- published: 02 Jul 2015
- views: 3699
Kazmi, Kazemi or Kazimi is a surname, originally from the family of Muhammad's great-grandson Imam Musa al-Kadhim. Kazmis belong to the Sayyid community. People belonging to the Kazmi family can be found all over the world especially in Iran, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan and India.
Hadi Kazemi is an Iranian actor mostly famous for his role as Nezam Du Barareh in Mehran Modiri's comedy series Shabhaye Barareh, an Iranian satire television series broadcast by the IRIB network.
Kerbeladir Vatanim Hadi Kazemi Videoklip 2016 Muharrem Erbain
The Kazemi - Little Woman ( Official Audio )
Hadi Kazemi ft Rza İgidoğlu - Su Gorende 2016 (klip)
Aran Kazemi-Dooset daram | Оран Каземи-Дустат дорам
Farshad Kazemi - Bezar Baroon Bebareh
Soheil Kazemi-Divoonatam (New 2017)
میگـریـزم - حبیب الله بدیعی - همایون کاظمی - Migorizam - Badiei - Kazemi
Darius Kazemi, Tiny Subversions - XOXO Festival (2014)
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The Kazemi New EP "PAISLEY" available now: http://thekazemi.bigcartel.com/ http://www.facebook.com/thekazemi
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تصنیف میگـریـزم دستگاه: آواز دشتی آهنگساز : زنده یاد حبیب الله بدیعی شاعر : رحیم معینی کرمانشاهی تنظیم برای ارکستر : زنده یاد مجتبی میرزاده با صدای آقای همایون کاظمی میگـریـزم ، میگـریـزم اشک حسرت از چـه ریـزم برو برو کـز دامت جستم گشوده پـــر از بـامت جستـم یاد از تو دگـر نکنم نکنم سوی تـــو نظـر نکنـم نکنـم تو را رها کردم با دگران گذشتم از تو چون رهگذران رفتم کز تو دگر بیگانه شوم بهر شمع دگر پروانه شوم مهـــری دیگــر با تــو نــدارم در کـــوی تــو پــا نگـــذارم بگذر از من ، کز تــو گذشتم از دل تا کـی نـالـه برآرم نازک طبعی ، چو برگ گل بودم بدستت افتادم پـرپـر گشتم . پـرپـر گشتم اشکی بــودم درون بهــر غــم چو قطره باران گوهر گشتم ، گوهر گشتم به حال خود بگذارم به دست غم بسپارم که بی تو تنها بــروم بـــرو بـــرو تـــا بــــروم
Most people are lucky if they finish a couple side projects in a year. Last year, Darius Kazemi released 72, averaging one every five days. His projects fall under what he calls “weird internet stuff” — bots that generate random Amazon purchases, surreal metaphors, rap battle lyrics, pickup lines, and everything in between. Recorded in September 2014 at XOXO, an arts and technology festival in Portland, Oregon celebrating independent artists using the Internet to make a living doing what they love. For more, visit http://xoxofest.com. Video thumbnail by Ian Linkletter: https://www.flickr.com/photos/linkletter/15317573695/ Intro Music: Broke for Free, "Only Instrumental" http://bit.ly/xo2014broke
You see inside
You see inside
You read my mind
You read my mind
You survived a hellish dream
Now the light can mend the seams
But your will wraps tight around
Watch the sky come crashing down
You breathe
You touch
Won't face I need you so much
I fear
Your love for me is so clear
You survived a hellish dream
Now the light can mend the seams
But your will wraps tight around
Watch the sky come crashing down
I arrived on foreign land
With no one to hold my hand
But my guide came shining through
From the fog alone stood you
A love that's so defined
You'll never wake the newness that can be
A happiness so kind
Mistaken for seductive falsity
You breathe
You touch
Won't face I need you so much
I fear
Your love for me is so clear
A love that's so defined
You'll never wake the newness that can be
A happiness so kind
Mistaken for seductive falsity
Just knowing that you're mine
Erases all reverse complexity
The emptiness unwinds
An unexpected flexibility
You survived a hellish dream
Now the light can mend the seams
But your will wraps tight around