Featured News

  • Capitalism at heart of refugee crisis

    Capitalism at heart of refugee crisis

    By Tim Tran The current global refugee crisis is the worst since World War Two. There are close to 60 million refugees as the result of bloody conflicts in Middle East, North Africa and parts of Asia. The devastating civil war in Syria has produced the biggest number of refugees […]

  • Spending cuts not required, Australia awash with wealth

    Spending cuts not required, Australia awash with wealth

    By Kirk Leonard “We have to live within our means” chants federal treasurer Scott Morrison from his many media platforms as he cuts social spending. But there is plenty of wealth in Australia that could be invested to maintain or boost investment in education, health, welfare, transport and housing services. […]

  • The truth about Australia’s refugee camps

    The truth about Australia’s refugee camps

    Last week a number of media outlets in Hong Kong made sexist and racist attacks against our sister group (Socialist Action) who have been at the forefront of organising protests in defence of refugee rights. Some outlets also expressed support for Australia’s cruel and racist refugee regime, claiming it was […]

  • Federal election: Which way forward for marriage equality?

    Federal election: Which way forward for marriage equality?

    By Ben Convey Scott Morrison’s first budget proposes to spend $160 million on a marriage equality plebiscite. With polls consistently showing that the majority of Australians already support marriage equality, most people will ask why this money is being wasted while the government wants to cut funding for the life-saving […]

  • Federal election looming: How should the labour and social movements respond?

    Federal election looming: How should the labour and social movements respond?

    Editorial comment from the May 2016 edition of ‘The Socialist’ We go to press this month with a federal election looming. The polls are close and it seems likely that the two major parties will be engaged in a very tight race. Turnbull’s hope is that a double dissolution election […]