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Decision time approaching

09 Jun 2016

The SACP’s alliance with the ANC is in crisis. Peter Manson reports

Political response needed

02 Jun 2016

How will the resistance to France’s ‘labour reforms’ end? Daren Greene looks at the contending forces

Reject the new contract

02 Jun 2016

We need to develop a realistic strategy for victory, writes Richard Galen

Two reactionary camps

26 May 2016

Our class can gain nothing by voting for either of the two options, argues Peter Manson

Social democratic stepping stone

19 May 2016

Arthur Bough responds to Mike Macnair

Don’t apologise - attack

19 May 2016

The right will not let up if we retreat before their smears, argues Moshé Machover. This is an edited version of his speech to the May 15 London Communist Forum

New federation put on hold

05 May 2016

Cosatu rival is yet to get off the ground, reports Peter Manson

Solidarity and concrete action

21 Apr 2016

Last weekend’s demonstration was dominated by the politics of Corbynism, writes Peter Manson

Harmful change is intolerable

07 Apr 2016

Joint action is the way forward, says Richard Galen - and so is affiliation to the TUC

Thin end of the wedge

17 Mar 2016

We must oppose the expulsion of Gerry Downing, but fight to expose his political errors, argues Jim Grant

Right’s fear and loathing

17 Mar 2016

Communists defend Corbyn from his impatient assassins, whilst retaining our criticisms, writes Eddie Ford

United front needed

10 Mar 2016

The junior doctors need a united front in their struggle, says Richard Galen

Don’t fall for the lies

11 Feb 2016

Our action is aimed at the government and NHS employers, not patients, writes Richard Galen

Trusting who?

14 Jan 2016

Richard Galen writes from the picket line at Croydon University Hospital

Giving lie to Tory claims

14 Jan 2016

Support for the junior doctors remains firm, writes James Linney