Turkey: the bloodiest massacre of the Kurds since the 1990s is happening now


This article from Corporatewatch is a thorough introduction to the killings and repression happening now in Turkey, with links to further information including useful news sources and details of the companies supplying the massacre. Photo caption: Kurşunlu mosque in Amed. Damage is from bombardment by the Turkish military (Photo provided … Continue reading

Anonymous hacks Turkish National Police server and leaks “huge” database


As the Turkish state continues its daily bombings and massacres against Kurds and other dissenters, hackers from “Anonymous” have attacked the Turkish National Police and released a “huge amount” of data (available here). Article below reposted from hackread. The online hacktivist Anonymous hacked Turkish National Police and leaked a huge … Continue reading

“Our attitude to Rojava must be critical solidarity”


An informative article from London-based Kurdish anarchist Zaher Baher discussing both positive and negative points of the revolution in Syrian and Turkish areas of Kurdistan. By Zaher Baher 30/01/2016 Many articles from different people about Rojava have expressed different views. The vast majority of them have covered the positive and … Continue reading

“No to the War Between Nations, No to Peace Between Classes”: 2 more statements on the Ankara bombing

Statements from anarchist groups Taçanka (Ankara), and Kara Kizil (Istanbul) on Saturday’s massacre in Ankara, via blackrosefed.org. We have witnessed the heaviest attack of Turkish history. We had attended the rally on the 10th of October, which was called by the unions and participated in by the revolutionary and democratic organisations, … Continue reading