighter reds such as Beaujolais and pinot noir. It brings out all their fresh fruit flavours. Even full-bodied reds such as cabernet sauvignon, shiraz and malbec benefit from being served cooler than we’re accustomed to. The advice to “serve at room temperature” dates from the days before central heating. Think cool rather than cold – more like 17C or 18C. If you have space, by all means pop any leftover bottles in the fridge but bring these fuller bodied reds back up to cool room temperature before drinking.

Another tip: don’t pour your friends’ glasses too full, especially on a hot day, or the wine will warm up even more.

What about whites and rosés?

Robinson and I agree, most are served too cold. Chances are you’ve left the bottle in the fridge all day, which will strip all the flavour out of a white wine, particularly a rich oak-aged white such as a burgundy. Even pinot grigio may taste of nothing (which could, of course, be an advantage). Rosés, too, need chilling if they’re not to taste flat and flabby, but a couple of hours should do it.

What about bubbly?

That should be well chilled otherwise the cork will fly explosively out of the bottle. Did you know that not only are coupes out of fashion but flutes are too? The best way to serve your champagne – particularly vintage fizz – is in a tulip-shaped white wine glass that tapers towards the rim.

I’ve heard leftover champagne keeps better if you leave a teaspoon in the neck of the bottle?

Champagne is best served in a tulip-shaped wine glass.
Champagne is best served in a tulip-shaped wine glass. Photograph: Peter Widmann/Getty Images/age fotostock RM

There’s no scientific basis for it but it obviously does prevent a certain amount of air getting in which will help preserve the bubbles. A purpose-made champagne stopper would be more effective and only costs a few quid. But whoever has champagne left over anyway?

How long does wine keep once you’ve opened it?

Depends on the wine but most begin to lose their edge after 2-3 days. Even fino and manzanilla sherries (which should be kept in the fridge) are better drunk within the week.

What happens after that? Can you cook with it or should you chuck it away?

If it is still drinkable, yes. If it is corked or tastes like vinegar, no. If you have no call for it immediately, you can freeze it in ice cube trays and use it in cooking as needed.