Environmental sustainability
News, comment and features on sustainability and sustainable development in the developing world
Founder Tony Meloto may hold some controversial views, but GK’s 2,000 communities are helping alleviate poverty in a country in desperate need
Extreme weather Coastal flooding: a sign of the damage our economy is wreaking on our fragile environment
Rowan WilliamsA report ranking cities most at risk from coastal flooding is a stark reminder that the paradigm of economic development and prosperity no longer holds true | Rowan Williams -
Life is getting longer, reports World Health Organisation, at the fastest rate since the 1960s
Before this year’s drought, farmers’ yields were tripling in some regions. With the right investment, Ethiopia can get back on track for middle-income status
connecting Britain Smart infrastructure is the key to sustainable development
Luis Alberto Moreno and Nicholas Stern
From preserving ecosystems to building airports, Asia needs to work together
Vinod Thomas and Marco GattiWhen two or more countries come together they can solve the problem better than one on its own, with far reaching benefits and greater success rates -
Scheme offering Indonesian villages that stop illegal logging large discounts on medical care is saving lives as well as the rainforest
Want to beat climate change and achieve sustainability? Try paying your taxes
Tove Maria Ryding and Bodo EllmersThe Paris climate agreement has been signed amid much fanfare but, as the Panama Papers show, the need for global tax cooperation is greater than ever -
Up to $500m spent by donors on protecting rainforest in the Congo basin has failed to prevent destructive developments, says the Rainforest Foundation
Myanmar can flourish by sowing seeds of agricultural prosperity
Deirdre May Culley and Martha Baxter
Italian officials to investigate company’s role in acquisition of disputed oil block jointly owned with energy group Eni
A US judge has ruled that the IFC cannot be sued over a $450m loan for a power plant that the plaintiffs maintained had destroyed their livelihoods
From tyre chairs to newspaper art, people in Khartoum are finding innovative ways to attempt to tackle the country’s rubbish problem
Long considered a symbol of development aid, up to 40% of handpumps in sub-Saharan Africa are broken at any one time. Technology is offering smart solutions
From potatoes to solar panels, local innovations are key to resilience
Aditya Bahadur and Julian DocziIndians call it jugaad, Brazilians say gambiarra and Kenyans know it as jua kali: around the world, people’s frugal inventions are improving their lives
- Climate change
- Africa
- Sustainable development goals
- Sustainable development
- Farming
- Agriculture
- Trees and forests
- Conservation
- Asia Pacific
- Health
- Indigenous peoples
- Global climate talks
- Natural disasters and extreme weather
- South and Central Asia
- Uganda
- inequality
- COP 21: UN climate change conference | Paris
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- Americas
- Soil
Protecting those who work to defend the environment is a human rights issue