September 2011

Libya after Gaddafi; Somalia’s distress; financial crisis, rule by the markets; Israel’s hint of spring; UK special: chav generation, a night of havoc , decline of the far right; US politics sold out to money; focus on Qatar, oil, gas and Al-Jazeera; Marrakesh given over to French celebs; Paris, la vie en rose… and more…
  • Hooked on debt — Martine Bulard

    China’s leaders, even in their wildest nationalist dreams, could not have imagined a more spectacular reversal of history than that the US should be chastened and no longer top of the (capitalist) class, appealing to China to bail it out and boost world growth.
    They can no longer resist the temptation to lecture the US, via the official news agency Xinhua, on the need to “cure its addiction to debt” (6 August 2011), and to assert that Beijing “has every right now to demand that the United (...)
    Translated by Barbara Wilson
  • Traditional negotiating systems may prevent breakdown

    How to make Libya work after Gaddafi * — Patrick Haimzadeh

    Gaddafi was defeated, as he had been sustained, by tribal affiliations and alliances as much as by the impromptu rebel uprising. Now he’s gone, tribal politics will be crucial to establishing a viable state
    Translated by George Miller
  • The markets you didn’t vote for control your governments

    Higher finance * — Ibrahim Warde

    Pre-crash free market ideology was only briefly out of favour. Although it was proved false and unviable, it soon returned to fill the void. Nobody knows any better — or can think any differently
    Translated by the author
  • Between famine and al-shabab

    Somalia’s agony — Glen Johnson

    Somalis, in growing numbers, are dying of famine after the severest of droughts. They are also the casualties of the conflict between al-Shabab and Somalia’s transitional government
    LMD English edition exclusive
  • ‘Up for it to cause havoc’ on the streets of London

    The poor against the poor * — Owen Jones

    The August riots in England may foreshadow far worse: they are the result of almost 30 years of deliberate destruction of a way of life and work that had a place for even the least-educated of young urban men
    Original text in English
  • Social geography of a night of plunder — Veronica Horwell

    In London last month every local uprising, or as a notice in a closed Clapham pub read, ‘social unrest’, had different origins and manifestations. And very few of them were riots
    LMD English edition exclusive
  • Le Pen stands for president, Griffin can’t get elected

    UK and France: far right’s opposing fortunes — K Biswas

    France’s Front National is pushing to become part of the political mainstream, while the UK’s British National Party has returned to the fringes
    LMD English edition exclusive
  • Lessons from Norway — K Biswas

    LMD English edition exclusive
  • Le Pen stands for president, Griffin can’t get elected

    Europe’s far right

  • Who are ‘the people’ and what is social justice?

    Selective indignation on the streets of Israel * — Yael Lerer

    Middle-class Israelis, aware they have lost social security and affordable housing, are protesting by pitching tents and demonstrating in city streets. But will they demand equality for all? For now, they seem intent only on their own lost privileges
    Translated by Charles Goulden
  • No media checks on election ad campaigns

    US democracy sold out * — Robert W McChesney and John Nichols

    A money-and-media election complex has transformed US politics, and taken it further and further away from a democracy functioning for the benefit of all. It is set to overwhelm the 2012 election
    Original text in English
  • Qatar, growth and diversification

    From oil to business tourism — Akram Belkaïd

    In just a few years Qatar has risen to the forefront of the global economic scene. Though the unexpected influence of the TV network Al-Jazeera can occasionally put Doha in a tight spot, the growth of this small Gulf emirate owes nothing to chance. Its rise is based on a long-term strategy that combines liberalism and free trade, development of its exceptional gas reserves and investment in new technologies
    Translated by Tom Genrich
  • Gas trump card — Jean-Pierre Séréni

    Qatar stands out in a region rich in oil, with the third largest natural gas reserves in the world, after Russia and Iran. This unique position puts it among the big international energy players, but also means costly investments
    Translated by Tom Genrich
  • What to do about Al-Jazeera? — Mohammed El-Oifi

    Al-Jazeera has great influence in the Arab world, now in ferment. And it is able to embarrass Qatar’s government by contradicting its diplomatic moves
    Translated by Tom Genrich
  • Ally of the United States

  • Morocco’s segregated housing and lifestyles

    Soft colonialism in Marrakesh * — Allan Popelard and Paul Vannier

    Over the past 20 years the beautiful people have gone from merely staying as tourists in Marrakesh’s hotels and palaces to buying second homes there, often right in its historic heart, the Medina. As a result, the city’s real citizens now come second to service industries
    Translated by Stephanie Irvine
  • Maxim Kantor: black images of a red century

    Vulcanus: a European history * — Maxim Kantor

    It takes a brave man to attempt a summary of a hundred years of Russian history in 71 drawings, but Maxim Kantor has taken up the challenge. One may or may not share his dark vision, but one cannot remain unaffected by it
    Images by Maxim Kantor, text by LMD editorial team
  • Craft shops have driven out more basic forms of life

    The Paris of our dreams * — Benoît Duteurtre

    Gentrified Paris is so charming it feels like a theme park. But the charmless, wonderful Hôtel-Dieu still cares for the sick in rooms that would cost a fortune if it were a hotel
    Translated by George Miller
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    Le Monde diplomatique, originally published in French, has editions in 25 other languages