Month: May 2016

Otterday! And Open Thread

Please feel free to use this thread to natter about anything your heart desires. Is there anything great happening in your life? Anything you want to get off your chest? Reading a great book? Anything in the news that you’d like to discuss? Commiserations, felicitations, temptations, contemplations, speculations?

WTF OTD: Me-me-me-ternity leave

A schmaltz-free post on mothering for Mother’s Day! Denise Huza’s response on xojane to an author interview that made a lot of women (not all of them mothers) pretty damn cranky: – “After years of mothers getting little recognition for what they do, we are finally making headway. It’s no longer a secret that mothering is hard, thankless work. Foye’s argument for “me-ternity” (a term I hope I never have to type or read again) craps on that fight.

Otterday! And Open Thread

Please feel free to use this thread to natter about anything your heart desires. Is there anything great happening in your life? Anything you want to get off your chest? Reading a great book? Anything in the news that you’d like to discuss? Commiserations, felicitations, temptations, contemplations, speculations?