- published: 04 Sep 2014
- views: 3298908
In anthropology and demography, the human sex ratio is the ratio of males to females in a population. Like most sexual species, the sex ratio in humans is approximately 1:1. The sex ratio at birth worldwide is commonly thought to be 107 boys to 100 girls, although this value is subject to debate in the scientific community. The sex ratio for the entire world population is 101 males to 100 females. Depending upon which definition is used, between 0.1% and 1.7% of live births are intersex.
Gender imbalance may arise as a consequence of various factors including natural factors, exposure to pesticides and environmental contaminants, war casualties, gender-selective abortions and infanticides, aging, and deliberate gendercide.
More data are available for humans than for any other species, and the human sex ratio is more studied than that of any other species, but interpreting these statistics can be difficult.
Human sex ratios, either at birth or in the population as a whole, are reported in any of four ways: the ratio of males to females, the ratio of females to males, the proportion of males, or the proportion of females. If there are 108,000 males and 100,000 females the ratio of males to females is 1.080 and the proportion of males is 51.9%. Scientific literature often uses the proportion of males. This article uses the ratio of males to females, unless specified otherwise.
Why Do We Have More Boys Than Girls?
Impact of the sex ratio on health patterns in modern human populations | Daniel J. Kruger | ISEMPH
Rights Activists Say China's Gender Ratio Contributes to Human Trafficking
Telangana Districts Top in Female Sex Ratio | Human Development Index - V6 News
China Denies Sex Ratio Linked To One Child Policy
Sex ratio theory: Fisher's principle & its deviations
sex ratio
China's Bachelors: The Gender Imbalance
A video on Female Foeticide
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The relative proportions of potentially reproductive males and females in a population influence behavioral dynamics related to reproduction. Patterns following from the Operational Sex Ratio in other species are reflected in human populations. Because the reproductive strategies of men and women are somewhat divergent, market influences of supply and demand on the intensity of mating competition and selectivity for partners produce different outcomes in female biased and male biased populations. Scarce females are more effectively able to secure commitment from partners as well as demand higher levels of resource investment. Male mating opportunities are enhanced by scarcity and incentives for long-term commitment are diminished. This project documents the impact of the sex ratio on multi...
Human rights activists say women and children in China and surrounding countries are bought and sold in China. They are victims of either forced labor or sexual exploitation. Some are also forced into marriages. Human rights activists say China's One-Child Policy has contributed to the uneven gender ratio fueling the problem.
Telangana Districts Nizamabad, Khammam, Karimnagar and Adilabad got top place in Female Sex Ratio all over the Country, as per Human Development Index Reports. Watch first ever a 24/7 Telangana news Channel V6 News, a Journalist - driven channel that covers news updates, politics, sports, entertainment and cinema. The channel telecast special Telangana programs in complete Telangana dialect. The channel airs shows like ' Top News,Taara, 70MM, Ghadeelu,Teenmaar, Dhoom Dhaam, Mangli Adda,Janapadam, Telangana shaakam, Prateeka Show etc'. Sports, Movies, Politics Controversies, Current Affairs, Technology.. you name it and you find it at the click of a button. Subscribe us at http://bit.ly/V6news Download V6 Android App ► http://bit.ly/V6NewsAPP Visit our Website ► http://V6news.tv Twitt...
One Child Policy, 2005 - China attempted to reduce the huge population growth, but at what cost to the future of the country's economy and social structure? For downloads and more information visit: http://www.journeyman.tv/18984/short-films/one-child-policy.html China's controversial one child policy has stemmed population growth but at what cost? From forced abortions to heavy fines, many have suffered. "If people tried to have a second child and didn't have any money, they'd have their house pulled down," complains Liu Shuling. She attracted the wrath of local officials and was heavily fined when she became pregnant a second time. "It was very hard," she recalls. "Fortunately, we didn't starve to death." For the past twenty-five years, controlling population growth has been a major p...
by Isabel Madley (Vassar College, spring 2012) ---------------Literature Cited-------------- Charnov, E. L., Los-den Hartogh, R. L., Jones, W. T., and Van den Assem, J. (1981). Sex ratio evolution in a variable environment. Nature 289(5793): 27-33. Clutton-Brock, T. H., Albon, S. D., and Guinness, F. E. (1985). Parental investment and sex differences in juvenile mortality in birds and mammals. Nature 313: 131-133. Clutton-Brock, T. H., Albon, S. D., and Guinness, F. E. (1986). Great expectations: dominance, breeding success and offspring sex ratios in red deer. Animal Behavior 34: 460-471. Ellegren, H., Gustafsson, L, and Sheldon, B. C. (1996). Sex ratio adjustment in relation to paternal attractiveness in a wild bird population. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 93(21):...
worldwide human sex ratio
Learn More: http://pulitzercenter.org/projects/china-population-women-bachelor-marriage China's deeply skewed sex ratio is expected to lead to a population of lifelong bachelors as large as the population of Texas by 2020. With fewer chances at parenthood under the one-child policy and the ancient preference for boys, the introduction of ultrasound technology has led families to selectively abort their girls. In China, 120 boys are born for every 100 girls. In some regions, the imbalance is as stark as 150 to 100. Some of these small rural hamlets have been nicknamed "bachelor villages" for their populations of single men. With support from the Pulitzer Center, Deborah Jian Lee and Sushma Subramanian travel to China to explore the ramifications of the gender imbalance in the world's ...
The practice of female foeticide in India, causing the death of the foetus in the womb because of the gender, has resulted in an all-time high birth sex ratio in India, according to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques Act (PCPNDT) of 1994 criminalized prenatal sex screening and female foeticide, making it illegal in India to determine or disclose sex of the foetus to anyone. However, there are concerns that PCPNDT Act has been poorly enforced by authorities. The natural human sex ratio at birth was estimated, in a 2002 study, to be close to 106 boys to 100 girls. Human sex ratio at birth that is significantly different from 106 is often assumed to be correlated to the prevalence and scale of sex-selective abortion. A birth sex ...
In a country with a long history of discrimination against women, the preference for boys over girls is an ongoing trend .According to a latest survey of India's census office, in many of the country's least-developed states girls are disappearing from infanticide or by neglect. The data have showed a significant fall in the sex ratio from birth until four years of age in several districts across nine Indian states. The drop in the ratio accounts for hundreds of thousands of missing girls because many of these areas are the most populous states. Campaigners estimate up to 10 million girls have been killed before or at birth in the past 20 years. Due to Increased access to ultrasound technology which allows parents to abort unwanted baby girls. The annual survey has been conducted in states...
Dr. Mary John, Senior Researcher, Centre for Women's Development Studies on India's declining sex ratio
It is not a girl's world, at least not in India where there are only 919 girls under six for every 1000 boys. The 2011 census figures show the child sex ratio has fallen further from the already alarming 927 girls for every 1000 boys ten years ago.
Filmed Monday, October 1, 2012. Location: Global Economic North. Technical: Testing a different background and natural light. will be testing the presentation of decolonized text, so some text will be written without cap-it-all, letters. title: environmental justice: sex ratio differential (s) and applied judiciary. using the matrix of domination to identify multiple oppression and will intersect with the work, towards solutions identified by dr. robert bullard and dr. dayna scott. note: black feminism shows how to identify multiple oppressions and respond in multi-layered ways. so a multi-layed example, is policy change, new laws, and something else (lol). contexts: 1. dr. robert bullard - black differential. 2. usa black feminism - respond to 'system differential'. 3. dr. d...
Women and girls are trafficked within the country for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation and forced marriage especially in those areas where the sex ratio is highly skewed in favor of men. Children are subjected to forced labor as factory workers, domestic servants, beggars, and agriculture workers, and have been used as armed combatants by some terrorist and insurgent groups. India is also a destination for women and girls from Nepal and Bangladesh, who are trafficked for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation. Nepali children are also trafficked to India for forced labor in circus shows. Indian women are trafficked to the Middle East for commercial sexual exploitation. There are also victims of labor trafficking among thousands of Indians who heavily migrate willingly...
Hosted by the Center for Chinese Studies, Mara Hvistendahl gives her lecture "Unnatural Selection: The Causes and Consequences of Asia's Sex Ratio Imbalance" on September 29, 2011. For additional information information. please follow the link below. http://www.ii.umich.edu/vgn-ext-templating/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=af6d869af1a91310VgnVCM100000c2b1d38dRCRD&vgnextchannel;=34d2edf4c4dee210VgnVCM10000055b1d38dRCRD&vgnextfmt;=detail
Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe China is facing an array of social dilemmas including a widening gender imbalance, decreasing fertility rate and an ageing population. At the root is its controversial one-child policy, which China is now considering loosening up on. At Al Jazeera English, we focus on people and events that affect people's lives. We bring topics to light that often go under-reported, listening to all sides of the story and giving a 'voice to the voiceless.' Reaching more than 270 million households in over 140 countries across the globe, our viewers trust Al Jazeera English to keep them informed, inspired, and entertained. Our impartial, fact-based reporting wins worldwide praise and respect. It is our unique brand of journalism that the world has come t...
(April 2, 2010) Robert Sapolsky continues his two-part series on evolution focusing on individual and kin selection, behavioral logic, competitive infanticide, male/female animal hierarchies, sex-ratio fluctuation, intersexual competition, imprinted genes, sperm competition, inbred-founder populations, group and multi-level selection, and punctuated equilibrium. Stanford University http://www.stanford.edu Stanford Department of Biology http://biology.stanford.edu/ Stanford University Channel on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/stanford
A panel discussion was held using WEBINAR where gynecologists from Gwalior and Moradabad Discussed the issue at length and the delegates attended from various parts pf the world including UK ,Singapore Attendee Report: CAN THE PCPNDT LAW ALONE IN ITS PRESENT FORM CONTROL THE DECLINING FEMALE SEX RATIO ? Report Generated: 9/28/15 12:51 AM PDT Webinar ID Actual Start Date/Time Duration # Registered # Attended Clicked Registration Link Opened Invitation 104-412-051 9/26/15 8:08 PM IST 3 hours 3 minutes 68 12 279 3 Attendee Details Attended Interest Rating Last Name First Name Email Address Registration Date/Time Join Time Leave Time Time in Session Unsubscribed "1. How successful do you think PCPNDT Act has been in achieving its goal? ...
(Visit: http://www.uctv.tv) Women tech executives discuss the gender imbalances in the field and their experiences in their careers. Panelists include Rose Broome, Founder and CEO of HandUp, Kristen Hayer, Vice President of Customer Success at The Resumator and Summers Mckay, CEO & Founder of Delight Wipes. Series: "Technology Management Program" [7/2015] [Business] [Show ID: 29501]
A film on Adverse Child Sex Ratio
Speaker: Sylvia Barack Fishman Date: December 20, 2007 The New Gender Imbalance Among America's Jews: Research and Policy Implications Reversing millennia of Jewish history, American Jewish women today are more involved in virtually every aspect of Jewish life than are Jewish men, including a commitment to raising Jewish children. Nationally, girls and women are more Jewishly engaged than men are, in every measurable activity. Both local and national reports indicate that the fastest growing Jewish population that describes itself as "secular," "cultural", "atheistic" or "agnostic" is intermarried Jewish men. Jewish peoplehood that does not engage Jewish boys and men comprises a critical problem for the health and wellbeing of the American Jewish community today and in the future. This le...
(May 10, 2010) Robert Sapolsky completes his talk on sexual behavior in humans as well as other species, focusing on characteristics that create attractiveness. He then switches subject and talks about human aggression and how this has evolved and developed in different cultures. Stanford University: http://www.stanford.edu/ Stanford Department of Biology: http://biology.stanford.edu/ Stanford University Channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/stanford