- published: 31 Mar 2016
- views: 160159
A detonator is a device used to trigger an explosive device. Detonators can be chemically, mechanically, or electrically initiated, the latter two being the most common.
The commercial use of explosives uses electrical detonators or the capped fuse which is a length of safety fuse to which an ordinary detonator has been crimped. Many detonators' primary explosive is a material called ASA compound. This compound is formed from lead azide, lead styphnate and aluminium and is pressed into place above the base charge, usually TNT or tetryl in military detonators and PETN in commercial detonators.
Other materials such as DDNP (diazo dinitro phenol) are also used as the primary charge to reduce the amount of lead emitted into the atmosphere by mining and quarrying operations. Old detonators used mercury fulminate as the primary, often mixed with potassium chlorate to yield better performance.
Ordinary detonators usually take the form of ignition-based explosives. Whilst they are mainly used in commercial operations, ordinary detonators are still used in military operations. This form of detonator is most commonly initiated using safety fuse, and used in non time-critical detonations e.g. conventional munitions disposal. Well known detonators are lead azide, Pb(N3)2, silver azide (AgN3) and mercury fulminate [Hg(ONC)2].
Detonator II: Night Watch - Full Movie
How to make an Electric Detonator
Detonator - Thorpe Park
DETONATOR - Metal Folclore : full album
Detonator e As Musas do Metal no Estúdio Showlivre 2014 - Apresentação na íntegra
Escolinha do Detonator
Detonator E As Musas do Metal = entrevista épica
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Hi! Welcome to MrGear youtube channel. In this video I will show you how to make an electric detonator. Using the detonator, you can launch fireworks and homemade bombs. That is all folks I wished to share with you! Please subscribe to my YouTube channel with some more interesting video stories still waiting for you further on. ----------------------------------------------
This is a video of Detonator at Thorpe Park. It is the same video from the Thorpe Park website, but with the sound louder and more clear. Old theme tune!
Você já tentou fazer um pedido no Drive Thru do McDonalds CANTANDO ROCK? Não? Nós sim! Veja nesse vídeo especial que conta com a participação de Castanhari, Cocielo e Bruno Sutter (Detonator) Meu Facebook - http://facebook.com/fecastanhari Meu Instagram - http://goo.gl/qdliIC @fecastanhari Meu Twitter - http://goo.gl/A1AsOg @fecastanhari Meu SnapChat - FeCastanhari CANAIS QUE PARTICIPARAM DO VÍDEO Bruno Sutter - https://www.youtube.com/brunosutteroficial/ Amada Foca - https://www.youtube.com/amadafoca Cocielo - https://www.youtube.com/canalcanalha Igão - https://www.youtube.com/igaounderground
Detonator, acompanhado d'As Musas do Metal, apresenta seu primeiro álbum solo, Metal Folclore: The Zoeira Never Ends..., ao vivo no Estúdio Showlivre, dia 7 de outubro de 2014. #Curta a nossa página no Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/showlivre #Siga-nos no Twitter: https://twitter.com/showlivre #Veja e curta as nossas fotos no Instagram: http://instagram.com/showlivre #E tem muito + do Detonator e As Musas do Metal no showlivre.com: http://bit.ly/1rfUjbb +Showlivre, movido à música: http://showlivre.com/ Setlist: ____________ APRESENTAÇÃO 1. METALEIRO 2. BOITATÁ 3. METAL ZUMBI ______________ ENTREVISTA 4. CURUPIRA 5. MULA SEM CABEÇA 6. QUAL É O NEGÓCIO? __________________CHAMADA SHOWLIVRE 7. PEGASUS FANTASY 8. SACI 9. METAL IS THE LAW _______________ PERGUNTAS DOS FÃS 10. METAL BU...
Clipe oficial da música "Metaleiro" do "Detonator e as Musas do Metal" Música e letra: Bruno Sutter Vocal: Detonator Baixo: Juliana Farias Bateria: Iza Molinari Guitarra: Paula Carregosa Guitarra: Isa Nielsen Participações: Solo: Rafael Bittencourt Baixo: Felipe Andreoli Vocais: Thiago Bianchi INSCREVA-SE: http://migre.me/fFDP5 LOJA: http://www.lojadafoca.com.br APP PARA ANDROID: https://goo.gl/Q3BGnj APP PARA IPHONE: https://goo.gl/htzAQK SITE: https://www.amadafoca.tv FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/amadaface TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/amada_foca INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/amadafoca/ Direção e imagens: Gabriel Di Giacomo e Marcelo Botta Câmera adicional: Max Quaresma Montagem: Marcelo Botta http://www.facebook.com/amadaface http://www.twitter.com/amada_foca
chupem todos os grandes vocalistas de metal. DETONATOR MITANDO
Detonator e as musas do metal.
Mine sweep my soul, ready to blow
Looks like it's time to give in
My fuse?s blown, beaten and torn
Over the edge, now it begins
You were my detonator
Two as one, falling down
Descending into the unknown
Shut your eyes, look inside
Shocked, but it's too late to leave
Scream for revenge, foaming with rage
Too late for all apologies
You were my detonator
Two as one, falling down
Descending into the unknown
Broken hope, in succession of
Broken words, I had put my faith in you
Stolen truth, so shocked by you
Stolen truth, deception in the extreme
You were my detonator
Two as one, falling down