The history and possible future of the
European UNIONS.
Welcome to the Gradualreport
... Today The European Union Because its about time we understood what it means.
In the
1940's the entire world was at war and people were killing each other because they had different ideas about who was the boss.
Germany was like I'm the boss...
Italy was no like I'm the boss...
England was like, I was the boss you can't be the boss...
Japan was like im going to be the new boss...
And france was like I like cheese...
And then pearl
Harbor and then
America was like
WTF WORLD check out this
And everyone was like
Dude we need to chill the F out so cold war.
In that enviroment The french and teh germans were like coal and steel production should be regulated by a supra-national, not inter-governmental
High athority face. to create a unified tarrif and ease trade.
Germany was like great idea france lets... and in
1957 the European economic Commision was formed alng with the European
Atomic Commmision.
The Commision slowly started to reduce tarrifs and increase movement of labor and goods and capital to those who were apparty to it and then they were like this is workign so well with steel and coal and atoms lets add agriculture to it.
so in
1965 the
European community was creaded to over see the growing comunity and eventually got to be so big they were like were more like a union then a community so in December of
1991 they all voted and added things to a tready and were like dude we are so a union right now we should have our own money.
Jan 1
1999 the
Euro was made and the people that were part of the union had to change there money to the Euro...
Denmark was like no way dude we like the Krone like way too much we out...
Then they were liek we should add more people to the
Union to make it stronger and so they started adding people and it made them weaker because there wan't enough Euros for everyone to buy stuff.
Greece was liek just print more euros and italy was like yeah just more and i get some
.. and egermany was like NINE... hahehehe.
I mean ... Come on guys if you print more the ones i have is not worht as much, and I worked hard for these...
Final sumation: The European Union is like the
United States, if the states were countries and there was no constitution. Like most things under construction, it's hard to visualize the compleated mechanisum , but that dosen't mean it won't work...
it dosen't mean it will work either...
I love you my little lemon drops ..
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The gradualreport is a human experiment in comedy focusing on; human interactions, human phobias, animal news, giant world events, and scientific non-achievement. These things are distilled through the mind of a weird, smart, eccentric young man named
Danny Grozdich and funny is the result.
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- published: 14 Oct 2011
- views: 64180