- published: 01 Jul 2014
- views: 20176
Dominus vobiscum (Latin: "The Lord be with you") is an ancient salutation and blessing traditionally used by the clergy in the Roman Catholic Mass and other liturgies, as well as liturgies of other Western Christian denominations.
The response is Et cum spiritu tuo, meaning "And with your spirit." Some English translations, such as the Anglican Book of Common Prayer, translate the response in the older form, "And with thy spirit." Eastern Orthodox churches also follow this usage, although the episcopal and presbyteral blessing are one and the same; in Greek, Εἰρήνη πᾶσι, eirene pasi, "peace to all." In the Roman Rite, this usage is only for the bishop, who says Pax vobiscum. The ICEL translation presently in use for Roman Catholic Masses in English has "And with your spirit."
Prior to Advent 2011, the Roman Catholic response in English-speaking countries was "And also with you." In 2001 the Holy See issued the instruction Liturgiam Authenticam concerning the use of vernacular languages in the Mass. The instruction requires that certain phrases, such as the response Et cum spiritu tuo, which "belong to the heritage of the whole or of a great part of the ancient Church, as well as others that have become part of the general human patrimony, are to be respected by a translation that is as literal as possible". Accordingly, the current translation of the Mass in English uses the response "And with your spirit" to reflect an accurate translation of the Latin.
Dominus Vobiscum by Sydney Guillaume (2012 Iowa All-State) + Lyrics
"Dominus vobiscum, Et cum spiritu tuo" Russian Orthodox.mp4
Dominus Vobiscum (Narverud)
Dominus vobiscum
Dominus Vobiscum
Dominus Vobiscum
Dominus Vobiscum by Anne Liis - Treimann & The Chamber Choir Eesti Projekt
[+12]Dominus Vobiscum! (Gospod z vami)
Dominus Vobiscum, Sydney Guillaume
Dominus vobiscum- the USSR Ministry of Culture Chamber Choir.
2012 Iowa All-State Chorus Dr. Jerry Blackstone, conductor Original Air Date: November 22, 2012... Copyright Iowa Public Television Music by Sydney Guillaume Text by Gabriel T. Guillaume See the score: http://sydneyguillaumemusic.com/portfolio-items/dominus-vobiscum English Translation: The Lord be with you (Dominus Vobiscum) The Lord is with us, He is among us, He is in the depths of our hearts, Amen, Amen, Alleluia. Since the beginning of time We have been searching, seeking, asking: When will the light come, at last, to deliver us? The light of peace, The light of truth, The light of joy, The light of hope, The light of love, The light of life. Today, let us all sing: "Dominus vobiscum" The Lord is with us, He is among us, He is in the depths of our hearts, Amen, Amen, Alleluia....
Dominus vobiscum, Et cum spiritu tuo : The Lord be with You, And with thy spirit. Le Seigneur soit avec vous, et avec votre esprit. Why is this latin superimposed with Russian churches? Well, it is because it's singed by a russian choir, and because this is not catholic but gregorian origin song. So gregorian song is a heritage of boath religions !
KU Women's Chorale perform Dominos Vobiscum by Jacob Narverud at KU Choral Festival at the Kauffman Center for Performing Arts, Kansas City, MO, February 21, 2016.
'Dominus Vobiscum' was written by Haitian composer Sydney Guillaume, with text written by his father Gabriel T. Guillaume. It was performed Feb. 6 at the Friends of Haiti benefit concert. Proceeds went to the Holy Trinity Music School Rebuilding Fund. Conducted by Tercy Hethkenley Solos by Shazore Shah Introduction by Paris Brown and Jethro Celestin Filmed by Bel Son Productions www.belsonproductions.com
Music "Dominus Vobiscum" by Anne Liis-Treimann & The Chamber Choir Eesti Projekt. I make no claim to any rights or credit or for any of the musical (audio) content of this video. I use the following disclaimer. (Should there be any infringement proven I will remove the Video) "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976,
Za zgrožene mamice in očke ne odgovarjam! Ogled na lastno odgovornost! Link do besedila! ( Seveda tega ni napisal France Prešeren ) http://www.genspot.com/blog-4552/france-preseren-dominus-vobiscum.aspx Na internetu sem našel zabavno besedilo, ki pa ni načeloma vsebuje veliko vulgarnosti XD Bil je posnet za šalo in ga nisem imel namena objaviti, ker imam občutek, da ni za v javnost... PREMISLIL SEM SI ! Ki, ki, ki! Zakaj je ista melodija kot pri prejšnji pesmi? Pojma nimam.. Ampak na to melodijo se za skoraj vse zapet in pa tudi ni se mi dalo izumljati tople vode z svojo melodijo..
Dominus Vobiscum as performed by the St. Cloud State University Concert Choir on November 13th, 2011 at our annual Music at St. Mary's Concert. www.facebook.com/SCSUChoirs www.StCloudState.edu/music
Dominus vobiscum- the USSR Ministry of Culture Chamber Choir