- published: 09 May 2011
- views: 34456
- author: Gitbrew

Installing Ps3 Otheros and Petitboot.
Before you do anything, in GameOS run: delete_vflash6 delete_vflash5 create_vflash5 create...
published: 09 May 2011
author: Gitbrew
Installing Ps3 Otheros and Petitboot.
Before you do anything, in GameOS run: delete_vflash6 delete_vflash5 create_vflash5 create_vflash6 restart your ps3 delete_vflash7 create_vflash7 resize vflash restart the ps3 install_otheros boot_otheros reboot hit esc and type in ls -la /dev/ps3vflashh if it says "error not found" redo delete_vflash7,create_vflash7, resize_vflash. It should appear back in petitboot :)
- published: 09 May 2011
- views: 34456
- author: Gitbrew

PS3 Update 3.21 Removal of "Install Other OS" Feature
This is a real deal, not an April fools joke. This is a real disappointment from Sony. The...
published: 02 Apr 2010
author: CharlietoKind
PS3 Update 3.21 Removal of "Install Other OS" Feature
This is a real deal, not an April fools joke. This is a real disappointment from Sony. The only feature notable in 3.21 is the removal of 'Install Other OS' and 'Format Utility' changed and no longer allows a 10 GB partition for PS3 system or Other OS
- published: 02 Apr 2010
- views: 20692
- author: CharlietoKind

How To Install Linux Mint 13 "Maya" (parallel to Windows, Mac OS X or other OS)
Linux Mint 13 Maya is a cool GNU/Linux distro - recommended for Linux Beginners. It has be...
published: 25 Jul 2012
author: Ramesh Kumar Jha
How To Install Linux Mint 13 "Maya" (parallel to Windows, Mac OS X or other OS)
Linux Mint 13 Maya is a cool GNU/Linux distro - recommended for Linux Beginners. It has been released with MATE, Cinnamon, XFCE and KDE desktop environment. The video uses Cinnamon edition but the process remains same for other editions. If you are very new to Linux Mint then you may want to checkout these links - blog.sudobits.com blog.sudobits.com Enjoy :)
- published: 25 Jul 2012
- views: 4740
- author: Ramesh Kumar Jha

(HD) Install Windows 8/7 via USB Drive (Works with other OS too) - Cursed4Eva
This is my video tutorial on how to install an OS off a USB Drive. Link 1: UNETBOOTIN sour...
published: 04 Feb 2012
author: aphroditelikesme
(HD) Install Windows 8/7 via USB Drive (Works with other OS too) - Cursed4Eva
This is my video tutorial on how to install an OS off a USB Drive. Link 1: UNETBOOTIN sourceforge.net Thanks a lot for watching... Please click like and subscribe if you like what you see. Please hit the share button below if you think efforts are worth it :) (IF YOU NEED ANY HELP) Forums: www.cursed4eva.com ********************************************************************************* Contact Info: Website: www.cursed4eva.com E-Mail ash@cursed4eva.com Twitter: @cursed4eva (twitter.com Facebook: www.facebook.com Google+: bit.ly Feel free to contact me if you have any questions ********************************************************************************* Click below Check out my channel for more Videos www.youtube.com ********************************************************************************* Click here to subscribe to my videos www.youtube.com *********************************************************************************
- published: 04 Feb 2012
- views: 9735
- author: aphroditelikesme

SGT-OtherOS zefie kernel touchscreen driver usability demo
Touchscreen is functional, not perfect, but usable....
published: 25 Mar 2012
author: rkuchiki
SGT-OtherOS zefie kernel touchscreen driver usability demo
Touchscreen is functional, not perfect, but usable.
- published: 25 Mar 2012
- views: 480
- author: rkuchiki

Other OS & Backwards Compatability Bitches
time to wake up and smell the coffee mr larusso...
published: 31 Jan 2011
author: BaldAtGames
Other OS & Backwards Compatability Bitches
time to wake up and smell the coffee mr larusso
- published: 31 Jan 2011
- views: 1009
- author: BaldAtGames

PS3 Vs. Hackers (Other Os Controversy)
PSN network has ben down for several days. It has been announced the system shutdown was d...
published: 25 Apr 2011
author: IntelligentDiversion
PS3 Vs. Hackers (Other Os Controversy)
PSN network has ben down for several days. It has been announced the system shutdown was due to an attack on the system form an outside source. I think we should take a look at some of the other controversial issues related to modding and hacking Sony's PS3 software.
- published: 25 Apr 2011
- views: 660
- author: IntelligentDiversion

Preserve Other OS, How to log on to the PSN with out updating to 3.21
ATTENTION: as of 4/13/10 both proxy and dns methods described below no longer work. Want t...
published: 01 Apr 2010
author: efaustus9
Preserve Other OS, How to log on to the PSN with out updating to 3.21
ATTENTION: as of 4/13/10 both proxy and dns methods described below no longer work. Want to keep other os and sign on to the psn, well it is possible. I have two methods you can employ to bypass the update check. The first is the best and easiest and opposed to the proxy method it will let you download psn games and updates. The second method is there if you cant get the first to work. First method change primary DNS (THE BEST OPTION) : 1. In XMB go to Network Settings and select Internet Connection Settings. 2. Click Custom - [any option] - [any option] - Manual. 3.For you IP address, you may want to go to your router webpage to find out this remaining info, but for the primary DNS you need to put which should trick the PS3 into thinking you're fully updated. 4. Choose your settings from here on. Second Method using a proxy: I have listed a proxy method for both windows and ubuntu users. 1st Windows; You will need a Windows PC and the software provided below. First download and install the following on your windows PC: tinyurl.com Once installed restart. Now download and run Logan5's Tool: tinyurl.com Once Logan5's Tool is open follow these steps: click on the frimware update box so its checked then click start proxy it will show you your ip address go to ps3 and click network settings click on internet connection settings click on the custom method click wireless or wired (what ever you are using) #wireless only: click scan #select your wireless connection ...
- published: 01 Apr 2010
- views: 10360
- author: efaustus9

How to Install Ubuntu and other OS's to your USB drive from Windows!
How to Install Ubuntu, Ophcrack, DSL (and other OS's) to your USB drive! Learn how to inst...
published: 21 Jan 2011
author: Clayton Casciato
How to Install Ubuntu and other OS's to your USB drive from Windows!
How to Install Ubuntu, Ophcrack, DSL (and other OS's) to your USB drive! Learn how to install Ubuntu, Ophcrack XP (can use it for Vista if you download proper Vista-Tables file), Sugar on a Stick, and many others. Detailed explanation for the beginner to the master computing. Visit my website at techcomputer1.webs.com for more great things.
- published: 21 Jan 2011
- views: 2370
- author: Clayton Casciato

How to make Win Vista and other OS on your PSP
This is the tutorial brought to you by Dexxterlab97 Support PC OpS: Win Xp/Vista/7 Link do...
published: 20 Jul 2011
author: dexxterlab97
How to make Win Vista and other OS on your PSP
This is the tutorial brought to you by Dexxterlab97 Support PC OpS: Win Xp/Vista/7 Link download windows Vista Direct Download download.cnet.com XP direct download download.cnet.com Windows 7 files.filefront.com Link for downloading MAC OSX (x5 leopard) PSP OFFICIAL hint: PSP 2000 Mac Version works for 3000 (and maybe for GO) x5.psp3d.com Also www.google.com
- published: 20 Jul 2011
- views: 347
- author: dexxterlab97

PS JailBreak OtherOS Installer
PS JailBreak OtherOS Installer...
published: 24 Sep 2010
author: PS3NewsDOTcom
PS JailBreak OtherOS Installer
PS JailBreak OtherOS Installer
- published: 24 Sep 2010
- views: 2452
- author: PS3NewsDOTcom

PS3 3.!with OtherOS (UPDATED may 252011
Download The File: uploadgiga.com Keywords_ 100% FACEBOOK HACK UPDATE JANUARY 2011flv Acti...
published: 25 May 2011
author: cozettefhacker201
PS3 3.!with OtherOS (UPDATED may 252011
Download The File: uploadgiga.com Keywords_ 100% FACEBOOK HACK UPDATE JANUARY 2011flv Activate Windows 7 (Product Key) UPDATE JANUARY 2011flv Activate Windows 7 UPDATE JANUARY 2011mp4 All Halo Reach Armor Unlimited Credits Hack UPDATE JANUARY 2011flv ALL NEW Facebook Zynga Poker Bot Cheat HACK UPDATE JANUARY 2011flv amazing free Zynga (Facebook) Poker Bot Cheat UPDATE JANUARY 2011flv Amazing Zynga Poker Unlimited Chips HAck! UPDATE JANUARY 2011flv Apple Store Hack Free UPDATE JANUARY 2011flv Assassins Creed 2 Serialkey cd key generator UPDATE JANUARY 2011flv Auth Generator Working 2011 FREE DOWNLOAD UPDATE JANUARY 2011flv Avast pro 2010 + keygen free download UPDATE JANUARY 2011flv Awesome Lockerz Hack! ¤ +6000 UPDATE JANUARY 2011mp4 Awesome Lockerz Hack! ¤ +6000 UPDATE JANUARY 2011mp4[1] Battlefield 2 Complete Edition UPDATE JANUARY 2011flv Battlefield Bad Company 2 KEYGEN™ RELOADED UPDATE JANUARY 2011mp4 BATTLEFiELD BAD COMPANY 2 ViETNAM KEYGEN DOWNLOAD UPDATE JANUARY 2011flv Battlefield Bad Company 2 MultiPlayer Keygen UPDATE JANUARY 2011mp4 Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam keygen UPDATE JANUARY 2011flv BattleField BadCompany 2 Vietnam Keygen Free Download UPDATE JANUARY 2011flv BattleField BadCompany 2 Vietnam Keygen UPDATE JANUARY 2011flv Best Shot Ever! Black Ops I Xz McGRATH zX HD UPDATE JANUARY 2011flv Black Ops Most Epic Triple Kill FAILed UPDATE JANUARY 2011flv Bleu Green Youtube Backgrounds Download Link UPDATE JANUARY 2011flv BOLA SOCCER cheat Melon Cash ...
- published: 25 May 2011
- views: 715
- author: cozettefhacker201

Install Other++ os on PS3 slim 3.55
Install Other os on PS3 slim Video Tutorial part I All tools are here: gitbrew.org NOTICE:...
published: 26 Dec 2011
author: LommelCREW
Install Other++ os on PS3 slim 3.55
Install Other os on PS3 slim Video Tutorial part I All tools are here: gitbrew.org NOTICE: All my tools should beep. If you don't get beep during one of the steps below then stop doing anything and contact me. I will help. OtherOS++ support: irc.gitbrew.org (ssl) #otheros ALL PS3 MODELS ARE SUPPORTED !!! 1. Install my latest CFW 2. When installation is finished, reboot in Recovery Mode (not the Backup/Restore in XMB) and choose "Restore PS3 System" 3. Now your GameOS should use only the half of your HDD (Currently working on a better approach) 4. Run setup_flash_for_otheros.pkg (for all PS3 models) 5. Reboot (It's important to shut down and turn on your PS3) 6. Store dtbImage.ps3.bin on USB drive, plug it in and run install_otheros.pkg (NAND owners should use dtbImage.ps3.bin.minimal, rename it to dtbImage.ps3.bin). Try different USB ports if you don't get any beeps. 7. Run boot_otheros.pkg 8. Run reboot.pkg (use the package, not manually reboot!) 9. You should be in petitboot now. Exit from CUI to shell or switch to another virtual console. 10. Run script create_hdd_region.sh -- rem to CHMOD 755 * see below for more info ;-) 11. Reboot and boot petitboot again 12. You should see now new HDD device on petitboot, /dev/ps3dd. That's your OtherOS HDD region. Don't touch any other HDD regions if you don't know what you are doing. Use only ps3dd device for your Linux installation. Use parted to partition it and create GPT partition table on ps3dd. GPT is supported by both ...
- published: 26 Dec 2011
- views: 11917
- author: LommelCREW
Vimeo results:

Rafael Coutinho
Assistente de Pintura
Luisa Doria
J.R. Duran
published: 22 Dec 2011
author: Peppe Siffredi
Rafael Coutinho
Assistente de Pintura
Luisa Doria
J.R. Duran
Assistente de Fotografia
Frederico Othero
Maria Manoella
Rafael Coutinho
Peppe Siffredi
Rafael Coutinho
Produção Executiva
Peppe Siffredi
Rafael Coutinho
Marcelo Mesquita
Mariana Ricciardi
Direção de Produção
Guilherme Valiengo
Raphael Bottino
Direção de Fotografia
Tiago Tambelli
Direção de Arte
Camila Puga
Thais Albuquerque
Saulo Simão
Trilha Sonora
Baobä Stereo Club
Manuela Melo
Flora Rebolo
Rachel Ramos
Som Direto
Célio Santos
Luciano Raposo
Produção de Set
Bruno Pirozzi
Frederico Rosas Tariki
Fernando Abdalla
Fabio Pestana
Operador de Câmera
Rodrigo Pastoriza
Fernando Augusto
Assistente de Câmera
Lucas Satti Gonçalves
Data Manager
Marcelo Krowczuk
Alex Yoshinaga
Produção de Objetos
Camila Puga
Alexandre Henrique da Silva
Eduardo Portioli
Roberto Bonifazzi
Rodolfo Amaral
Johnny Dalai
Fabiano Rocha
Academia de Filmes
Disk Films
Utimura Produções
A Granel Cozinha Saudável
Choque Cultural

Geek Gamer Weekly #163: Penetration Tester
We set a record for the longest episode EVER! Almost two hours of geeky and gaming fun! ...
published: 09 May 2011
author: Chase Nunes
Geek Gamer Weekly #163: Penetration Tester
We set a record for the longest episode EVER! Almost two hours of geeky and gaming fun! From Apple to Zed! This week we cover AT&T;, Facebook, Skype, Google, Hacking a police car, Spyware on Rental Computers, Android, STERN Pinball, Groupon, Nintendo, Wii, 360, Hacking, Other OS, Obama and much much more!
Special thanks to: Jon Kessler, Joseph Falbey, Ty Colwell, Angelo Muro, Vanessa Brown and Chase Nunes.
Show links can be found here: http://delicious.com/radiogg/163
More information can be found at: http://www.geekgamerradio.com

DTB News, Episode 6
In this episode of DTB News, Josh covers the Steve Jobs frozen in carbonite iPhone cover, ...
published: 10 May 2011
author: TheDrunkenTechBlog
DTB News, Episode 6
In this episode of DTB News, Josh covers the Steve Jobs frozen in carbonite iPhone cover, the kissing simulator, mind-controlled Angry Birds, Gitbrew's OtherOs Bootloader, the Raspberry Pi, and iMacs. Get your nerd on!
Youtube results:

Sony Making you Remove the "Other OS" Option for the PS3
If you have a "Fat PS3", you are required to accept and download this update that removes ...
published: 01 Apr 2010
author: GamesOnSmashTech
Sony Making you Remove the "Other OS" Option for the PS3
If you have a "Fat PS3", you are required to accept and download this update that removes the "Other OS" feature if you want to continue Gaming Online. This is BS
- published: 01 Apr 2010
- views: 5473
- author: GamesOnSmashTech

SONY PS3 FIRMWARE UPDATE 3.21 IS FAIL? ("Install Other OS" Removed/ Issues)
SONY.... You Got some 'esplainin to do! Let us us know if you are experiencing any problem...
published: 07 Apr 2010
author: akaTRENT
SONY PS3 FIRMWARE UPDATE 3.21 IS FAIL? ("Install Other OS" Removed/ Issues)
SONY.... You Got some 'esplainin to do! Let us us know if you are experiencing any problems! Sony forums: boardsus.playstation.com www.TechSceneBlog.com
- published: 07 Apr 2010
- views: 12813
- author: akaTRENT

PS3 3 21 with OtherOS 1
Get your own FREE Playstation 3 at adjix.com...
published: 02 Mar 2011
author: zanecampos7
PS3 3 21 with OtherOS 1
Get your own FREE Playstation 3 at adjix.com
- published: 02 Mar 2011
- views: 290
- author: zanecampos7

Install Other OS 2006 - 2010 Tribute
This is a tribute to the Install Other OS feature that Sony took away from us on 1st April...
published: 01 Apr 2010
author: Micheal Kenny
Install Other OS 2006 - 2010 Tribute
This is a tribute to the Install Other OS feature that Sony took away from us on 1st April 2010.
- published: 01 Apr 2010
- views: 5737
- author: Micheal Kenny