The concept of money - Part 1 - full session of 2.5 hrs - Sandeep Manudhane sir
This is the full session, as part of latest
Knowledge Booster series, a part of comprehensive
UPSC preparation course.
Our entire course is in bilingual mode -
English + Hindi - making it EXTREMELY
EASY to understand.
POWER NOTES of several pages, made from deep research, are dictated in each session.
हिंदी और अंग्रेज़ी में एक साथ पढ़ने से कॉन्सेप्ट्स अत्यंत सरलता से समझ में आ जाते हैं और लम्बे समय तक याद भी रहते हैं।
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IAS exam right at your home! Full HD video solution, printed courseware, mentoring solution from PT's IAS
Ideal for all ambitious students especially girls, small town students, cost-conscious students, and those who value their time, energy, effort and money