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  • Light shed on 60 Minutes 'darkest hour'

    30 May 2016

    Last week Channel Nine released its much anticipated review into the 60 Minutes Beirut bungle and veteran producer Stephen Rice was shown the door. Did he pay the price for everyone's failures? Read more »

  • Nine's week of apologies, part two

    30 May 2016

    Channel Nine's second apology of the week was to NRL player Cameron Smith over allegations made on 60 Minutes in 2015. So why was it The Footy Show that said sorry? Read more »

  • Falling for PR tricks

    30 May 2016

    Vaporware is a product announced by a manufacturer that doesn't actually exist. So why does the media keep falling for this obvious marketing ploy? Read more »

  • Secrecy laws here to stay?

    23 May 2016

    Friday's AFP raids strike at the heart of the public's right to know. But governments aren't prepared to change our secrecy laws. Read more »