September 2008

...end of US age of denial; China’s second empire; the return of Russia; a Baghdad in Damascus; how Israel forgot its history; Bosnia’s black hole; Balkans Roma under threat… plus green and high; a Starck choice... and more...
  • Russia gets its act together — Serge Halimi

    The question of responsibility for the hostilities in the Caucasus shouldn’t worry us too much. Less than a week after Georgia’s invasion, two well-known French commentators said it was old stuff. An influential neo-conservative from the United States backed that view: knowing who started things “is not very important”, wrote Robert Kagan. “This war did not begin because of a miscalculation by Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili. It is a war that Moscow has been attempting to provoke for some (...)
    Translated by Robert Waterhouse
  • Russia sets limits to venturing on its borders

    The Georgian gamble fails  * — Jean Radvanyi

    Georgia’s decision to attack Tskinvali, the capital of secessionist South Ossetia, on 8 August was a miscalculation both of the support it might receive from the US and of Russia’s response. Russian troops on Georgian soil, followed by Moscow’s recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia as sovereign states, have put an old conflict on a dangerous new footing
    Translated by Robert Waterhouse
  • Second chance at command of the oceans

    China’s naval ambitions * — Olivier Zajec

    Five hundred years ago the obvious contender for dominance of the world’s oceans was the Chinese imperial exploration fleet, which was technologically centuries ahead of all its rivals. But the emperor decided to turn the nation’s back on the sea. The Chinese will not make the same mistake twice
    Translated by Krystyna Horko
  • The end of the American age of denial

    Welcome to the real world — Tom Engelhardt

    Tom Engelhardt was born in the US in 1944. He didn’t expect to make it to 2008. He expected even less the way that history has worked out for his nation
    Original text in English
  • Global debts undermine world hegemony

    US on the road to financial ruin * — Gérard Duménil and Dominique Lévy

    The US economy has pulled itself out of previous recessions because of access to easy credit. That won’t be possible in the present circumstances – and whoever is the incoming president will only be able to make marginal changes
    Translated by Robert Waterhouse
  • Iraqi refugees can’t go forward or back

    Syria doesn’t want to be a haven * — Theodor Gustavsberg

    Syria never quite intended to absorb so many fleeing from fighting and insecurity in its neighbouring country, Iraq. Even so, it willingly let in perhaps a million and a half people – there are no proper statistics. But what will happen to them in the long term?
    Translated by Stephanie Irvine
  • Zionist nationalist myth of enforced exile

    Israel deliberately forgets its history — Schlomo Sand

    An Israeli historian suggests the diaspora was the consequence, not of the expulsion of the Hebrews from Palestine, but of proselytising across north Africa, southern Europe and the Middle East
    Translated by Donald Hounam
  • Politics and economy stagnate in the Balkans

    The black hole of Bosnia  * — Jean-Arnault Dérens

    The young can’t be bothered to vote in elections, the old are destitute and only the professional politicians with profitable business connections are a going concern in Bosnia. There’s peace, but not much life for most citizens
    Translated by Donald Hounam
  • An international mess — Jean-Arnault Dérens

    Translated by Donald Hounam
  • Islam in Bosnia — Jean-Arnault Dérens

    Translated by Donald Hounam
  • Post-communism, post wars: life worsens for Gypsies

    Balkan Roma, people without a state * — Laurent Geslin

    The fall of communism and the break-up of the former Yugoslavia have left the Roma people, long settled throughout the Balkans and forming a strong part of the region’s identity, with few protectors. Many fled persecution and unemployment as refugees; others remain, underprivileged and under threat
    Translated by Krystyna Horko
  • A threat to democracy — Géraldina Colotti

    Translated by Krystyna Horko
  • Content providers in the information factory

    Foretaste of the new journalism * — Marie Bénilde

    Traditional media are shedding staff and those that remain, or are recruited, are expected to be multimedia performers, online 24/7 to titillate and amuse websurfers. What happened to journalism?
    Translated by Tom Hill
  • Write more, say less — Marie Bénilde

    Translated by Tom Hill
  • Tall and green, the new highrises

    The power of a tower  * — Philippe Bovet

    Suddenly the energy bill of a highrise building matters. Governments and companies can no longer ignore profligate consumption – not when a single public building can use more power than a whole energy-efficient city
    Translated by Stephanie Irvine
  • Less is better — Philippe Bovet

    Translated by Stephanie Irvine
  • All about things

    Philippe Starck and the objects of desire  * — Mona Chollet

    The irony-free Mr Starck believes he is contributing to the greenness and happiness of the world — just an old hippy having a sexy time designing. That’s not the way many of the rest of us view him
    Translated by Andrew Roads
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    Le Monde diplomatique, originally published in French, has editions in 25 other languages