
Martin Don: Public Health and Social Justice


Ian Hudson: Fair Trade, Sustainability and Social Change

'This is an excellent new work and a must read for anyone interested in trade justice and, its antithesis, corporate dominance of the world trading system. The book is broad in its depth, intellectually scrupulous, and a pleasure to read. The authors offer thought-provoking new insights and the challenging conclusion that, despite many bumps on Read more…

Mike Marqusee: Street Music: poems by Mike Marqusee

The poems, including the long sequence, “Multiple Myeloma, a suite”, weave together personal and political themes, home thoughts and thoughts from abroad. Comment on Street Music “Mike Marqusee’s Street Music is a kind of manifesto for the London streets, a noisy republic where the sun ‘sprawls in the street like a lazy cat’ and ‘Lorca’s Read more…

Terri Lee: Dissenting Electorate: Those Who Refuse to Vote and the Legitimacy of Their Opposition

   "Dissenting Electorate: Those Who Refuse to Vote and the Legitimacy of Their Opposition"  BOOK DESCRIPTION: It's the same message every election year: "Get out and vote–It's your civic duty." Those who audit the sound bites of the candidates, read headlines about the debates and finally pull the lever at their local precinct are touted Read more…

Cindy Milstein: Paths toward Utopia: Graphic Explorations of Everyday Anarchism

Consisting of ten collaborative picture-essays that weave Cindy Milstein’s poetic words within Erik Ruin’s intricate yet bold paper-cut and scratch-board images, Paths toward Utopia suggests some of the here-and-now practices that prefigure, however imperfectly, the self-organization that would be commonplace in an egalitarian society. The book mines what we do in our daily lives for Read more…

Terri Lee: Consent to Tyranny: Voting in the USA

  Consent to Tyranny: Voting in the USA by Mark E Smith DESCRIPTION: Voting in US elections accomplishes exactly the opposite of what most voters want. These essays explain why it is better not to vote than to consent to tyranny. REVIEW: The chronicles of an an activist for freedom battling the advocates of "democracy" Read more…

Terri Lee: Consent to Tyranny: Voting in the USA

Consent to Tyranny: Voting in the USA  by Mark E Smith   Voting in US elections accomplishes exactly the opposite of what most voters want. These essays explain why it is better not to vote than to consent to tyranny. LINK:

David Cromwell: Why Are We The Good Guys?

One of the unspoken assumptions of the Western world is that we are great defenders of human rights, a free press and the benefits of market economics. Mistakes might be made along the way, perhaps even tragic errors of judgement such as the 2003 invasion of Iraq. But the prevailing view is that the West Read more…

Eddie Girdner: Sweet Home Mississippi (Part 1)

Chapter One: Descent into Hell Ted Grover peered through the windshield of his aging Volvo down the long straight road ahead. He had been driving the old car since six thirty in the morning and his eyes were growing somewhat weary as he neared the approach to the California desert. It was a long way Read more…

Aaron Krei: Student Power

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