Vladimir Motyl. The White Sun of the Desert (1969)
On both gender and nationality, Motyl's film is a wonderful specimen of Soviet irony. When asked about their perceptions of Asia, Russians often cite quotes from the movie. This clip features the encounter of Red Army soldier Sukhov with the harem women of the guerilla leader Abdulla, whom he has been left to guard, and the distance between their "Eastern" attitudes and his revolution."
Séparons-nous à temps (partie 1), Расстанемся, пока хорошие
A l'instar des héros grecques, Bagrat est pris dans une machine infernale. A partir de là, chacune de ses actions seront dictées par les règles de la tragédie.
Le récit se déroule dans la région du Caucase, contrée dirigée par le système féodal où cohabitent de nombreuses ethnies et religions.
Réalisé par Vladimir Motyl, le film est une adaptation du roman de Fazil Iskander.
Top 10 Movies of 1969
10. They Shoot Horses, Don't They? - Sydney Pollack
09. 100 Rifles - Tom Gries
08. Alice's Restaurant - Arthur Penn
07. White Sun Of The Desert - Vladimir Motyl
06. Z - Costa Gavras
05. Army Of Shadows - Jean Pierre Melville
04. Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid - George Roy Hill
03. Easy Rider - Dennis Hopper
02. The Wild Bunch - Sam Peckinpah
01. Midnight Cowboy - John Schlesinger
The decade i
Best Soviet Historical Films
15. The Forty-First (Сорок первый) - Grigori Chukhrai
14. Agony (Агония) - Elem Klimov
13. A Hunting Accident (Мой ласковый и нежный зверь) - Emil Loteanu
12. A Nest Of Gentry (Дворянское гнездо) - Andrei Konchalovsky
11. Destiny Of A Man (Судьба человека) - Sergei Bondarchuk
10. Chapaev (Чапаев) - Georgi Vasilyev & Sergei Vasilyev
09. The Captivating Star Of Happiness (Звезда пленительного счасть
Vovochka an accurate picture of Vladimir Putin: Alexander Motyl, Vovochka - Preview #2
Preview #2 of an interview with Alexander Motyl, Author "VOVOCHKA: THE TRUE CONFESSIONS OF VLADIMIR PUTIN'S BEST FRIEND AND CONFIDANT, New York City, USA, 27 January 2016.
Motyl's novel "Vovochnka" is available at amazon:
This video was not sponsored
Video by UkeTube
"Melodies of the White Night", music by Isaac Schvartz
Fragments from film.
So tender melodies!!!
Schwartz is associated with some of the Soviet era's most popular films, including The White Sun of the Desert, a 1969 action drama directed by Vladimir Motyl that has cult status in Russia.
Its theme song, Your Excellency Lady Luck which became a huge hit, was written by Schwartz. There is a tradition among cosmonauts to view the film befor
Sourya - Deadwalker
Itunes /// deezer /// Spotify /// 21 dec 2012
Vinyl here : http://www.aquick1records.com/index.php?catalogue=AQO_MX55
Directed & Edited by Sourya
Contains scene from Белое солнце пустыни, directed by Vladimir Motyl (Taken from http://www.archive.org)
Séparons-nous à temps (Partie II), Расстанемся, пока хорошие
A l'instar des héros grecques, Bagrat est pris dans une machine infernale. A partir de là, chacune de ses actions seront dictées par les règles de la tragédie.
Le récit se déroule dans la région du Caucase, contrée dirigée par le système féodal où cohabitent de nombreuses ethnies et religions.
Réalisé par Vladimir Motyl, le film est une adaptation du roman de Fazil Iskander.
"Vostra eccelenza" - "Ваше благородие" Sottotitoli: italiano, russo
Песня «Ваше благородие, госпожа удача» из фильма «Белое солнце пустыни» (1970 год, режиссёр Владимир Мотыль)
"Vostra eccellenza, signora Buona Sorte" dal film "Il sole bianco del deserto" (1970, regista Vladimir Motyl')
Traduzione: Stefano Fronteddu, http://ilviburno.blogspot.it/
Sottotitoli: Sergey Merkulov
Il progetto online “Cultura Italia-Russia” di scambio culturale tra Russia e Italia,
The Star of Bliss Trailer at http://tsarfilm.tumblr.com/
The Star of Bliss (Zvezda Plenitel'nogo Schastya) 1975, Vladimir Motyl
Diaporama // Miércoles 15 de Agosto
Hoy en Diaporama de ARTV:
- "La mala clase" dirigida por Aliocha de la Sotta a las 20 hrs. en el GAM.
- "En mi piel" de Buika a las 20:30 hrs. en el Teatro Nescafé de las Artes.
- "La estrella de la cuativante felicidad" de Vladimir Motyl a las 19 hrs. en el Centro de Ciencia y Cultura de Rusia.
"Let's part while we are good"
Motion picture "Let's part while we are good" was made by the legendary film director Vladimir Motyl (1927-2010) in 1991 based on Fazil Iskander's novel "Old Hasan's Pipe". In Iskander's story an old man tells the legend about a proud highlander who praised honor, justice and consideration for people above all else. The hero of the movie was a strong personality defeated only by the succession of
VOVOCHKA, Interview with Author Alexander Motyl
Full interview with Alexander Motyl, Author "VOVOCHKA: THE TRUE CONFESSIONS OF VLADIMIR PUTIN'S BEST FRIEND AND CONFIDANT, New York City, USA, 27 January 2016.
Motyl's novel "Vovochnka" is available at amazon:
This video was not sponsored
Video by UkeTube
Arkady Nasonov/Once again about movies/ Krokin gallery
The exhibition is dedicated to the artist's grandfather - a prominent Soviet film director Vladimir Motyl
The pictures remind of images from dreams about unrealized movies
Diaporama // 7 de noviembre 2012
- 2° Festival de Cine Regional Chileno
- Film: "El sol blanco del desierto", de Vladimir Motyl
- Film: "Pérez", de Álvaro Viguera
- Ganadores obra Nina: Tamara Riquelme, Gina Celedón, Francisco Cuevas
- Promo estreno "Ojo con el Libro". Invitado: Oscar Hahn
Best Soviet Romantic Films
15. A Slave Of Love (Раба любви) - Nikita Mikhalkov
14. Nachalo (Начало) - Gleb Panfilov
13. The Stone Flower (Каменный цветок) - Aleksandr Ptushko
12. Love And Lies (Вам и не снилось) - Ilya Frez
11. Clear Skies (Чистое Небо) - Grigori Chukhrai
10. A Strange Woman (Странная женщина) - Yuli Raizman
09. Kidnapping, Caucasian Style (Кавказская пленница) - Leonid Gaidai
08. A Hunting Accident (Мой ла
Новогодняя пародия на фильм "Белое солнце пустыни" Christmas parody of the movie
Новогодняя пародия на фильм "Белое солнце пустыни" 2016г. бюджетного учреждения Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа - Югры "Центр социальной помощи семье и детям "Апрель", отделение реабилитации
Советский художественный фильм 1970 года режиссёра Владимира Мотыля, повествующий о приключениях красноармейца Фёдора Ивановича Сухова, спасающего женщин из гарема бандита Абдуллы в годы гражданской войн
Greatest feeling when the character comes alive: Alexander Motyl, Vovochka - Preview #1
Preview #1 of an interview with Prof. Alexander Motyl, Author "VOVOCHKA: THE TRUE CONFESSIONS OF VLADIMIR PUTIN'S BEST FRIEND AND CONFIDANT, New York City, #USA, 27 January 2016.
Motyl's novel "Vovochnka" is available at amazon:
This video was not sponsored
Video by UkeTube
Zvezda plenitelnogo schastya Звезда пленительного счастья(1975)
In December 1825, distinguished members of the Russian military, most of whom were quite affluent and of noble lineage, took it upon themselves to stir revolution against the autocratic and tyrannical Czar Nikolai I in the wake of his not honoring (or even acknowledging) the drafting of a constitution for the Russian people
Director: Vladimir Motyl
Stars: Irina Kupchenko, Aleksey Batalov and Natal
25 Motyl
Kavarna Roh 20150531, Mike Hurryup a jeho Hisboys
Peter Twister sax a zpev, Zbynek Maly a Jiri vulgo Bunda housle, Mikolas Volek piano, Jan Strizovsky kontrabas, Vladimir Bradac bici
Top 20 Russian Movies
The cinema of Russia began in the Russian Empire, widely developed under the Soviet and in the years following the fall of the Soviet system, the Russian film industry would remain internationally recognized. In the 21st century, Russian cinema has become popular internationally with hits such as House of Fools, Night Watch, and the exceptionally popular Brother.
20. Office Romance (comedy) - Eld
Белое солнце пустыни (1970) - Охотники на ганкстеров | Русский трейлер [AV] ●ᴴᴰ
Белое солнце пустыни ▷(Трейлеры Советских фильмов)
Охотники на гангстеров (2013)
Hunters on gangsters (2013)
White Sun of the Desert ▷ Trailer
«Бе́лое со́лнце пусты́ни» — советский кинофильм 1970 года режиссёра Владимира Мотыля, повествующий о приключениях красноармейца Фёдора Ивановича Сухова, спасающего женщин из гарема бандита Абдуллы в годы гражданской в
Book Launch by Alexander Motyl: "Memories" & "During Three Occupations: Life, Survival, Experience"
д-р Олександр Мотиль, Презнтація незабутніх спогадів: 1. "Спогади", Марія В. Мотиль, 2. "Під трьома окупаціями: Життя, Виживання, Переживання", Олекса Мотиль, Інститут св. Володимира та Українсько-Канадський Дослідчо-Документаційний Центр, Торонто, Канада, 6-ого жовтня 2013 р.
Book launch and presentation by Dr. Alexander J. Motyl: "Memories", by Maria V. Motyl, and "During Three Occupations: Lif
Vladimir Motyl. The White Sun of the Desert (1969)
On both gender and nationality, Motyl's film is a wonderful specimen of Soviet irony. When asked about their perceptions of Asia, Russians often cite quotes fro...
On both gender and nationality, Motyl's film is a wonderful specimen of Soviet irony. When asked about their perceptions of Asia, Russians often cite quotes from the movie. This clip features the encounter of Red Army soldier Sukhov with the harem women of the guerilla leader Abdulla, whom he has been left to guard, and the distance between their "Eastern" attitudes and his revolution."
wn.com/Vladimir Motyl. The White Sun Of The Desert (1969)
On both gender and nationality, Motyl's film is a wonderful specimen of Soviet irony. When asked about their perceptions of Asia, Russians often cite quotes from the movie. This clip features the encounter of Red Army soldier Sukhov with the harem women of the guerilla leader Abdulla, whom he has been left to guard, and the distance between their "Eastern" attitudes and his revolution."
- published: 07 Jun 2014
- views: 3097
Séparons-nous à temps (partie 1), Расстанемся, пока хорошие
A l'instar des héros grecques, Bagrat est pris dans une machine infernale. A partir de là, chacune de ses actions seront dictées par les règles de la tragédie.
A l'instar des héros grecques, Bagrat est pris dans une machine infernale. A partir de là, chacune de ses actions seront dictées par les règles de la tragédie.
Le récit se déroule dans la région du Caucase, contrée dirigée par le système féodal où cohabitent de nombreuses ethnies et religions.
Réalisé par Vladimir Motyl, le film est une adaptation du roman de Fazil Iskander.
wn.com/Séparons Nous À Temps (Partie 1), Расстанемся, Пока Хорошие
A l'instar des héros grecques, Bagrat est pris dans une machine infernale. A partir de là, chacune de ses actions seront dictées par les règles de la tragédie.
Le récit se déroule dans la région du Caucase, contrée dirigée par le système féodal où cohabitent de nombreuses ethnies et religions.
Réalisé par Vladimir Motyl, le film est une adaptation du roman de Fazil Iskander.
- published: 02 Jan 2015
- views: 2644
Top 10 Movies of 1969
10. They Shoot Horses, Don't They? - Sydney Pollack
09. 100 Rifles - Tom Gries
08. Alice's Restaurant - Arthur Penn
07. White Sun Of The Desert - Vladimir Motyl...
10. They Shoot Horses, Don't They? - Sydney Pollack
09. 100 Rifles - Tom Gries
08. Alice's Restaurant - Arthur Penn
07. White Sun Of The Desert - Vladimir Motyl
06. Z - Costa Gavras
05. Army Of Shadows - Jean Pierre Melville
04. Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid - George Roy Hill
03. Easy Rider - Dennis Hopper
02. The Wild Bunch - Sam Peckinpah
01. Midnight Cowboy - John Schlesinger
The decade is known for being prominent in historical drama, psychological horror, and comedy, as well as the sub-genres of spy film, sword and sandal, and spaghetti westerns, all peaking during this decade.
wn.com/Top 10 Movies Of 1969
10. They Shoot Horses, Don't They? - Sydney Pollack
09. 100 Rifles - Tom Gries
08. Alice's Restaurant - Arthur Penn
07. White Sun Of The Desert - Vladimir Motyl
06. Z - Costa Gavras
05. Army Of Shadows - Jean Pierre Melville
04. Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid - George Roy Hill
03. Easy Rider - Dennis Hopper
02. The Wild Bunch - Sam Peckinpah
01. Midnight Cowboy - John Schlesinger
The decade is known for being prominent in historical drama, psychological horror, and comedy, as well as the sub-genres of spy film, sword and sandal, and spaghetti westerns, all peaking during this decade.
- published: 14 Aug 2012
- views: 4498
Best Soviet Historical Films
15. The Forty-First (Сорок первый) - Grigori Chukhrai
14. Agony (Агония) - Elem Klimov
13. A Hunting Accident (Мой ласковый и нежный зверь) - Emil Loteanu
12. A...
15. The Forty-First (Сорок первый) - Grigori Chukhrai
14. Agony (Агония) - Elem Klimov
13. A Hunting Accident (Мой ласковый и нежный зверь) - Emil Loteanu
12. A Nest Of Gentry (Дворянское гнездо) - Andrei Konchalovsky
11. Destiny Of A Man (Судьба человека) - Sergei Bondarchuk
10. Chapaev (Чапаев) - Georgi Vasilyev & Sergei Vasilyev
09. The Captivating Star Of Happiness (Звезда пленительного счастья) - Vladimir Motyl
08. Hot Snow (Горячий снег) - Gabriel Yegiazarov
07. Siberiade (Сибириада) - Andrei Konchalovsky
06. The Lady With The Dog (Дама с собачкой) - Iosif Kheifits
05. Dersu Uzala (Дерсу Узала) - Akira Kurosawa
04. Ballad Of A Soldier (Баллада о солдате) - Grigori Chukhrai
03. War And Peace (Война и мир) - Sergei Bondarchuk
02. Come And See (Иди и смотри) - Elem Klimov
01. Alexander Nevsky (Александр Невский) - Sergei Eisenstein
wn.com/Best Soviet Historical Films
15. The Forty-First (Сорок первый) - Grigori Chukhrai
14. Agony (Агония) - Elem Klimov
13. A Hunting Accident (Мой ласковый и нежный зверь) - Emil Loteanu
12. A Nest Of Gentry (Дворянское гнездо) - Andrei Konchalovsky
11. Destiny Of A Man (Судьба человека) - Sergei Bondarchuk
10. Chapaev (Чапаев) - Georgi Vasilyev & Sergei Vasilyev
09. The Captivating Star Of Happiness (Звезда пленительного счастья) - Vladimir Motyl
08. Hot Snow (Горячий снег) - Gabriel Yegiazarov
07. Siberiade (Сибириада) - Andrei Konchalovsky
06. The Lady With The Dog (Дама с собачкой) - Iosif Kheifits
05. Dersu Uzala (Дерсу Узала) - Akira Kurosawa
04. Ballad Of A Soldier (Баллада о солдате) - Grigori Chukhrai
03. War And Peace (Война и мир) - Sergei Bondarchuk
02. Come And See (Иди и смотри) - Elem Klimov
01. Alexander Nevsky (Александр Невский) - Sergei Eisenstein
- published: 27 Jul 2014
- views: 1979
Vovochka an accurate picture of Vladimir Putin: Alexander Motyl, Vovochka - Preview #2
Preview #2 of an interview with Alexander Motyl, Author "VOVOCHKA: THE TRUE CONFESSIONS OF VLADIMIR PUTIN'S BEST FRIEND AND CONFIDANT, New York City, USA, 27 ...
Preview #2 of an interview with Alexander Motyl, Author "VOVOCHKA: THE TRUE CONFESSIONS OF VLADIMIR PUTIN'S BEST FRIEND AND CONFIDANT, New York City, USA, 27 January 2016.
Motyl's novel "Vovochnka" is available at amazon:
This video was not sponsored
Video by UkeTube
wn.com/Vovochka An Accurate Picture Of Vladimir Putin Alexander Motyl, Vovochka Preview 2
Preview #2 of an interview with Alexander Motyl, Author "VOVOCHKA: THE TRUE CONFESSIONS OF VLADIMIR PUTIN'S BEST FRIEND AND CONFIDANT, New York City, USA, 27 January 2016.
Motyl's novel "Vovochnka" is available at amazon:
This video was not sponsored
Video by UkeTube
- published: 27 Jan 2016
- views: 35
"Melodies of the White Night", music by Isaac Schvartz
Fragments from film.
So tender melodies!!!
Schwartz is associated with some of the Soviet era's most popular films, including The White Sun of the De...
Fragments from film.
So tender melodies!!!
Schwartz is associated with some of the Soviet era's most popular films, including The White Sun of the Desert, a 1969 action drama directed by Vladimir Motyl that has cult status in Russia.
Its theme song, Your Excellency Lady Luck which became a huge hit, was written by Schwartz. There is a tradition among cosmonauts to view the film before taking off on a mission.
Schwartz also wrote the music for another of Motyl's films, 1975's The Captivating Star of Happiness, a historical drama about a group of young military officers who oppose serfdom under Czar Nicolas I.
Schwartz wrote music for 110 movies and 35 theatre productions in his career.
Born in 1923 in Ukraine, he moved with his family to Leningrad, now St. Petersburg. His father was arrested under Stalin and executed in 1938. Schwartz's family spent eight years in exile before being allowed to return home.
Shostakovich, the pianist and composer who also worked in theatre and film, took an interest in Schwartz early in his career and helped him to find work.
wn.com/Melodies Of The White Night , Music By Isaac Schvartz
Fragments from film.
So tender melodies!!!
Schwartz is associated with some of the Soviet era's most popular films, including The White Sun of the Desert, a 1969 action drama directed by Vladimir Motyl that has cult status in Russia.
Its theme song, Your Excellency Lady Luck which became a huge hit, was written by Schwartz. There is a tradition among cosmonauts to view the film before taking off on a mission.
Schwartz also wrote the music for another of Motyl's films, 1975's The Captivating Star of Happiness, a historical drama about a group of young military officers who oppose serfdom under Czar Nicolas I.
Schwartz wrote music for 110 movies and 35 theatre productions in his career.
Born in 1923 in Ukraine, he moved with his family to Leningrad, now St. Petersburg. His father was arrested under Stalin and executed in 1938. Schwartz's family spent eight years in exile before being allowed to return home.
Shostakovich, the pianist and composer who also worked in theatre and film, took an interest in Schwartz early in his career and helped him to find work.
- published: 28 Dec 2009
- views: 26085
Sourya - Deadwalker
Itunes /// deezer /// Spotify /// 21 dec 2012
Vinyl here : http://www.aquick1records.com/index.php?catalogue=AQO_MX55
Directed & Edited by Sourya
Contains scen...
Itunes /// deezer /// Spotify /// 21 dec 2012
Vinyl here : http://www.aquick1records.com/index.php?catalogue=AQO_MX55
Directed & Edited by Sourya
Contains scene from Белое солнце пустыни, directed by Vladimir Motyl (Taken from http://www.archive.org)
wn.com/Sourya Deadwalker
Itunes /// deezer /// Spotify /// 21 dec 2012
Vinyl here : http://www.aquick1records.com/index.php?catalogue=AQO_MX55
Directed & Edited by Sourya
Contains scene from Белое солнце пустыни, directed by Vladimir Motyl (Taken from http://www.archive.org)
- published: 16 Nov 2012
- views: 2777
Séparons-nous à temps (Partie II), Расстанемся, пока хорошие
A l'instar des héros grecques, Bagrat est pris dans une machine infernale. A partir de là, chacune de ses actions seront dictées par les règles de la tragédie.
A l'instar des héros grecques, Bagrat est pris dans une machine infernale. A partir de là, chacune de ses actions seront dictées par les règles de la tragédie.
Le récit se déroule dans la région du Caucase, contrée dirigée par le système féodal où cohabitent de nombreuses ethnies et religions.
Réalisé par Vladimir Motyl, le film est une adaptation du roman de Fazil Iskander.
wn.com/Séparons Nous À Temps (Partie Ii), Расстанемся, Пока Хорошие
A l'instar des héros grecques, Bagrat est pris dans une machine infernale. A partir de là, chacune de ses actions seront dictées par les règles de la tragédie.
Le récit se déroule dans la région du Caucase, contrée dirigée par le système féodal où cohabitent de nombreuses ethnies et religions.
Réalisé par Vladimir Motyl, le film est une adaptation du roman de Fazil Iskander.
- published: 06 Jan 2015
- views: 1087
"Vostra eccelenza" - "Ваше благородие" Sottotitoli: italiano, russo
Песня «Ваше благородие, госпожа удача» из фильма «Белое солнце пустыни» (1970 год, режиссёр Владимир Мотыль)
"Vostra eccellenza, signora Buona Sorte" dal film ...
Песня «Ваше благородие, госпожа удача» из фильма «Белое солнце пустыни» (1970 год, режиссёр Владимир Мотыль)
"Vostra eccellenza, signora Buona Sorte" dal film "Il sole bianco del deserto" (1970, regista Vladimir Motyl')
Traduzione: Stefano Fronteddu, http://ilviburno.blogspot.it/
Sottotitoli: Sergey Merkulov
Il progetto online “Cultura Italia-Russia” di scambio culturale tra Russia e Italia,
veicolato da Facebook (“Cultura e lingua russa: club online” https://www.facebook.com/cultura.lingua.russa
e “Italia: cultura e lingua” https://www.facebook.com/italia.cultura.lingua )
wn.com/Vostra Eccelenza Ваше Благородие Sottotitoli Italiano, Russo
Песня «Ваше благородие, госпожа удача» из фильма «Белое солнце пустыни» (1970 год, режиссёр Владимир Мотыль)
"Vostra eccellenza, signora Buona Sorte" dal film "Il sole bianco del deserto" (1970, regista Vladimir Motyl')
Traduzione: Stefano Fronteddu, http://ilviburno.blogspot.it/
Sottotitoli: Sergey Merkulov
Il progetto online “Cultura Italia-Russia” di scambio culturale tra Russia e Italia,
veicolato da Facebook (“Cultura e lingua russa: club online” https://www.facebook.com/cultura.lingua.russa
e “Italia: cultura e lingua” https://www.facebook.com/italia.cultura.lingua )
- published: 04 Feb 2015
- views: 183
The Star of Bliss Trailer at http://tsarfilm.tumblr.com/
The Star of Bliss (Zvezda Plenitel'nogo Schastya) 1975, Vladimir Motyl
The Star of Bliss (Zvezda Plenitel'nogo Schastya) 1975, Vladimir Motyl
wn.com/The Star Of Bliss Trailer At Http Tsarfilm.Tumblr.Com
The Star of Bliss (Zvezda Plenitel'nogo Schastya) 1975, Vladimir Motyl
- published: 31 Dec 2011
- views: 1004
Diaporama // Miércoles 15 de Agosto
Hoy en Diaporama de ARTV:
- "La mala clase" dirigida por Aliocha de la Sotta a las 20 hrs. en el GAM.
- "En mi piel" de Buika a las 20:30 hrs. en el Teatro Nesc...
Hoy en Diaporama de ARTV:
- "La mala clase" dirigida por Aliocha de la Sotta a las 20 hrs. en el GAM.
- "En mi piel" de Buika a las 20:30 hrs. en el Teatro Nescafé de las Artes.
- "La estrella de la cuativante felicidad" de Vladimir Motyl a las 19 hrs. en el Centro de Ciencia y Cultura de Rusia.
wn.com/Diaporama Miércoles 15 De Agosto
Hoy en Diaporama de ARTV:
- "La mala clase" dirigida por Aliocha de la Sotta a las 20 hrs. en el GAM.
- "En mi piel" de Buika a las 20:30 hrs. en el Teatro Nescafé de las Artes.
- "La estrella de la cuativante felicidad" de Vladimir Motyl a las 19 hrs. en el Centro de Ciencia y Cultura de Rusia.
- published: 23 Aug 2012
- views: 122
"Let's part while we are good"
Motion picture "Let's part while we are good" was made by the legendary film director Vladimir Motyl (1927-2010) in 1991 based on Fazil Iskander's novel "Old Ha...
Motion picture "Let's part while we are good" was made by the legendary film director Vladimir Motyl (1927-2010) in 1991 based on Fazil Iskander's novel "Old Hasan's Pipe". In Iskander's story an old man tells the legend about a proud highlander who praised honor, justice and consideration for people above all else. The hero of the movie was a strong personality defeated only by the succession of betrayals.
In 1991 the State Committee for Cinematography treated the picture in a cool manner. Fazil Iskander attempted to defend it but officials and producers did not care. The picture was never shown in cinemas. The only show was in the overcrowded movie theatre of the Kennedy Center in the capital of the USA.
wn.com/Let's Part While We Are Good
Motion picture "Let's part while we are good" was made by the legendary film director Vladimir Motyl (1927-2010) in 1991 based on Fazil Iskander's novel "Old Hasan's Pipe". In Iskander's story an old man tells the legend about a proud highlander who praised honor, justice and consideration for people above all else. The hero of the movie was a strong personality defeated only by the succession of betrayals.
In 1991 the State Committee for Cinematography treated the picture in a cool manner. Fazil Iskander attempted to defend it but officials and producers did not care. The picture was never shown in cinemas. The only show was in the overcrowded movie theatre of the Kennedy Center in the capital of the USA.
- published: 27 Feb 2012
- views: 442
VOVOCHKA, Interview with Author Alexander Motyl
Full interview with Alexander Motyl, Author "VOVOCHKA: THE TRUE CONFESSIONS OF VLADIMIR PUTIN'S BEST FRIEND AND CONFIDANT, New York City, USA, 27 January 2016...
Full interview with Alexander Motyl, Author "VOVOCHKA: THE TRUE CONFESSIONS OF VLADIMIR PUTIN'S BEST FRIEND AND CONFIDANT, New York City, USA, 27 January 2016.
Motyl's novel "Vovochnka" is available at amazon:
This video was not sponsored
Video by UkeTube
wn.com/Vovochka, Interview With Author Alexander Motyl
Full interview with Alexander Motyl, Author "VOVOCHKA: THE TRUE CONFESSIONS OF VLADIMIR PUTIN'S BEST FRIEND AND CONFIDANT, New York City, USA, 27 January 2016.
Motyl's novel "Vovochnka" is available at amazon:
This video was not sponsored
Video by UkeTube
- published: 28 Jan 2016
- views: 79
Arkady Nasonov/Once again about movies/ Krokin gallery
The exhibition is dedicated to the artist's grandfather - a prominent Soviet film director Vladimir Motyl
The pictures remind of images from dreams about unreal...
The exhibition is dedicated to the artist's grandfather - a prominent Soviet film director Vladimir Motyl
The pictures remind of images from dreams about unrealized movies
wn.com/Arkady Nasonov Once Again About Movies Krokin Gallery
The exhibition is dedicated to the artist's grandfather - a prominent Soviet film director Vladimir Motyl
The pictures remind of images from dreams about unrealized movies
- published: 09 Jun 2012
- views: 165
Diaporama // 7 de noviembre 2012
- 2° Festival de Cine Regional Chileno
- Film: "El sol blanco del desierto", de Vladimir Motyl
- Film: "Pérez", de Álvaro Viguera
- Ganadores obra Nina: Tamara ...
- 2° Festival de Cine Regional Chileno
- Film: "El sol blanco del desierto", de Vladimir Motyl
- Film: "Pérez", de Álvaro Viguera
- Ganadores obra Nina: Tamara Riquelme, Gina Celedón, Francisco Cuevas
- Promo estreno "Ojo con el Libro". Invitado: Oscar Hahn
wn.com/Diaporama 7 De Noviembre 2012
- 2° Festival de Cine Regional Chileno
- Film: "El sol blanco del desierto", de Vladimir Motyl
- Film: "Pérez", de Álvaro Viguera
- Ganadores obra Nina: Tamara Riquelme, Gina Celedón, Francisco Cuevas
- Promo estreno "Ojo con el Libro". Invitado: Oscar Hahn
- published: 12 Nov 2012
- views: 41
Best Soviet Romantic Films
15. A Slave Of Love (Раба любви) - Nikita Mikhalkov
14. Nachalo (Начало) - Gleb Panfilov
13. The Stone Flower (Каменный цветок) - Aleksandr Ptushko
12. Love And...
15. A Slave Of Love (Раба любви) - Nikita Mikhalkov
14. Nachalo (Начало) - Gleb Panfilov
13. The Stone Flower (Каменный цветок) - Aleksandr Ptushko
12. Love And Lies (Вам и не снилось) - Ilya Frez
11. Clear Skies (Чистое Небо) - Grigori Chukhrai
10. A Strange Woman (Странная женщина) - Yuli Raizman
09. Kidnapping, Caucasian Style (Кавказская пленница) - Leonid Gaidai
08. A Hunting Accident (Мой ласковый и нежный зверь) - Emil Loteanu
07. Queen Of The Gypsies (Табор уходит в небо) - Emil Loteanu
06. Station For Two (Вокзал для двоих) - Eldar Ryazanov
05. The Captivating Star Of Happiness (Звезда пленительного счастья) - Vladimir Motyl
04. Office Romance (Служебный роман) - Eldar Ryazanov
03. The Lady With The Dog (Дама с собачкой) - Iosif Kheifits
02. Moscow Does Not Believe In Tears (Москва слезам не верит) - Vladimir Menshov
01. The Irony Of Fate (Ирония судьбы, или С лёгким паром!) - Eldar Ryazanov
wn.com/Best Soviet Romantic Films
15. A Slave Of Love (Раба любви) - Nikita Mikhalkov
14. Nachalo (Начало) - Gleb Panfilov
13. The Stone Flower (Каменный цветок) - Aleksandr Ptushko
12. Love And Lies (Вам и не снилось) - Ilya Frez
11. Clear Skies (Чистое Небо) - Grigori Chukhrai
10. A Strange Woman (Странная женщина) - Yuli Raizman
09. Kidnapping, Caucasian Style (Кавказская пленница) - Leonid Gaidai
08. A Hunting Accident (Мой ласковый и нежный зверь) - Emil Loteanu
07. Queen Of The Gypsies (Табор уходит в небо) - Emil Loteanu
06. Station For Two (Вокзал для двоих) - Eldar Ryazanov
05. The Captivating Star Of Happiness (Звезда пленительного счастья) - Vladimir Motyl
04. Office Romance (Служебный роман) - Eldar Ryazanov
03. The Lady With The Dog (Дама с собачкой) - Iosif Kheifits
02. Moscow Does Not Believe In Tears (Москва слезам не верит) - Vladimir Menshov
01. The Irony Of Fate (Ирония судьбы, или С лёгким паром!) - Eldar Ryazanov
- published: 03 Oct 2014
- views: 1447
Новогодняя пародия на фильм "Белое солнце пустыни" Christmas parody of the movie
Новогодняя пародия на фильм "Белое солнце пустыни" 2016г. бюджетного учреждения Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа - Югры "Центр социальной помощи семье и дет...
Новогодняя пародия на фильм "Белое солнце пустыни" 2016г. бюджетного учреждения Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа - Югры "Центр социальной помощи семье и детям "Апрель", отделение реабилитации
Советский художественный фильм 1970 года режиссёра Владимира Мотыля, повествующий о приключениях красноармейца Фёдора Ивановича Сухова, спасающего женщин из гарема бандита Абдуллы в годы гражданской войны. Действие фильма происходит в начале 1920-х годов на восточном берегу Каспийского моря. Закончилась гражданская война, но в Средней Азии ещё орудуют банды басмачей. Красноармеец Фёдор Иванович Сухов возвращается через пустыню домой в Россию, к жене Катерине Матвеевне.
Christmas parody of the movie "White Sun of the Desert" in 2016 budget institution of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra "Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children" April ", Department of Rehabilitation
Soviet feature film in 1970 directed by Vladimir Motyl, telling about the adventures of a Red Army soldier Fyodor Ivanovich Sukhov, rescuing women from the harem bandit Abdullah during the Civil War. The film is set in the early 1920s on the eastern shore of the Caspian Sea. The civil war, but in Central Asia more gang boss Basmachi. Red Army soldier Fyodor Sukhov returned home across the desert to Russia, his wife Katerina Matveyevna.
Пожертвования на поддержку канала:
Donations to support the channel:
Яндекс Деньги - 41001337598840
Yandex money - 41001337598840
WEBMONEY WMR - R415335113257
WEBMONEY WMZ - Z821886946310
Всем СПАСИБО! Thanks to all!
wn.com/Новогодняя Пародия На Фильм Белое Солнце Пустыни Christmas Parody Of The Movie
Новогодняя пародия на фильм "Белое солнце пустыни" 2016г. бюджетного учреждения Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа - Югры "Центр социальной помощи семье и детям "Апрель", отделение реабилитации
Советский художественный фильм 1970 года режиссёра Владимира Мотыля, повествующий о приключениях красноармейца Фёдора Ивановича Сухова, спасающего женщин из гарема бандита Абдуллы в годы гражданской войны. Действие фильма происходит в начале 1920-х годов на восточном берегу Каспийского моря. Закончилась гражданская война, но в Средней Азии ещё орудуют банды басмачей. Красноармеец Фёдор Иванович Сухов возвращается через пустыню домой в Россию, к жене Катерине Матвеевне.
Christmas parody of the movie "White Sun of the Desert" in 2016 budget institution of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra "Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children" April ", Department of Rehabilitation
Soviet feature film in 1970 directed by Vladimir Motyl, telling about the adventures of a Red Army soldier Fyodor Ivanovich Sukhov, rescuing women from the harem bandit Abdullah during the Civil War. The film is set in the early 1920s on the eastern shore of the Caspian Sea. The civil war, but in Central Asia more gang boss Basmachi. Red Army soldier Fyodor Sukhov returned home across the desert to Russia, his wife Katerina Matveyevna.
Пожертвования на поддержку канала:
Donations to support the channel:
Яндекс Деньги - 41001337598840
Yandex money - 41001337598840
WEBMONEY WMR - R415335113257
WEBMONEY WMZ - Z821886946310
Всем СПАСИБО! Thanks to all!
- published: 18 Jan 2016
- views: 81
Greatest feeling when the character comes alive: Alexander Motyl, Vovochka - Preview #1
Preview #1 of an interview with Prof. Alexander Motyl, Author "VOVOCHKA: THE TRUE CONFESSIONS OF VLADIMIR PUTIN'S BEST FRIEND AND CONFIDANT, New York City, #U...
Preview #1 of an interview with Prof. Alexander Motyl, Author "VOVOCHKA: THE TRUE CONFESSIONS OF VLADIMIR PUTIN'S BEST FRIEND AND CONFIDANT, New York City, #USA, 27 January 2016.
Motyl's novel "Vovochnka" is available at amazon:
This video was not sponsored
Video by UkeTube
wn.com/Greatest Feeling When The Character Comes Alive Alexander Motyl, Vovochka Preview 1
Preview #1 of an interview with Prof. Alexander Motyl, Author "VOVOCHKA: THE TRUE CONFESSIONS OF VLADIMIR PUTIN'S BEST FRIEND AND CONFIDANT, New York City, #USA, 27 January 2016.
Motyl's novel "Vovochnka" is available at amazon:
This video was not sponsored
Video by UkeTube
- published: 27 Jan 2016
- views: 24
Zvezda plenitelnogo schastya Звезда пленительного счастья(1975)
In December 1825, distinguished members of the Russian military, most of whom were quite affluent and of noble lineage, took it upon themselves to stir revoluti...
In December 1825, distinguished members of the Russian military, most of whom were quite affluent and of noble lineage, took it upon themselves to stir revolution against the autocratic and tyrannical Czar Nikolai I in the wake of his not honoring (or even acknowledging) the drafting of a constitution for the Russian people
Director: Vladimir Motyl
Stars: Irina Kupchenko, Aleksey Batalov and Natalya Bondarchuk
wn.com/Zvezda Plenitelnogo Schastya Звезда Пленительного Счастья(1975)
In December 1825, distinguished members of the Russian military, most of whom were quite affluent and of noble lineage, took it upon themselves to stir revolution against the autocratic and tyrannical Czar Nikolai I in the wake of his not honoring (or even acknowledging) the drafting of a constitution for the Russian people
Director: Vladimir Motyl
Stars: Irina Kupchenko, Aleksey Batalov and Natalya Bondarchuk
- published: 29 Nov 2010
- views: 25899
25 Motyl
Kavarna Roh 20150531, Mike Hurryup a jeho Hisboys
Peter Twister sax a zpev, Zbynek Maly a Jiri vulgo Bunda housle, Mikolas Volek piano, Jan Strizovsky kontrabas...
Kavarna Roh 20150531, Mike Hurryup a jeho Hisboys
Peter Twister sax a zpev, Zbynek Maly a Jiri vulgo Bunda housle, Mikolas Volek piano, Jan Strizovsky kontrabas, Vladimir Bradac bici
wn.com/25 Motyl
Kavarna Roh 20150531, Mike Hurryup a jeho Hisboys
Peter Twister sax a zpev, Zbynek Maly a Jiri vulgo Bunda housle, Mikolas Volek piano, Jan Strizovsky kontrabas, Vladimir Bradac bici
- published: 03 Jun 2015
- views: 27
Top 20 Russian Movies
The cinema of Russia began in the Russian Empire, widely developed under the Soviet and in the years following the fall of the Soviet system, the Russian film i...
The cinema of Russia began in the Russian Empire, widely developed under the Soviet and in the years following the fall of the Soviet system, the Russian film industry would remain internationally recognized. In the 21st century, Russian cinema has become popular internationally with hits such as House of Fools, Night Watch, and the exceptionally popular Brother.
20. Office Romance (comedy) - Eldar Ryazanov
19. Assa (crime) - Sergei Solovyov
18. Moscow Does Not Believe In Tears (drama) - Vladimir Menshov
17. The End Of St. Petersburg (drama) - Vsevolod Pudovkin
16. Prisoner Of The Mountains (war) - Sergei Bodrov
15. An Unfinished Piece For A Player Piano (drama) - Nikita Mikhalkov
14. October: Ten Days That Shook The World (historical) - Sergei Eisenstein
13. Ballad Of A Soldier (war) - Grigori Chukhrai
12. White Sun Of The Desert (adventure) - Vladimir Motyl
11. Dersu Uzala (drama) - Akira Kurosawa
10. War And Peace (epic) - Sergei Bondarchuk
09. Tale Of Tales (avant garde) - Yuriy Norshteyn
08. Stalker (science fiction) - Andrei Tarkovsky
07. Come And See (war) - Elem Klimov
06. The Cranes Are Flying (drama) - Mikhail Kalatozov
05. Solaris (science fiction) - Andrei Tarkovsky
04. Alexander Nevsky (historical) - Sergei Eisenstein
03. Man With A Movie Camera (avant garde) - Dziga Vertov
02. Andrei Rublev (historical) - Andrei Tarkovsky
01. The Battleship Potemkin (historical) - Sergei Eisenstein
wn.com/Top 20 Russian Movies
The cinema of Russia began in the Russian Empire, widely developed under the Soviet and in the years following the fall of the Soviet system, the Russian film industry would remain internationally recognized. In the 21st century, Russian cinema has become popular internationally with hits such as House of Fools, Night Watch, and the exceptionally popular Brother.
20. Office Romance (comedy) - Eldar Ryazanov
19. Assa (crime) - Sergei Solovyov
18. Moscow Does Not Believe In Tears (drama) - Vladimir Menshov
17. The End Of St. Petersburg (drama) - Vsevolod Pudovkin
16. Prisoner Of The Mountains (war) - Sergei Bodrov
15. An Unfinished Piece For A Player Piano (drama) - Nikita Mikhalkov
14. October: Ten Days That Shook The World (historical) - Sergei Eisenstein
13. Ballad Of A Soldier (war) - Grigori Chukhrai
12. White Sun Of The Desert (adventure) - Vladimir Motyl
11. Dersu Uzala (drama) - Akira Kurosawa
10. War And Peace (epic) - Sergei Bondarchuk
09. Tale Of Tales (avant garde) - Yuriy Norshteyn
08. Stalker (science fiction) - Andrei Tarkovsky
07. Come And See (war) - Elem Klimov
06. The Cranes Are Flying (drama) - Mikhail Kalatozov
05. Solaris (science fiction) - Andrei Tarkovsky
04. Alexander Nevsky (historical) - Sergei Eisenstein
03. Man With A Movie Camera (avant garde) - Dziga Vertov
02. Andrei Rublev (historical) - Andrei Tarkovsky
01. The Battleship Potemkin (historical) - Sergei Eisenstein
- published: 08 Aug 2014
- views: 27785
Белое солнце пустыни (1970) - Охотники на ганкстеров | Русский трейлер [AV] ●ᴴᴰ
Белое солнце пустыни ▷(Трейлеры Советских фильмов)
Охотники на гангстеров (2013)
Hunters on gangsters (2013)
White Sun of...
Белое солнце пустыни ▷(Трейлеры Советских фильмов)
Охотники на гангстеров (2013)
Hunters on gangsters (2013)
White Sun of the Desert ▷ Trailer
«Бе́лое со́лнце пусты́ни» — советский кинофильм 1970 года режиссёра Владимира Мотыля, повествующий о приключениях красноармейца Фёдора Ивановича Сухова, спасающего женщин из гарема бандита Абдуллы в годы гражданской войны. Фильм снят на ЭТК (Экспериментальная творческая киностудия) на производственной базе студий «Мосфильм» и «Ленфильм».
Один из самых известных фильмов в истории советского кинематографа, по мнению многих зрителей и критиков фильм стал культовым, фразы героев устойчиво вошли в разговорный русский язык и стали крылатыми. Государственная премия РФ 1998 года.
"The White Sun of the Desert" - 1970 Soviet film director Vladimir Motyl, which tells of the adventures of a Red Army soldier Fyodor Sukhov, saving women of the harem bandit Abdullah during the Civil War. The film was shot on the ETC (Experimental creative studio) on a production basis studio "Mosfilm" and "thumbnail".
One of the most famous films in the history of Soviet cinema, according to many audiences and critics the film became a cult , phrases heroes steadily entered the spoken Russian language and became airborne. State Prize of the Russian Federation in 1998.
wn.com/Белое Солнце Пустыни (1970) Охотники На Ганкстеров | Русский Трейлер Av ●ᴴᴰ
Белое солнце пустыни ▷(Трейлеры Советских фильмов)
Охотники на гангстеров (2013)
Hunters on gangsters (2013)
White Sun of the Desert ▷ Trailer
«Бе́лое со́лнце пусты́ни» — советский кинофильм 1970 года режиссёра Владимира Мотыля, повествующий о приключениях красноармейца Фёдора Ивановича Сухова, спасающего женщин из гарема бандита Абдуллы в годы гражданской войны. Фильм снят на ЭТК (Экспериментальная творческая киностудия) на производственной базе студий «Мосфильм» и «Ленфильм».
Один из самых известных фильмов в истории советского кинематографа, по мнению многих зрителей и критиков фильм стал культовым, фразы героев устойчиво вошли в разговорный русский язык и стали крылатыми. Государственная премия РФ 1998 года.
"The White Sun of the Desert" - 1970 Soviet film director Vladimir Motyl, which tells of the adventures of a Red Army soldier Fyodor Sukhov, saving women of the harem bandit Abdullah during the Civil War. The film was shot on the ETC (Experimental creative studio) on a production basis studio "Mosfilm" and "thumbnail".
One of the most famous films in the history of Soviet cinema, according to many audiences and critics the film became a cult , phrases heroes steadily entered the spoken Russian language and became airborne. State Prize of the Russian Federation in 1998.
- published: 12 Sep 2013
- views: 1269
Book Launch by Alexander Motyl: "Memories" & "During Three Occupations: Life, Survival, Experience"
д-р Олександр Мотиль, Презнтація незабутніх спогадів: 1. "Спогади", Марія В. Мотиль, 2. "Під трьома окупаціями: Життя, Виживання, Переживання", Олекса Мотиль, І...
д-р Олександр Мотиль, Презнтація незабутніх спогадів: 1. "Спогади", Марія В. Мотиль, 2. "Під трьома окупаціями: Життя, Виживання, Переживання", Олекса Мотиль, Інститут св. Володимира та Українсько-Канадський Дослідчо-Документаційний Центр, Торонто, Канада, 6-ого жовтня 2013 р.
Book launch and presentation by Dr. Alexander J. Motyl: "Memories", by Maria V. Motyl, and "During Three Occupations: Life, Survival, Experience" by Oleksa Motyl, St. Vladimir Institute, Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre, Toronto, Canada, 6 October 2013.
- д-р Юрко Даревич (Yurko Darewych)
- 2:25, 54:44 д-р Олександр Мотиль (Alexander J. Motyl)
- 22:56 Лідія Смілка (Lidia Smilka)
St. Vladimir Institute
Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre
Video courtesy of Lidia Smilka, St. Vladimir Institute.
Спогади, література, культура, історія, memoirs, Ukrainian literature, Ukrainian culture, Ukrainian history.
wn.com/Book Launch By Alexander Motyl Memories During Three Occupations Life, Survival, Experience
д-р Олександр Мотиль, Презнтація незабутніх спогадів: 1. "Спогади", Марія В. Мотиль, 2. "Під трьома окупаціями: Життя, Виживання, Переживання", Олекса Мотиль, Інститут св. Володимира та Українсько-Канадський Дослідчо-Документаційний Центр, Торонто, Канада, 6-ого жовтня 2013 р.
Book launch and presentation by Dr. Alexander J. Motyl: "Memories", by Maria V. Motyl, and "During Three Occupations: Life, Survival, Experience" by Oleksa Motyl, St. Vladimir Institute, Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre, Toronto, Canada, 6 October 2013.
- д-р Юрко Даревич (Yurko Darewych)
- 2:25, 54:44 д-р Олександр Мотиль (Alexander J. Motyl)
- 22:56 Лідія Смілка (Lidia Smilka)
St. Vladimir Institute
Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre
Video courtesy of Lidia Smilka, St. Vladimir Institute.
Спогади, література, культура, історія, memoirs, Ukrainian literature, Ukrainian culture, Ukrainian history.
- published: 26 Nov 2013
- views: 201
Travel Kiev, Ukraine - Vladimir Cathedral in Kiev
Take a tour of Vladimir Cathedral in Ukraine -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The city of Kiev in Ukraine is blessed with a highly esteemed religious monument full of revered history.
The simple yet alluring Vladimir Cathedral ordains Kiev with its significant historic, cultural and religious presence.
This gorgeous structure was built in the 1
Vladimir Video guide (Russia)
Vladimir - the historic city of Golden Ring of Russia
Dubrovnik Tourism Interview with Vladimir Bakic - HD
Dubrovnik Tourism Interview with Vladimir Bakic - HD. At the World Travel Market (WTM) 2011 which took place at Excel in London between 7-10 November 2011, ASIA Travel Tips.com sat down with Mr. Vladimir Bakic - Director of Dubrovnik & Neretva County Tourist Board to ask him about the state of Dubrovnik and its tourist industry.
In the HD video interview you will learn how much damage the war c
City of Kiev, Ukraine - Unravel Travel TV
Kiev is the capital city of Ukraine, its largest economical, political, educational and cultural center. Kiev offers endless opportunities for tourism. Traveling to this city may be one of the most pleasurable experiences in your life. Ukrainians' very lifestyle will be as interesting to foreign visitors as the capital's major attractions and museums.
Kiev's most famous historical architecture co
Belarus Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by http://stupeflix.com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Victory
Square, Minsk. Vladimir Lenin's statue stands in front of the
Belarusian Parliament Building, in Freedom Square, Minsk. Swamps,
forests and a lake in Belarus. Horses grazing in Minsk Province.
Obverse of the 500 Belarusian ruble (BYB/BYR), the national currency. A
Belarusian made tractor being used to farm. Russian Orthodox church
What I learned from Vladimir Lenin | Brad Toland | TEDxBirminghamSalon
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. In this short talk, Brad Toland shares the idea that we can understand ourselves and each other better if we travel. “Americans are still somewhat reluctant to step outside of their comfort zones. If we did, we would be a better people and we would be a better nation.”
Brad Toland is a teacher, lawyer, and
Gay Travel Guide: Moscow + [St. Petersburg], Russia
Area: 970 (556) sq mi
Population: 11,500,000 (4,900,000) (approx)
Things to do Gay: Cruise, clubs/bars, Online
Things to do: Kreml, Red Square, St. Basil, Hermitage, Catherine Palace, etc etc
Need Cash: No
Walk: X
Bike: XX
Public Transit: XXXX
Car: XXX
St. Petersburg:
Walk: XXX
Bike: XXXX
Public Transit: XX
Car: X
Ep10: St. Vladimir's Cathedral :: Ukraine | Velvet Culture
Kiev, Ukraine
This video is from a recent trip I took to Kiev, Ukraine. I met up with interpreter and guide Oksana Lysenko to get some back story on St. Vladimir's Cathedral.
Following your dream | Vladimir Druganov | TEDxEkaterinburg
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. As was said by Mark Twain - "Travel. Dream. Discover". How discovering another countries changes us and how much does it cost to travel to the country of your dream?
Traveller, blogger
About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-orga
Travel Dubai - The Tourist Attraction 2013
Its about vibrant Dubai city that keeps its visitors entertained with a taste of authentic Arab culture and exciting adventurous activities. Video Courtesy of DTCM. Beautiful music by Vladimir Persan.
To plan your extraordinary experience visit www.definitelydubai.com
Lithuania Travel Guide - Visit the Vilnius Cathedral
Take a tour of Vilnius Cathedral in Vilnius, Lithuania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
A great place to learn about the history of Roman Catholicism in Lithuania is Vilnius Cathedral.
It is thought that the Lithuanians first worshiped a pagan God at the site of the cathedral.
Parts of what are believed to be the original pagan church were disc
Suzdal Travel Video
Suzdal Travel Video - The gently winding Kamenka River, flower-drenched meadows and dome-spotted skyline make this medieval capital the perfect fairytale setting. Suzdal, 35km north of Vladimir, has earned a federally protected status, which has limited development in the area.
As a result, its main features are its abundance of ancient architectural gems and its decidedly rural atmosphere. Judg
Foto Rejse til Malta med Timm Vladimir og FolkeFerie.dk
En gruppe ivrige fotografer var på Malta en uge med FolkeFerie.dk og Timm Vladimir i 2012. Timm Vladimir sørgede for de daglige input, tekniske udfordringer, inspiration og tips til bedre feriefotos til stor glæde for de mange deltagere. Gruppen kom hele øen rundt og tog nogle fantastiske foto's.
Læs mere om den næste Foto Rejse på folkeferie.dk/fotorejse
The Witcher 3: [Hearts of Stone DLC] Vladimir's Party Animal #6
This whole party by far tops everything of silly Witcher 3 moments. I absolutely love what they have done here, the background characters had me laughing so hard. Great job CD Projekt Red!!
Hearts of Stone will take Geralt on an all-new, 10-hour-plus adventure into the wilds of No Man's Land and the nooks and alleys of Oxenfurt, wher
White Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal (UNESCO/NHK)
These two artistic centres in central Russia hold an important place in the country's architectural history. There are a number of magnificent 12th- and 13th-century public and religious buildings, above all the masterpieces of the Collegiate Church of St Demetrios and the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin.
Source: UNESCO TV / © NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai
URL: http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/63
Professor Vladimir Majstorovic takes us to The Ovcar Kablar Gorge
We took a break from the hectic joy of the Guca Trumpet Festival, 'Dragacevski Sabor' to go on an excursion with Professor Vladimir Majstorovic. We drove, in the professor's car, towards the Ovcar Kablar Gorge, first stopping off about 5 km out of Guca on the southern slopes of Mount Jelica where we admired its rolling pastures and meadow lands. We continued through winding hills and river side
Vladimir - Champion Mini
Learn the League ebook at: http://www.learntheleague.com/ebook/
COUNTER CHAMPIONS - Courtesy of http://www.lolcounter.com/
Fizz, Swain, Malzahar, Fiddlesticks, Ryze, Riven, Varus, Wukong, Akali, Yorick
Champion minis are short by design. The goal is that players who are going up against a champion for the first time can quickly learn the basics of that champion, even during a
Heirs of Vladimir Lenin: History of Guatemala
The Guatemalan Civil War (1960--96) involved the government, right-wing paramilitary organizations, and left-wing insurgents. A variety of factors contributed: social and economic injustice and racism against the indigenous population, the 1954 coup which reversed reforms, weak civilian control of the military, the United States support of the government, and Cuban supp
Casa Rosada, Buenos Aires (Argentina) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Casa Rosada in Buenos Aires, Argentina - part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The office of the president of the United States is known for its whitewashed exterior, much as Argentina's is known for its rosy walls.
The Casa Rosada, meaning Pink House, in Buenos Aires, is the beautiful presidential palace of this country.
Designed in the
SIBERIA - Wild Russia - Beautiful Wilderness - Travel documentary HD
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United Kingdom (UK) Travel Guide - Welsh Assembly Building
Take a tour of Welsh Assembly Building in United Kingdom -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
Over the past two decades, Cardiff Bay has blossomed under urban regeneration.
The modernist architecture of the new National Assembly building is self proclaimed to reflect transparency.
As you enter the main reception area, focus is drawn immediately to
Hamburg - Three Travel Tips | Discover Germany
Hamburg native and singer Gönül Kaya recommends a visit to the HafenCity, the La Chance café and the University of Music and Theater.
For more from Discover Germany go to http://www.dw.de/program/discover-germany/s-7856-9798
How to Jungle Lycan in Dota 2, 6.81 - SkavGaming Replay
Lycan is a hard-carry tower destroyer who excels at jungling in the early game. He was recently nerfed in the last patch which removes his bonus HP when he uses Shapeshift, but he is still incredibly strong in lower-rank games and you just have to be a bit more careful. Go for Vladimir's Offering, Necronomicon 3, Assault Cuirass, and Boots Of Travel to maximize your push potential. Make sure to gr
Travel Kiev, Ukraine - Vladimir Cathedral in Kiev
Take a tour of Vladimir Cathedral in Ukraine -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The city of Kiev in Ukraine is ble...
Take a tour of Vladimir Cathedral in Ukraine -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The city of Kiev in Ukraine is blessed with a highly esteemed religious monument full of revered history.
The simple yet alluring Vladimir Cathedral ordains Kiev with its significant historic, cultural and religious presence.
This gorgeous structure was built in the 19th century to remember and celebrate the anniversary of the baptism of Kievan Rus'.
People from all over Ukraine collectively donated more than 100,000 rubles for the building of this monument.
This beautiful church is renowned and highly acclaimed for its beautiful frescoes depicting historic events and religious figures.
It is built in the Old Byzantine style of architecture and largely resembles Old Russian churches.
This historic monument was erected to honor Saint Prince Vladimir, the man who made Christianity the official religion of the country.
wn.com/Travel Kiev, Ukraine Vladimir Cathedral In Kiev
Take a tour of Vladimir Cathedral in Ukraine -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The city of Kiev in Ukraine is blessed with a highly esteemed religious monument full of revered history.
The simple yet alluring Vladimir Cathedral ordains Kiev with its significant historic, cultural and religious presence.
This gorgeous structure was built in the 19th century to remember and celebrate the anniversary of the baptism of Kievan Rus'.
People from all over Ukraine collectively donated more than 100,000 rubles for the building of this monument.
This beautiful church is renowned and highly acclaimed for its beautiful frescoes depicting historic events and religious figures.
It is built in the Old Byzantine style of architecture and largely resembles Old Russian churches.
This historic monument was erected to honor Saint Prince Vladimir, the man who made Christianity the official religion of the country.
- published: 08 Dec 2010
- views: 798
Vladimir Video guide (Russia)
Vladimir - the historic city of Golden Ring of Russia...
Vladimir - the historic city of Golden Ring of Russia
wn.com/Vladimir Video Guide (Russia)
Vladimir - the historic city of Golden Ring of Russia
- published: 16 Sep 2011
- views: 1523
Dubrovnik Tourism Interview with Vladimir Bakic - HD
Dubrovnik Tourism Interview with Vladimir Bakic - HD. At the World Travel Market (WTM) 2011 which took place at Excel in London between 7-10 November 2011, ASIA...
Dubrovnik Tourism Interview with Vladimir Bakic - HD. At the World Travel Market (WTM) 2011 which took place at Excel in London between 7-10 November 2011, ASIA Travel Tips.com sat down with Mr. Vladimir Bakic - Director of Dubrovnik & Neretva County Tourist Board to ask him about the state of Dubrovnik and its tourist industry.
In the HD video interview you will learn how much damage the war caused the beautiful city of Dubrovnik, which markets in Asia Pacific they are targetting, how one gets from Asia Pacific region to the city, whether international hotel brand have started investing there plus much, much more.
wn.com/Dubrovnik Tourism Interview With Vladimir Bakic Hd
Dubrovnik Tourism Interview with Vladimir Bakic - HD. At the World Travel Market (WTM) 2011 which took place at Excel in London between 7-10 November 2011, ASIA Travel Tips.com sat down with Mr. Vladimir Bakic - Director of Dubrovnik & Neretva County Tourist Board to ask him about the state of Dubrovnik and its tourist industry.
In the HD video interview you will learn how much damage the war caused the beautiful city of Dubrovnik, which markets in Asia Pacific they are targetting, how one gets from Asia Pacific region to the city, whether international hotel brand have started investing there plus much, much more.
- published: 10 Nov 2011
- views: 259
City of Kiev, Ukraine - Unravel Travel TV
Kiev is the capital city of Ukraine, its largest economical, political, educational and cultural center. Kiev offers endless opportunities for tourism. Travelin...
Kiev is the capital city of Ukraine, its largest economical, political, educational and cultural center. Kiev offers endless opportunities for tourism. Traveling to this city may be one of the most pleasurable experiences in your life. Ukrainians' very lifestyle will be as interesting to foreign visitors as the capital's major attractions and museums.
Kiev's most famous historical architecture complexes are the St. Sophia Cathedral and the Kiev Pechersk Lavra (Monastery of the Caves), which are recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. Noteworthy historical architectural landmarks also include the Mariyinsky Palace (designed and constructed from 1745 to 1752, then reconstructed in 1870), several Orthodox churches such as St. Michael's Cathedral, St. Andrew's, St. Vladimir's, the reconstructed Golden Gate and others.
One of Kiev's widely recognized modern landmarks is the highly visible giant Mother Motherland statue made of titanium standing at the Museum of the Great Patriotic War on the Right bank of the Dnieper River. Other notable sites is the cylindrical Salut hotel, located across from Glory Square and the eternal flame at the World War Two memorial Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and the House with Chimaeras.
Among Kiev's best-known monuments are Mikhail Mikeshin's statue of Bohdan Khmelnytsky astride his horse located near St. Sophia Cathedral, the venerated Vladimir the Great (St. Vladimir), the baptizer of Rus', overlooking the river above Podil, the monument to Kyi, Schek and Khoryv and Lybid, the legendary founders of the city located at the Dnieper embankment. On Independence Square in the city centre, two monuments elevate two of the city protectors; the historic protector of Kiev Michael Archangel atop a reconstruction of one of the old city's gates and a modern invention, the goddess-protector Berehynia atop a tall column.
Kiev is known as a green city with two botanical gardens and numerous large and small parks. The World War II Museum is located here, which offers both indoor and outdoor displays of military history and equipment surrounded by verdant hills overlooking the Dnieper river. The monument to Bohdan Khmelnytsky on St Sofia's Square.
Among the numerous islands, Venetsianskyi (or Hidropark) is the most developed. It is accessible by metro or by car, and includes an amusement park, swimming beaches, boat rentals, and night clubs. The Victory Park (Park Peremohy) located near Darnytsia subway station is a popular destination for strollers, joggers, and cyclists. Boating, fishing, and water sports are popular pastimes in Kiev. The area lakes and rivers freeze over in the winter and ice fishermen are a frequent sight, as are children with their ice skates. However, the peak of summer draws out a greater mass of people to the shores for swimming and sunbathing.
The centre of Kiev (Independence Square and Khreschatyk Street) becomes a large outdoor party place at night during summer months, with thousands of people having a good time in nearby restaurants, clubs and outdoor cafes. The central streets are closed for auto traffic on weekends and holidays. Andriyivskyy Descent is one of the best known historic streets and a major tourist attraction in Kiev.
Local public transportation in Kiev includes the Metro (underground), buses and minibuses, trolleybuses, trams, taxi and funicular. There is also an intra-city ring railway service.
LIVE broadcast Unravel Travel TV http://www.unraveltraveltv.com
Unravel Travel TV on You Tube http://www.youtube.com/UnravelTravelTV
Unravel Travel TV Twitter http://www.twitter.com/UnravelTravelTV
Unravel Travel TV Pinterest http://www.pinterest.com/unraveltraveltv
Unravel Travel TV Website http://www.unraveltravel.eu
wn.com/City Of Kiev, Ukraine Unravel Travel Tv
Kiev is the capital city of Ukraine, its largest economical, political, educational and cultural center. Kiev offers endless opportunities for tourism. Traveling to this city may be one of the most pleasurable experiences in your life. Ukrainians' very lifestyle will be as interesting to foreign visitors as the capital's major attractions and museums.
Kiev's most famous historical architecture complexes are the St. Sophia Cathedral and the Kiev Pechersk Lavra (Monastery of the Caves), which are recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. Noteworthy historical architectural landmarks also include the Mariyinsky Palace (designed and constructed from 1745 to 1752, then reconstructed in 1870), several Orthodox churches such as St. Michael's Cathedral, St. Andrew's, St. Vladimir's, the reconstructed Golden Gate and others.
One of Kiev's widely recognized modern landmarks is the highly visible giant Mother Motherland statue made of titanium standing at the Museum of the Great Patriotic War on the Right bank of the Dnieper River. Other notable sites is the cylindrical Salut hotel, located across from Glory Square and the eternal flame at the World War Two memorial Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and the House with Chimaeras.
Among Kiev's best-known monuments are Mikhail Mikeshin's statue of Bohdan Khmelnytsky astride his horse located near St. Sophia Cathedral, the venerated Vladimir the Great (St. Vladimir), the baptizer of Rus', overlooking the river above Podil, the monument to Kyi, Schek and Khoryv and Lybid, the legendary founders of the city located at the Dnieper embankment. On Independence Square in the city centre, two monuments elevate two of the city protectors; the historic protector of Kiev Michael Archangel atop a reconstruction of one of the old city's gates and a modern invention, the goddess-protector Berehynia atop a tall column.
Kiev is known as a green city with two botanical gardens and numerous large and small parks. The World War II Museum is located here, which offers both indoor and outdoor displays of military history and equipment surrounded by verdant hills overlooking the Dnieper river. The monument to Bohdan Khmelnytsky on St Sofia's Square.
Among the numerous islands, Venetsianskyi (or Hidropark) is the most developed. It is accessible by metro or by car, and includes an amusement park, swimming beaches, boat rentals, and night clubs. The Victory Park (Park Peremohy) located near Darnytsia subway station is a popular destination for strollers, joggers, and cyclists. Boating, fishing, and water sports are popular pastimes in Kiev. The area lakes and rivers freeze over in the winter and ice fishermen are a frequent sight, as are children with their ice skates. However, the peak of summer draws out a greater mass of people to the shores for swimming and sunbathing.
The centre of Kiev (Independence Square and Khreschatyk Street) becomes a large outdoor party place at night during summer months, with thousands of people having a good time in nearby restaurants, clubs and outdoor cafes. The central streets are closed for auto traffic on weekends and holidays. Andriyivskyy Descent is one of the best known historic streets and a major tourist attraction in Kiev.
Local public transportation in Kiev includes the Metro (underground), buses and minibuses, trolleybuses, trams, taxi and funicular. There is also an intra-city ring railway service.
LIVE broadcast Unravel Travel TV http://www.unraveltraveltv.com
Unravel Travel TV on You Tube http://www.youtube.com/UnravelTravelTV
Unravel Travel TV Twitter http://www.twitter.com/UnravelTravelTV
Unravel Travel TV Pinterest http://www.pinterest.com/unraveltraveltv
Unravel Travel TV Website http://www.unraveltravel.eu
- published: 18 Jul 2014
- views: 15387
Belarus Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by http://stupeflix.com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Victory
Square, Minsk. Vladimir Lenin's statue stands in front of the
Belarusian Parliament Building...
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Victory
Square, Minsk. Vladimir Lenin's statue stands in front of the
Belarusian Parliament Building, in Freedom Square, Minsk. Swamps,
forests and a lake in Belarus. Horses grazing in Minsk Province.
Obverse of the 500 Belarusian ruble (BYB/BYR), the national currency. A
Belarusian made tractor being used to farm. Russian Orthodox church in
Brest, Belarus. 1961 USSR postage stamp depicting Belarusian
traditional costumes. Babka, a traditional Belarusian potato dish.
wn.com/Belarus Wikipedia Travel Guide Video. Created By Http Stupeflix.Com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Victory
Square, Minsk. Vladimir Lenin's statue stands in front of the
Belarusian Parliament Building, in Freedom Square, Minsk. Swamps,
forests and a lake in Belarus. Horses grazing in Minsk Province.
Obverse of the 500 Belarusian ruble (BYB/BYR), the national currency. A
Belarusian made tractor being used to farm. Russian Orthodox church in
Brest, Belarus. 1961 USSR postage stamp depicting Belarusian
traditional costumes. Babka, a traditional Belarusian potato dish.
- published: 24 Mar 2010
- views: 996
What I learned from Vladimir Lenin | Brad Toland | TEDxBirminghamSalon
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. In this short talk, Brad Toland shares the idea that we can understand...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. In this short talk, Brad Toland shares the idea that we can understand ourselves and each other better if we travel. “Americans are still somewhat reluctant to step outside of their comfort zones. If we did, we would be a better people and we would be a better nation.”
Brad Toland is a teacher, lawyer, and tour guide. He'sbeen traveling and helping others design their ultimate vacations for twenty years. He is the chief writer and editor of TolandTravels.com, developed a smart phone app for travelers, and organizes and live events that showcase local writers.
About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
wn.com/What I Learned From Vladimir Lenin | Brad Toland | Tedxbirminghamsalon
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. In this short talk, Brad Toland shares the idea that we can understand ourselves and each other better if we travel. “Americans are still somewhat reluctant to step outside of their comfort zones. If we did, we would be a better people and we would be a better nation.”
Brad Toland is a teacher, lawyer, and tour guide. He'sbeen traveling and helping others design their ultimate vacations for twenty years. He is the chief writer and editor of TolandTravels.com, developed a smart phone app for travelers, and organizes and live events that showcase local writers.
About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
- published: 09 Oct 2014
- views: 460
Gay Travel Guide: Moscow + [St. Petersburg], Russia
Area: 970 (556) sq mi
Population: 11,500,000 (4,900,000) (approx)
Things to do Gay: Cruise, clubs/bars, Online
Things to do: Kreml, Red Square, St. Basil, He...
Area: 970 (556) sq mi
Population: 11,500,000 (4,900,000) (approx)
Things to do Gay: Cruise, clubs/bars, Online
Things to do: Kreml, Red Square, St. Basil, Hermitage, Catherine Palace, etc etc
Need Cash: No
Walk: X
Bike: XX
Public Transit: XXXX
Car: XXX
St. Petersburg:
Walk: XXX
Bike: XXXX
Public Transit: XX
Car: X
wn.com/Gay Travel Guide Moscow St. Petersburg , Russia
Area: 970 (556) sq mi
Population: 11,500,000 (4,900,000) (approx)
Things to do Gay: Cruise, clubs/bars, Online
Things to do: Kreml, Red Square, St. Basil, Hermitage, Catherine Palace, etc etc
Need Cash: No
Walk: X
Bike: XX
Public Transit: XXXX
Car: XXX
St. Petersburg:
Walk: XXX
Bike: XXXX
Public Transit: XX
Car: X
- published: 17 Apr 2015
- views: 2616
Ep10: St. Vladimir's Cathedral :: Ukraine | Velvet Culture
Kiev, Ukraine
This video is from a recent trip I took to Kiev, Ukraine. I met up with interpreter and guide...
Kiev, Ukraine
This video is from a recent trip I took to Kiev, Ukraine. I met up with interpreter and guide Oksana Lysenko to get some back story on St. Vladimir's Cathedral.
wn.com/Ep10 St. Vladimir's Cathedral Ukraine | Velvet Culture
Kiev, Ukraine
This video is from a recent trip I took to Kiev, Ukraine. I met up with interpreter and guide Oksana Lysenko to get some back story on St. Vladimir's Cathedral.
- published: 09 Jan 2015
- views: 578
Following your dream | Vladimir Druganov | TEDxEkaterinburg
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. As was said by Mark Twain - "Travel. Dream. Discover". How discovering...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. As was said by Mark Twain - "Travel. Dream. Discover". How discovering another countries changes us and how much does it cost to travel to the country of your dream?
Traveller, blogger
About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
wn.com/Following Your Dream | Vladimir Druganov | Tedxekaterinburg
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. As was said by Mark Twain - "Travel. Dream. Discover". How discovering another countries changes us and how much does it cost to travel to the country of your dream?
Traveller, blogger
About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
- published: 02 Oct 2014
- views: 1049
Travel Dubai - The Tourist Attraction 2013
Its about vibrant Dubai city that keeps its visitors entertained with a taste of authentic Arab culture and exciting adventurous activities. Video Courtesy of D...
Its about vibrant Dubai city that keeps its visitors entertained with a taste of authentic Arab culture and exciting adventurous activities. Video Courtesy of DTCM. Beautiful music by Vladimir Persan.
To plan your extraordinary experience visit www.definitelydubai.com
wn.com/Travel Dubai The Tourist Attraction 2013
Its about vibrant Dubai city that keeps its visitors entertained with a taste of authentic Arab culture and exciting adventurous activities. Video Courtesy of DTCM. Beautiful music by Vladimir Persan.
To plan your extraordinary experience visit www.definitelydubai.com
- published: 06 Apr 2013
- views: 30361
Lithuania Travel Guide - Visit the Vilnius Cathedral
Take a tour of Vilnius Cathedral in Vilnius, Lithuania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
A great place to learn a...
Take a tour of Vilnius Cathedral in Vilnius, Lithuania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
A great place to learn about the history of Roman Catholicism in Lithuania is Vilnius Cathedral.
It is thought that the Lithuanians first worshiped a pagan God at the site of the cathedral.
Parts of what are believed to be the original pagan church were discovered during one of its reconstructions.
Though the cathedral has been rebuilt consistently since the Middle Ages, it has retained its early Lithuanian art.
Beneath the cathedral are catacombs housing the remains of some of Lithuania's most important citizens.
When looking for art and history in Lithuania, start at Vilnius Cathedral.
wn.com/Lithuania Travel Guide Visit The Vilnius Cathedral
Take a tour of Vilnius Cathedral in Vilnius, Lithuania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
A great place to learn about the history of Roman Catholicism in Lithuania is Vilnius Cathedral.
It is thought that the Lithuanians first worshiped a pagan God at the site of the cathedral.
Parts of what are believed to be the original pagan church were discovered during one of its reconstructions.
Though the cathedral has been rebuilt consistently since the Middle Ages, it has retained its early Lithuanian art.
Beneath the cathedral are catacombs housing the remains of some of Lithuania's most important citizens.
When looking for art and history in Lithuania, start at Vilnius Cathedral.
- published: 07 Dec 2010
- views: 3436
Suzdal Travel Video
Suzdal Travel Video - The gently winding Kamenka River, flower-drenched meadows and dome-spotted skyline make this medieval capital the perfect fairytale settin...
Suzdal Travel Video - The gently winding Kamenka River, flower-drenched meadows and dome-spotted skyline make this medieval capital the perfect fairytale setting. Suzdal, 35km north of Vladimir, has earned a federally protected status, which has limited development in the area.
As a result, its main features are its abundance of ancient architectural gems and its decidedly rural atmosphere. Judging by the spires and cupolas, Suzdal may have as many churches as people.
Amazing Suzdal Travel Video...
wn.com/Suzdal Travel Video
Suzdal Travel Video - The gently winding Kamenka River, flower-drenched meadows and dome-spotted skyline make this medieval capital the perfect fairytale setting. Suzdal, 35km north of Vladimir, has earned a federally protected status, which has limited development in the area.
As a result, its main features are its abundance of ancient architectural gems and its decidedly rural atmosphere. Judging by the spires and cupolas, Suzdal may have as many churches as people.
Amazing Suzdal Travel Video...
- published: 16 May 2014
- views: 710
Foto Rejse til Malta med Timm Vladimir og FolkeFerie.dk
En gruppe ivrige fotografer var på Malta en uge med FolkeFerie.dk og Timm Vladimir i 2012. Timm Vladimir sørgede for de daglige input, tekniske udfordringer, in...
En gruppe ivrige fotografer var på Malta en uge med FolkeFerie.dk og Timm Vladimir i 2012. Timm Vladimir sørgede for de daglige input, tekniske udfordringer, inspiration og tips til bedre feriefotos til stor glæde for de mange deltagere. Gruppen kom hele øen rundt og tog nogle fantastiske foto's.
Læs mere om den næste Foto Rejse på folkeferie.dk/fotorejse
wn.com/Foto Rejse Til Malta Med Timm Vladimir Og Folkeferie.Dk
En gruppe ivrige fotografer var på Malta en uge med FolkeFerie.dk og Timm Vladimir i 2012. Timm Vladimir sørgede for de daglige input, tekniske udfordringer, inspiration og tips til bedre feriefotos til stor glæde for de mange deltagere. Gruppen kom hele øen rundt og tog nogle fantastiske foto's.
Læs mere om den næste Foto Rejse på folkeferie.dk/fotorejse
- published: 11 Oct 2012
- views: 4097
The Witcher 3: [Hearts of Stone DLC] Vladimir's Party Animal #6
This whole party by far tops everything of silly Witcher 3 moments. I absolutely love what they have done here, the background characters had me laughing so har...
This whole party by far tops everything of silly Witcher 3 moments. I absolutely love what they have done here, the background characters had me laughing so hard. Great job CD Projekt Red!!
Hearts of Stone will take Geralt on an all-new, 10-hour-plus adventure into the wilds of No Man's Land and the nooks and alleys of Oxenfurt, where he’ll try to complete a contract from the mysterious Man of Glass. Caught in a thick tangle of deceit, Geralt will need all his cunning and strength to solve the mystery and emerge unscathed.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (Polish: Wiedźmin 3: Dziki Gon) is an action role-playing video game set in an open world environment, developed by Polish video game developer CD Projekt RED.
Played in a third-person perspective, players control protagonist Geralt of Rivia, a Witcher who sets out on a long journey through the large land of Northern Kingdoms. Players do battle against the world's many dangers using swords and magic, while interacting with non-player characters and completing side quests and main missions all to progress through the story. Players mostly travel by foot, and also on horseback on Geralt's horse 'Roach'.
The game was met with wide acclaim from critics, with many reviewers and publications calling it one of the best RPGs ever made.
Website: http://www.thewitcher.com/
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/WitcherGame
wn.com/The Witcher 3 Hearts Of Stone Dlc Vladimir's Party Animal 6
This whole party by far tops everything of silly Witcher 3 moments. I absolutely love what they have done here, the background characters had me laughing so hard. Great job CD Projekt Red!!
Hearts of Stone will take Geralt on an all-new, 10-hour-plus adventure into the wilds of No Man's Land and the nooks and alleys of Oxenfurt, where he’ll try to complete a contract from the mysterious Man of Glass. Caught in a thick tangle of deceit, Geralt will need all his cunning and strength to solve the mystery and emerge unscathed.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (Polish: Wiedźmin 3: Dziki Gon) is an action role-playing video game set in an open world environment, developed by Polish video game developer CD Projekt RED.
Played in a third-person perspective, players control protagonist Geralt of Rivia, a Witcher who sets out on a long journey through the large land of Northern Kingdoms. Players do battle against the world's many dangers using swords and magic, while interacting with non-player characters and completing side quests and main missions all to progress through the story. Players mostly travel by foot, and also on horseback on Geralt's horse 'Roach'.
The game was met with wide acclaim from critics, with many reviewers and publications calling it one of the best RPGs ever made.
Website: http://www.thewitcher.com/
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/WitcherGame
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 162
White Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal (UNESCO/NHK)
These two artistic centres in central Russia hold an important place in the country's architectural history. There are a number of magnificent 12th- and 13th-ce...
These two artistic centres in central Russia hold an important place in the country's architectural history. There are a number of magnificent 12th- and 13th-century public and religious buildings, above all the masterpieces of the Collegiate Church of St Demetrios and the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin.
Source: UNESCO TV / © NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai
URL: http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/633/
wn.com/White Monuments Of Vladimir And Suzdal (Unesco Nhk)
These two artistic centres in central Russia hold an important place in the country's architectural history. There are a number of magnificent 12th- and 13th-century public and religious buildings, above all the masterpieces of the Collegiate Church of St Demetrios and the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin.
Source: UNESCO TV / © NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai
URL: http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/633/
- published: 20 Sep 2013
- views: 1260
Professor Vladimir Majstorovic takes us to The Ovcar Kablar Gorge
We took a break from the hectic joy of the Guca Trumpet Festival, 'Dragacevski Sabor' to go on an excursion with Professor Vladimir Majstorovic. We drove, in th...
We took a break from the hectic joy of the Guca Trumpet Festival, 'Dragacevski Sabor' to go on an excursion with Professor Vladimir Majstorovic. We drove, in the professor's car, towards the Ovcar Kablar Gorge, first stopping off about 5 km out of Guca on the southern slopes of Mount Jelica where we admired its rolling pastures and meadow lands. We continued through winding hills and river side roads. We soon arrived at the charming Blagovestenje Monastery: a monastery dedicated to the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary. From there we drove to the West Morava River which meanders through the Ovcar Kablar Gorge. We took a river trip and could see monasteries high up on the densely wooded mountains of Mount Kablar. Rocky edifices tower up from the water. Throughout the day trip Professor Vladimir fed us cultural and historical information as well as sandwiches. An excellent trip. Professor Vladimir Majstorovic has written a number of Guide books as well as organising excursions and day trips. I was introduced to the Professor via 'Time to Travel' without whom I probably would not have made it Guca.
wn.com/Professor Vladimir Majstorovic Takes US To The Ovcar Kablar Gorge
We took a break from the hectic joy of the Guca Trumpet Festival, 'Dragacevski Sabor' to go on an excursion with Professor Vladimir Majstorovic. We drove, in the professor's car, towards the Ovcar Kablar Gorge, first stopping off about 5 km out of Guca on the southern slopes of Mount Jelica where we admired its rolling pastures and meadow lands. We continued through winding hills and river side roads. We soon arrived at the charming Blagovestenje Monastery: a monastery dedicated to the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary. From there we drove to the West Morava River which meanders through the Ovcar Kablar Gorge. We took a river trip and could see monasteries high up on the densely wooded mountains of Mount Kablar. Rocky edifices tower up from the water. Throughout the day trip Professor Vladimir fed us cultural and historical information as well as sandwiches. An excellent trip. Professor Vladimir Majstorovic has written a number of Guide books as well as organising excursions and day trips. I was introduced to the Professor via 'Time to Travel' without whom I probably would not have made it Guca.
- published: 22 Dec 2015
- views: 46
Vladimir - Champion Mini
Learn the League ebook at: http://www.learntheleague.com/ebook/
COUNTER CHAMPIONS - Courtesy of http://www.lolcounter.com/
Fizz, Swain, Malzahar, Fiddlesticks...
Learn the League ebook at: http://www.learntheleague.com/ebook/
COUNTER CHAMPIONS - Courtesy of http://www.lolcounter.com/
Fizz, Swain, Malzahar, Fiddlesticks, Ryze, Riven, Varus, Wukong, Akali, Yorick
Champion minis are short by design. The goal is that players who are going up against a champion for the first time can quickly learn the basics of that champion, even during a loading screen. These will be loosely prioritized based on free week champions.
If you want a series that offers mechanics, play tips, and countering tips in far more depth, check out my 'Don't Feed' series here on YouTube.
Be aware that I aim to cover the most popular way a champion is played, not the only way they can be played.
Damage / Damage Type
This rating refers to the damage a champion contributes both over time and with burst abilities. Damage type refers to the majority of their damage output. Attack Damage carries will always be rated as Very High due to their potential scaling with gear.
This refers to the distance that most damage will come from.
This is the damage a champion can put out in a very short period of time. Note that this is rating is specific to ability combos that rapidly deal damage, not very high sustained damage from normal attacks. High Burst tends to beat champions who rely on Sustain.
Effective Health
This is the amount of raw damage a champion can take, factoring health, armor, magic resist, and shields. High Effective Health champions may still have core vulnerabilities (for example, a high Armor Malphite may still be vulnerable to Magic damage; read about high Armor and high Magic Resist below). Champions with high Effective Health tend to beat champions who rely on burst damage.
This is the ability to sustain one's health through life steal, health regeneration, or healing abilities, often leading to an ability to slowly bring down high health opponents over time with harassment. To the extent that mana plays a part in survivability, that is also included in the Sustain rating. Item purchases do not count towards Sustain. Sustain tends to beat champions who rely on Effective Health.
Utility refers to crowd controls and other abilities that may affect the outcome of skirmishes and teamfights. For healing or other allied bonuses, utility will usually only be counted if they can affect teammates as well.
Specifically refers to dashes, blinks, or other abilities that allow for travel around the map. Does not factor in movement speed, but high movement speed may be effective in some of the same situations where high mobility is effective.
Refers to movement speed during engagements. Most champions will be moderate.
Magic Damage
Purchase magic resist items.
Physical Damage
Purchase armor items.
Strong Normal Attacks
Team should purchase Frozen Heart and/or Randuin's Omen.
AOE / Secondary Damage
Consider purchasing life steal or spell vamp.
High magic resistance
Purchase Void Staff if you are a magic damage dealer.
High armor
Purchase Last Whisper if you are a physical damage dealer.
If I refer to Flash I am also referring to blink abilities and, depending on context, other movement abilities.
Stay on your toes and keep moving. If laning against a skillshot champion, purchase boots first. Some skillshots can be blocked by staying behind minions.
Crowd Controls
Reduce with Tenacity items such as Mercury's Treads. Break with Quicksilver Sash or Cleanse.
Counter with slowing items such as Phage, Frozen Mallet, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Randuin's Omen, Bilgewater Cutlass or Hextech Gunblade. (Situationally prevented by Master Yi, Olaf, Garen, and Evelynn)
Strong Healing/Regeneration
Use healing reduction effects from Ignite or champion abilities. Alternatively, purchase Executioner's Calling or Morello's Evil Tome.
Interrupt with most crowd controls.
Suppression / Strong Debuffs
Break with Quicksilver Sash.
Strong Farmer / Pusher
Have teammates flank them if they overextend.
Weak Farmer / Pusher
Keep minions pushed to tower to force them to defend lane or lose it and increase difficulty of last hitting.
Initiator / Poke
Initiators are champions who can start skirmishes and teamfights quickly. Poke champions are able to harass from a far enough range that they can avoid direct fights. These are both counters to each other, as strong initiation will overcome poke, but consistent poke can discourage initiation. Initiation in League of Legends tends to be stronger than poke, but it depends on the players and champions.
The Banshee's Veil item tends to counter both. Pushing objectives and ignoring champions who rely solely on their poke can also be effective.
wn.com/Vladimir Champion Mini
Learn the League ebook at: http://www.learntheleague.com/ebook/
COUNTER CHAMPIONS - Courtesy of http://www.lolcounter.com/
Fizz, Swain, Malzahar, Fiddlesticks, Ryze, Riven, Varus, Wukong, Akali, Yorick
Champion minis are short by design. The goal is that players who are going up against a champion for the first time can quickly learn the basics of that champion, even during a loading screen. These will be loosely prioritized based on free week champions.
If you want a series that offers mechanics, play tips, and countering tips in far more depth, check out my 'Don't Feed' series here on YouTube.
Be aware that I aim to cover the most popular way a champion is played, not the only way they can be played.
Damage / Damage Type
This rating refers to the damage a champion contributes both over time and with burst abilities. Damage type refers to the majority of their damage output. Attack Damage carries will always be rated as Very High due to their potential scaling with gear.
This refers to the distance that most damage will come from.
This is the damage a champion can put out in a very short period of time. Note that this is rating is specific to ability combos that rapidly deal damage, not very high sustained damage from normal attacks. High Burst tends to beat champions who rely on Sustain.
Effective Health
This is the amount of raw damage a champion can take, factoring health, armor, magic resist, and shields. High Effective Health champions may still have core vulnerabilities (for example, a high Armor Malphite may still be vulnerable to Magic damage; read about high Armor and high Magic Resist below). Champions with high Effective Health tend to beat champions who rely on burst damage.
This is the ability to sustain one's health through life steal, health regeneration, or healing abilities, often leading to an ability to slowly bring down high health opponents over time with harassment. To the extent that mana plays a part in survivability, that is also included in the Sustain rating. Item purchases do not count towards Sustain. Sustain tends to beat champions who rely on Effective Health.
Utility refers to crowd controls and other abilities that may affect the outcome of skirmishes and teamfights. For healing or other allied bonuses, utility will usually only be counted if they can affect teammates as well.
Specifically refers to dashes, blinks, or other abilities that allow for travel around the map. Does not factor in movement speed, but high movement speed may be effective in some of the same situations where high mobility is effective.
Refers to movement speed during engagements. Most champions will be moderate.
Magic Damage
Purchase magic resist items.
Physical Damage
Purchase armor items.
Strong Normal Attacks
Team should purchase Frozen Heart and/or Randuin's Omen.
AOE / Secondary Damage
Consider purchasing life steal or spell vamp.
High magic resistance
Purchase Void Staff if you are a magic damage dealer.
High armor
Purchase Last Whisper if you are a physical damage dealer.
If I refer to Flash I am also referring to blink abilities and, depending on context, other movement abilities.
Stay on your toes and keep moving. If laning against a skillshot champion, purchase boots first. Some skillshots can be blocked by staying behind minions.
Crowd Controls
Reduce with Tenacity items such as Mercury's Treads. Break with Quicksilver Sash or Cleanse.
Counter with slowing items such as Phage, Frozen Mallet, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Randuin's Omen, Bilgewater Cutlass or Hextech Gunblade. (Situationally prevented by Master Yi, Olaf, Garen, and Evelynn)
Strong Healing/Regeneration
Use healing reduction effects from Ignite or champion abilities. Alternatively, purchase Executioner's Calling or Morello's Evil Tome.
Interrupt with most crowd controls.
Suppression / Strong Debuffs
Break with Quicksilver Sash.
Strong Farmer / Pusher
Have teammates flank them if they overextend.
Weak Farmer / Pusher
Keep minions pushed to tower to force them to defend lane or lose it and increase difficulty of last hitting.
Initiator / Poke
Initiators are champions who can start skirmishes and teamfights quickly. Poke champions are able to harass from a far enough range that they can avoid direct fights. These are both counters to each other, as strong initiation will overcome poke, but consistent poke can discourage initiation. Initiation in League of Legends tends to be stronger than poke, but it depends on the players and champions.
The Banshee's Veil item tends to counter both. Pushing objectives and ignoring champions who rely solely on their poke can also be effective.
- published: 05 Sep 2012
- views: 47806
Heirs of Vladimir Lenin: History of Guatemala
The Guatemalan Civil War (1960--96) involved the government, right-wing paramilitary organizations, and left-wing insurgents. A vari...
The Guatemalan Civil War (1960--96) involved the government, right-wing paramilitary organizations, and left-wing insurgents. A variety of factors contributed: social and economic injustice and racism against the indigenous population, the 1954 coup which reversed reforms, weak civilian control of the military, the United States support of the government, and Cuban support of the insurgents. The Historical Clarification Commission (commonly known as the "Truth Commission") after the war estimated that more than 200,000 people were killed — the vast majority of whom were civilian indigenous people. 93% of the human rights abuses reported to the Commission were attributed to the military or other government-supported actors.[2] It also determined that in several instances the government was responsible for acts of genocide.[19]
In response to the increasingly autocratic rule of Gen. Ydígoras Fuentes, who took power in 1958 following the murder of Col. Castillo Armas, a group of junior military officers revolted in 1960. When they failed, several went into hiding and established close ties with Cuba.[citation needed] This group became the nucleus of the forces that were in armed insurrection against the government for the next 36 years.
Four principal left-wing guerrilla groups — the Guerrilla Army of the Poor (EGP), the Revolutionary Organization of Armed People (ORPA), the Rebel Armed Forces (FAR), and the Guatemalan Party of Labour (PGT) — conducted economic sabotage and targeted government installations and members of government security forces in armed attacks. These organizations combined to form the Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity (URNG) in 1982. At the same time, extreme right-wing groups of self-appointed vigilantes, including the Secret Anti-Communist Army (ESA) and the White Hand (La Mano Blanca), tortured and murdered students, professionals, and peasants suspected of involvement in leftist activities.
Shortly after President Julio César Méndez Montenegro took office in 1966, the army launched a major counterinsurgency campaign that largely broke up the guerrilla movement in the countryside. The guerrillas then concentrated their attacks in Guatemala City, where they assassinated many leading figures, including U.S. Ambassador John Gordon Mein in 1968. Méndez Montenegro was the only civilian to head Guatemala until the inauguration of Vinicio Cerezo in 1986.
On March 23, 1982, army troops commanded by junior officers staged a coup d'état to prevent the assumption of power by General Ángel Aníbal Guevara, the hand-picked candidate of outgoing President and General Romeo Lucas García. They denounced Guevara's electoral victory as fraudulent. The coup leaders asked retired Gen. Efraín Ríos Montt to negotiate the departure of Lucas Guevara. Ríos Montt had been the candidate of the Christian Democracy Party in the 1974 presidential election and was widely regarded as having been denied his own victory through fraud.
Ríos Montt was by this time a lay pastor in the evangelical Protestant Church of the Word. In his inaugural address, he stated that his presidency resulted from the will of God. He was widely perceived as having strong backing from the Reagan administration in the United States. He formed a three-member military junta that annulled the 1965 constitution, dissolved Congress, suspended political parties and canceled the electoral law. After a few months, Ríos Montt dismissed his junta colleagues and assumed the de facto title of "President of the Republic".
Guerrilla forces and their leftist allies denounced Ríos Montt who sought to defeat the guerrillas with military actions and economic reforms; in his words, "rifles and beans". In May 1982, the Conference of Catholic Bishops accused Ríos Montt of responsibility for growing militarization of the country and for continuing military massacres of civilians. An army officer was quoted in the New York Times of 18 July 1982 as telling an audience of indigenous Guatemalans in Cunén that: "If you are with us, we'll feed you; if not, we'll kill you."[20] The Plan de Sánchez massacre occurred on the same day.
The government began to form local civilian defense patrols (PACs). Participation was in theory voluntary, but in practice, many rural Guatemalan men (including young boys and the elderly), especially in the northwest, had no choice but to join either the PACs or be tarred as guerrillas. At their peak, the PACs are estimated to have included 1 million conscripts. Ríos Montt's conscript army and PACs recaptured essentially all guerrilla territory — guerrilla activity lessened and was largely limited to hit-and-run operations. However, Ríos Montt won this partial victory at an enormous cost in civilian deaths.
wn.com/Heirs Of Vladimir Lenin History Of Guatemala
The Guatemalan Civil War (1960--96) involved the government, right-wing paramilitary organizations, and left-wing insurgents. A variety of factors contributed: social and economic injustice and racism against the indigenous population, the 1954 coup which reversed reforms, weak civilian control of the military, the United States support of the government, and Cuban support of the insurgents. The Historical Clarification Commission (commonly known as the "Truth Commission") after the war estimated that more than 200,000 people were killed — the vast majority of whom were civilian indigenous people. 93% of the human rights abuses reported to the Commission were attributed to the military or other government-supported actors.[2] It also determined that in several instances the government was responsible for acts of genocide.[19]
In response to the increasingly autocratic rule of Gen. Ydígoras Fuentes, who took power in 1958 following the murder of Col. Castillo Armas, a group of junior military officers revolted in 1960. When they failed, several went into hiding and established close ties with Cuba.[citation needed] This group became the nucleus of the forces that were in armed insurrection against the government for the next 36 years.
Four principal left-wing guerrilla groups — the Guerrilla Army of the Poor (EGP), the Revolutionary Organization of Armed People (ORPA), the Rebel Armed Forces (FAR), and the Guatemalan Party of Labour (PGT) — conducted economic sabotage and targeted government installations and members of government security forces in armed attacks. These organizations combined to form the Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity (URNG) in 1982. At the same time, extreme right-wing groups of self-appointed vigilantes, including the Secret Anti-Communist Army (ESA) and the White Hand (La Mano Blanca), tortured and murdered students, professionals, and peasants suspected of involvement in leftist activities.
Shortly after President Julio César Méndez Montenegro took office in 1966, the army launched a major counterinsurgency campaign that largely broke up the guerrilla movement in the countryside. The guerrillas then concentrated their attacks in Guatemala City, where they assassinated many leading figures, including U.S. Ambassador John Gordon Mein in 1968. Méndez Montenegro was the only civilian to head Guatemala until the inauguration of Vinicio Cerezo in 1986.
On March 23, 1982, army troops commanded by junior officers staged a coup d'état to prevent the assumption of power by General Ángel Aníbal Guevara, the hand-picked candidate of outgoing President and General Romeo Lucas García. They denounced Guevara's electoral victory as fraudulent. The coup leaders asked retired Gen. Efraín Ríos Montt to negotiate the departure of Lucas Guevara. Ríos Montt had been the candidate of the Christian Democracy Party in the 1974 presidential election and was widely regarded as having been denied his own victory through fraud.
Ríos Montt was by this time a lay pastor in the evangelical Protestant Church of the Word. In his inaugural address, he stated that his presidency resulted from the will of God. He was widely perceived as having strong backing from the Reagan administration in the United States. He formed a three-member military junta that annulled the 1965 constitution, dissolved Congress, suspended political parties and canceled the electoral law. After a few months, Ríos Montt dismissed his junta colleagues and assumed the de facto title of "President of the Republic".
Guerrilla forces and their leftist allies denounced Ríos Montt who sought to defeat the guerrillas with military actions and economic reforms; in his words, "rifles and beans". In May 1982, the Conference of Catholic Bishops accused Ríos Montt of responsibility for growing militarization of the country and for continuing military massacres of civilians. An army officer was quoted in the New York Times of 18 July 1982 as telling an audience of indigenous Guatemalans in Cunén that: "If you are with us, we'll feed you; if not, we'll kill you."[20] The Plan de Sánchez massacre occurred on the same day.
The government began to form local civilian defense patrols (PACs). Participation was in theory voluntary, but in practice, many rural Guatemalan men (including young boys and the elderly), especially in the northwest, had no choice but to join either the PACs or be tarred as guerrillas. At their peak, the PACs are estimated to have included 1 million conscripts. Ríos Montt's conscript army and PACs recaptured essentially all guerrilla territory — guerrilla activity lessened and was largely limited to hit-and-run operations. However, Ríos Montt won this partial victory at an enormous cost in civilian deaths.
- published: 28 Nov 2011
- views: 72147
Casa Rosada, Buenos Aires (Argentina) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Casa Rosada in Buenos Aires, Argentina - part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The office of the presiden...
Take a tour of Casa Rosada in Buenos Aires, Argentina - part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The office of the president of the United States is known for its whitewashed exterior, much as Argentina's is known for its rosy walls.
The Casa Rosada, meaning Pink House, in Buenos Aires, is the beautiful presidential palace of this country.
Designed in the Italian style, this magnificent building was constructed between 1882 and 1898 on the site of an old fort.
Because of its fame as a national monument, there is a museum here of items belonging to and associated with Argentina's presidents.
The official office chair of the president is named after and represents Argentina's first president.
The impetus for the Pink House began when a former President felt that the state house was being overshadowed by the adjacent grand post office building.
wn.com/Casa Rosada, Buenos Aires (Argentina) Travel Guide
Take a tour of Casa Rosada in Buenos Aires, Argentina - part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The office of the president of the United States is known for its whitewashed exterior, much as Argentina's is known for its rosy walls.
The Casa Rosada, meaning Pink House, in Buenos Aires, is the beautiful presidential palace of this country.
Designed in the Italian style, this magnificent building was constructed between 1882 and 1898 on the site of an old fort.
Because of its fame as a national monument, there is a museum here of items belonging to and associated with Argentina's presidents.
The official office chair of the president is named after and represents Argentina's first president.
The impetus for the Pink House began when a former President felt that the state house was being overshadowed by the adjacent grand post office building.
- published: 19 Apr 2011
- views: 9918
SIBERIA - Wild Russia - Beautiful Wilderness - Travel documentary HD
WELCOME to the World Documentaries HD!
SUBSCRIBE NOW! https://www.youtube.com/user/WorldDocumentary2014
With great new content coming out regularly subscribing ...
WELCOME to the World Documentaries HD!
SUBSCRIBE NOW! https://www.youtube.com/user/WorldDocumentary2014
With great new content coming out regularly subscribing will help you keep up to date!
If you love documentaries about our beautiful world this is the channel for you!
Like and Comment to share your experience with all our viewers!
and most of all ENJOY!
wn.com/Siberia Wild Russia Beautiful Wilderness Travel Documentary Hd
WELCOME to the World Documentaries HD!
SUBSCRIBE NOW! https://www.youtube.com/user/WorldDocumentary2014
With great new content coming out regularly subscribing will help you keep up to date!
If you love documentaries about our beautiful world this is the channel for you!
Like and Comment to share your experience with all our viewers!
and most of all ENJOY!
- published: 08 Aug 2014
- views: 142134
United Kingdom (UK) Travel Guide - Welsh Assembly Building
Take a tour of Welsh Assembly Building in United Kingdom -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
Over the past two deca...
Take a tour of Welsh Assembly Building in United Kingdom -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
Over the past two decades, Cardiff Bay has blossomed under urban regeneration.
The modernist architecture of the new National Assembly building is self proclaimed to reflect transparency.
As you enter the main reception area, focus is drawn immediately to the billowing cedar ceiling and funnel.
The funnel is both an innovative architectural and environmentally conscious feature that lowers the buildings electricity costs and provides advanced ventilation.
In the Oriel, you can chat with friends in the café, watch Assembly Members debating in the Siambr below, or enjoy the wrap around view of the bay.
If its Victorian neighbors signify the past, the National Assembly building certainly represents the future of Wales.
wn.com/United Kingdom (Uk) Travel Guide Welsh Assembly Building
Take a tour of Welsh Assembly Building in United Kingdom -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
Over the past two decades, Cardiff Bay has blossomed under urban regeneration.
The modernist architecture of the new National Assembly building is self proclaimed to reflect transparency.
As you enter the main reception area, focus is drawn immediately to the billowing cedar ceiling and funnel.
The funnel is both an innovative architectural and environmentally conscious feature that lowers the buildings electricity costs and provides advanced ventilation.
In the Oriel, you can chat with friends in the café, watch Assembly Members debating in the Siambr below, or enjoy the wrap around view of the bay.
If its Victorian neighbors signify the past, the National Assembly building certainly represents the future of Wales.
- published: 07 Dec 2010
- views: 692
Hamburg - Three Travel Tips | Discover Germany
Hamburg native and singer Gönül Kaya recommends a visit to the HafenCity, the La Chance café and the University of Music and Theater.
For more from Discover Ger...
Hamburg native and singer Gönül Kaya recommends a visit to the HafenCity, the La Chance café and the University of Music and Theater.
For more from Discover Germany go to http://www.dw.de/program/discover-germany/s-7856-9798
wn.com/Hamburg Three Travel Tips | Discover Germany
Hamburg native and singer Gönül Kaya recommends a visit to the HafenCity, the La Chance café and the University of Music and Theater.
For more from Discover Germany go to http://www.dw.de/program/discover-germany/s-7856-9798
- published: 07 Mar 2015
- views: 1614
How to Jungle Lycan in Dota 2, 6.81 - SkavGaming Replay
Lycan is a hard-carry tower destroyer who excels at jungling in the early game. He was recently nerfed in the last patch which removes his bonus HP when he uses...
Lycan is a hard-carry tower destroyer who excels at jungling in the early game. He was recently nerfed in the last patch which removes his bonus HP when he uses Shapeshift, but he is still incredibly strong in lower-rank games and you just have to be a bit more careful. Go for Vladimir's Offering, Necronomicon 3, Assault Cuirass, and Boots Of Travel to maximize your push potential. Make sure to grab Roshan before 10 minutes.
Using this strategy you should be able to get out of low-rank MMR, to around 4000 MMR.
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/skavgaming
Writing: http://www.dark-quill.com/
wn.com/How To Jungle Lycan In Dota 2, 6.81 Skavgaming Replay
Lycan is a hard-carry tower destroyer who excels at jungling in the early game. He was recently nerfed in the last patch which removes his bonus HP when he uses Shapeshift, but he is still incredibly strong in lower-rank games and you just have to be a bit more careful. Go for Vladimir's Offering, Necronomicon 3, Assault Cuirass, and Boots Of Travel to maximize your push potential. Make sure to grab Roshan before 10 minutes.
Using this strategy you should be able to get out of low-rank MMR, to around 4000 MMR.
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/skavgaming
Writing: http://www.dark-quill.com/
- published: 14 May 2014
- views: 59552