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Varoufakis: Privatization, Human Rights & Capitalism
Interview on privatization, human rights, media, experience with the EU and capitalism’s ability to reform
Uygur: Brazillian Impeachment Is Actually A Corporate Coup
The change in government marks a dramatic political shift in Brazil
Greenwald: Goal of Rousseff Impeachment is to Boost Neoliberals & Protect Corruption
The real goal is to protect corruption
Nader: The U.S. Political & Media System Is Designed to Obstruct, Silence Third-Party Candidates
Interview on the elections
de Sousa Santos: The Most Honest Politician in Latin America Will Be Removed By the Most Corrupt
Brazil's Supreme Court is able to intervene on procedural grounds in Dilma Rousseff's impeachment, not on the merits of the case
Panitch: Corbyn and Sanders Reigniting Democratic Socialism
Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn are laying the groundwork for economic democracy and a breakthrough into socialism
Greenwald: “The Assassination Complex”
During one five-month period, nearly 90 percent of the people killed in airstrikes were not the intended targets
Sanders: Bernie Sanders Rally in Oregon
Bernie Sanders Rally 'A Future to Believe In' in Springfield, OR, April 28
Varoufakis: Massive IMF Bailouts are “Ponzi Austerity” Scheme
Negotiations between Greece and international creditors hit an impasse over the bankers’ demands for extra austerity measures
Varoufakis: Europe’s “Hot Spot” Refugee Registration Centers are “Concentration Camps”
Interview on the refugee crisis in Europe, and so-called hot spots that are registration centers for refugees in his country
de Sousa Santos: Brazilian Senate to Vote on President Rousseff’s Impeachment
A look at why Rousseff's impeachment is a highly political process and not a legal one and how this "legislative coup" can be compared to others in recent Latin American history
Bernie Sanders says Clinton will have to defy the oligarchs if she is to earn active campaigners from his supporters
Sanders: Bernie Sanders Slams Ted Cruz for His “New York Values” Talk
Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders brings the hammer down on Ted Cruz in response to the GOP candidate's negative remarks about "New York values."
The protest brought together activists from about 140 organizations
Chomsky: German Weapons Exports to Israel & Saudi Arabia and the Refugee Crisis
Interview on the impacts of arms and weapons exports into Saudi Arabia and the refugee and Syrian crisis that is engulfing neighboring states as well as the European continent
Goodman: Voices from Puerto Rico’s Students Leading an Anti-Austerity Movement
Puerto Rican college students have been waging a series of demonstrations to protest austerity measures they say endanger the higher education system
Chomsky: A Conversation on Privacy
Two-hour panel discussion, which was organized by the Center for Democracy and Technology
Scahill: Think the NSA Can’t Hack an iPhone Without Apple’s Help? Think Again
Interview on surveillance devices developed for military and intelligence purposes but increasingly used by law enforcement agencies to spy on people and convict them of crimes