- published: 19 Mar 2016
- views: 282275
Viktor Orbán (Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈorbaːn ˈviktor]; born 31 May 1963) is a Hungarian jurist and politician who has been Prime Minister of Hungary since 2010 and the president of the national conservative ruling party Fidesz from 1993 to 2000 and since 2003. Previously he also served as Prime Minister from 1998 to 2002.
Having earned a law degree, Orbán entered politics in the wake of the Revolutions of 1989 as a key figure of the radical student movement. He became a nationally known politician after his powerful speech at the reburial of Imre Nagy and other '56 martyrs on 16 June 1989. Following the transition to democracy in 1990, he was elected to the National Assembly for the first time and functioned as leader of his party's parliamentary caucus until 1994. Under his party leadership, Fidesz gradually transformed itself from a "radical liberal force" into a center-right people's party by 1994. Fidesz gained power at first in 1998, with electing Orbán as Prime Minister, who governed Hungary in a right-wing coalition government. During his appointment, he became the country's second youngest premier ever. Orbán narrowly lost the 2002 national election to the Hungarian Socialist Party (MSZP), and became Leader of the Opposition. The Fidesz lost the 2006 election too, despite two defeats in a row, Orbán was able to maintain the position of party president.
Victor Orban gives historic speech and appears to be putting Hungary on a war footing. The earlier video posted here was correct, but the titles were applied to the wrong part of the same speech. This should be correct now.
Please disregard my piss-poor editing skills and the overall quality of this video. I have never felt the need to make a youtube video before, except now, when I feel my very nation is being threatened by a disgusting international liberal hate campaign. I had to do something. Say something, and use whatever meagre means I had at my disposal. Everyone should do this! Fear and apathy will defeat us otherwise. Everyone! Learn the facts! Long live democracy, free speech. And long live revolution.
Link to full text: http://bit.ly/SR1111 Good Morning, I’m still reporting on the invasion. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is rapidly becoming one of the leading figures in what he has termed New Europe. The more I see of Orban, the more I like him. Orban defines New Europe as those nations in Central and Eastern Europe who were formerly under the grip of the Soviet Union in 1989-1990. Hungary declared its independence on Oct. 23, 1989. These nations have been trying to rebuild their economies after 50 years of destruction under state socialism. Consequently, New Europe has been more open to new ideas - of necessity - whereas, the core members of the European Union, Germany, France, Italy, etc., are considered to be Old Europe, and are still – whether they acknowledge it or not – ...
This is the press conference in Budapest on February 8, 2016, between Viktor Orbán and Polish Prime Minister, Beata Szydlo. They discuss economic cooperation, migration, and Visegrad 4 plans before the EU Summit next week. At the end, Viktor Orbán also makes an explicit stand that he will not tolerate unfair ((liberal)) attacks against the Prime Minister and Poland.
A tribute to Prime Minister Orban Viktor of Hungary, defender of all nation states in the EU.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán says he expects at least 3 other European nations, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia to follow Hungary’s October referendum to reject the EU’s migrant quotas. “If the Hungarian referendum in October proves to be successful, that might lead to a tsunami of referendums across Europe and will crack the EU even more,” said Orbán. On Oct. 2, as many as 5 million Hungarians are expected to vote on the question: “Do you want the European Union to be entitled to prescribe the mandatory settlement of non-Hungarian citizens in Hungary without the consent of parliament?” Orbán’s political party, Fidesz considers the referendum to be a “… matter of life and death as the future of Hungary is at stake.” Hungarian politicians have come to a consensus that the...
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban holds press conference in Austria stating there are two reasons he asked Austrian Chancellor, Werner Faymann, to meet him: Relations between Austria and Hungary and the refugee situation affecting both countries.
There are only two politicians at this time that are not blinded by political correctness and see things the way they are. One is Viktor Orban the Hungarian Prime Minister and the other is Donald Trump Presidential Candidate.
Video Chat: http://tinychat.com/thethirdposition Twitter: https://twitter.com/Third_Position "FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes, to advance understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’...
EN - Electric "joint" press conference by Martin Schulz and by Viktor Orbán, Hungarian Prime Minister, on the refugee crisis - "Fortress Hungary: is this the European way to go?" - Full Q&A;, part in English - 03.09.2015 - European Parliament, Brussels. ZDF.de: "A question for you both, Mister Orbán, can you tell us what your strategy is concerning the refugees who are in Budapest now, who have been at the train station, who have been kicked out, and then let in again, and cannot travel further on ? (...)" Viktor ORBAN, Hungarian Prime Minister: "We have to register everybody, we can't let anybody from Hungary go to Austria or Germany without being registered. So it's not strategy, it's law enforcement that is going on. But you know, just between us, the problem is not a European problem,...
http://www.youtube.com/user/ThiefTimeless2 www-youtube-com-user-ThiefTimeless2 http://twitter.com/ThiefTimeless twitter-com-ThiefTimeless Viktor Orbán im ORF-Interview September 2015 Ungarns Ministerpräsident Viktor Orbán hat dem ORF ein Exklusiv-Interview zur Flüchtlingskrise gegeben. Ungarn setzt in dem Bereich weiter - wie auch Australien - auf Abschreckung, denn die meisten sind Wirtschaftsmigranten. Es sei menschlich und moralisch nicht richtig, Flüchtlingen “falsche Hoffnungen” zu machen, sagte er in Brüssel. Deutschland hatte in der vergangenen Woche entschieden, Syrer nicht mehr in die EU-Ankunftsländer zurückzuschicken. Diese Regelung ist Teil des Dublin-Abkommens. Ungarn lässt mehrere Hundert Flüchtlinge nicht weiterreisen. “Es gibt eine Lösung: Wenn Deutschland sie wirklich ei...
In an unusual visit to the European Parliament in Strasbourg on Tuesday, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban launched a sharp attack on MEPs after they criticized the state of democracy in Hungary. Orban strongly defended his government's record as the Parliament presented a report calling Budapest to remove constitutional changes that some claim limit democracy and basic rights in Hungary. He called the report 'politically motivated' and a 'threat to Europe'. 'The report is very unfair vis-a-vis Hungary, very unfair vis-a-vis the people of Hungary. You are applying double standards in this report, there's no recognition of certain enormous efforts that have been deployed in Hungary in order to help modernize the country. This is simply forgotten, denied', said Hungary's prime Minister V...
Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, discusses the approach his government is taking to the economic situation in Europe and how he believes the solution to many of the continent's problems lies in embracing traditional values and recognizing the importance of the nation-state. Chatham House is consistently ranked as one of the world’s leading policy institutes. Based in London, with a full-time staff of over 150 and 125 Associate Fellows, it provides rigorous and independent analysis on how to build a sustainably secure, prosperous and just world. Our website: https://www.chathamhouse.org Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Chathamhouse Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/chatham-house Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChathamHouse
This is an edited version of PM Viktor Orbán's annual ceremonious speech for Hungary's National Holiday on March 15th. In it, he discusses the migrant crisis and the "hidden powers" that are controlling the tides and seeking Europe's ruin. He urges all Europeans to unite and fight back against their planned destruction. You may notice by Orbán's soaked hair how heavily it was raining that day...
Interview mit Orbán Viktor in Valletta - Malta 2015.11.11 (Teil 1.)
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's unbridled and critical speech during Monday's plenary session of Parliament, after Friday's Islamic terror attacks in Paris that killed over 130 people. PM Orbán calls for a complete restructuring of European politics and lists four commandments. Central to his policies are the protection of EU borders and the security of European citizens.
Viktor Orban interview on EU Hungary and Croatia
Hungary's PM Viktor Orban's Interview on Lithuanian Armed Forces Day in Vilnius 23 11 2014. Pretty accurate translation: "It wasn't an easy decision because nobody is sitting on piles of money these days but in the current situation when NATO is being challenged, there is a war in Ukraine, the whole region is tense and nervous, spending on security is becoming a priority. Participating in this military exercise is important to us, it's partly a question of honour, partly because soldiers need international comparison. Hungary will be in the first group in fulfilling its Nato commitments. Hungary has historic experiences (with Russia), we had a common border with the Soviet Union which didn't make us too happy, so our elementary interest is to always have something between us and Russia, th...
Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic hosted his Hungarian counterpart Viktor Orban in Belgrade on Monday, for a round of bilateral talks reportedly focusing on the mechanisms of preventing a possible new wave of refugees taking the so-called Balkans route. SOT, Viktor Orban, Hungarian Prime Minister (Hungarian): "Considering how weak the agreement between Germany and Turkey is, we cannot exclude the fact that soon we may face the same problems as last year. We want to maintain the results we achieved last year and we cannot allow the law to be broken, including illegal border crossings." *TRANSLATION AT SOURCE* SOT, Aleksandar Vucic, Serbian Prime Minister (Serbian): "We have to prepare ourselves for autumn and winter because even now we have about 5,000 migrants on Serbian territory...
Premijer Mađarske Viktor Orban predvodi delegaciju koja dolazi u ponedaljak u radnu posetu Srbiji. B92 saznaje da ce jedna od glavnih tema sastanka , uz migrantsku krizu i pitanja bezbednosti, biti i prehrambena industrija.
Fragment wykładu Grzegorza Brauna w którym odpowiada na pytanie jego słuchacza na temat premiera Węgier. Grzegorz Braun opowiada jak działa Vicor Orban mimo niezprzyjającego otoczenia. Dodaje że może być on wzorem dla Polaków. Następnie komentuje polskie organizacje narodowe. Uważa że oni są zbyt daleko od kościoła katolickiego. ► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Sercepoprawej ► Google+: https://plus.google.com/+SercepoprawejTV Tagi: polityka, sejm, parlament, rząd, partia, politycy, janusz korwin-mikke, jkm, grzegorz braun, przemysław wipler, stanisław michalkiewicz, marian kowalski, rafał ziemkiewicz, andrzej duda, beata szydło, jarosław kaczyński, paweł kukiz, pis, narodowcy, ciekawe rozmowy polityczne, masakruje, prawica, polska, węgry, polak węgier
This is a cut version of Viktor Orbán's nearly 60-minute long speech at the Fidesz Congressus in mid-December, 2015. He discusses Hungarian issues, plans for .
Thank you Green Infidel for the translation from English to Polish. This is Viktor Orban's historic speech of March 15 2016 with Polish subtitles. This is Viktor . This is an edited version of PM Viktor Orbán's annual ceremonious speech for Hungary's National Holiday on March 15th. In it, he discusses the migrant crisis . This is a cut version of Viktor Orbán's nearly 60-minute long speech at the Fidesz Congressus in mid-December, 2015. He discusses Hungarian issues, plans for .
Link to full text: Good Morning, I'm still reporting on the invasion. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is rapidly becoming one of the .
Forum Ekonomiczne w Krynicy Zdrój 06.09.2016 r.
Tematy: Imigranci, Brexit, Unia Europejska, Kryzys Przywództwa w Europie, Wartości Europejskie, Humanizm, Grupa Wyszehradzka, Władza w Europie...i wiele, wiele więcej! Marcin Rola: Zapraszamy... www.wrealu24.pl Subskrybuj: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjFvWMiZnEtdPAD008RzYPA Polub na Facebooku: https://www.facebook.com/Marcin-Rola-MIKROBLOG-563477963699889/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MarcinRola89
This is a cut version of Viktor Orbán's nearly 60-minute long speech at the Fidesz Congressus in mid-December, 2015. He discusses Hungarian issues, plans for the future, and speaks at length about the fate of Europe and the European Union. He talks about the EU starting from 12:24 (We will protect Hungarians from criminals, terrorists, and illegal immigrants.)
Premier Beata Szydło spotkała się w poniedziałek w Budapeszcie z premierem Viktorem Orbanem. Wśród tematów rozmów znalazły się m.in. kwestia brytyjskich postulatów dot. reformy UE, kryzys migracyjny oraz polsko-węgierska współpraca gospodarcza. Więcej informacji: https://www.premier.gov.pl/wydarzenia/aktualnosci/spotkanie-premier-beaty-szydlo-z-premierem-viktorem-orbanem.html Na naszym profilu znajdziesz m.in. fragmenty najciekawszych konferencji i wystąpień szefa rządu. Bądź na bieżąco -- subskrybuj nasz kanał: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=kancelariapremiera
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Źródło: tvp
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban about EU migrants crisis. How to solve EU migrants crisis. Stay in EU or leave EU. "This is not a refugee crisis! This is a migratory movement with economic migrants, refugees and foreign fighters." "Europe is not able to accept everyone who wants a better life" "Listen to the people, defend Europe" Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European commission, tries to introduce some levity by calling the Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban a 'dictator'. His joke was made amid growing unease over the policies of Orban's rightwing government, which critics say is becoming increasingly authoritarian How to solve EU migrants crisis? Hungarian Prime Minister Rocks Best speech by Hungarian Prime Minister