Amateur theatre fest will begin tomorrow


Mysuru: Rangayana will host 'CG Krishna Swamy Havyaasi Natakothsava', an amateur theatre festival, on weekends from May 15 to June 19 in the city. K Muralisiddappa, thinker from Benagluru, will inaugurate the festival for which theatre artiste H K Ramnath will be the chief guest.

Rangayana director H Janardhan told reporters that the theatre repertory organizes plays to encourage amateur theatre artistes every year. The monthlong festival will be a treat for theatrebuffs. The plays will be staged at Bhoomi Geetha auditorium in memory of the theatre artiste C G Krishna Swamy.

Six troupes from Udupi, Benagaluru, Shivamogga, New Delhi, Dharwad and Chandigarh will stage the following plays (in that order): 'Daarashiko' directed by Chethan, 'Uddara' directed by Manjunath Badigera, 'Dalitha Bharatha Kathana' directed by Ajeyagowda, 'Raktharatri' directed by Shivananda Engaleshwara', 'Buddha Prabuddha' directed by Vasudeva Gangera and 'Agni or Barkaa' directed by Rani Balibar Kour.

"The plays will introduce new talents and directors to the field. About 80% of professional cinema artistes are from theatre background. Many of them won't be able to give their full time to acting on stage due to prior commitments. This will give a chance to amateur artistes," Janardhan added.

"Rangayana runs shows throughout the year, and to packed houses.," he said.

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