February 2012

War on salaries, special report; Syria/Iraq and the rule of tyrants; Israel, kiss and tell; France’s nuclear rethink; Hungary, eyes right; Taiwan votes for business; North Korea’s smooth succession; Senegal, not six more years? protest Anonymous; the Revolution won’t be twittered; rice, food future... and more...
  • Tobin isn’t enough now — Serge Halimi

    Fifteen years ago, Le Monde diplomatique first mentioned a tax on financial transactions . At the time, the value of these transactions was 15 times the entire world’s gross annual product. Today, it is almost 70 times. Back then we had barely heard of subprime loans and no one imagined there could be a sovereign debt crisis in Europe. Most European socialists, under the spell of Tony Blair, were all for “financial innovation”. In the United States, Bill Clinton was about to encourage deposit (...)
    Translated by Barbara Wilson
  • The war on salaries

    Enough is enough — Sam Pizzigati

    US radicals came up a century ago with sound proposals for a maximum income, enforced through progressive taxation, to ensure that the rich couldn’t so easily buy political influence, as well as to adjust inequality
    Original text in English
  • Less pay for the workers * — Anne Dufresne

    Wages used to be none of the EU’s business. But following the German example, lower pay (or more hours for the same money) has become normalised, and is now required
    Translated by Charles Goulden
  • Jobs and wages * — Anne Dufresne

  • Trade trumps politics in China-Taiwan relationship

    Taiwan is open for business * — Martine Bulard

    There was relief in China, Taiwan and Washington in January when Taiwan’s outgoing president Ma Ying-jeou, who supports closer ties with mainland China, was re-elected with a comfortable majority. His opponent, Tsai Ing-wen from the Democratic Progressive Party, who seemed likely to topple him, favours formal independence for Taiwan
    Translated by Krystyna Horko
  • In search of a national identity * — Martine Bulard

  • Enduring symbols, the Kims’ three bodies

    North Korea’s dynastic succession — Bruce Cumings

    When North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-il, died, there was widespread concern about the consequences, especially in the West. But his son seems to have succeeded smoothly: the country will not collapse, implode or explode. The succession appears to be safe, and may last a long time
    Original text in English
  • End of an east european welfare state

    Hungary without safety nets * — G M Tamás

    Viktor Orbán and his rightwing government are interested only in a young and entrepreneurial middle class, conservative and nationalist. For everybody else, there is no encouragement or financial support
    Original text in English
  • Saddam and the Assad dynasty

    The competence of tyrants * — Joseph Sassoon

    The Ba’ath Party under Assad runs Syria as it ran Iraq under Saddam. An external invasion was needed to topple Saddam — will Assad fall of his own accord?
    Original text in English
  • France imports Somalia’s problems

    The pirate nobody wants — Rémi Carayol

    The idea seems good: try pirates where they’ve been taken after capture. But the trial of a group of Somalis brought in at the conclusion of an army raid was a political show
    Translated by Stephanie Irvine
  • ‘Don’t ever let the Palestinians feel at ease’

    Israel: a mission to disrupt * — Meron Rapoport

    In testimonies collected and published by the NGO Breaking the Silence, we learn what Israeli soldiers did, and were expected to do, in the West Bank and Gaza in the past decade, to impose the occupation
    Original text in English
  • A presidential candidacy too far

    Senegal falls behind the rest of Africa * — Sanou Mbaye

    Senegal’s constitutional court in late January cleared President Wade to stand for a third term in the coming elections. Protests swept the country at this news for, under Wade, a once prosperous economy has dropped behind that of its neighbours
    Translated by Charles Goulden
  • Revolution, social media, cyber protest

    Anonymous power * — Felix Stalder

    Wikipedia last month joined blackout protests against US anti-piracy moves. Now cyber protestors, safe in their anonymity, are able to gang together briefly in support of specific causes
    Translated by Stephanie Irvine
  • Live, on the Egyptian street — Navid Hassanpour

    It’s already the conventional view that new social media inspired and aided the Arab Spring, especially the Egyptian revolution. The reality was a little different
    Original text in English
  • Online disappointment — Smaïn Laacher and Cédric Terzi

    Young Tunisian bloggers who promoted and recorded the events of the Arab Spring now find that, without a common enemy, the social media are just a cacophony of divided and conflicting views
    Translated by Stephanie Irvine
  • Political and economic, as well as safety, issues

    France: is the future still nuclear? * — Tristan Coloma

    Nuclear power will be a key issue in France’s presidential election, following last year’s explosion at Marcoule and the Fukushima disaster in Japan. But in the world’s most nuclear-reliant country, not just safety is at stake
    Translated by Charles Goulden
  • How to control global food commodity trading

    Speculating on hunger * — Jean Ziegler

    Financial speculators invested in food futures even before the great crash of 2008, driving up food prices to dangerous levels. This can and must be stopped
    Translated by Stephanie Irvine
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  • LMD around the world

    Le Monde diplomatique, originally published in French, has editions in 25 other languages