Janet Kira Lessin & Dr.
Sasha Lessin interview
Alfred Lambremont Webre on the
Sacred Matrix on
Revolution Radio (,
Studio B from 8 to 10 PM
Eastern time. We'll focus on Alfred's new book (see below).
MEDIA - New book: How to accelerate our positive future along a positive holographic timeline
WzW-FrontCoverNew book: How to accelerate our positive future along a positive holographic timeline
My Journey Landing Heaven on Earth
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Alfred’s works comprise The Omniverse
Trilogy, A
Portal for a New
Paradigm into Our
Common Reality Since
Book in the Omniverse Trilogy:
Exopolitics; The Omniverse: and My Journey Landing Heaven on Earth
Talking Points
Positive Future Equation -
Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre’s new book includes an easy to read 10+
point approach accelerating our positive future on a positive holographic timeline, and an introduction to the positive timeline equation
Positive Future = Positive
Timeline +
Unity Consciousness.
2. Screenplay format + Extended Memoir -
Written in screen play format, the book also includes an informal personal memoir –
Recovery - of Alfred’s multi-dimensional interactions and social inventions in Exopolitics, mapping the Omniverse and the positive timeline equation, 1973-2015.
Holy Spirit - This new book also reveals that author Alfred Lambremont Webre's work was originally initiated by him together with an interdimensional being that identified itself as the “Holy Spirit”.
History -
Journey –
Volume I is a non-fiction, true life history of personal experiences occurring around:
A. the founding of Exopolitics, the science of relations among intelligent civilizations in the multiverse,
B. The mapping of the Omniverse, and
C. The development of the Positive Future Equation
Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness
5. Upper
Theatre: Recovery was published briefly online in 2000 as Journey I: Recovery and withdrawn awaiting its time synch.
6. Publication
Date 2025 back to
2015 -
False Flag [
NOTE: “Journey – Volume I was scheduled to have been published in the year 2025, after the substantial projected landing of
Christ Consciousness on
Earth. The available evidence of a global extinction level false flag planned forSeptember 22-28, 2015 to October 11-12, 2016 around
Pope Francis Bergoglio [
Whore of Babylon Revelation Archetype];
Barack Obama [One
Head of
Two Headed Beast Revelation Archetype], and the
United Nations [Seven-headed Ten-horned Beast Revelation Archetype] led to an acceleration of the publishing schedule of Journey – Volume I from the year 2025 to June 15, 2015 as part of the deconstruction of this false flag event.
Volume II - “Journey – Volume I is a scientific experiment and a new book – Journey: Volume II – is planned for after October 11-12, 2016 to evaluate the results of deconstructing the
September 23, 2015
Jade Helm False Flag”]
MEDIA - For an eBook Kindle or Softcover review copy of
My Journey Landing Heaven on Earth
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Please contact
Thank you.
Alfred Lambremont Webre's contributions to the development of a positive future for Earth and our living community in the dimensional ecology have included the development of Exopolitics in his book Exopolitics:
Government and Law In the
Universe (
2005; the mapping of the Omniverse to be published as The Omniverse in Dec. 2015 by
Bear & Co., and the discovery of the Positive Timeline Equation, now published in My Journey Landing Heaven on Earth (2015
Alfred is a graduate of
Georgetown Preparatory School in
Yale University in
Industrial Administration Honors and
Yale Law School in international law and was a
Fulbright Scholar in international economic integration in
Uruguay. He has taught economics at Yale University and the
Bill of Rights at the
University of Texas. Alfred was general counsel to the
New York City Environmental Protection Administration, a futurist at
Stanford Research Institute (where he directed the proposed
1977 Carter White House extraterrestrial communication study), and was a
NGO delegate to the United Nations and the UNISPACE conference. He was also a an
Administrator of the
Brownsville Community Health Center in the
Lower Rio Grande Valley of
Texas as well as a
Judge on the
Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal.
Alfred has been active in public broadcasting in the
United States (
WBAI-FM) and
Canada (
Vancouver Coop Radio); public interest counter intelligence (
Assassination Information Bureau); deconstruction of the Transhumanist
Agenda; the peaceful uses of outer space (
Institute for Cooperation in
Life on Mars (
Mars Anomaly Research Society); multidimensional online education (Omniversity in development); and news
- published: 29 Jun 2015
- views: 907