#2. International Incident - Part 1: Bodydonnas vs. The Smoking Gunns (July 21, 1996) - HGC [CENSOR]
This is the [CENSORED] version of our
International Incident 96 podcast.
WWE and YouTube have blocked the video and audio on it, so here it is. If you want to watch the [UNCENSORED] version, please go to our Vimeo
Dan and
Shane commentate on
WWF In Your House 9: International Incident '96.
First match is a tag-team match:
The Bodydonnas vs.
The Smoking Gunns.
Match starts at around 2:31.
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjD_gwXu8o-hnGYS6qDXtkA
Facebook likes: https://www.facebook.com/hoorsghost
Twitter follows: https://twitter.com/hoorsghost
Vimeo chanel: http://vimeo.com/channels/hoorsghost
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Ghost Commentators are:
Hulk Hogdan
Shane "
The Demon" Wil