• A call to reflect on the challenge of insecurity and development in Nigeria

      On this day two years ago, suspected Boko Haram militants raided Government Secondary School – Chibok in Borno state of Nigeria abducting more than 200 girls in the process. To date, most of these girls are yet to be traced and rescued. But even some of those who were rescued, especially those who fell pregnant as a result of forced marriage to their abductors, were never fully re-integrated into society, adding to their trauma.

      12 april
    • To pursue equitable and sustainable econonmic growth, structural reforms are needed - Fatma Samoura

      At the UN, we believe that in order to pursue economic growth that is both equitable and sustainable, a number of structural reforms are needed. This is increasingly becoming more urgent as countries embark of the SDGs implementation process. Going forward, Mr Chairman, we will pursue, together with our national partners, especially the government, an economic diversification programme that elevates the agricultural, non-oil manufacturing, solid minerals and the service sectors, shifting emphasis and attention to higher value adding activities whilst reducing reliance on volatile commodity exports such as oil and gas

      12 april
    • The situation in the Maiduguri is critical, there is urgent need for scaled up support - Fatma Samoura

      The situation in Maiduguri is critical, there is need for all development and humanitarian actors to scale up their support to complement efforts by the government in Borno State.” Said Fatma Samoura, UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator who is also UNDP Resident Representative, at the end of her first mission to the North East of Nigeria. Ms. Samoura visited Maiduguri 31 March – 1 April 2016 during which period she met State Authorities, humanitarian actors from International Non-Governmental Organisations, Internally Displaced People (IDPs) in camps and informal host communities.

      1 april
    • Use post disaster recovery processes as opportunities to build resilient communities - Fatma Samoura

      Recovery and reconstruction means building back better. We need to look at what conditions made our infrastructure and livelihoods vulnerable to natural disasters and ensure that these conditions are not replicated during the recovery phase. We need to come up with measures to reduce exposure to future natural hazards – this is the essence of being Resilient. It means having the ability to Prevent, Absorb, Adapt and Transform ourselves in situations of disasters.

      24 march
    • Meet UNDP Nigeria's new Resident Representative, Fatma Samoura

      Newly appointed Resident Representative for UNDP in Nigeria (who will also serve as UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator) has taken up her position in Abuja. Before coming to Nigeria, Ms. Fatma Samoura, a Senegalese national, served as Resident Representative for UNDP Madagascar and as head of the UN System in the country from October 2010

      18 december
What We Do

UNDP works in partnership with the Federal Government of Nigeria, development partners, UN agencies, civil society and local communities to help identify local solutions to meet national development challenges through a range of interventions that combine UNDP’s expertise and comparative advantage in the areas of Governance & Peace Building, Inclusive growth and Sustainable Development.

Featured Video: Peace returns to Agila Community

National Human Development Report 2016
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An assessment of the status of human security and human development in Nigeria. The reports introduces a new concept in the measurement of human wellbeing, the human security index, which in the case of Nigeria has been used as the basis to make a case on its impact on the overall human development status of the population.  

2015 MDGs End-point Report
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The Report highlights Nigeria's progress and status in meeting the MDGs targers agreed upon at the Millennium Summit in 2000. As the last report tracking progress in meeting the country's MDGs promise, it also highlights lessons learnt and proposes a way forward in the new development era, the Sustainable Development Goals.