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Bumper year for most farmers - 2017 Mar 09

Early childcare workers show how to celebrate International Women’s Day. - 2017 Mar 08

Wages Down and Profits Up – The Result of Imperialist “Restructure” of Australian Economy - 2017 Mar 05

Imperialism threatens humanity: Global War and Global Warming - 2017 Mar 04

Reject the illusion of the “independent umpire” - 2017 Mar 04

The Netanyahu Visit: Girding the Loins of Imperialism - 2017 Feb 28

Food and Beverage Workers Under Attack - 2017 Feb 28

Organise Against Imperialism’s Fair Work Commission Attack on Retail and Hospitality Workers - 2017 Feb 27

Russia's 1917 February Revolution - The first stage of a new epoch - 2017 Feb 24

Early Days – the Trump Administration - 2017 Feb 20

“Good on you Mum, Tip Top’s the one!”…or is it two? - 2017 Feb 20

Power for Profit Versus Power for People - 2017 Feb 20

Australia's electricity crisis demonstrates the madness of capitalism - 2017 Feb 19

Costello calls for pillars of IR system to “come tumbling down” - 2017 Feb 14

Our ultimate goal requires a working class state - 2017 Feb 11

Coal Is Not the Answer in the Face of Racing Global Warming - 2017 Feb 06

US Imperialism Relies on Trade to Further Its Own Interests Whoever Is President - 2017 Feb 05

Housing Costs Through the Roof as Finance Capital Prospers - 2017 Feb 05

The carnival is over - World Economic Forum 2017 - 2017 Jan 28

January 26: the contentious date that troubles Australians - 2017 Jan 26

Chinese "Long March" In Australia - Opportunity to Build Ties Between Chinese and Australian Peoples - 2017 Jan 22

War-games or Reality? The Korean Peninsula: early 2017 - 2017 Jan 22

Capitalist Industries Come and Go - But Collective Power of Workers Remains - 2017 Jan 08

Talent for Whom? - 2017 Jan 03

American People in The Mood For Change - 2017 Jan 03

Where To For Russia - 100 Years on From Revolution? - 2017 Jan 03

Welcome 2017, Centenary Year of the Great Soviet Bolshevik Revolution - 2017 Jan 03

Fighting for Communism - The future that works! - 2016 Dec 22

Marxism Today: Key differences between Marxism and revisionism - 2016 Dec 22

Huggies workers strike against crap multinational - 2016 Dec 19

Decline in the Australian economy reflects the long term depression of capitalism globally - 2016 Dec 19

Welcome the liberation of Aleppo - 2016 Dec 17

Another year, another corporate tax evasion scandal - 2016 Dec 14

Working class struggle wins the battle against giant multinational brewery - 2016 Dec 13

Gina Rinehart wins battle for Kidman Empire - 2016 Dec 11

Betrayal and collaboration as multinationals plunder natural gas reserves - 2016 Dec 08

Put More Pork on Your Fork - 2016 Dec 07

Portland Alcoa – smelter shut-down puts jobs on the line - 2016 Dec 05

Let America be America Again - 2016 Dec 05

Productivity Commission’s “fresh approach to workplace relations” - 2016 Nov 29

Fidel will live forever in the hearts of the poor! - 2016 Nov 28

Will Australian Built Submarines Be Obsolete Before They Are Built? - 2016 Nov 28

Workers’ wages on a slippery slide as foreign investors take profits overseas - 2016 Nov 20

80th anniversary of the Chinese Red Army's Long March - 2016 Nov 17

“No!” to Weatherill’s nuclear referendum - 2016 Nov 15

Trump's Growth Plan: Borrow Big and Hope - 2016 Nov 12

Centenary of the 1916 conscription referendum: a significant defeat for the imperialist war - 2016 Nov 12

Nuclear waste dump: Jay walking on wrong side of the street - 2016 Nov 07

Full-time jobs harder to find - 2016 Nov 07

Military planning and the Asia-Pacific region: Mini-satellites, major confrontations? - 2016 Nov 05

Party of Labour of Iran (Toufan) interview on Syria - 2016 Oct 19

The Civil War in Colombia ends - 2016 Oct 17

Cleaning industry workers fighting for a fair deal once again - 2016 Oct 17

Digital Age based on capitalist exploitation of workers - 2016 Oct 17

Thousands rally against SA nuclear dump proposals - 2016 Oct 16

"The Fundamentals Are Sound"… Or Are They? - 2016 Oct 11

"Loaded" Hourly Rates - A Disguised Wage Cut - 2016 Oct 11

Australian Economy Trapped in Imperialism's Global Web - 2016 Oct 11

Protest action at Pine Gap spy base targets US imperialism - 2016 Oct 09

Statement from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) - 2016 Sep 21

Australia: The Looming Crisis - 2016 Sep 20

The Hypocrisy of the Legal Drug Barons - 2016 Sep 19

Disappearing truck driver jobs - 2016 Sep 18

The ACTU must respond to challenges to its leadership - 2016 Sep 18

Workers unite in powerful support for CUB 55 - 2016 Sep 10

Peaky Blinders - 2016 Sep 08

Gold Stone and Red Dog - 2016 Sep 06

Book review on temporary migrant workers - 2016 Sep 05

Changing Nature of Employment in Australia - 2016 Sep 05

Construction workers organise against casualisation - 2016 Aug 29

Asbestos returns to Australian building sites - 2016 Aug 29

IBM and the Census - 2016 Aug 24

Gurindji Freedom Day Festival Celebrates Unity and Commitment - 2016 Aug 24

Gurindji walk-off at Wave Hill ignited the First Nations' Land Rights movement - 2016 Aug 20

US imperialism, Israel and the militarisation of India - 2016 Aug 10

Imperialism is driving the attacks on CUB workers - 2016 Aug 05

The Future Of The Kimberley - Vestey Revisited? - 2016 Aug 03

Indefinite Incarceration: Habeus Corpus - 2016 Aug 02

Corporate tax evasion is big business for accounting firms - 2016 Aug 02

Labor Hire Workers: Wage Slavery At Its Worst - But Workers Are Fighting Back - 2016 Jul 24

US imperialist war drive in the Asia-Pacific and Indian Ocean regions - 2016 Jul 21

The Imperialist war on Iraq: John Howard the war criminal! - 2016 Jul 19

Questions arising from the Brexit vote. - 2016 Jul 19

Medical Specialists - 2016 Jul 19

40th Anniversary of the Sowetan Uprising and Africans still suffer dispossession - 2016 Jul 14

Ruling class relaxes: parliament set to function again - 2016 Jul 11

Democratically elected NSW councils sacrificed on the altar of development Part 1 - 2016 Jul 09

Democratically elected NSW councils sacrificed Part 2 - 2016 Jul 08

Foreign Land Ownership Debate Brings Out the Compradors - 2016 Jul 07

Brexit: Contradictions between Imperialist States Intensifies - 2016 Jul 03

May 16, 1966 - 50th anniversary of China's Cultural Revolution - 2016 Jun 11

Oppose Downward Push on Workers’ Incomes in All Its Forms - 2016 Jun 07

Dairy Industry Crisis - 2016 Jun 04

US Imperialism Still Dominant Economic Force In Australia - 2016 May 28

Australian authors and publishers declare war on the Productivity Commission - 2016 May 27

International contradictions and our fight for proletarian power - 2016 May 25

South Australian Government Economic Strategy Reduces To "Growth Is Good" - 2016 May 16

Proposed Cuts To Penalty Rates Demonstrate The Inherent Contradictions Within Capitalism - 2016 May 16

2016 Coalition Budget makes the poor pay! - 2016 May 11

May Day Rally & March, Sydney 2016 - 2016 May 06

May Day: Build the revolutionary movement for independence and socialism! - 2016 Apr 29

Disillusioned twice over! - 2016 Apr 29

BCA plan: “a new architecture for Aboriginal affairs” - 2016 Apr 29

The basic needs of the working class can only be guaranteed by socialism - 2016 Apr 29

A Small Nation Standing Up To US Imperialism - 2016 Apr 27

PNG Supreme Court rules Australian “Guantanamo” illegal - 2016 Apr 26

Look below the surface in submarine decision - 2016 Apr 26

Public meeting strongly denounces Trans Pacific Partnership - 2016 Apr 24

Future of Steel Production at Whyalla Raises Issues about the Nature of Australian Independence - 2016 Apr 20

Women Workers in the Health Sector Lead the Way in Rebuilding Unionism in Australia - 2016 Apr 17

Building and Construction Workers Stay Strong Despite On-Going Attacks from Big Business - 2016 Apr 17

Whyalla steel a casualty of free trade agreements and global over production - 2016 Apr 14

Turnbull's gold medal in bullshit - 2016 Apr 05

The corporate plan to hijack education - 2016 Apr 03

Taxation: make the rich pay….something! - 2016 Mar 27

Australian Wine Industry and Pinstripe Suits - 2016 Mar 27

It's Terrible or It's Fine? - 2016 Mar 27

The Irish Liberation Struggle: some issues arising - 2016 Mar 24

Education corporations 'want to mine our kids for profit' says campaigner - 2016 Mar 20

Privateers wreak havoc in NSW public hospitals - 2016 Mar 20

"The Greyed Depression" and Downward Pressure on Wages - 2016 Mar 14

The decline of US imperialism and the rise of Donald Trump. - 2016 Mar 07

Remember Aboriginal Women Workers Struggles On International Women's Day - 2016 Mar 06

Amalgamations of unions - for better or for worse - 2016 Feb 29

ACTION STATIONS! - 2016 Feb 29

White Paper locks Australia into US confrontation with China - 2016 Feb 28

Crush the ABCC not workers’ bodies! - 2016 Feb 21

The world enters a third wave of economic crisis, with more to come! - 2016 Feb 18

Standing strong against the new stolen generation - 2016 Feb 17

Grandmothers say, 'Give our kids back!' - 2016 Feb 17

The “Just In Time System” for Aspiring Parliamentarians - 2016 Feb 14

Snippets from the West - 2016 Feb 09

Disability care workers fight for a fair deal - 2016 Feb 08

Dick Smith: from icon to impasse - 2016 Feb 08

An anthology with power to change - 2016 Feb 01

Raging opposition to US imperialist TPP - 2016 Jan 30

The Relevance of the Future of China to Australia - 2016 Jan 26

Cherries ripe for picking, pickers ripe for organising. - 2016 Jan 26

Tour Down Under and the bicycle manufacturing industry - 2016 Jan 21

Blaming China for economic crisis takes heat off US imperialism - 2016 Jan 21

Warehouse workers act on health and safety - 2016 Jan 18

MV Portland crew and MUA fight for all workers - 2016 Jan 17

Message of the Communist Party of the Philippines - 2016 Jan 12

Capitalism allows multinationals to defy local tax laws. - 2016 Jan 11

Regional wars can have major impact on world imperialist economy - 2016 Jan 10

Who benefits from attacks on the construction workers’ union? - 2016 Jan 02

The Next Global Financial Crisis - 2016 Jan 01

Masters of the financial universe lift US interest rates and inflict their crisis - 2015 Dec 21

Millions of Disappearing White Collar Worker Jobs - 2015 Dec 21

Morrison’s “Summer Holiday”: no fun times ahead - 2015 Dec 17

The rich and the rest – the “tax transparency” data - 2015 Dec 17

Cronulla: a tale of two times - 2015 Dec 15

Turnbull government COPs out in Paris - 2015 Dec 12

Construction workers and firefighters clench their fists - 2015 Dec 12

Essential Service Workers Take Action on Two Fronts - 2015 Dec 05

Size does matter - 2015 Dec 04

14th Congress Political Report - Part 1 - 2015 Nov 25

14th Congress Political Report - Part 2 - 2015 Nov 25

Syria: how the US is losing the ability to impose its will - 2015 Nov 23

All acts of terrorism must be condemned! - 2015 Nov 16

"Invisible workers" of the night looking after each other - 2015 Nov 16

Why Abbott told Japan to build our subs - 2015 Oct 26

Film review: "We Are Many" - 2015 Oct 26

“Free trade”: the dangerous game played by finance capital - 2015 Oct 22

Life asserts itself for locked out Hutchison workers - 2015 Oct 21

National Sovereignty Already Undermined By Trade Agreements - 2015 Oct 13

Inspiring and courageous action in support of refugee children - 2015 Oct 12

Technological Change Under Capitalism - Eliminates Jobs At A Faster Rate Than New Ones Are Created - 2015 Oct 06

Sham Contracting - Howard's individual contracts by another name - 2015 Sep 28

Older Australians - Living On The Edge - 2015 Sep 22

Amidst instability, illusions about the state persist. - 2015 Sep 21

Community assemblies still strong on Sydney and Brisbane wharves - 2015 Sep 15

SA-Shandong economic ties must avoid ChAFTA pitfalls - 2015 Sep 15

Condemn illegal air strikes in Syria! - 2015 Sep 10

7-11: Exploitation and wage slavery - 2015 Sep 09

Massive one-day strike hits India! - 2015 Sep 03

Australia’s military spending increases as austerity measures imposed on the people - 2015 Sep 03

On Union Corruption - 2015 Aug 21

Hutchison lockout Sydney: it's not over yet! - 2015 Aug 17

Construction workers stand by union organiser - 2015 Aug 14

Gutless suburban councillors no match for feisty locals - 2015 Aug 11

Lessons from Hiroshima - 2015 Aug 11

Lest we forget – workers in Australia can manufacture as well as workers in any other country - 2015 Aug 03

SA Labor hands forest to US timber company - 2015 Jul 28

Unions and Community rally against imperialist ‘Free Trade’ deals - 2015 Jul 27

The murder of manufacturing: the case of the Australian auto industry - 2015 Jul 27

Rallies against racism and fascism - 2015 Jul 22

ALP national conference: clearing the air? - 2015 Jul 21

Woolworths profits up, while workers face the sack - 2015 Jul 19

ILPS statement on Greece - 2015 Jul 19

Prof says myths underpin tsunami of change - 2015 Jul 16

Social Democracy and the nuclear fuel cycle - 2015 Jul 14

Big Business Leads Attack On Workers' Shift, Weekend And Public Holiday Pay - 2015 Jul 13

Greek referendum will sharpen contradictions, not resolve them - 2015 Jul 05

Economic stagnation and contraction for the world and Australia continues - 2015 Jun 29

Shipyard jobs going – who’s to blame? - 2015 Jun 23

Schools: government green paper controversy - 2015 Jun 22

The Changing Nature of Employment Under Capitalism - 2015 Jun 22

Australia-China FTA – hindering or enhancing the struggle for an independent Australia? - 2015 Jun 22

Canberra cleaners’ strike - 2015 Jun 22

'Twiggy' Forrest and Fortescue Metals Group are the play things of foreign capital - 2015 Jun 12


War and Peace and capitalism - 2015 Jun 05

Aged Care Workers Fight The Race To The Bottom - 2015 Jun 04

Anti-Chinese provocations are not in Australia’s interests - 2015 Jun 03

Imperialism is driving down wages, importing cheap labour, and exporting jobs - 2015 May 31

The 'have a go budget' - Coalition's second attempt to savage welfare spending - 2015 May 25

Social Impact Bonds – private capital moving in on public service - 2015 May 19

Failure the model as NSW hurtles to American style health system - 2015 May 19

Student Loan Debt - 2015 May 16

South Korea not happy with US-Japanese agenda - 2015 May 13

Mumia Abu-Jamal "Voice of the voiceless" is feared dying in US prison - 2015 May 12

70th Anniversary of the Defeat of Fascism - 2015 May 10

Andrews’ government’s budget cake - 2015 May 10

For a future free of exploitation: a response to Four Corners on slave labour - 2015 May 07

Job losses in dairy industry: conditions on the line - 2015 May 07

WA: Abbott’s “federalism” at work - 2015 May 06

Fracking Threat builds Community Strength - 2015 May 03

Workers lead the fight for a better world - 2015 Apr 30

Material gain takes priority over human life - 2015 Apr 30

Holden fast-tracks drive to unemployment - 2015 Apr 29

Anzackery 2015: the commodification of militarism - 2015 Apr 25

Organisation is the key - 2015 Apr 24

Resistance to imperialist free trade grows - 2015 Apr 24

US military expansion tramples on Australian sovereignty - 2015 Apr 24

What’s behind the oil price drop? - 2015 Apr 24

When wharfies said no to fascism - 2015 Apr 23

Balikatan: US imperialists lead Filipino and Australian “allies” in war preparations - 2015 Apr 21

Public Sector Workers Fight For Job Security With Industrial Action - 2015 Apr 19

Anger builds over Multinationals' tax avoidance - 2015 Apr 13

On Marxism and intellectuals: reply to a reader - 2015 Apr 12

SA rally against cashless “welfare” card - 2015 Apr 08

Imperialism Creates Conditions For Divisive Reclaim Australia Rallies - 2015 Apr 05

Cynicism undermines action - 2015 Mar 31

Talking Tax - 2015 Mar 31

US Imperialism unable to stymie China's AIIB - 2015 Mar 30

NSW Election – doing something right! - 2015 Mar 29

Attack on workers’ shift and weekend penalty rates intensifies - 2015 Mar 25

Aboriginal resistance to capitalist profits, and the fight for traditional lands - 2015 Mar 24

Malcolm Fraser – the complexity of human beings - 2015 Mar 23

Only women's empowerment will stem domestic violence crime wave - 2015 Mar 18

Fascist laws will not deter struggle - 2015 Mar 17

Intergenerational Report, a 'Class Act' of theft - 2015 Mar 16

Defeat plan to revive and strengthen the ABCC - 2015 Mar 16

Limestone Coast Community In Action To Protect Their Livelihood, Community and Environment - 2015 Mar 15

Ownership of Australian meat industry getting more concentrated - 2015 Mar 12

More to Abbott gaffe than his obvious stupidity - 2015 Mar 11

Structural crisis and the outlook for capitalism - 2015 Mar 10

International Women’s Day - Women demand end to double exploitation of working women - 2015 Mar 08

ACTU to stick with independent agenda - 2015 Mar 04

Greece: Syriza and the 'troika' - 2015 Mar 02

SA Premier Weatherill implements Business SA's deformed agenda - 2015 Feb 23

Big Business Attack On Weekend Rates Of Pay - 2015 Feb 22

Japan heading for war, fascism and poverty - 2015 Feb 19

Submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission - 2015 Feb 19

Cricket World Cup 2015 reflects the friendship between the peoples of the world - 2015 Feb 17

Workers win through strong action and unity - 2015 Feb 10

How Australian is 'Australia Day'? - 2015 Feb 02

What’s behind the oil price drop? - 2015 Feb 01

Imperialism demands more from Australian workers - 2015 Jan 31

Riverland grape growers at the mercy of imperialist finance capital - 2015 Jan 29

Worth Reading – “The French Intifada” by Andrew Hussey - 2015 Jan 27

Question and Response - 2015 Jan 26

Gillman land sale controversy: is selling government assets the solution to jobs? - 2015 Jan 24

Briggs Report: Divisions go deep in submarine debate - 2015 Jan 21

Clean Start: Cleaners fight on for a fair deal - 2015 Jan 12

Congratulatory letter sent to the Cuban Embassy in Australia - 2014 Dec 18

MYEFO – giving the rich a break - 2014 Dec 18

A comment on the Victorian election result - 2014 Dec 06

Editorial: Now is the time…. - 2014 Nov 22

“So we must fly a rebel flag…” - 2014 Nov 22

China Free Trade deal: three issues - 2014 Nov 22

The fraud of “Constitutional recognition” - 2014 Nov 22

Abbott still believes in “terra nullius” - 2014 Nov 22

Union members and community activists unite and win - 2014 Nov 22

The last print edition of Vanguard - 2014 Nov 22

TAFE cuts - and fightback - happen under the radar - 2014 Nov 22

Communism: Society without class - 2014 Nov 22

Extracts from a statement by the Popular Front for Liberation of Palestine - 2014 Nov 22

Widodo sends wrong message to West Papua - 2014 Nov 22

Gaol teacher speaks out for prisoners - 2014 Nov 22

Victorian state election – a negative affair - 2014 Nov 22

IPCC report: Climate change is happening fast - 2014 Nov 22

Seamen stick up for Australian jobs - 2014 Nov 22

Which bank? US dictates to Australia not to join the AIIB - 2014 Nov 13

Flinders Uni occupation - 40 years on - 2014 Nov 12

Whitlam sacking - a tipping point in the relentless attack on workers' rights and living standards - 2014 Nov 12

E.F. (Ted) Hill - 2014 Nov 03

Whitlam: lessons for the Australian people - 2014 Oct 25

Editorial:Threat and betrayal - 2014 Oct 25

Support the Kurdish people’s resistance against ISIS, condemn US and Turkey for creating ISIS - 2014 Oct 25

Big Business: The real tax bludgers! - 2014 Oct 25

Statement on 65th anniversary of the Peoples Republic of China and events in Hong Kong by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) - 2014 Oct 25

'Arms dealers to the social media firms' disrupt the ability to learn - 2014 Oct 25

No justice for workers through the courts, no protection under Fair Work Act - 2014 Oct 25

Action hots up to defend the ABC - 2014 Oct 25

Corporations and education - 2014 Oct 25

Defend Australia’s public postal services! - 2014 Oct 25

Power struggle builds in NSW - 2014 Oct 25

Crisis and fear plague Australian and World economy - 2014 Oct 20

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