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Recent Comments

David Tettodoro: The right to intervene
Indeed, Prasad once knew it in the *Libyan* context: "The Revolt, in earnest, tried to match the…
Stanley Heller: The right to intervene
The rebels tried to "elicit state violence" in Syria to get international protection? The facts are otherwise. The people…
Matt Grind: The Bernie Question – We Should Innovate not Debate
Actually, I think it would be better for Bernie to demand this referendum as you say, and threaten to run…
Matt Grind: The Bernie Question – We Should Innovate not Debate
Very interesting suggestion Micheal. I hope Bernie considers something along these lines. :)
Tom Johnson: When Soldiers Resist
So great to see Substance - and George Schmidt - still in circulation.
Tom Johnson: When Soldiers Resist
In addition to these many cases of individual actions, we can never underestimate the value of Vietnam Veterans Against the…
Tom Johnson: Building Trust in Afghanistan
Trust can never be built wthout changing concrete conditions. The U.S. must take these two steps before anything else:…
Kim Scipes: When Soldiers Resist
Adding to Rory's account, George Schmidt and I published a tribute to Donald Duncan, one of the first US military…
Kim Scipes: When Soldiers Resist
Adding to Rory's account.... George Schmidt and I published a tribute to Donald Duncan, one of the first veterans…
Kelvin Yearwood: Protests Intensify, Spread Across France as Workers Refuse Submission
There is a lot riding on this in Europe. The French are the main, recognised source of…
James: Failing Ourselves?
A real change to what ? To what? What,what,what what what? Only seven what's , I'm obviously not very…
Mark Evans: Failing Ourselves?
Hi Paul, You write, "I do think the language could do with sounding less technical-bureaucratic".…
H H: Failing Ourselves?
Even after 2008/9, the majority of people (including the latte-sipping "leftist" "activists") living in the Western imperial homeland are still…
Matt Grind: Protests Intensify, Spread Across France as Workers Refuse Submission
Keep it up workers! Vive La France!
Ed Lytwak: The Center Doesn’t Hold
One should not mistake the symptoms – political parties – for the disease, the illegitimacy of representative forms of governance.…
Robert Esbrandt: A Five-Point Plan for Sanders Going Forward
The moment bernie endorses her he will be tossed aside like every other progressive. Its time for the Neoliberals and…
Tom Johnson: A Five-Point Plan for Sanders Going Forward
Yet another hollow delusional plan that pretends that the Sanders campaign can be used to "reform" the neoliberal Democratic Party.…
Ed Lytwak: On Humans and Gods
Humans created gods out of respect for our connection to a natural world filled with spirits - a horizontal spirituality.…
Peter Warner: “Looking Forward” Comes to Hiroshima
An apology from Obama for the U. S bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki would immediately call into question everything he's…
James: The Bernie Question – We Should Innovate not Debate
I think the third last sentence is the key to this piece. Smashing the state, Inreckon, like right now,…
John Vincent: The Bernie Question – We Should Innovate not Debate
You ask: Who worries that if Clinton’s approach to the national election ignores or scapegoat the white males supporting Trump,…
Thom Burlington: Seeds of suicide
Good work!
Peter Warner: The Democratic Platform Committee Now Has a Progressive Majority. Thanks, Bernie Sanders.
Really? Carol Browner, Howard Berman, advisers to Gore and Obama, et al. ad nauseum, progressive? The writer must…
Ed Lytwak: The Bernie Question – We Should Innovate not Debate
Danny Haiphong had a good take on this question in remarks to the Black Agenda Report panel at the Left…
barbara goddard: The Democratic Platform Committee Now Has a Progressive Majority. Thanks, Bernie Sanders.
Can someone please correct the error here. This article was definitely NOT written by Dick Nichols, but by somebody called…
Joel Isaacs: Hammering for Peace
Thank you for a most moving account of actions towards peace. It led me to sense drones more deeply for…
Max: Corbyn and Sanders Reigniting Democratic Socialism
I long for men like JS Woodsworth, Stanley Knowles and Tommy Douglas. I long for a political party with a…
Tom Johnson: The Democratic Platform Committee Now Has a Progressive Majority. Thanks, Bernie Sanders.
I don't understand this article at all. While Bernie Sanders was able to appoint a significant…
Rick Langtree: Media Wars: The Role of the Left When Venezuela’s Imperfect Revolution is Under Attack
And, needs reminding, life for most in Venezuela was no bed of roses pre-Chavez, when the forebears of today's counterevolutionaries…
David Jones: Labor’s Sell-Out and the Sanders Campaign
A huge,defining fight looms on the horizon when it comes to climate change. The so-called Blue/Green Alliance is where I…
David Jones: Activism and vision: an interview with Michael Albert
I think this notion of "baggage" is a critical, and neglected, area for more reflection. The metaphor suggests we could…
patrick howlett-martin: Brazil Coup: The First of Many Blows Against the People
please, how I might get in touch with the author? ([email protected])
patrick howlett-martin: From Greece to Brazil: the challenge of forging a socialist alternative
how I might get in touch with the authors? ([email protected])
patrick howlett-martin: Brazil: A Pyrric Victory and What Comes Afterwards
how I might get in touch with the author? ([email protected])
patrick howlett-martin: BRAZIL: Call to Impeach Dilma Not As Popular As Portrayed
how I might get in touch with the author?([email protected])
Tom Johnson: Labor’s Sell-Out and the Sanders Campaign
Thanks for this history. Perhaps Buhle could also do a capsule history of SDUSA, as it has been central to…
Glenn Fritz: Hillary Clinton’s Neocon Resumé
The Powers That Be want the immigrants both HERE and ILLEGAL. That way minimum wage law violations…
Chris Reed: Black And Latino Students Lose Out To White Peers. And It’s Getting Worse
While we do have an issue of school segregation by race in Wva., the phenomenon of unequal access to school…
Thom Burlington: Fukushima Flunks Decontamination
Thank you for your research - very disturbing.
Max: Snowden laughs off CIA’s ‘mistaken’ destruction of secret torture report
Thanks Ed for sharing your insight and experience .
Robert Graf: On (Not) Loving Henry Kissinger
Kissinger avoids the opprobrium of the political class because by definition, America is a great nation that acts with only…
D.J. Buschini: In Exit Poll Dispute, It’s WH Deputy Tech Chief v. the Commercial Press
Sources: 1. Jonathan D. Simon, Code Red: Computerized Election Theft and the New American Century at http://codered2014.com/…
Charles Ho: On (Not) Loving Henry Kissinger
Excellent summary of a man we should all loath.
Thom Burlington: Almost a death knell for the human species
Yes to everything Noam says, except I don't see a choice between Clinton or Trump - neither will make a…
Rick Langtree: Against the Crowdfunding Economy
It's probably trite to say, but how about public-funding infrastructure, etc., and crowdfund the bombs - or a new hospital…
Glinda Magallon: In Just One Day, Brazil’s Post-Coup President Sent the Country Back Decades
เช่นเดียวกับเทศมนตรี Www.youtube.com ข้าวของหลังจากตรงนั้นเจ้าก็ปลงใจนินทาความ Www.youtube.com ที่อยู่ประกอบด้วยบุญมันแข็งเป็นข้อความรับผิดชอบสิ่งรับประทานเขตจะชดใช้ในที่เหตุ https://Www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PipFvPO3aA แห่งหนเคลื่อนตรงหน้านงคราญกล่าวสุนทรพจน์ติเตียนแต่ถ้าว่างาน Www.youtube.com แก้คำถามเครื่องใช้งวดแรกก็ยังกระดิกมารควิธีการแม้นางสาวความชนะเข้ากับเบาบางผู้
James: Failing Ourselves?
But I must say one thang. I find that nothing Michael Albert is advocating militates against organising. In fact,…
James: Failing Ourselves?
Ha, took the words right out of my mouth. One would think after 150 years since say, the Paris Commune…
Tomislav B: What Is Wrong With Us?
I'll tell you. The demand for instantly free articles seems to be the same type of demand…
Matt Grind: What Is Wrong With Us?
Hi Michael, I just want to say thank you for all your efforts over the years.…
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