
The Destructive Urge

Marxism's greatest discovery is that it cannot prescribe any science of revolution, any fail-safe program. On the contrary what it provides is a new question, a new responsibility to make a choice..

Some of my Best Comrades are Friends

The left’s sloppy use of language indicates sloppy thinking.

The Proliferation of Neo-Primitives

Neo-primitives prefer an imaginary past to the work of creating a different society.

An Interview with Karl Marx

A reporter for the New York World interviews Karl Marx in 1871 about the goals and organizational methods of the First International.

Science fiction is more than just Buck Rogers

Like most modern literature, science fiction is concerned with the alienated human condition, yet it articulates this concern in a distinct manner, as a form of literature concerned with the implications of the problems engendered by industrial society.

Radical Newspapers

A radical newspaper succeeds to the extent that it engages in dialogue with its readers and community, rather than in preaching.

Hiearchy of Salaries and Incomes

The official ideology's justification of hierarchy does not coincide with either logic or reality.

West Germany: Censorship and Repression in the Model State

In West Germany, repression is now 'democratically' sanctioned and seen as a model for other countries to adopt.

Working in a Supermarket

Observations on working as a "carry-out" in a supermarket.

What is Important?

It is necessary to demolish the monstrously false idea that the problems that workers see are not important, that there are more important ones which only "theorists" and politicians can speak about.