Microsoft Surface Pro 5 And Surface Phone Rumors Continue To Spread

Edit Inquisitr 01 Jun 2016
But prior to that unboxing, which supposedly will also include the Surface Book 2, the tech giant will first introduce two editions of the Windows 10 Mobile-powered Surface Phone, a new report said.” ... Microsoft is working on a new Surface Phone as even the company itself hinted (but hasn’t made a full announcement). BGR even posted alleged leaked photos, but wasn’t too thrilled about Microsoft’s upcoming phone....

Would Apple really change the design cycle of the iPhone?

Edit Mashable 01 Jun 2016
But every purported leak we've seen about the phone chassis itself suggests very minimal changes ... This is true even when the "tock" phone is a bigger jump in specs than the last "tick". A lot of this is driven by users who want a new design and a phone that looks different. Psychologically, I have to think that plenty of consumers are content to stay with their phone for two years and then upgrade to the model with the new design....

Court says no warrant needed for cell tower records

Edit San Francisco Chronicle 01 Jun 2016
Police don’t have to get a search warrant to obtain records about cell phone locations in criminal investigations, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday in a case closely watched by privacy rights advocates....

Why you should try to make make friends with fake “Windows” scammers

Edit The Dallas Morning News 01 Jun 2016
I just had the most wonderful phone call. A heavily accented man called my home phone, asking for my wife ... I told him that I, however, was not among the ignorant ones and he should take my phone number off his list ... You can try this yourself! The next time the phone rings and it’s the “IRS” telling you you will be arrested if you don’t immediately wire money, ask how often they get someone to believe it ... Winning!....

Sex with 17-year-old girl is legal in Texas—but sexts are child sex abuse images

Edit Ars Technica 01 Jun 2016
The case against Aldo Leiva came to light after the girl's mother found explicit pictures on her daughter's mobile phone ... According to (PDF), the tutor gave police his phone and unlocked it for them, and nude images of the girl ......

Shanghai Inabata Trading Wuhan and Hefei offices move (Inabata & Co Ltd)

Edit Public Technologies 01 Jun 2016
(Source. Inabata & Co Ltd). Shanghai Inabata Trading Co., Ltd. Wuhan and Hefei offices have moved respectively on May 1 and May 26. The new contact information is as follows (Phone and fax numbers remain unchanged). ... Address ... Phone ... Phone....

British voters leaning towards exiting EU: Polls

Edit Press TV 01 Jun 2016
“It is only one poll but, in a rather unexpected reverse of polling assumptions so far, both our phone poll and our online poll are consistent on both vote intentions and on the EU referendum.” ... In the phone poll of more than 1,000 adults, 45% said they favored leaving the EU, and 42 percent remaining, with 13% saying they did not know....

911 fee on prepaid cell phones would double, under proposal

Edit The Washington Times 01 Jun 2016
BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) - Prepaid cell phones would come with higher fees to pay for local 911 emergency districts, under a proposal nearing final legislative passage. Under current law a 2 percent 911 fee is charged on prepaid wireless phone services with the proceeds largely distributed to local emergency ... ....


Edit Public Technologies 01 Jun 2016
(Source. USAC - United States Auto Club). UPCOMING USAC MIDGET NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP EVENT.. DATE. Tuesday, May 31, 2016. SERIES. USAC Midget National Championship. TRACK. Montpelier Motor Speedway (Montpelier, Indiana) - ¼-mile, slightly-banked clay oval. EVENT. 'Indiana Midget Week' featuring the USAC Midget National Championship, Non-Wing Sprint Cars & UMP Modifieds ... TRACK PHONE ... TRACK PHONE ... TRACK PHONE ... TRACK PHONE ... $7 ... TRACK PHONE ... TRACK PHONE....

Eknath Khadse skips Cabinet meeting, heads for pilgrimage

Edit Indian Express 01 Jun 2016
Revenue Minister Eknath Khadse ... Khadse has been embroiled in a series of controversies from a controversial land deal to allegations of phone calls from his mobile phone to underworld don Dawood Ibrahim ... ....

Australia is putting traffic lights in the ground because you're glued to your phone

Edit Mashable 01 Jun 2016
For the average pedestrian, it's immensely hard to look up from an Instagram scroll when you need to, say, cross a four-lane freeway ... SEE ALSO ... "The lights are aimed at pedestrians using mobile phones who are not looking where they are walking," Carlon said ... The main goal there is to stop phone zombies from walking on train tracks ... ....

Avaya Helps Boost Campus Safety at West Chester University (Avaya Inc)

Edit Public Technologies 01 Jun 2016
(Source. Avaya Inc) ... Santa Clara, Calif ... 'In a voice-over-IP environment, where phones can be moved and plugged back in anywhere, you don't necessarily have an accurate location for a 911 call. We have no way to lock down the phones. We put out a lot of messages telling people not to move phones without contacting us first, but that doesn't always work.' ... • Advanced software capabilities that alert IT staff when a VoIP phone is moved ... ###....

Bismarck to host public informational meeting June 2 - Update to Storm Water Design Standards (City of Bismarck, ND)

Edit Public Technologies 01 Jun 2016
(Source. City of Bismarck, ND) ... At the informational meeting, the project team will provide an overview and the objectives of the project, a preliminary schedule for subsequent public meetings, and provide an opportunity for all interested persons to comment ... Comments or questions regarding the project may be submitted to. ... Phone ... Phone....