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Recent Video

Marta Harnecker: Strategies for Social Change

A talk on people’s power and political instruments.

Elizabeth Warren: Donald Trump can NEVER be the President

A talk on Donald Trump rooting for the 2008 housing market crash, his plans to dismantle Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform, and his decision not to release his taxes

Norman Finkelstein: A Dialogue on Israel and Palestine

This is a panel from the 2016 Left Forum, held May 20 -22 at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City. The conference theme was “Rage, Rebellion, Revolution: Organizing Our Power.”

Yanis Varoufakis: Privatization, Human Rights & Capitalism

Interview on privatization, human rights, media, experience with the EU and capitalism’s ability to reform

Cenk Uygur: Brazillian Impeachment Is Actually A Corporate Coup

The change in government marks a dramatic political shift in Brazil

Glenn Greenwald: Goal of Rousseff Impeachment is to Boost Neoliberals & Protect Corruption

The real goal is to protect corruption

Boaventura de Sousa Santos: The Most Honest Politician in Latin America Will Be Removed By the Most Corrupt

Brazil’s Supreme Court is able to intervene on procedural grounds in Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment, not on the merits of the case

Leo Panitch: Corbyn and Sanders Reigniting Democratic Socialism

Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn are laying the groundwork for economic democracy and a breakthrough into socialism

Glenn Greenwald: “The Assassination Complex”

During one five-month period, nearly 90 percent of the people killed in airstrikes were not the intended targets

Bernie Sanders: Bernie Sanders Rally in Oregon

Bernie Sanders Rally ‘A Future to Believe In’ in Springfield, OR, April 28

Yanis Varoufakis: Massive IMF Bailouts are “Ponzi Austerity” Scheme

Negotiations between Greece and international creditors hit an impasse over the bankers’ demands for extra austerity measures

Yanis Varoufakis: Europe’s “Hot Spot” Refugee Registration Centers are “Concentration Camps”

Interview on the refugee crisis in Europe, and so-called hot spots that are registration centers for refugees in his country

Boaventura de Sousa Santos: Brazilian Senate to Vote on President Rousseff’s Impeachment

A look at why Rousseff’s impeachment is a highly political process and not a legal one and how this “legislative coup” can be compared to others in recent Latin American history

Bernie Sanders: Earning Support

Bernie Sanders says Clinton will have to defy the oligarchs if she is to earn active campaigners from his supporters

Bernie Sanders: Bernie Sanders Slams Ted Cruz for His “New York Values” Talk

Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders brings the hammer down on Ted Cruz in response to the GOP candidate’s negative remarks about “New York values.”

Kai Newkirk: Democracy Spring: Over 400 Arrested at U.S. Capitol Protesting Corruption & Money in Politics

The protest brought together activists from about 140 organizations

Noam Chomsky: German Weapons Exports to Israel & Saudi Arabia and the Refugee Crisis

Interview on the impacts of arms and weapons exports into Saudi Arabia and the refugee and Syrian crisis that is engulfing neighboring states as well as the European continent

Various Contributors: The Cause Is Right and the Time is Now

Rally in New York

Amy Goodman: Voices from Puerto Rico’s Students Leading an Anti-Austerity Movement

Puerto Rican college students have been waging a series of demonstrations to protest austerity measures they say endanger the higher education system

John Pilger: Palestine Is Still The Issue

John Pilger returns to the West Bank

Noam Chomsky: A Conversation on Privacy

Two-hour panel discussion, which was organized by the Center for Democracy and Technology

Jeremy Scahill: Think the NSA Can’t Hack an iPhone Without Apple’s Help? Think Again

Interview on surveillance devices developed for military and intelligence purposes but increasingly used by law enforcement agencies to spy on people and convict them of crimes

Glenn Greenwald: Hillary Clinton Has Embraced Some of the Most Brutal Dictators in the World

Interview on the election, the attacks in Brussels and more

Jean Bricmont: Why Belgium?

Brussels attacks is the latest blowblack against western regime change

Naomi Klein: Is capitalism driving climate change?

Interview on the link between capitalism and climate change

Bernie Sanders: Bernie Sanders Phoenix Arizona Rally on Super Tuesday 3/15/16

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders held a rally Tuesday evening at the Phoenix Convention Center, ahead of Arizona’s March 22 presidential preference election.

Rosa Clemente: Ferguson Solidarity Protesters Fight Charges For Blocking Busy LA Freeway

Of the over 300 arrested in those four days, the only people that have been charged and put up for trial have been members of the BLM LA chapter

Vijay Prashad: The Foreign Policy of the 1%

Keynote at 2016 Saudi Arabia Summit organized by Code Pink in Washington DC

Noam Chomsky: On Gitmo and the Security State

Interview on his new book, Because We Say So, as well as the closing of Guantanamo Bay and the security state

Baher Azmy: Will Obama’s Guantánamo Plan Close the Prison or Just Relocate It to a New ZIP Code?

Interview on Prresident Obama’s plan to Congress to close Guantánamo Bay military prison

Noam Chomsky: Clinton vs Sanders

Bernie Sanders has the “best policies”, but little chance of winning in a “mainly bought” election

Hilary Wainwright: Has Corbyn changed politics?

Hilary Wainwright, Liz Davies, Stephen Bush and James Schneider discuss Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party

Amy Goodman: Michigan’s Water Wars

In October 2014, General Motors recognized the Flint water was corroding its engines. They got permission from the city’s unelected emergency manager—who was appointed by Republican Governor Rick Snyder—to disconnect from Flint’s water and go back to Detroit water. It would be another year before the people of Flint were finally allowed to disconnect from Read more…

Ta-Nehisi Coates: Voting for Bernie Sanders Despite the Senator’s Opposition to Reparations

We had particular policies in this country that resulted in the larger share of poverty that we have in African-American communities

Dave Zirin: Beyoncé Wins the Super Bowl

Viewers witnessed one of the most political halftime shows in Super Bowl history

Anne Schuchat: Zika Virus: Are Climate & Ecological Factors Driving Spread of Viral Diseases in the Americas?

Interview on the spread of the Zika virus, which scientists have linked to rising temperatures from global warming because of the increased incidence of mosquito-borne infections

Lori Wallach: Signing of TPP Marks Only Beginning of the Fight

The Trans-Pacific Partnership encompasses 12 Pacific Rim nations, including the United States, and 40 percent of the world’s economy

Yanis Varoufakis: How The Greek People’s Magnificent “No” Against Austerity Became “Yes”

This program that was agreed to in August was designed to fail

Noam Chomsky: The war against ISIL

Interview on his public spat with the Turkish president, the war against ISIL and Russia’s annexation of Crimea

Martin Espada: On Struggles Past & Present

Interview on the struggles and injustices up to the present day, including the police killings of unarmed African Americans and the spate of U.S. mass shootings

James Elsner: At End of Hottest Year Ever, Massive U.S. Storm Kills At Least 43 with More Extreme Weather to Come

This weekend of extreme weather comes as climatologists predict 2015 will be the warmest year ever recorded, smashing last year’s record

Kandace Montgomery: Mall of America Can’t Stop Black Lives Matter Rally

Is freedom of speech welcome at the Mall of America?

Gilbert Achcar: Obama Touts U.S. Strikes on ISIL, But Can Military Escalation Make Up for Failed Strategy?

On Monday, Obama touted the gains of the U.S.-led military coalition in Iraq and Syria while offering an implicit rebuke of Middle East allies

Various Contributors: Beyond the Ballot Box

From the indignados and 15M to housing struggles and municipalismo, Spain has been at the forefront of some of the most creative and effective social movements of recent years

Paul Street: Murder In the Streets

Talk on Rahm Emmanuel and the racist political economy of the US mass arrest and incarceration state

Gilbert Achcar: Assadism without Assad?

Debate on the Obama administration’s ‘orderly transition’ policy any better, and could it form the basis of a settlement acceptable to all sides in the Syria war?

Naomi Klein: COP21 – Climate Emergency (Dispatch 5)

Outside of the negotiation halls in Paris environmental NGOs, grassroots organizations, climate justice activists and trade unions from all over the world have been uniting to form a new global green movement.

Noam Chomsky: Electing The President of an Empire

Interview on the presidential primary “extravaganza” and the movement for Bernie Sanders

Noam Chomsky: On the Terror attacks in Paris

If you want to end it, the first question you ask is: why did it take place? What were the immediate causes and what were the deeper roots? And then you try to address those

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