March 2010

…financial crisis; Iraq’s internal lines; rise and rise of the Revolutionary Guards; Paraguay’s shaky democracy; Brazil’s bold moves; Bosnia’s victims speak…the end of newspapers; Palestine’s past in cartoons and movies; Tiger Woods and Jean Jacques… and more…
  • Next financial crisis is in public services

    Too big to fail — Serge Halimi

    States rescued the banks in country after country, neither asking nor getting anything in return. The banks are now using their newfound strength against the state, threatening to reveal the accounting tricks the banks themselves had recommended to hide some of the debt. After all, interest rates on loans are higher when the financial reputation of the state is in question.
    So Goldman Sachs first helped Greece to borrow billions of euros in secret, and then told it how to get round the (...)
    Translated by Barbara Wilson
  • How do we get 
out of here? — Frédéric Lordon

    Austerity is not the only way to make up for massive government debt and lack of revenue following self‑induced disasters in private finance. There are fairer ways to balance the books
    Translated by Charles Goulden
  • Dubai’s bid for the Guinness Book of Records * — Ibrahim Warde

    Dubai didn’t falter in its misplaced self-confidence all the way through the great global financial crash. And then the day of reckoning came for its years of flash and excess. Nobody knows what it really owes
    Translated by the author
  • The news in Greece — Valia Kaimaki

    Translated By Tom Genrich
  • Revolutionary guards control finance and repression

    Iran’s unelected power * — Behrouz Aref and Behrouz Farahany

    Iran’s Revolutionary Guards have been sustained in their political and financial ascendancy by their reputed ties to Ahmedinejad since his days as mayor of Tehran. But do they support him – or their own longer-term agenda?
    Translated by George Miller
  • Not their parents’ revolution — Shervin Ahmadi

    Translated by George Miller
  • Iraq: winners and losers

    Red line, green line * — Joost Hiltermann

    Before US combat troops leave Iraq, the most crucial policy question to be solved is settling the dividing line – and the possibilities for reconciliation – between the Kurds and the Arabs, especially those who have been forced to live together for decades
    Original text in English
  • Iraq’s sectarian war is over * — Nir Rosen

    As Iraqis went to the polls, the results were clear. Sunnis and secular Iraqis are the losers, the US has been both discomfited and superseded as the country’s ultimate power, and the region has been severely destabilised. Was it worth it?
    Translated by George Miller
  • Karadzic trial reminder of lives destroyed

    Bosnia’s rape victims struggle on — Rajeshree Sisodia

    As his trial resumed, Radovan Karadzic denied committing war crimes at Srebenica and Sarajevo. Yet almost 20 years after the war that destroyed former Yugoslavia, those whose lives were wrecked by rape still hope that their rapists will be tried and convicted
    LMD English edition exclusive
  • Bosnia’s war victims speak — Rajeshree Sisodia

  • Permanent coup d’etat in Paraguay

    Keeping it in the family * — François Musseau

    Two years ago a socially engaged bishop, Fernando Lugo, upset Paraguay’s long-running dictatorship instituted by Alfredo Stroessner, but with his hands tied by a corrupt judiciary, he has been unable to implement much-needed reform. And already Stroessner’s grandson waits in the wings
    Translated by George Miller
  • Lula Da Silva’s resources and ambition

    Brazil: we’ve got the power * — Lamia Oualalou

    Brazil wants to broker international diplomacy, host presidential missions and ignore the US. It now has serious economic sway in South America, and it is aiming for much more and much wider influence
    Translated by Charles Goulden
  • Journalists will have to reinvent their future

    The end of newspapers * — Marie Bénilde

    Revenue, jobs, and publications are disappearing annually in the West, and even if Rupert Murdoch manages to charge Google for news content, this trend will not reverse
    Translated by Stephanie Irvine
  • Palestine’s past remembered

    Haifa: planned death of a city * — Ilan Pappe

    In the city of Haifa, Zionist plans to create an Arab-free land through the expulsions of 1948 did not entirely succeed; the nature of the city is still ambiguous despite the deaths and destruction
    LMD English edition exclusive
  • Where it all began — Alain Gresh

    Britain adopted the Balfour Declaration on 2 November 1917, and this and other, contradictory, promises ensured the start, and continuation, of the Palestinian conflict
    LMD English edition exclusive
  • A people’s cartoon history of Gaza — Paul de Rooij

    LMD English edition exclusive
  • Palestine already exists on film — Sabah Haider

    Over the past 10 years a new wave of Palestinian filmmakers has constructed a specific national identity on screen. It is more directly political than the earlier film portrayals of Palestinian lives and stories
    LMD English edition exclusive
  • ‘Our greatest evils flow from ourselves’

    Tiger Woods’ true self — Robert Zaretsky

    The golfer was sincere but not authentic as he staged his confessions for the camera – in a tradition that goes right back to Rousseau’s invention of the confessional mode
    LMD English edition exclusive
  • Reunion, island experiment

    Integration success story in the Indian Ocean — Wilfrid Bertile

    Although Reunion may look like an island outgrowth of 
Europe in the Indian Ocean, its regional integration 
is a means to sustainable co-development
    Translated by Krystyna Horko
  • Island past

    Translated by Krystyna Horko
  • Reunion of worlds — Carpanin Marimoutou

    Translated by Stephanie Irvine
  • Creole: lost in translation — Axel Gauvin

    The debate about Creole as a language still fires up teachers and politicians
    Translated by Krystyna Horko
  • ‘Yes we can’ — Philippe Leymarie

    Reunion, in the southwest corner of the Indian Ocean, is a French Overseas Department with particular strengths. A rainbow population of 117,000 makes for a harmonious dialogue between cultures and religions. This, together with a well-established sugar industry, can help the island meet new challenges, including a modernised transport system, renewable energy and extending its regional influence
    Translated by Krystyna Horko
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    Le Monde diplomatique, originally published in French, has editions in 25 other languages