Latest political news

Shorten shifts focus to the economy

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten tours the storm affected Coogee Surf Life Saving Club in Sydney on Tuesday.

James Massola 12:00 AM   Focus shifts back to the economy as Labor releases economic plan in an attempt to get on the front foot and as the govt attacks Shorten over company tax.

Liberals investigating 'black ops' meeting

NSW Young Liberal president Alex Dore with Tony Abbott.

Michael Koziol 4:51 PM   The NSW Liberal Party is investigating an attempted leadership coup at a chaotic Young Liberal branch meeting, which sources say represents the thin end of the wedge for the factionally-riven party.

The torment of women at Nauru

Asylum seekers on Nauru.

Nicole Hasham 7:51 AM   The sky was fast plunging into darkness when a car pulled up to Amina*, and the male driver leaned out to warn her about wild dogs.

Public servants could face court over death: lawyers

Manus Island detainee Hamid Khazaei, who died in 2014.

Noel Towell   Canberra bureaucrats could find themselves in the dock over young asylum seeker's death.

Subs could be vulnerable to new weapons technology: Beazley

"Technologies in the military sphere are about to change dramatically": Former Labor leader Kim Beazley.

Deborah Snow   Former Labor leader and onetime defence minister Kim Beazley has cautioned that dramatic changes in military technology over the next decade could have an impact on Australia's $50 billion submarine replacement program, given the rapid development of unmanned submersible platforms that are better able to detect conventional submarines. 

Bob Brown's new campaign: development through the Tarkine

Bob Brown

Adam Morton   Former Greens leader Bob Brown is trying to get backing for a development in pristine Tasmanian wilderness – in order to save it.

Hundreds of detention centre abuses go unreported

Comcare has not visited the Nauru or Manus Island facilities this year.

Bianca Hall and Noel Towell   Asha was only 12 months old when she pulled over container of boiling water on Nauru, severely scalding herself.

Childcare plan wins backing

Teacher Kate King with her daughter, Elise, 3, at their Malvern East home.

Carolyn Webb   Malvern East mother-of-one Kate King says she would be better off under the Labor childcare policy

Family mourns for Jamie Bright, killed by an Islamic State bullet

An image of Jamie Bright posted on social media.

David Wroe   Jamie Bright's body lies frozen in a Kurdish hospital in the centre of one of the most geopolitically fraught places on Earth.

PM falters amid company tax, super confusion

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on Friday.

Mark Kenny   The Coalition government has slipped behind Labor for the first time since Malcolm Turnbull replaced Tony Abbott, led by a continuing collapse in Mr Turnbull's once stratospheric personal standing, according to the latest Fairfax-Ipsos poll.

Losing it, one mistake at a time

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull wore hollow lens mixed reality goggles at SAAB Australia in Adelaide.

Mark Kenny   This election has often been described as Malcolm Turnbull's to lose. How prophetic because that seems to be what he is busy doing. Losing it.

'It shows our parliament is stuck in the dark ages'

Senator Nova Peris.

Latika Bourke   Even if 1 million Australians signed an online petition, the Parliament would be able to completely ignore it.

Europe needs a Tony Abbott-style approach to stopping the boats, says Tory MEP

Tory MP Daniel Hannan at a pro-Brexit event in London this week.

Latika Bourke   Europe needs to take an Australian approach to stemming the flow of migrant votes, including turning back boats, two of which have recently arrived in the channel, a prominent tory MP says.

The question that nearly threw Albanese

Anthony Albanese at Lewisham with students Oscar Chaffey, 15,  and Luc Velez, 16.

Deborah Snow   The question that threw Anthony Albanese on the campaign trail.

Hunt spruiks renewables rebound

Environment Minister Greg Hunt attributes the rebound to the efforts of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

Nicole Hasham   Australia is on track to meeting official clean energy targets after the rise of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull buoyed investors, Environment Minister Greg Hunt says, amid new figures showing 18 large-scale wind, solar and biogas projects worth at least $2.2 billion are set to be built.

Refugee takes David and Goliath fight to News Corp

Aladdin Sisalem says the Herald Sun's front page story incited hatred of Muslims and Islam itself.

Bianca Hall   ISLAM MUST CHANGE, screamed the Herald Sun headline, and Muslim refugee Aladdin Sisalem - no stranger to conflict with News Corp Australia - took action.

State Libs split with feds on domestic violence leave

Tasmanian Premier Will Hodgman said this week that his government would offer the domestic violence leave to State ...

Noel Towell   Government must lead by example, says state premier.

Comments 2

Canberra politicians' perks belong in 'days gone by': expert

Remuneration Tribunal chairwoman Anne Cahill-Lambert says some politicians' perks belong in another age.

Noel Towell   "Make the politicians responsible ... then it's between them and the taxman."

Hunt under fire over bat decision

Not wanted - in large numbers.

Peter Hannam   Environment Minister Greg Hunt accused of using laws to protect threatened species of the political kind.

Norfolk Island elects council that supports self-determination

Kim Edward under a Norfolk Island flag at the site of the axed Norfolk Island Legislative Assembly.

Marcus Strom   In the first elections to its new regional council, Norfolk Islanders have voted in a majority that supports political self-determination. 

Private school students to receive $1000 more than public students by 2020

Throwing money at the problem won't fix the widening class divide in Australia's schools, says a new report.

Timna Jacks, Matthew Knott   Australia's education funding model is so dysfunctional that simply pumping billions of extra dollars into the system will not reverse the ghettoisation of our schools, a new report has found.

'Solar revolution': Labor climate plan warms up to renters, pensioners

Projects might include shared arrays of solar panels.

Nicole Hasham   Groups of renters could share a "garden" of solar panels and the technology would be encouraged in public housing and aged-care homes in a $98.7 million Labor push to bring the "solar revolution" to those who do not own a home.

Hockey sought to block Cabcharge details

Joe Hockey argued the release of his hire car details could put him at risk.

Sean Nicholls   Former treasurer's office said the release of five-year-old hire car travel details could put him at risk in a heightened terrorism environment.

Canberra pollies paid extra for going to work

ACT Liberal Senator Zed Seselja has been paid about $10,200 to commute.

Noel Towell   Getting $86-a-day for driving across town.

Aussie guy 'transformed' into Kurdish fighter, says comrade

The image of Jamie Bright posted on social media.

David Wroe   A British fighter with Kurdish forces in Syria has told of Australian man Jamie Bright's "transformation" into a seasoned mine clearer who blended in with local Kurds, adopting the dress and learning the language.

Cabcharge revelations: Turnbull called on to back police investigation

Joe Hockey ... revelations about his Cabcharge account

Sean Nicholls   Senator calls for the PM to act after Fairfax Media revealed rules were broken.

Australian killed fighting against IS

The image of Jamie Bright posted on social media.

David Wroe   An Australian man has reportedly been killed fighting with Kurdish forces against the Islamic State terror group in Syria.

Chiropractor charged over Nova Peris racist Facebook posts

Former Labor senator Nova Peris announces her departure from politics.

Georgina Mitchell   A man will face court after he allegedly sent racist and offensive messages to senator Nova Peris on Facebook.

Debates are dead, long live debates

Leaders debate between Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten at the National Press Club of ...

Mark Kenny   A new type of debate is needed. Happily, its elements are already emerging.

'The mining boom will never end: coal is forever'

NSW government report predicts coal mining in the state - and resulting royalites - will continue to grow well into the ...

Peter Hannam   Is the state banking on extracting increasing amounts of coal for another 40 years?


Election 2016: the photographers' campaign

Photographers Alex Ellinghausen and Andrew Meares are travelling with Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten.These are some of their key images.

RBA's vote of confidence in Turnbull

This is one of the oddest endorsements you'll see this election campaign.

Australia should not treat Bright like terrorist

Jamie Bright was shot dead by an Islamic State fighter near the town of al-Shaddadi, in north-eastern Syria.

People should be free to leave country

No-one should have to love Australia or leave but people should have the right to go if they want.

Why Turnbull is his own worst enemy

Malcolm Turnbull's courage to swim against the tide had defined the future PM in the public mind. But his non-delivery since has offered Labor its best opportunity to dismantle his allure.

Brexiters promise Australian-style immigration system

Your personally curated news with six things you need to know before you get going.

Does Shorten have a secret two-election strategy?

Bill Shorten will deny it, but does he have one eye on his survival as Labor leader and the other on 2019?

Angry Donald Trump hits out at 'sleaze' media

Your personally curated news with six things you need to know before you get going.

Let's dig deep for public schools

Six-year old Josie (not her real name) was enrolled in a prestigious private elementary school and progressing well, so well that her reading was well above average. Her parents asked the principal if she could be moved up a class or have her classes more personally tailored.

Canberra, you just don't count in this election

Canberra residents don't count for much when compared to the attention that residents of bellwether seats garner.

Forget about searching for black holes, they're not there

The tally of costings released at the end of a campaign almost always adds up and always puts the budget slightly ahead.

Time for the 'real Malcolm'

Malcolm Turnbull probably has more in common with Julia Gillard than he would like to acknowledge.

All quiet on the GST front

So far in this election campaign the GST and the share each state receives have escaped debate.

Could 'double-dipping' David Feeney derail Labor's campaign?

Your personally curated news with six things you need to know before you get going today.

'Aussie John' is wrong. Here's why

''Aussie John'' has got it wrong. Labor isn't planning to hit negative gearing on all established housing overnight.