May 2015

… After Greece, who’s next? Iran and Saudi Arabia, strategic balancing act; Germany special report, politics and the euro; crisis in the Mediterranean, what asylum policy? untold stories; Piketty, the wealth of the wealthy, London, playground of the global rich… and more…
  • Which way out of this mess? * — Serge Halimi

    There’s no model in France or elsewhere in the world for transforming society any more. But we keep battling, knowing there are important things to fight for.More than four years after the Arab uprisings, and worldwide protests against growing inequality, from the Indignados to Occupy Wall Street, the lack of immediate results and loss of clear points of reference have blunted enthusiasm for transforming society, and the world. There’s a mood of disillusionment: “Was it all just for this?” Old (...)
    Translated by George Miller
  • Your future is to have no future

    Now Ireland and Portugal, too * — Renaud Lambert

    The Irish and Portuguese governments have put their citizens through varying degrees of austerity, and like Greece, have ended in deeper debt. But there seems to be no likelihood of a Syriza-like movement coming to power in either.
    Translated by George Miller
  • Renaud Lambert measures the Syriza effect

  • Fraying asylum policies, great migrations

    Waiting to get out — and in — David Styan

    Migrants from Africa and the Middle East usually aim not for the first port of call in Europe, but for the wealthy economies of northern Europe. For many, the intention to reach the UK stalls at the key illegal entry point of Calais.
    LMD English edition exclusive
  • The story behind the stories — Rodney Benson

    In the first week of calm weather in the Mediterranean last month, some 1,000 migrants died trying to reach Europe. Their stories deserve to be told, but does that distract the media from covering the reasons for their flight?
    Original text in English
  • The solution for Yemen must be political

    US tries to balance Saudi Arabia and Iran * — Akram Belkaïd

    Iran and Saudi Arabia are in direct and proxy conflicts. The US needs to stay on good terms with both, and the Obama administration does not want to send its ground troops into the Middle East.
    Translated by Charles Goulden
  • The mullahs’ quiet victory — Shervin Ahmadi

    Amid the conflict and chaos of the region, Iran has pursued a cool and coherent foreign policy; but at home there’s impatience for the economy to look up.
    Translated by Charles Goulden
  • Special report: Germany, politics and the euro

    Germany can’t solve this alone * — Wolfgang Streeck

    Northern and southern European countries have constructed their economies around incompatible systems, and adoption of the euro has only worsened the division. Could Germany now consider returning to a more flexible monetary system?
    Translated by George Miller
  • Alternative Germany * — Dominique Vidal

    The Alternative für Deutschland party is against a Greek bailout (because it believes that’s the banks’ responsibility) and hankers for the Deutschmark. But it denies far-right links, let alone tendencies, and it’s doing well in the polls.
    Translated by George Miller
  • Don’t argue with demographics * — Dominique Vidal

  • The end of pacifism? * — Philippe Leymarie

    In a break from post-war policy, President Gauck wants Germany to get involved in international conflicts in a way that matches its economic power. Not all Germans are ready for that.
    Translated by Charles Goulden
  • Bild: big circulation, loud voice — Olivier Cyran

    Translated by Krystyna Horko
  • Capitalism in the 21st century short on capital

    Why Piketty isn’t Marx — Frédéric Lordon

    Thomas Piketty’s thousand-page economics bestseller reduces capital to mere wealth — leaving out its political impact on social and economic relationships throughout history.
    Translated by Charles Goulden
  • ‘They should abandon their names and language’

    Long, sad history of Roma in Spain — Ismael Cortés and Cayetano Fernández

    The world has seen the Roma as an intrinsic part of Spanish life at least since Washington Irving wrote about them in the early 19th century. But Spain never regarded gitanos as citizens.
    LMD English edition exclusive
  • Who owns London now, and why

    The power of raw money — Rowland Atkinson, Roger Burrows and Simon Parker

    What is a city for? And more importantly, who is it for? London has become just a safe investment for the world’s rich — who barely live there.
    LMD English edition exclusive
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    Le Monde diplomatique, originally published in French, has editions in 25 other languages