Category: Activism

James Anderson: The Evolution of Union Co-ops and the Historical Development of Workplace Democracy

The challenges unionized co-ops historically faced, however, continue to affect the evolution of real-life alternatives to traditional capitalist business

Joao Pedro Stedile: “Dilma’s mistake was to promote class conciliation”

It’s time to put more energy into bringing awareness and organizing people, because in the coming years we’ll see a new rise in mass movements in our continent

Noam Chomsky: All Decent Things

the Left is the movement that is in favor of all decent things—freedom, justice, peace. Of course we have to define it for ourselves, but traditionally it’s the movement that’s been in favor of more freedom, more justice, more equality, more participation, more control over our own lives—all decent things. That’s the Left.

Alfredo Lopez: Where the Bern is Fizzling

If you’re flying the flag of “different and progressive politics”, you have to organize a campaign that emanates, not from a candidate winning people over, but from people, communities and movements educating the candidate

Pete Dolack: Verizon sticks it to its workers because $45 billion isn’t enough

Conservative ideology insists the question should be “Why does someone have something you don’t have” (such as a pension), instead of “Why do you not have something that you should be entitled to but don’t have”

Jonah Birch: A French Spring

Popular protests have erupted against efforts to dismantle France’s labor code

Derek Royden: “Yes We Can!” From Spain to Britain to America, a Revitalized Left Is Emerging

In Europe and North America alike, movements battling neo-liberalism and authoritarian xenophobia will need to become more than the sum of their leaders

Ben Dangl: How Bernie Sanders and Occupy Wall Street Cracked Open America’s Political Imagination

Thanks to Sanders’ efforts, terms like socialism, capitalism, the 1%, and oligarchy have been further popularized and widely understood

Abby Cuniff: How New England students are taking fossil fuel divestment a step further

We cannot remain silent, on or off campus. Complicity allows for climate destruction and upholds the legacy of colonial violence in the Northeast and abroad

Malik Jalal: This Is What It Feels Like to Be Hunted by Drones

Singling out people to assassinate, and killing nine of our innocent children for each person they target, is a crime of unspeakable proportions

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