- published: 02 Aug 2016
- views: 2088
Taurus (Latin for "the Bull"; symbol: , Unicode: ♉) is one of the constellations of the zodiac, which means it is crossed by the plane of the ecliptic. Taurus is a large and prominent constellation in the northern hemisphere's winter sky. It is one of the oldest constellations, dating back to at least the Early Bronze Age when it marked the location of the Sun during the spring equinox. Its importance to the agricultural calendar influenced various bull figures in the mythologies of Ancient Sumer, Akkad, Assyria, Babylon, Egypt, Greece, and Rome.
There are a number of features of interest to astronomers. Taurus hosts two of the nearest open clusters to Earth, the Pleiades and the Hyades, both of which are visible to the naked eye. At first magnitude, the red giant Aldebaran is the brightest star in the constellation. In the northwest part of Taurus is the supernova remnant Messier 1, more commonly known as the Crab Nebula. One of the closest regions of active star formation, the Taurus-Auriga complex, crosses into the northern part of the constellation. The variable star T Tauri is the prototype of a class of pre-main-sequence stars.
Taurus is Latin for "Bull" and may refer to:
The Crab Nebula (catalogue designations M1, NGC 1952, Taurus A) is a supernova remnant and pulsar wind nebula in the constellation of Taurus. It is not, as its name might suggest, in Cancer. The now-current name is due to William Parsons, 3rd Earl of Rosse, who observed the object in 1840 using a 36-inch telescope and produced a drawing that looked somewhat like a crab. Corresponding to a bright supernova recorded by Chinese astronomers in 1054, the nebula was observed later by English astronomer John Bevis in 1731. The nebula was the first astronomical object identified with a historical supernova explosion.
At an apparent magnitude of 8.4, comparable to that of Saturn's moon Titan, it is not visible to the naked eye but can be made out using binoculars under favourable conditions. The nebula lies in the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way galaxy, at a distance of about 2.0 kiloparsecs (6,500 ly) from Earth. It has a diameter of 3.4 parsecs (11 ly), corresponding to an apparent diameter of some 7 arcminutes, and is expanding at a rate of about 1,500 kilometres per second (930 mi/s), or 0.5% c.
In modern astronomy, a constellation is a specific area of the celestial sphere as defined by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). These areas mostly had their origins in Western-traditional asterisms from which the constellations take their names. There are 88 officially recognized constellations, covering the entire sky.
Thus, any given point in a celestial coordinate system can unambiguously be assigned to a constellation. It is usual in astronomy to give the constellation in which a given object is found along with its coordinates in order to convey a rough idea in which part of the sky it is located.
The origin of the word constellation seems to come from the Late Latin term "cōnstellātiō," which can be translated as "set of stars", but came into use in English during the 14th century. A more modern astronomical sense of the term is as a recognisable pattern of stars whose appearance is identified with mythological characters or creatures, or associated earthbound animals or objects.
Taurus is a very ancient constellation, and it's myths and legends date back as far at 17,000 years ago. Explore the stories behind this famous star pattern and learn about the easiest way to identify this constellation. Taurus is also rich with easy-to-spot celestial objects such as the Hyades star cluster and Pleiades.
This video will attempt to guide stargazers to the Constellation of Taurus, and is for educational purposes only. Any resemblance to actual, living bulls is purely coincidental and certainly not intended. ;) Animation of Crab Nebula Pulsar: http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2002/0052/combinedmovie.mpg Hope you enjoy! Clear skies, everyone.
Secureteam10 is your source for reporting the best in new UFO sighting news, info on the government coverup, and the strange activity happening on and off of our planet. Email us YOUR footage and help us continue the good fight for disclosure! ➨Get Your Secureteam Shirt Here! http://secureteam.spreadshirt.com ➨Twitter: https://twitter.com/SecureTeam10 ➨Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Secureteam10 ➨E-mail me with your ideas & footage: TheSecureteam@gmail.com Music: Witchy Britches https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YB09TjtLUnM ALL footage used is either done under the express permission of the original owner, or is public domain and falls under rules of Fair Use. We are making such material available for the purposes of criticism, comment, review and news reporting which constitute the '...
Bull Constellation (In English) The Taurus region is beautiful to watch as there is an abundance of stellar clusters. This is given to the fact that the axis of the galactic equator, which is the hub of our Milky Way galaxy, crosses the constellation in one end. Read More at: http://www.asmaravilhasdoceuestrelado.com.br/2015/03/touro.html At site, click on "translate here". ________________________________ Our history and learn about astronomy in our channels "The Wonders of the Starry Sky": Site: http://www.asmaravilhasdoceuestrelado.com.br/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AsMaravilhasDoCeuEstrelado Google +: https://plus.google.com/+AsmaravilhasdoceuestreladoBr Twitter:@MaravilhasDoCeu(https://twitter.com/MaravilhasDoCeu) You Tube: "As Maravilhas do Céu Estrelado" - http://www.yo...
Aldebaran in the Taurus constellation. The Red Giant ist 45times larger than our Sun. Viewed with Bresser nightvision NV 5x50 - 11/11/13 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aldebaran Aldebaran im Sternbild Stier. Der Rote Riese ist ca. 45x so groß, wie unsere Sonne. Betrachtet mit dem Bresser Nachtsichtgerät NV 5x50 am 11.11.2013. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aldebaran
How to Draw the Taurus Constellation. Part of the series: Drawing Advice. The constellation Taurus is a bull-like figure that is made up of a very specific design. Learn how to draw the Taurus constellation with help from an artist in this free video clip. Read more: http://www.ehow.com/video_12133831_draw-taurus-constellation.html
Music: Song title: Winds of Ithaca Album: Creation of the World (2013) All music composed and arranged by Antti Martikainen Artwork by Jordi Castelar (http://mighty-raven.tumblr.com) © 2013 Antti Martikainen History of Astrology: The Constellation of Taurus http://historyofastrology.blogspot.com/2007/05/taurus.html Mythology of the Constellation of Taurus http://heavens-above.com/myth.aspx?lat=0&lng;=0&loc;=L&alt;=0&con;=Tau Suzanne White http://www.suzannewhite.com/ Follow me FB: https://www.facebook.com/alldonemarketing Twitter: https://twitter.com/AldenMorris89
This will help you find the constellations of Orion (The hunter) and Taurus (The Bull) in both the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere.
In this timelapse video a passing satellite is captured while orbiting the Earth, tumbling around it self and flashing in the sky. Many satellites do not have a constant brightness, they give off flashes which are often at regular times. As described by the Satellite Observers (http://www.satobs.org/tumble/tumbleintro.html) this flashing behavior is caused by the rotation of the satellite around its rotation axis. The satellite's metallic surfaces act as mirrors for the sun. Measuring the period between flashes give an approximation for the satellite's rotation period. In this starry night of La Palma, Canary Islands, stars rise over the famous Isaac Newton Telescope in the observatory complex located on the top of the island. The V-shaped star configuration in this telephoto view is the ...
Timelapse made on 2012/03/26 at Haute-Provence Observatory, during a 'star party' with my amateur astronomy club. The dazzling spot is the Moon; just aside is Venus, and below is Jupiter. We can also see constellations such as Taurus and Orion. The green beam is a laser used for research on our atmosphere.
This timelapse was shot in our backyard over the weekend, from dusk until dawn during the dark moon on a VERY cold night (low of -23C); the 'bloom' seen in the frame, and on the tree, 45 seconds in, is frost, illuminated by the lights of the city to the south-east of our country home. The bright object, seen in the first 15-20 sec, moving from near tip of the tower and disappearing out of the frame at about the 3 o'clock mark, is Jupiter. The constellations of Orion, Ursa Major, Taurus, Lyra, Leo, Cancer, Corona Borealis and Bootes can be seen moving through the night sky, as can The Pleiades (an open star cluster) and the bright stars Betelgeuse, Rigel, Vega, and Denebola. The set-up for the stills was done by my husband, an avid amateur astronomer and astrophotographer; the camera,...
A supernova is the dramatic end of a supergiant star's life. The Crab Nebula is the remnant of a powerful supernova which was visible from Earth in the year 1054. This supernova was so bright that it could be seen in the daytime sky for 23 days, and it was documented by astronomers throughout the Far East. The Crab Nebula is found in the constellation of Taurus and got its name because its outer shape roughly resembles a Crab's pincer.
5. November 2012, Canon EOS 5D3, 14-24mm f2.8 Nikon zoom lens at 14mm; 10 second exposures (RAW) for about 2 hrs in total. Viewing direction is towards the northeast: Constellations of Taurus and Orion rising; bright planet is Jupiter. Many airplanes are crossing the frame. Note movement in fog covering the Swiss Plateau in the background.
Captured January's Wolf Moon 1 day past full earlier this week. The constellation Taurus rises out of the frame @ top center, Gemini moves into the center frame from left, and Orion lurks behind the trees from right center to top right. Frost on the lens blurs the moon at the end. 10 sec. exposures captured every 13 sec.; f4 @ 1600 ISO, playback @ 30fps.
Statement and list of dancers: “The Sun and the Horn” is a celebration of our longest day, a peak moment when we in the northern hemisphere are tilted toward the sun. It is also a kind of cave-painting for the new millenium, an homage to the time when the beasts ran free and people moved within the rhythms of “the sun and the horn.” My inspiration comes from my time as a dairy farmer, and from places like the Lascaux cave whose entrance was oriented toward the summer solstice’s setting sun. Nearby that opening a bull was painted with smatterings of dots believed to represent the stars of the Pleiades, part of the constellation of Taurus the Bull, evidence that the people of that time were careful observers of their world. The original installation from which this short fi...
Music by CUSCO - Leo Michael Holm & Kristian Schultze BSC Music - 1985 - Planet Voyage Birth of Leo goes back to antiquity, although post-Aries, Taurus and Sagittarius. Leo, the Lion of Nemea corresponds son of Typhon and Echidna, invulnerable beast ravaging the fields devouring people and livestock. Zeus transformed the lion constellation to honor his son Hercules. In Mesopotamia, the fire symbolized the culmination of the solar heating in the northern hemisphere. In Egypt, representing the sun and the Monarchy. Website official of CUSCO http://www.lucille.de/html/cusco.html
A supernova is the dramatic end of a supergiant star's life. The Crab Nebula is the remnant of a powerful supernova which was visible from Earth in the year 1054. This supernova was so bright that it could be seen in the daytime sky for 23 days, and it was documented by astronomers throughout the Far East. The Crab Nebula is found in the constellation of Taurus and got its name because its outer shape roughly resembles a Crab's pincer.
Partly reworked, different software, to create panning into the pictures. At the start image with 14mm @ f2,8 Lens --> the main Constellations that are shown from left to right: Capricornus (Steenbok) Sagittarius (Boogschutter) Scorpius (Schorpioen) Final Timelapse with 35mm @ f2 Lens: 6 hour Time Lapse of Rising Auriga (Voerman) Rising Taurus (Stier) with the silhouets of some cows at the ridge of a volcano meating their own Constellation Clear Star finally rising from the mist is Jupiter near the Summer Solstice Point in Gemini (Tweelingen) Have Fun Bjorn
Secureteam10 is your source for reporting the best in new UFO sighting news, info on the government coverup, and the strange activity happening on and off of our planet. Email us YOUR footage and help us continue the good fight for disclosure! ➨Get Your Secureteam Shirt Here! http://secureteam.spreadshirt.com ➨Twitter: https://twitter.com/SecureTeam10 ➨Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Secureteam10 ➨E-mail me with your ideas & footage: TheSecureteam@gmail.com Music: Witchy Britches https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YB09TjtLUnM ALL footage used is either done under the express permission of the original owner, or is public domain and falls under rules of Fair Use. We are making such material available for the purposes of criticism, comment, review and news reporting which constitute the '...
I take a look at the Constellation Taurus. Its mostly made up of cargo bay. Join the Tactical Advance organisation http://goo.gl/UE3Gj9 HD 1080p Game Play and Reviews Forum - http://www.tacticaladvance.co.uk Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/TacticalAdvance Google+ - https://plus.google.com/+tacticaladvance Twitter - https://twitter.com/TA_Advance
Want to know about the diffrent Constellation ships? In this video I will break down and review all four of the Constellation ships. Constellation Taurus: (Other varients next to "Buying Options") https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ships/rsi-constellation/Constellation-Taurus Ending Music from Star Citizen Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJJ9TcGxhNY If your new and want to use this promotional code when registering to RSI's website, we will both get 5,000 UEC to spend in Voyager Direct: STAR-QSZF-3N4G
Constellations, planets and deep-sky objects, highlights of the January Sky. Happy New Year 2017! After the Sun sets, look in the southwestern sky for bright Venus and for the fainter, reddish Mars above it. The two planets will edge closer toward each other as the month goes on. In the middle of January, the big gassy planet Jupiter hanging out near the star Spica in the constellation Virgo. Jupiter makes an appearance in the eastern sky after midnight, alongside the bright star Spica. Use a telescope to spy the giant planet’s cloud bands and a few of its large moons. Mercury and the ringed Saturn rises just ahead of the rising sun by mid-month. Just before dawn, search for Saturn and Mercury rising above the southeastern horizon. A small telescope will reveal Saturn’s rings. A larger...
Aldebaran - Sun Of The Taurus Constellation 3rd Jan 2014 Filming made possible by GOD all rights reserved are not mine Aldebaran Star Aldebaran is an orange giant star located about 65 light years away in the zodiac constellation of Taurus. Mass: 3.381E30 kg (1.7 Solar mass) Distance to Earth: 65.23 light years Magnitude: -2.1 Surface temperature: 3,910 K Constellation: Taurus Coordinates: RA 4h 35m 55s | Dec 16° 30.558' Light is the fastest-moving stuff in the universe. It travels at an incredible 300000 kilometers (186000 miles) per second. From Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aldebaran Negative Comments about our beliefs may or may not be replied too Those that just seek to critisise , more than likely will get a reply of some sort , but that is no guaranteee IF The c...
Every time you get upset about something small, just remember this. Check out more awesome BuzzFeedBlue videos! http://bit.ly/YTbuzzfeedblue1 MUSIC Robotix Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc. STILLS Pleiades (Seven Sisters) in the Taurus Constellation ronniechua / Thinkstock.com Pleiades Star Cluster Astrobobo / Thinkstock.com Milky Way Bar Stocktrek Images / Thinkstock Andromeda Galaxy Astrobobo / Thinkstock.com Blue Moon somchaisom / Thinkstock.com ISS006-E-40544 / NASA.gov http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/images/station/crew-6/html/iss006e40544.html Moon / NASA.gov http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA14021 Neptune / NASA.gov http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/multimedia/display.cfm?Category=Planets&IM;_ID=15663 Uranus / NASA.gov http://photojournal.jpl.nasa....
Constellation Taurus with open clusters Pleiades and Hyades, and with Crab Nebula M1, travelling across the sky, in town Turnov(Bohemian paradise, Czech Republic). Used Canon EOS 400D with lens EF 24-105, 1:4, L. Time lapse is from 109 pointed pictures (ISO 1600, F4, f35mm, exp.25 sec.), taken during 51 minutes. Souhvězdí Býk s otevřenými hvězdokupami Plejády a Hyády, a s Krabí mlhovinou, pohybující se po obloze, v Turnově (Český ráj, Česká republika). 天文金牛座昴星團M45. 天文金牛座昴星团M45. Астрономия - Плеяды M45, Телец. 文学 - プレアデスM45、牡牛座. खगोल विज्ञान - प्लीएडेस M45, वृषभ. Souhvězdí, súhvezdí, gwiezdozborze, Sternbild, costellazione, constelación. Hvězdy. Stars. Sterre. Stjerner. Tähteä. Étoiles. Estrelas. Sterren. Zvijezde. Bintang. Réaltaí. Stelle. Estrelles. Žvaigždes. Zvaigznes. Csillag. Still...
www.eyesonthesky.com Taurus is one of those distinctive constellations that actually looks like what it represents. But the form of the constellation contains some really fascinating astronomy objects - first and foremost, the Hyades open star cluster. It is punctuated by the foreground star Aldebaran, but the Hyades is much more than the seeming "V" shape of Aldebaran and four Hyades stars. Learn about this object, and how to find the smaller, dimmer and farther away open cluster NGC1647 nearby. See what's up in the night sky every week with "Eyes on the Sky" videos, astronomy made easy.
25 Remarkably Stunning NASA Photos | List25 Want more? Check out the Science & Technology Playlist: http://bit.ly/21NCpRG If you like this video subscribe to List25: http://bit.ly/1rPhSQH We live on a gorgeous planet, but the beauty of our surroundings doesn’t stop there. When we look up to the cosmos, we are wowed and amazed by the thousands of specs of light beaming down to us, twinkling away in their corners of the sky. But that's only the beginning. When we turn our powerful telescopes to the sky - and especially when we snap images across visible light, ultraviolet light, and infrared light ranges - our universe lights up like a million rainbows streaking in the dark. The complex interactions of dust and gases throughout the cosmos create natural artwork in the sky that turn any spo...
Over the past several decades, Planet X has been promised to be in the far reaches of our system or scheduled to come towards Earth. The threat of Planet X is rising again, and researchers claim it’s headed in any day to wreak havoc upon the solar system. Planet X is many things to many people, people of Science have sought it out, researchers have claimed to have discovered its secrets and some even think Planet X is in the Bible. Is it out there? Planet X? Nibiru, or any of a dozen other names? Catch Up with the Latest Nibiru 2017 and Latest Planet X 2017 news by subscribing to this channel.
Taurus is a very ancient constellation, and it's myths and legends date back as far at 17,000 years ago. Explore the stories behind this famous star pattern and learn about the easiest way to identify this constellation. Taurus is also rich with easy-to-spot celestial objects such as the Hyades star cluster and Pleiades.
I take a look at the Constellation Taurus. Its mostly made up of cargo bay. Join the Tactical Advance organisation http://goo.gl/UE3Gj9 HD 1080p Game Play and Reviews Forum - http://www.tacticaladvance.co.uk Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/TacticalAdvance Google+ - https://plus.google.com/+tacticaladvance Twitter - https://twitter.com/TA_Advance
just a review and walk around of the Constellation series Taurus if you plan on joining star citizen with a pledge package use this referral code: STAR-KFF4-KM6R
Heute schauen wir uns die "Frachtvariante" und zugleich letzte bisher bekannte Variante der Constellation an: Die Taurus! Und wir reden über den letzten Letter from the Chairman. Folgt uns auf unserer Facebook-Seite: https://www.facebook.com/KNUSPERLPS?ref=hl Ihr sucht noch eine deutsche Star Citizen Community? Bewerbt euch bei uns: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/MERCCORP http://www.merc-corp.de/ Verfolgt live unsere Geschwadertrainings auf Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/knusper_tv Hier findet ihr immer die aktuellsten News zu Star Citizen: http://star-citizen-news-radio.de/
01. God's Voice In The Stars. The Sign of Taurus
Join the Pixel Biology Community! • http://goo.gl/Xro8bE 🌿 Horse Haven Playlist • https://goo.gl/PpsPW3 🌿 Dive Into An Adventure! • Star Stable Playlist • https://goo.gl/Oba1wR • 101 Dalmatians Playlist • https://goo.gl/9CbEAJ Join Seri the Pixel Biologist as we try out a new animal-related strategy game in Horse Haven, a horse-raising simulation game available for iOS and Android! We begin the game at a run-down ranch that we are taking over for our Aunt Carol! With the help of our local cousin we're quickly able to set things to right and begin restoring the property - in fact, we're soon able to get our first foal! With a ranch to manage, fields to plant, and races to run there is plenty to keep us busy! Not to mention there are dozens of horse breeds to discover - and we can e...
Over the past several decades, Planet X has been promised to be in the far reaches of our system or scheduled to come towards Earth. The threat of Planet X is rising again, and researchers claim it’s headed in any day to wreak havoc upon the solar system. Planet X is many things to many people, people of Science have sought it out, researchers have claimed to have discovered its secrets and some even think Planet X is in the Bible. Is it out there? Planet X? Nibiru, or any of a dozen other names? Catch Up with the Latest Nibiru 2017 and Latest Planet X 2017 news by subscribing to this channel.
Dr. Patrick Glauthier, Department of Classical Studies, University of Pennsylvania Aries the Ram, Taurus the Bull, Cetus the Sea-monster - there's no shortage of mythical animals among the constellations of ancient Greece and Rome. But why do such creatures populate the heavens in the first place? And what did they mean to the societies that first identified and named them? Although it can be hard for us to clearly identify two Bears circling up above, the ancient imagination saw animalistic drama and intrigue all over the night sky, and the particulars of these narratives were often felt to impact life on earth. This talk will explore the history of some of these constellations, their representations in ancient art and literature, and their role in ancient Greco-Roman society more broadly...
Aries is one of the constellations of the zodiac. It is located in the northern celestial hemisphere between Pisces to the west and Taurus to the east. The name Aries is Latin for ram, and its symbol is , representing a ram's horns. It is one of the 48 constellations described by the 2nd century astronomer Ptolemy, and remains one of the 88 modern constellations. It is a mid-sized constellation, ranking 39th overall size, with an area of 441 square degrees. Although Aries came to represent specifically the ram whose fleece became the Golden Fleece of Ancient Greek mythology, it has represented a ram since late Babylonian times. Before that, the stars of Aries formed a farmhand. Different cultures have incorporated the stars of Aries into different constellations including twin inspectors i...
The phrase "As above, so below" is attributed to the Egyptian god of wisdom named Thoth. This echoes the biblical expression “on earth as it is in heaven.” Many diverse ancient cultures have erected sacred cities, pyramids, standing stones, or temples in order to mirror the stars. In particular the constellation Orion has been repeatedly projected as a talismanic pattern on numerous landscapes around the world. This interview describes the sky-ground templates of Egypt, the American Southwest, Mexico, Nazca, the UK, Europe, Syria, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, and other regions. Gary A Davids new book, Mirrors of Orion: Star Knowledge of the Ancient World, also discusses the celestial rituals of the Mithras cult, the Age of Taurus, the Sirius cosmology of the Dogon, and South African rock art. This e...
Secureteam10 is your source for reporting the best in new UFO sighting news, info on the government coverup, and the strange activity happening on and off of our planet. Email us YOUR footage and help us continue the good fight for disclosure! ➨Get Your Secureteam Shirt Here! http://secureteam.spreadshirt.com ➨Twitter: https://twitter.com/SecureTeam10 ➨Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Secureteam10 ➨E-mail me with your ideas & footage: TheSecureteam@gmail.com Music: Witchy Britches https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YB09TjtLUnM ALL footage used is either done under the express permission of the original owner, or is public domain and falls under rules of Fair Use. We are making such material available for the purposes of criticism, comment, review and news reporting which constitute the '...
The dire prophecies of Revelation may relate to Planet X's next arrival - it could come closer to the Earth than previous passes if its path is perturbed when it passes Taurus Constellation. There are numerous coded references to Planet X in the Bible, such as the trumpet judgments in Revelation, as well as in the Genesis flood narrative; he also contends that the Star of Bethlehem was actually Nibiru. Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Thegodparticle.org/ My Video Blog: http://thegodparticle.org/ Thanks for watching please Like, Share, Subscribe.
The phrase "As above, so below" is attributed to the Egyptian god of wisdom named Thoth. This echoes the biblical expression “on earth as it is in heaven.” Many diverse ancient cultures have erected sacred cities, pyramids, standing stones, or temples in order to mirror the stars. In particular the constellation Orion has been repeatedly projected as a talismanic pattern on numerous landscapes around the world. This interview describes the sky-ground templates of Egypt, the American Southwest, Mexico, Nazca, the UK, Europe, Syria, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, and other regions. Gary A Davids new book, Mirrors of Orion: Star Knowledge of the Ancient World, also discusses the celestial rituals of the Mithras cult, the Age of Taurus, the Sirius cosmology of the Dogon, and South African rock art. This e...
Aldebaran - Sun Of The Taurus Constellation 3rd Jan 2014 Filming made possible by GOD all rights reserved are not mine Aldebaran Star Aldebaran is an orange giant star located about 65 light years away in the zodiac constellation of Taurus. Mass: 3.381E30 kg (1.7 Solar mass) Distance to Earth: 65.23 light years Magnitude: -2.1 Surface temperature: 3,910 K Constellation: Taurus Coordinates: RA 4h 35m 55s | Dec 16° 30.558' Light is the fastest-moving stuff in the universe. It travels at an incredible 300000 kilometers (186000 miles) per second. From Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aldebaran Negative Comments about our beliefs may or may not be replied too Those that just seek to critisise , more than likely will get a reply of some sort , but that is no guaranteee IF The c...
All information and sources come from Alex Collier and his contacts ====================================================== The human species called the Pleaidians evolved from Lyra. The Pleaidians are our far distant first cousins and ancestral forefathers of some of our races. It has been said that the Pleaidians as we know them were Lyrans who migrated from Lyra in large space stations or arks exploring young star systems seeking the potential for stable longevity. These Lyrans would send down scout teams consisting of scientists, engineers and agricultural specialists to explore the surface of possible habitable planets and then return data and information to the motherships. Each planet was explored and based upon its unique nature, would be developed for colonies that were ...
The video is absolutely phenomenal, and the provide much more info than I do here, so if you're a connie fan, I highly suggest going to check out the whole thing here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWmrP7DTE04&ab;_channel=StarCitizen New to the game and want to start with 5000 extra credits? Help me and you out by using the code below to join up: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/ STAR-322N-CGT7 Support the channel on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=2417586&ty;=h&u;=2417586 Looking for an organization? Join the over 650 strong with PXP! https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/PXP Twitter: https://twitter.com/STLYoungblood Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/stlyoungblood Intro: Template (Hyper Indent) purchased and licensed via videohive Cinematic Intro 8, Slow woosh flying through,...
This is a short walkthrough of the new Constellation variants "Andromeda" and "Taurus", released on 2014-08-15. I show exterior and interior of both ships in the pre-alpha hangar module of the upcoming Star Citizen game, and I theorycraft a bit about how the Constellations will be crewed. Please leave a comment and tell me what you want to see in the next video! Link to Geekdomo's StarCast twitch stream with information regarding the Constellations starting at around 1:08:23: http://www.twitch.tv/geekdomo/b/560548738 Link to Kong Cast #21 - Interview with Ben Lesnick, with details regarding ship upgrades at around 11:05 and 26:15: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEnvlONVspA#t=1734 As said before - everything shown is pre-alpha. Lots of details are work in progress. Expect major changes...
Information: Black Hole Son: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NKUqqD3Uuk Red Ice Creations Interview: Jan 2013 (First Hour) http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2013/01/RIR-130129.php Anthropos: The Descent (From the Corpus Hermeticum) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76b-XiZaTx8 The Cosmic Christ (Material from The Zohar and Kabbalah) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEzAC2mtv_A Collective Unconscious Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmdMThVSH8eYRgU1n5QhqnsTCCp3NDwRc Hieroglyphics Analysis Public Link: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.441448115944263.1073741828.100002372351681&type;=1&l;=61dca099b0 PDF E-Book (Work In Condensed Form) @ http://www.orioninthevatican.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/danny.wilten Public Link To Diagrams: http://www.facebook.com/m...
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