August 2009

…China’s wild west; South Africa, the Palestine connection; Darfur, the feelgood factor; comeback for the Sandinistas; undercover in Rio; Florida, down but not out; Madoff’s secrets and lies; adventures in a megacity… and more…
  • A very traditional coup — Maurice Lemoine

    The reaction was unanimous, from the Organisation of American States (OAS) to the UN, from the European Union to President Barack Obama. Everybody condemned, without qualification, the 28 June coup that deposed the Honduran head of state Manuel Zelaya, and removed him by force to Costa Rica. Miguel d’Escoto, president of the UN General Assembly, called for Zelaya to be reinstated without delay in the office and functions to which he had been appointed by the will of the people; no other (...)
    Translated by Barbara Wilson
  • Ethnic conflict erupts in Beijing’s ‘new frontier’

    China’s wild west — Martine Bulard

    With July’s violence in Urumqi following last year’s riots in Tibet, is China under threat in its frontier provinces? Xinjiang’s minorities, the Muslim Uyghurs in particular, face discrimination. Though their dislocation is more social and cultural than religious, without real autonomy Islamic fundamentalism is set to grow
    Translated by George Miller
  • Beijing shanghais the Central Asian republics * — Martine Bulard

    Translated by Robert Waterhouse
  • Xinjiang in figures *

  • Gaza, one more Bantustan

    Palestine: the view from South Africa * — Alain Gresh

    During the Gaza war, South Africa expressed strong solidarity with the Palestinians. No one here has forgotten the collaboration between Pretoria and Israel under apartheid, and many see parallels between the Palestinian situation today and that of black and coloured South Africans back in the days of white rule
    Translated by George Miller
  • Coalition puts action before understanding

    Darfur: the feelgood conflict * — Mahmood Mamdani

    In the US, through the Save Darfur Coalition, there has been more lobbying for Darfur than for Iraq, with Hollywood celebrities such as George Clooney to the fore. But if the cause is worthy, the campaign has knowingly preferred action to understanding
    Original text in English
  • Darfur, the history * — Mahmood Mamdani

  • A short history of the Sandinistas

    Nicaragua: revolution compromised * — Hernando Calvo Ospina

    It’s 30 years since the Sandinistas overthrew the last of the dictatorial Somoza dynasty. And since 2006 the Sandinistas have been back in power in Nicaragua. But did they sell out to their former enemies to regain government?
    Translated by Stephanie Irvine
  • ‘No one loves you but your dog’

    Rio’s lives of crime * — Raphael Gomide

    Rio de Janeiro’s military police have a record of brutality and corruption. One Brazilian journalist went undercover to see how the force was tackling the culture of violence
    Translated by Stephanie Irvine
  • Winners and losers in us economic crisis

    In Florida the grass is greener * — Olivier Cyran

    Florida has been hit by unemployment and home foreclosures. But its spirit of enterprise has not been quenched. In empty suburbs cannabis growing thrives, property agents find new bargain hunters and activists reclaim houses for homeless families
    Translated by Robert Waterhouse
  • Homeless in the sunshine state * — Olivier Cyran

  • Florida in figures  *

  • Madoff gets 150 years for multi-billion fraud

    A private invitation to ruin * — Ibrahim Warde

    Bernard Madoff has taken the secrets of his Ponzi scheme to his relatively comfortable new jail accommodation where he will spend the rest of his life. No one knows, and he isn’t telling, how long his fraud lasted, how much it netted and who was in it with him
    Translated by Robert Waterhouse
  • King of the sting * — Ibrahim Warde

  • Japan defeats fictional monsters

    Fighting Godzilla * — Odaira Namihei

    Japan’s disarmament following its defeat in the second world war has left it feeling vulnerable – even to UFOs. Films like Godzilla and manga cartoons express this sense of weakness and imagine a future where Japan controls its own destiny
    Translated by Stephanie Irvine
  • Hollywood’s elitist, anti-populist actor-director

    Clint: still good, bad and ugly * — Philippe Person

    Clint Eastwood has somehow joined the pantheon of great movie directors, with huge commercial success allied to art-house acclaim. Is this reputation justified?
    Translated by Robert Waterhouse
  • Adventures in a megacity

    Sorrows of the house of Oudh — Sam Miller

    LMD English edition exclusive
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    Le Monde diplomatique, originally published in French, has editions in 25 other languages