Poe Dameron is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise. Introduced in the 2015 film Star Wars: The Force Awakens, he is portrayed by Oscar Isaac. Poe is an X-wing fighter pilot for the Resistance who inadvertently brings renegade stormtrooper Finn (John Boyega) and Jakku scavenger Rey (Daisy Ridley) into the fight against—and eventually a victory over—the sinister First Order. He is featured in The Force Awakens media and merchandising, and will appear in the film's forthcoming sequel, Star Wars Episode VIII. Isaac and the character have received positive reviews, with Poe being compared to the characterization of Han Solo (Harrison Ford) in the original Star Wars film trilogy.
During the development phase of The Force Awakens, the character was initially referred to as "John Doe" and was first intended to be a Jedi, and then a bounty hunter with a Wookiee sidekick.
Isaac's casting in the film was first announced on April 29, 2014. His character was first seen in the 88-second The Force Awakens teaser trailer released by Lucasfilm on November 28, 2014, piloting an X-wing fighter. The name Poe Dameron was revealed by Entertainment Weekly in a Lucasfilm-designed Topps-style trading card mockup in December 2014. The character was one of those featured in a May 2015 Vanity Fair photo shoot by Annie Leibovitz. He was named after Force Awakens writer/director J. J. Abrams' assistant, Morgan Dameron.
Edgar Allan Poe was an American writer.
Poe or POE may also refer to:
This article describes several types of fictional enemy creatures encountered in The Legend of Zelda series of video games.
While many enemies can be killed solely with Link's sword, others require the use of specific items to eliminate. In addition, starting with The Wind Waker, some enemies wield weapons such as swords or lit torches that can be used by Link after destroying the enemy. These items serve a single use and eliminate other obstacles by means such as smashing open a doorway or burning down a blocked passage. Specific enemies also hold key items that can be obtained by either killing the monster or using the grappling hook.
Enemies in The Legend of Zelda series first appeared as basic, combatant obstacles in The Legend of Zelda. Although initially conveyed as two-dimensional sprites, in the newer games, starting with Ocarina of Time, they are rendered by 3D computer graphics.
Poe is the mascot of the Baltimore Ravens of the National Football League He is named after the famous writer and Baltimore, Maryland resident, Edgar Allan Poe.
When originally unveiled, Poe was one of three costumed mascots, all raven brothers named "Edgar", "Allan", and "Poe". Because the Baltimore Ravens were named after the poem "The Raven" by Baltimore resident Edgar Allan Poe, it was natural to name their mascots after Poe. The three not only commemorated the famous Baltimore poet, but also represented three completely different personalities and their stereotypical relation to certain types of NFL players.
According to the back story, Edgar was the first to hatch. Edgar was tall and broad shouldered, representing the "backfield" or the players of the game routinely not staged on the line of scrimmage. This represented the linebacker, defensive back, fullback, quarterback, etc. Edgar was decidedly proud, if not arrogant, and was the leader of the trio.
Allan was particularly shorter and thinner than Edgar and especially Poe, yet much quicker. He represented the receivers and running backs. Allan was a very excitable bird who always had energy to spare.
take your time, it's alright
you blow my mind, with your brown eyes
while i'm on my grind, i can't help but notice you, you, you
i can see, where you need to be, where you need to be
that's when me, you should go with me, you can go with me
come on, i just wanna touch your body
i just wanna touch your body
i just wanna touch your body
i just wanna touch your body
i just wanna touch your, touch your x 4
the rose if you got to
you're so damn cool, that's why i fuck with you
you're so damn cute, that's why i'm with you, you, you
i can see, where you need to be, where you need to be
that's when me, you should go with me, you can go with me
i just wanna touch your body
i just wanna touch your body
i just wanna touch your body
i just wanna touch your body
i just wanna touch your, touch your
the way you rub your body, got me so excited
no other place to be
girl you know i can't fight it
let me get behind it
drop it like it's hot for me
i can see, where you need to be, where you need to be
and that's when we, you should go with me, you can go with me
i just wanna touch your body
i just wanna touch your body
i just wanna touch your body
i just wanna touch your body