- published: 25 Feb 2016
- views: 6239
A 4K Tour of Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX) (2/20/2016)
MVP.Phx vs Mineski,MGPL 2016,game 1
MVP.Phx vs Mineski,MGPL 2016,game 3
Airbus 320 landing PHX flight deck view.
PHX Sky Train - Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
MVP.Phx vs Power Gaming,MGPL 2016
PHOENIX AZ RAPPER - Ride & Die In The PHX - Young Ridah - Feat. Lisa Fine
Downtown Phoenix Arizona - Phx AZ Downtown Highlights
Phx Am 2016: Video Recap
OG vs MVP.Phx, TI6 Мейн Ивент, Верхняя сетка, Игра 3
(Airport tour #55. For a full list of my airport tours, see https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYtyZPMUWeI9041CFmsThscnubE7A1rNE .) Here is a 4K tour of Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport's Terminal 4. PHX is the 10th busiest airport in the US, and both AA and WN have a major presence here. Hope you enjoy, and watch in 2160p if you can!
-- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/dota2ruhub
-- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/dota2ruhub
Run of the mill landing on runway 8 KPHX. GoPro Hero.
PHX Sky Train - Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
-- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/dota2ruhub
Young Ridah - Ride & Die In The PHX Feat. Lisa Fine - Produced By Syra Quse - Directed By 85 Fresh Films This song/album is now available on I-TUNES! Click the link! https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/ride-die-in-the-phx/id727163394?i=727163674 Follow Me @RidahIsGutta Follow Lisa Fine @MissLisaFine LIKE the FACEBOOK Page @ http://www.facebook.com/pages/Young-Ridah/225831084110224 Download Link: http://www.datpiff.com/Trey-Gutter--Phoenixhiphopnet-Presents-heat-Warning-mixtape.377269.html
Phoenix Arizona is one the countries most sought after relocation destinations. With our downtown area featuring both homes of the Arizona Diamondbacks and Phoenix Suns, it offers night life, shopping, high end retail stores as well as plenty of shopping malls. There are many High Rise Condo communities located in downtown Phoenix, all of which, are adjacent to our Light Rail System that makes transportation easy! We have several historic districts in the downtown area as well. Not to mention plenty of single family homes, town houses and patio home communities sure to appease any and all home buyers.
Every year the hottest ams in the biz get busy in the desert sun... and every year things get gnarlier. Congrats to winner Zion Wright. The future looks bright. Keep up with Thrasher Magazine here: http://www.thrashermagazine.com http://www.facebook.com/thrashermagazine http://www.instagram.com/thrashermag http://www.twitter.com/thrashermag
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Petit fragmovie Pow Pow Pow ;) Bon visionnage. D'autres vidéo de la Team PHX: Jhonson: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzf29UvSAHco8vooA_rvCLg Neko: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgiKp6DQQZzKo7FNG5Aarpg Site de la Team: http://llrp.mtxserv.fr/accueil.html Mattduchap: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJT3Sw13RoRP0DXU3VzvifQ Musique: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzU5Q4uI3iw
(ปรับ1080HD)เพื่อความชัดน๊ะครัช ::: Ran Online TH ::: Sv. Shinjuku ::: Cr. ๑-หมูสะเต๊ะ-๑
Opponents want a vote on the November ballot for the Desert Discovery Center. ◂ ABC15 is your destination for Arizona breaking news, weather, traffic, streaming video and in-depth coverage to keep you informed throughout the day. Our mission is simple. ABC15 is Taking Action to make Arizona an even better place to live. For more download the ABC15 mobile app: iPhone: http://bit.ly/iOS-knxv Android: http://bit.ly/knxv-android
Just wanna thank each and everyone one of you wonderful people for following me on my travel experiences and journeys! 👍
-- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/dota2ruhub
-- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/dota2ruhub
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-- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/dota2ti_ru
Hey guys welcome to my fourth full flight video!! First of all, this video is very long and feel free to skip any boring parts. This was all the way back in April when I went from JFK- PHX!! This was a VERY TURBULENT FLIGHT. I would say the first three out of the six hours had lots of turbulence due to STRONG WINDS out of the NW. The Flight time was around seven hours due to a LONG ATC DELAY on the ground. The winds were also gusting to 35KTS on departure. I was also very lucky to be able to fly on Delta's new Boeing 757-200 (S) which has the new updated interior!! Hope you enjoy as much as I did!! Don't forget to comment, rate, like, and subscribe for more videos!! Some info: Airline: Delta Aircaft: Boeing 757-200 Route: JFK - PHX Flight number: 422 Call sign: DL 422 Tail # / Registrat...
0:05 Boarding Air Train at 44th & Washington for PHX Airport 6:15 A view of downtown Phoenix 8:00 Takeoff run begins on 7L 31:50 Bullhead City AZ 32:55 Davis Dam AZ / NV on Colorado River 55:35-1:11:50 Sierra Nevada range 1:14:05-1:14:45 Mariposa CA 1:20:55 Touchdown on SFO 28R Flight as tracked by Flight Aware: http://flightaware.com/live/flight/SKW5603/history/20141225/1726Z/KPHX/KSFO
-- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/dota2ruhub
I'm leavingFor Phoenix, Arizona
As the yellow sun
Collapses to the ground
And blink
As stars ?? into ashes
And all the words you're searching for
Don't have a sound
It doesn't have to mean goodbye
When I'm gone
It doesn't have to break our hearts
To move on
We've lost a thousand loves
In a thousand lives before
This is just one more
A memory
Fades in and out of focus
The color's not as crisp
As they once looked
And all the time and space
That's gotten in between us
Has turned us into characters
From forgotten books
It doesn't have to mean goodbye
When I'm gone
It doesn't have to break our hearts
To move on
We've lost a thousand loves
In a thousand lives before
This is just one more
Cry whatever tears you have to cry
My lonely friend
Shimmering as brilliant lives spin by
And some things end
And some things end
It doesn't have to mean goodbye
When I'm gone
It doesn't have to break our hearts