- published: 19 Mar 2013
- views: 26791
Not Necessarily the News is a satirical sketch comedy series that first aired on HBO in September 1982 as a comedy special, and then ran as a series from 1983 to 1990. It featured sketches, parody news items, commercial parodies, and humorous bits made from overdubbing or editing actual news footage. It was based on the British series, Not the Nine O'Clock News. Not Necessarily the News was also the birthplace of Rich Hall's sniglets.
It starred:
NNTN was Conan O'Brien and Greg Daniels's first professional television writing gig.
HBO: NOT NECESSARILY THE NEWS - September 26th, 1982
Not Necessarily The News - April 1983
Not Necessarily the News; Reagan Press Conference.flv
Not Necessarily The News (1983) Full Episode
HBO: Not Necessarily the News (1987)
Not Necessarily the News (1983): Where Are They Now?
Rich Hall - Supermarket Sniglets (1983)
Not Necessarily The News - February 1985
I WANT YOUR MTV! If you have old Beta or VHS tapes containing recordings of MTV from 1981 - 1987, I would love to talk with you (especially if the tapes contain the videos, VJs, and commercials!) I'll either buy your tapes, accept donations, or transfer them for you! Shoot me a message and let's talk! This recording was discovered on an old Sony Betamax video tape, recorded sometime in the spring of 1984. As I cannot find a detailed episode guide for this series, I cannot pinpoint the episode number or broadcast date of this particular episode. Little help, anyone? From Wikipedia: NOT NECESSARILY THE NEWS was a satirical sketch comedy series that ran on HBO from 1983 to 1990. It featured sketches, parody news items, commercial parodies, and humorous bits made from overdubbing or ed...
I WANT YOUR MTV! If you have old Beta or VHS tapes containing recordings of MTV from 1981 - 1987, I would love to talk with you (especially if the tapes contain the videos, VJs, and commercials!) I'll either buy your tapes, accept donations, or transfer them for you! Shoot me a message and let's talk! This recording was discovered on an old Sony Betamax video tape, recorded on September 26th, 1982. Wikipedia says NNTN ran on HBO from 1983 until 1990, which brings the date on my tape into question. However, I'll stick with the 1982 date since the copyright at the end of the episode claims 1982. What's more, Wikipedia fails to mention this episode's cast members Tommy Koenig and Sam McMurray in its lineup. Researching IMDB a bit, it looks like this might the "Season 1, Episode 0" pil...
Here is another old episode of the classic HBO political sketch comedy show "Not Necessarily The News." This one is the 4th episode; originally broadcast in April, 1983. As usual, there are plenty of gags (some featuring cardboard motorcycle cops). There is also a running gag showing 2 young lovers running towards each other on the shore and never quite following through. Audrie Neenan introduces her tough-as-nails anti-environmentalist "Dioxin Dolly" on this episode. There's also some airplane humor as well. Unofficial regular cast member-writer Ron Richards appears as the frightened man on the plane. Finally, there are 2 unusual things about the episode: First, Stuart Pankin does not portray his iconic character Bob Charles on the episode (at least, on camera), and most surprisingly ther...
In this sketch then President Reagan calls a "press conference" with the NNTN cast. No copyright infringement intended.
I WANT YOUR MTV! If you have old Beta or VHS tapes containing recordings of MTV from 1981 - 1987, I would love to talk with you (especially if the tapes contain the videos, VJs, and commercials!) I'll either buy your tapes, accept donations, or transfer them for you! Shoot me a message and let's talk! This recording was discovered on an old Sony Betamax video tape, recorded sometime in 1987. As I cannot find a detailed episode guide for this series, I cannot pinpoint the episode number or air date of this particular episode. From Wikipedia: NOT NECESSARILY THE NEWS was a satirical sketch comedy series that ran on HBO from 1983 to 1990. It featured sketches, parody news items, commercial parodies, and humorous bits made from overdubbing or editing actual news footage. It was based on...
find out what ever happen to the 1983 TV show, Not Necessarily the News.
From "Not Necessarily the News," this is an early Sniglets segment from 1983 with Rich Hall. Words coined here include spratchetts, speraws, squimmets, motspur, purpitation, and strumbles. "Not Necessarily the News" is produced by Not the Network Company, Inc. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged. This video is not posted for purposes of commercial sale, but for historical documentation and research. No infringement is intended but only fair use.
Here is another episode of the award winning HBO political comedy series "Not Necessarily The News." This one is from February, 1985. The episode was produced right after President Ronald Reagan was inaugurated in his second term in office. The series regulars at the time were Anne Bloom, Danny Breen, Mitchell Laurance, Stuart Pankin & Lucy Webb. Additionally, when he had the time, Rich Hall would show up to talk about new "Sniglets." Just as my spell checker doesn't recognize sniglet as a real word, i can tell you at this same moment that my copy of this episode is the only one on YouTube. Personally, i think this was a laugh fest. They do some funny news bits, The Reagans are in top form and there's plenty of commercial parodies as well. FOOTNOTE: one of my unknown pop song videos came ...
I WANT YOUR MTV! If you have old Beta or VHS tapes containing recordings of MTV from 1981 - 1987, I would love to talk with you (especially if the tapes contain the videos, VJs, and commercials!) I'll either buy your tapes, accept donations, or transfer them for you! Shoot me a message and let's talk! This recording was discovered on an old Sony Betamax video tape, recorded sometime in December of 1984. As I cannot find a detailed episode guide for this series, I cannot pinpoint the episode number of this particular episode, however, several sketches seem to revolve around the winter holidays, so let's assume this is the December 1984 episode, shall we? From Wikipedia: NOT NECESSARILY THE NEWS was a satirical sketch comedy series that ran on HBO from 1983 to 1990. It featured sketch...
Too funny
Εν Μέσω των Όπλων ο Νόμος Σιωπά Talking about what really matters. https://youtu.be/bgXFxOoazJY http://www.vox.com/2016/8/16/12486586/2016-worst-year-ever-violence-trump-terrorism http://www.popularmechanics.com/space/a22619/earth-narrowly-missed-by-asteroid/?ref=yfp https://www.yahoo.com/news/paper-nasa-groundbreaking-emdrive-tech-212802200.html Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/dionysis.larson Google+: https://plus.google.com/113759119264140594366 Email: dionysislarson@yahoo.com.
You wanna know why I ain't made no vids in months? Here ya go
Finally, here's another episode of the classic HBO comedy series "Not Necessarily The News." This one is from April, 1984. There are plenty of gags on this one. This episode introduces the "Royal Screw Award" to dignitaries performing dubious achievements (Similar to the 'Fickle Finger Of Fate' award from Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In, and to me, more reminiscent of Keith Olbermann's "Worst Persons" segment from MSNBC's Countdown). Also included is the first installment of the soap opera parody: "Days Of The News." Finally, there is a riotous tribute to Caspar Weinberger at the end of the show. I consider this to be the partner to the June of 1984 episode because of the "Days of the News" gimmick, the recurrence of the Royal Screw award, a board game parody involving Lebanon, and some kind o...
Here's another popular episode of the award winning HBO political comedy series "Not Necessarily The News." This one is the 7th episode and was first broadcast in July, 1983. I call this one "The Big News" because of the hilarious sketch with Audrie Neenan as Jacqueline Pennell experiencing constant sound problems. She tries to talk to Zbigniew Brzezinski, Ted Kennedy and Bob Charles (Stuart Pankin), and nobody can hear her. There's also some beach comedy on this episode. It gets me every time when i see the Tip O'Neill "Record Album" offer. Most notably, the Ronald Regan B-Movie western "Tennessee's Partner" (1955) appears twice on the episode; The first time, Rich Hall overdubs a dirty old gold prospector while Reagan's dialogue is left alone, and later, Audrie Neenan overdubs Rhonda Fle...
Here is another classic episode of the HBO comedy series "Not Necessarily The News." This one was first broadcast in June, 1983. There are funny gimmicks featuring religious and political figures of the early 1980's. I have always considered the true star of this series to be President Ronald Reagan. This episode includes a funny little bit about Margaret Thatcher, At least 3 airline gags, a retrograde satire set to a song by Peter Allen, and a hilarious sketch where Danny Breen auditions to be a Richard Nixon impersonator. Series Regulars are: Anne Bloom, Danny Breen, Rich Hall, Mitchell Laurance, Audrie Neenan and Stuart Pankin. This was the 6th episode of the series and it is still funny today. Happy Watching :) FOOTNOTE: The music playing while Anne Bloom flirts with President Reagan ...
Here's another classic episode of the HBO political sketch comedy show "Not Necessarily The News." This is the 5th episode of the series, first broadcast in May, 1983. This episode is probably one of the fan favorites. It has a lot of stuff on it. It also runs a couple of minutes longer than the other episodes. My personal nickname for this one is: "Apple Pie" because of the recurring gag of putting apple pie commercials in place of cars and the pepsi challenge etc. They do a beer commercial parody as well. Stuart Pankin plays an airline pilot as if he were a cab driver, and there are some funny SNIGLETS on this one. More footage from NNTN's favorite Reagan movie (Tennessee's Partner) and one of the funniest press conferences of the whole series. This episode is from my personal collection...
Here's another insanely funny old episode of the HBO political comedy series "Not Necessarily The News." This one is the third in the series, first telecast in March, 1983. There are plenty of gags featuring politicians like Richard Nixon, Tip O'Neill and of course; Ronald Reagan. Also included are "Sniglets" (a regular feature of the show). Series regulars were Anne Bloom, Danny Breen, Rich Hall, Mitchell Laurance, Audrie Neenan, & Stuart Pankin. FOOTNOTE: During the gag sequence where President Reagan is swimming and the secret service bumble around, the music playing is "I'll Just Pick" by The Dregs. This track is included on their 1981 album "Unsung Heroes." and yes, they were formerly called The Dixie Dregs (The same exact band led by guitarist Steve Morse). Happy Watching. I think m...
I WANT YOUR MTV! If you have old Beta or VHS tapes containing recordings of MTV from 1981 - 1987, I would love to talk with you (especially if the tapes contain the videos, VJs, and commercials!) I'll either buy your tapes, accept donations, or transfer them for you! Shoot me a message and let's talk! This recording was discovered on an old Sony Betamax video tape, recorded sometime in June of 1984. As I cannot find a detailed episode guide for this series, I cannot pinpoint the episode number of this particular episode, however, one sketch makes mention of the "Royal Screw Award, June 1984" so let's assume this is the June 1984 episode, shall we? From Wikipedia: NOT NECESSARILY THE NEWS was a satirical sketch comedy series that ran on HBO from 1983 to 1990. It featured sketches, pa...
An inspiration for a real sensation. Emancipation of my soul.
And my fixation is some information on this part's relation to
the whole. My aspiration is pure meditation: self-realization
that's the goal! But nonsense information breaks my concentration,
mundane sound vibration is taking control! Before I want to hear your
news, I want the news on me. Been caught up so long in all of
life's hype, I haven't had time to see that beneath the disguise
the real self lies which needs a soul satisfying activity. No,
I don't want to hear your news. I want the news on me. Turn down
that noise! Who are we essentialy? Beneath the smiles, profiles,
and styles, lies individuality. No more immense pretense, I'll take
down my fence. I want to know the real me. No more acts, I just
want some facts on the soul's real personality. But that news
confuses, misconstrues, and abuses. It blocks my view from what I