Russian Crafts - Palekh Lacquer Miniature
Artist Anna Kornilova, 21, has been working in the technique of traditional Palekh lacquer minuature for several years. Born in a small Russian city of Palekh, Anna inherited passion for the art from her the artistic family - her parents, grand parents and brother are all painters. In summer 2012 Anna graduated from the Palekh Art College. Now she paints jew
Palekh Masterpiece of Russian Lacquer Miniature Art
Si te gusto mi publicacion SUSCRIBITE!!! o deja tu comentario y dale LIKE, Gracias
Palekh Masterpiece of Russian Lacquer Miniature Art
Antigua caja rusa laquer pintada a mano Palekh 1964 autor w kozlov numerada
A la venta en mercadolibre
les miniatures de Palekh
L'Arte delle Lacche Russe | Tchaikovsky, Rimsky - Korsakov
Fedoskino (Федоскино), Palech (Палех), Mstjora (Мстёра) e Choluj (Холуй)
La magia delle Lacche Russe
The magic of russian lacquer boxes
Music: - Romance in F minor op. 5, by Pëtr Il'ič Čajkovskij (1840 - 1893)
- from "Sherazade", (III.) The Young Prince and the Young Princess, by Nikolaj Andreevič Rimskij - Korsakov (1844 - 1908) Berliner Philarmoniker; conductor: Herbert von Karajan
The Lotus Eaters & Leila Ataya
The Lotus Eaters - Dead can Dance (Memento)
Leila Ataya
Born in Moscow, Russia in 1979.
From a very young age Leila's life was strongly influenced by art. She has studied traditional Russian art including ceramics, laquer miniature "Palekh" and also trained in Russian Iconography. In 1995 she was accepted into Arts College in Russia,
The Fortunetelling on Constellations
The sound track of this video is the song "Howdy, Troyka", in the English translation and the performance of the author. This song is one of the songs in the author's album "Old Songs, Ballads, Romances".The painting of the very famous, already late, Russian painter-K. Vasilyev and Palekh polish miniatures are also utilized in this video.
Auto Palekh
by Nikita Svintsov
2009 - Jour du défenseur de la patrie - Cheval (конь Пятницкого) French subtitle
Miniatures de Palekh
Oleg le Très-Sage : images
Mythologie slave en français
Poème complet de Pouchkine en français poétique
Palekh Box
(Enigma - Callas went away)
Всем привет! Начало своё Палехская роспись взяла из мастерских иконописцев. Палех еще с допетровских времен славился своими иконописцами. Наибольшего расцвета палехское иконописание достигло в XVIII - начале XIX века. Местный стиль сложился под влиянием московской, новгородской, строгановской и ярославской школ.
На звание данного направления в декоративно-прикладном творчестве пошло от названи
Видеоклип. Сказки Палеха. Video clip. Tales of Palekh
Упаковка в русском стиле. Туба, тубус в русском стиле "Сказки Палеха". Сюжеты и иллюстрации Палеха - классика и совершенство. Упаковка с сюжетами Палеха - упаковка для настоящих и изысканных подарков.
Packaging in the Russian style. Scenes and images of Palekh - classic and perfection. Packaging with the subjects of Palekh - packaging for current and gourmet gifts.
Gift wrap, christmas wrapp
Palekh, haut lieu de création d'icônes
Dans le village russe de Palekh (région d'Ivanovo, au nord-est de Moscou) des icônes sont peintes d'après une technique datant du 18e siècle. http://fr.ria.ru/video/20120406/194212066.html
Palekh Box TITLES
"Anastasia"- Portrait Masterpiece By Egg Tempera Master Elena V. Baranoff- Opera- Palekh Artist
BP Portrait Award 2014 - Entry - "Anastasia" -- A double-sided portrait painting created by master fine artist Elena Vladimir Baranoff, of her daughter fine artist Anastasia Elena Baranoff, in centuries old technique of hand prepared egg tempera, incorporating ground rare semi-precious stones, such as lapis lazuli and other natural mineral and earth pigments.
The delicate floral border surroundi
Les Choeurs de l'Armée Rouge - Danse "Souvenirs de Palekh"
Subscribe and stay tuned : http://bit.ly/18RdjFe
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Les Chœurs de l'Armée Rouge (The Red Army Choir) - Danse de Souvenirs de Palekh
Яблочный Спас 2015 в Палехе (минифильм от Life in Motion)
Этот интересный минифильм про наш фестиваль подготовил Николай Солилов из Life in Motion (https://vk.com/limivanovo).
Международный фестиваль искусств Яблочный Спас 2015
Палех, 15 и 16 августа
International Arts Festival Apple Feast 2015
Russia, Palekh, August 15 – 16
Palekh summer festival: exhibitions / concerts / workshops / lectures / walks / market / fun & games / communicatio
MINIATURE PAINTING WORKSHOP: Practical drawing and painting technique
Gill Whitworth leads a one day workshop in the art of Oriental Miniature Painting
Barumini . Sardinia in miniature . Comments in russian
In this video we visit Barumini and the park Sardinia in miniature. Speaking in russian.
Lacquered miniature Nadezda Strelkina/ Лаковая миниатюра Надежды Стрелкиной
Надежда Стрелкина продолжила династию Федоскинских художников ( в девичестве Бурбышева). закончила Федоскинскую школу миниатюрной живописи. Основными своими учителями в искусстве она считает старых классических мастеров. Вдохновленная ими, а также старинными русскими сказочными и духовными преданиями, она создает образы, пробуждающие в зрителе добрые и светлые чувства. Художественный стиль Надежды
St Petersburg's most famous sights and the whole of Russia in miniature | Russia Year Abroad Diary 2
Check out my blog for some photos http://alicesjournal.com/2015/11/08/sunshine-in-st-petersburg/
Thank you for watching, don't forget to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it :) xxx
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Russian Crafts - Palekh Lacquer Miniature
Artist Anna Kornilova, 21, has been working in the technique of traditional Palekh lacquer minuature for several years. ...
Artist Anna Kornilova, 21, has been working in the technique of traditional Palekh lacquer minuature for several years. Born in a small Russian city of Palekh, Anna inherited passion for the art from her the artistic family - her parents, grand parents and brother are all painters. In summer 2012 Anna graduated from the Palekh Art College. Now she paints jewelery boxes, earrings, brooches, bracelets, hairpins, eyeglass cases and even computer mouses. Besides beautiful craftworks in the traditional Palekh style Anna creates pieces in her own individual manner.
Anna works from home - like many acclaimed Palekh artists. Previously artists in Palekh used to work in the Artistic Production Workshops, but the workshops were closed in the 1990s. On weekends Anna works as shop assistant in a local souvenir store "Kovcheg" (The Ark) in the center of Palekh that sells craftworks of local artists including those made by Anna.
wn.com/Russian Crafts Palekh Lacquer Miniature
Artist Anna Kornilova, 21, has been working in the technique of traditional Palekh lacquer minuature for several years. Born in a small Russian city of Palekh, Anna inherited passion for the art from her the artistic family - her parents, grand parents and brother are all painters. In summer 2012 Anna graduated from the Palekh Art College. Now she paints jewelery boxes, earrings, brooches, bracelets, hairpins, eyeglass cases and even computer mouses. Besides beautiful craftworks in the traditional Palekh style Anna creates pieces in her own individual manner.
Anna works from home - like many acclaimed Palekh artists. Previously artists in Palekh used to work in the Artistic Production Workshops, but the workshops were closed in the 1990s. On weekends Anna works as shop assistant in a local souvenir store "Kovcheg" (The Ark) in the center of Palekh that sells craftworks of local artists including those made by Anna.
- published: 02 Apr 2013
- views: 1197
Palekh Masterpiece of Russian Lacquer Miniature Art
Si te gusto mi publicacion SUSCRIBITE!!! o deja tu comentario y dale LIKE, Gracias
Palekh Masterpiece of Russian Lacquer Miniature Art
Antigua caja rusa laque...
Si te gusto mi publicacion SUSCRIBITE!!! o deja tu comentario y dale LIKE, Gracias
Palekh Masterpiece of Russian Lacquer Miniature Art
Antigua caja rusa laquer pintada a mano Palekh 1964 autor w kozlov numerada
A la venta en mercadolibre
wn.com/Palekh Masterpiece Of Russian Lacquer Miniature Art
Si te gusto mi publicacion SUSCRIBITE!!! o deja tu comentario y dale LIKE, Gracias
Palekh Masterpiece of Russian Lacquer Miniature Art
Antigua caja rusa laquer pintada a mano Palekh 1964 autor w kozlov numerada
A la venta en mercadolibre
- published: 11 Jun 2014
- views: 121
L'Arte delle Lacche Russe | Tchaikovsky, Rimsky - Korsakov
Fedoskino (Федоскино), Palech (Палех), Mstjora (Мстёра) e Choluj (Холуй)
La magia delle Lacche Russe
The magic of russian lacquer boxes
Music: - Romance in...
Fedoskino (Федоскино), Palech (Палех), Mstjora (Мстёра) e Choluj (Холуй)
La magia delle Lacche Russe
The magic of russian lacquer boxes
Music: - Romance in F minor op. 5, by Pëtr Il'ič Čajkovskij (1840 - 1893)
- from "Sherazade", (III.) The Young Prince and the Young Princess, by Nikolaj Andreevič Rimskij - Korsakov (1844 - 1908) Berliner Philarmoniker; conductor: Herbert von Karajan
Ten of the lacquer art images in this video are courtesy of CATALOG INSTAPLANET http://catalog.instaplanet.com
Some segments of this description are taken from INSTAPLANET FEDOSKINO GALLERY at http://www.instaplanet.com/fedoskino.html
L'arte delle lacche russe si sviluppò come derivazione dalla pittura delle icone russe che si concluse con il crollo della Russia imperiale. Durante il periodo sovietico i pittori di icone, che in precedenza si occupavano di fornire non solo le chiese ma anche case private, avevano bisogno di un modo per guadagnarsi da vivere. Pertanto, si sviluppò un'attività artigianale per produrre scatole e pannelli decorativi di cartapesta. Gli oggetti venivano laccati e poi dipinti a mano dagli artisti, spesso con scene tratte da fiabe tradizionali o dalla vita quotidiana.
Le opere d'arte della lacca russa rappresentano uno dei settori più originali e ricchi dell'artigianato russo. Si tratta di una manifestazione artistica unica nel suo genere, nei metodi artistici e nella particolarità delle composizioni pittoriche. In questo genere artistico si riflette nella sua integrità l'anima popolare.
Si possono ammirare capolavori di quest'arte al Museo russo di San Pietroburgo. Le lacche russe si trovano e si possono acquistare oggi nei negozi di souvenirs e in molti mercatini stradali delle maggiori città russe, ma solo quelle firmate da artisti provenienti da uno dei quattro villaggi descritti di seguito sono riconosciute come autentiche.
La storia delle miniature laccate in Russia ha inizio nel 1798, quando il mercante moscovita Pjotr Korobov fondò un centro manufatturiero per la produzione di cartapesta a Danilkovo, vicino Mosca, che dopo la sua morte venne ereditato dai mercanti della famiglia Lukutin. Le "lacche Lukutin" nel XIX secolo divennero celebri in tutta la Russia e anche in ambito europeo. Di poco inferiori alle lacche Lukutin erano solo quelle Vishnyakov e per tutto il XIX secolo si influenzarono e perfezionarono a vicenda. Sulla base di tale tradizione all'inizio del XX secolo comparvero le miniature a lacca di Fedoskino (Федоскино), Palech (Палех), Mstjora (Мстёра) e Choluj (Холуй) che nell'antichità erano i centri di produzione delle icone.
Fedoskino é il più antico e si trova in una regione diversa dagli altri. I colori sono realizzati con tempera a base di uova. Lo stile consente all'artista libertà nell'interpretazione impressionistica, anche se la composizione e i dettagli sono molto realistici con effetti che imitano la madreperla. I soggetti comprendono fiabe, paesaggi, chiese e scene di vita popolare. Le altre tre scuole aggiungono ai colori a tempera un raffinato lavoro di sovrapposizione di finissime foglie d'oro con soggetti prevalentemente tratti dalle fiabe popolari.
Russian lacquer art developed from the art of icon painting which came to an end with the collapse of Imperial Russia. The icon painters, who previously had been employed by supplying not only churches but people's homes, needed a way to make a living. Thus, the craft of making papier-mâché decorative boxes and panels developed, the items were lacquered and then hand painted by the artists, often with scenes from folk tales. The village of Fedoskino (Федоскино), located not far from Moscow on the banks of the Ucha River, is the oldest of the four art centers of Russian lacquer miniature painting on papier-mâché, which has been practiced there since 1795. It stands apart both geographically, and in that that oil paints are used rather than egg tempera. While allowing the artist a free hand in impressionistic interpretation, the style of Fedoskino painting is largely realistic in composition and detail.
The other three Russian lacquer art centers are: Palekh (Палех), Kholuy (Kholuy, Kholuj, Holui - Холуй), Mstyora (Мстёра). The lacquer artists of Palekh, Kholui and Mstera continue to use the technique of painting in egg-based tempera overlaid with intricate gold leaf highlighting. All three are situated in the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality, Ivanovo region of central Russia, and are deeply rooted in the 17th-19th century icon painting tradition, which lasted until the Russian Revolution of 1917 and is now being revived by young artists of the 21st century. No Russian lacquer artwork is presently considered genuine piece unless it bears the signature of one of the recognised artists from one of four villages, each village having its own style.
wn.com/L'Arte Delle Lacche Russe | Tchaikovsky, Rimsky Korsakov
Fedoskino (Федоскино), Palech (Палех), Mstjora (Мстёра) e Choluj (Холуй)
La magia delle Lacche Russe
The magic of russian lacquer boxes
Music: - Romance in F minor op. 5, by Pëtr Il'ič Čajkovskij (1840 - 1893)
- from "Sherazade", (III.) The Young Prince and the Young Princess, by Nikolaj Andreevič Rimskij - Korsakov (1844 - 1908) Berliner Philarmoniker; conductor: Herbert von Karajan
Ten of the lacquer art images in this video are courtesy of CATALOG INSTAPLANET http://catalog.instaplanet.com
Some segments of this description are taken from INSTAPLANET FEDOSKINO GALLERY at http://www.instaplanet.com/fedoskino.html
L'arte delle lacche russe si sviluppò come derivazione dalla pittura delle icone russe che si concluse con il crollo della Russia imperiale. Durante il periodo sovietico i pittori di icone, che in precedenza si occupavano di fornire non solo le chiese ma anche case private, avevano bisogno di un modo per guadagnarsi da vivere. Pertanto, si sviluppò un'attività artigianale per produrre scatole e pannelli decorativi di cartapesta. Gli oggetti venivano laccati e poi dipinti a mano dagli artisti, spesso con scene tratte da fiabe tradizionali o dalla vita quotidiana.
Le opere d'arte della lacca russa rappresentano uno dei settori più originali e ricchi dell'artigianato russo. Si tratta di una manifestazione artistica unica nel suo genere, nei metodi artistici e nella particolarità delle composizioni pittoriche. In questo genere artistico si riflette nella sua integrità l'anima popolare.
Si possono ammirare capolavori di quest'arte al Museo russo di San Pietroburgo. Le lacche russe si trovano e si possono acquistare oggi nei negozi di souvenirs e in molti mercatini stradali delle maggiori città russe, ma solo quelle firmate da artisti provenienti da uno dei quattro villaggi descritti di seguito sono riconosciute come autentiche.
La storia delle miniature laccate in Russia ha inizio nel 1798, quando il mercante moscovita Pjotr Korobov fondò un centro manufatturiero per la produzione di cartapesta a Danilkovo, vicino Mosca, che dopo la sua morte venne ereditato dai mercanti della famiglia Lukutin. Le "lacche Lukutin" nel XIX secolo divennero celebri in tutta la Russia e anche in ambito europeo. Di poco inferiori alle lacche Lukutin erano solo quelle Vishnyakov e per tutto il XIX secolo si influenzarono e perfezionarono a vicenda. Sulla base di tale tradizione all'inizio del XX secolo comparvero le miniature a lacca di Fedoskino (Федоскино), Palech (Палех), Mstjora (Мстёра) e Choluj (Холуй) che nell'antichità erano i centri di produzione delle icone.
Fedoskino é il più antico e si trova in una regione diversa dagli altri. I colori sono realizzati con tempera a base di uova. Lo stile consente all'artista libertà nell'interpretazione impressionistica, anche se la composizione e i dettagli sono molto realistici con effetti che imitano la madreperla. I soggetti comprendono fiabe, paesaggi, chiese e scene di vita popolare. Le altre tre scuole aggiungono ai colori a tempera un raffinato lavoro di sovrapposizione di finissime foglie d'oro con soggetti prevalentemente tratti dalle fiabe popolari.
Russian lacquer art developed from the art of icon painting which came to an end with the collapse of Imperial Russia. The icon painters, who previously had been employed by supplying not only churches but people's homes, needed a way to make a living. Thus, the craft of making papier-mâché decorative boxes and panels developed, the items were lacquered and then hand painted by the artists, often with scenes from folk tales. The village of Fedoskino (Федоскино), located not far from Moscow on the banks of the Ucha River, is the oldest of the four art centers of Russian lacquer miniature painting on papier-mâché, which has been practiced there since 1795. It stands apart both geographically, and in that that oil paints are used rather than egg tempera. While allowing the artist a free hand in impressionistic interpretation, the style of Fedoskino painting is largely realistic in composition and detail.
The other three Russian lacquer art centers are: Palekh (Палех), Kholuy (Kholuy, Kholuj, Holui - Холуй), Mstyora (Мстёра). The lacquer artists of Palekh, Kholui and Mstera continue to use the technique of painting in egg-based tempera overlaid with intricate gold leaf highlighting. All three are situated in the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality, Ivanovo region of central Russia, and are deeply rooted in the 17th-19th century icon painting tradition, which lasted until the Russian Revolution of 1917 and is now being revived by young artists of the 21st century. No Russian lacquer artwork is presently considered genuine piece unless it bears the signature of one of the recognised artists from one of four villages, each village having its own style.
- published: 08 Sep 2009
- views: 8830
The Lotus Eaters & Leila Ataya
The Lotus Eaters - Dead can Dance (Memento)
Leila Ataya
Born in Moscow, Russia in 1979.
From a v...
The Lotus Eaters - Dead can Dance (Memento)
Leila Ataya
Born in Moscow, Russia in 1979.
From a very young age Leila's life was strongly influenced by art. She has studied traditional Russian art including ceramics, laquer miniature "Palekh" and also trained in Russian Iconography. In 1995 she was accepted into Arts College in Russia, Moscow and continued studies of watercolour and drawing.
In 1996 she moved with her family to New Zealand and entered Elam School of Fine Arts, University of Auckland and in 2001 graduated with BFA in the Discipline of Painting. The same year she won the "Telecom Art Awards" with work 'The Keys to New Zealand' featuring on the cover of the 2001 Auckland phone book. In 2002 she visited Thailand as a result of winning "The Nokia Art Awards - Asia Pacific 2001".
Since than Leila has participated in a number of group shows and personal
exhibitions. Her works feature in many private collections in New Zealand and other countries of the world including Australia, England, South Korea, Russia etc.
A profile and a selection of her works were featured in "New Zealand's Favourite Artist's" Book by Denis Robinson, published by Saint Publishing in 2006. In 2007 she won the Popular Choice Award at "Waitakere Trust Art Awards", People's Choice award at "The Morpeth Canada 2008 Art Award" and came third at "The Mazda Awards 2008". The same year she returned to University of Auckland and gained PGDip in Fine Arts. At present, she is a director and tutor at LA Art School.
wn.com/The Lotus Eaters Leila Ataya
The Lotus Eaters - Dead can Dance (Memento)
Leila Ataya
Born in Moscow, Russia in 1979.
From a very young age Leila's life was strongly influenced by art. She has studied traditional Russian art including ceramics, laquer miniature "Palekh" and also trained in Russian Iconography. In 1995 she was accepted into Arts College in Russia, Moscow and continued studies of watercolour and drawing.
In 1996 she moved with her family to New Zealand and entered Elam School of Fine Arts, University of Auckland and in 2001 graduated with BFA in the Discipline of Painting. The same year she won the "Telecom Art Awards" with work 'The Keys to New Zealand' featuring on the cover of the 2001 Auckland phone book. In 2002 she visited Thailand as a result of winning "The Nokia Art Awards - Asia Pacific 2001".
Since than Leila has participated in a number of group shows and personal
exhibitions. Her works feature in many private collections in New Zealand and other countries of the world including Australia, England, South Korea, Russia etc.
A profile and a selection of her works were featured in "New Zealand's Favourite Artist's" Book by Denis Robinson, published by Saint Publishing in 2006. In 2007 she won the Popular Choice Award at "Waitakere Trust Art Awards", People's Choice award at "The Morpeth Canada 2008 Art Award" and came third at "The Mazda Awards 2008". The same year she returned to University of Auckland and gained PGDip in Fine Arts. At present, she is a director and tutor at LA Art School.
- published: 15 Feb 2011
- views: 1885
The Fortunetelling on Constellations
The sound track of this video is the song "Howdy, Troyka", in the English translation and the performance of the author. This song is one of the songs in the au...
The sound track of this video is the song "Howdy, Troyka", in the English translation and the performance of the author. This song is one of the songs in the author's album "Old Songs, Ballads, Romances".The painting of the very famous, already late, Russian painter-K. Vasilyev and Palekh polish miniatures are also utilized in this video.
wn.com/The Fortunetelling On Constellations
The sound track of this video is the song "Howdy, Troyka", in the English translation and the performance of the author. This song is one of the songs in the author's album "Old Songs, Ballads, Romances".The painting of the very famous, already late, Russian painter-K. Vasilyev and Palekh polish miniatures are also utilized in this video.
- published: 31 Jul 2012
- views: 107
Auto Palekh
by Nikita Svintsov...
by Nikita Svintsov
wn.com/Auto Palekh
by Nikita Svintsov
- published: 26 Jan 2015
- views: 395
2009 - Jour du défenseur de la patrie - Cheval (конь Пятницкого) French subtitle
Miniatures de Palekh
Oleg le Très-Sage : images
Miniatures de Palekh
Oleg le Très-Sage : images
Mythologie slave en français
Poème complet de Pouchkine en français poétique
День защитника Отечества 23,02,2009
- Выйду ночью в поле с конём..
- По Дону гуляет
- Из-за острова на стрежень
- Громче музыка играй победу
wn.com/2009 Jour Du Défenseur De La Patrie Cheval (Конь Пятницкого) French Subtitle
Miniatures de Palekh
Oleg le Très-Sage : images
Mythologie slave en français
Poème complet de Pouchkine en français poétique
День защитника Отечества 23,02,2009
- Выйду ночью в поле с конём..
- По Дону гуляет
- Из-за острова на стрежень
- Громче музыка играй победу
- published: 04 Dec 2011
- views: 10069
(Enigma - Callas went away)...
(Enigma - Callas went away)
(Enigma - Callas went away)
- published: 23 Jul 2010
- views: 156
Всем привет! Начало своё Палехская роспись взяла из мастерских иконописцев. Палех еще с допетровских времен славился своими иконописцами. Наибольшего расцвета ...
Всем привет! Начало своё Палехская роспись взяла из мастерских иконописцев. Палех еще с допетровских времен славился своими иконописцами. Наибольшего расцвета палехское иконописание достигло в XVIII - начале XIX века. Местный стиль сложился под влиянием московской, новгородской, строгановской и ярославской школ.
На звание данного направления в декоративно-прикладном творчестве пошло от названия села в котором оно зародилось и развивалось… Село Палех располагается в Ивановской области. Лаковая миниатюра выполняется темперой на папье-маше. Как правило, расписные изделия с палехской миниатюрой - шкатулки, кубышки, ларцы, панно, пепельницы, брошки, игольницы и другие предметы - преподносятся в качестве сувениров. Стиль палехской живописи имеет ряд особенностей, а именно: плавность, тонкость рисунка, черный или темный фон, большое количество штриховки, выполненной золотым цветом, четкость, вычерченность силуэта упрощенных фигур. Декоративные пейзаж и архитектура, изящность вытянутых пропорций фигур, динамичное сочетание красного, желтого и зеленого цветов, - все в изделиях с палехской миниатюрой восходит к древнерусским традициям, а потому так близко и дорого русскому сердцу. .
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wn.com/Palekh Painting Палехская Роспись
Всем привет! Начало своё Палехская роспись взяла из мастерских иконописцев. Палех еще с допетровских времен славился своими иконописцами. Наибольшего расцвета палехское иконописание достигло в XVIII - начале XIX века. Местный стиль сложился под влиянием московской, новгородской, строгановской и ярославской школ.
На звание данного направления в декоративно-прикладном творчестве пошло от названия села в котором оно зародилось и развивалось… Село Палех располагается в Ивановской области. Лаковая миниатюра выполняется темперой на папье-маше. Как правило, расписные изделия с палехской миниатюрой - шкатулки, кубышки, ларцы, панно, пепельницы, брошки, игольницы и другие предметы - преподносятся в качестве сувениров. Стиль палехской живописи имеет ряд особенностей, а именно: плавность, тонкость рисунка, черный или темный фон, большое количество штриховки, выполненной золотым цветом, четкость, вычерченность силуэта упрощенных фигур. Декоративные пейзаж и архитектура, изящность вытянутых пропорций фигур, динамичное сочетание красного, желтого и зеленого цветов, - все в изделиях с палехской миниатюрой восходит к древнерусским традициям, а потому так близко и дорого русскому сердцу. .
Смотрите, наслаждайтесь, ставьте "лайки" и подписывайтесь на мой канал
- published: 19 Feb 2015
- views: 857
Видеоклип. Сказки Палеха. Video clip. Tales of Palekh
Упаковка в русском стиле. Туба, тубус в русском стиле "Сказки Палеха". Сюжеты и иллюстрации Палеха - классика и совершенство. Упаковка с сюжетами Палеха - упако...
Упаковка в русском стиле. Туба, тубус в русском стиле "Сказки Палеха". Сюжеты и иллюстрации Палеха - классика и совершенство. Упаковка с сюжетами Палеха - упаковка для настоящих и изысканных подарков.
Packaging in the Russian style. Scenes and images of Palekh - classic and perfection. Packaging with the subjects of Palekh - packaging for current and gourmet gifts.
Gift wrap, christmas wrapping, tuba, tube, Palekh, the rules of success groups, tuba christmas
купить - http://daritekrasivo.ru/index.php?categoryID=1358
wn.com/Видеоклип. Сказки Палеха. Video Clip. Tales Of Palekh
Упаковка в русском стиле. Туба, тубус в русском стиле "Сказки Палеха". Сюжеты и иллюстрации Палеха - классика и совершенство. Упаковка с сюжетами Палеха - упаковка для настоящих и изысканных подарков.
Packaging in the Russian style. Scenes and images of Palekh - classic and perfection. Packaging with the subjects of Palekh - packaging for current and gourmet gifts.
Gift wrap, christmas wrapping, tuba, tube, Palekh, the rules of success groups, tuba christmas
купить - http://daritekrasivo.ru/index.php?categoryID=1358
- published: 21 Mar 2010
- views: 2734
Palekh, haut lieu de création d'icônes
Dans le village russe de Palekh (région d'Ivanovo, au nord-est de Moscou) des icônes sont peintes d'après une technique datant du 18e siècle. http://fr.ria.ru/v...
Dans le village russe de Palekh (région d'Ivanovo, au nord-est de Moscou) des icônes sont peintes d'après une technique datant du 18e siècle. http://fr.ria.ru/video/20120406/194212066.html
wn.com/Palekh, Haut Lieu De Création D'Icônes
Dans le village russe de Palekh (région d'Ivanovo, au nord-est de Moscou) des icônes sont peintes d'après une technique datant du 18e siècle. http://fr.ria.ru/video/20120406/194212066.html
- published: 06 Apr 2012
- views: 520
"Anastasia"- Portrait Masterpiece By Egg Tempera Master Elena V. Baranoff- Opera- Palekh Artist
BP Portrait Award 2014 - Entry - "Anastasia" -- A double-sided portrait painting created by master fine artist Elena Vladimir Baranoff, of her daughter fine art...
BP Portrait Award 2014 - Entry - "Anastasia" -- A double-sided portrait painting created by master fine artist Elena Vladimir Baranoff, of her daughter fine artist Anastasia Elena Baranoff, in centuries old technique of hand prepared egg tempera, incorporating ground rare semi-precious stones, such as lapis lazuli and other natural mineral and earth pigments.
The delicate floral border surrounding the portrait, emblem and text, were created and painted by the fine artist in 24ct. yellow gold, 12 ct. white gold, 20 ct. dark lemon gold, and 23 ct. moonlight gold. The portrait was painted on hand prepared marble gesso surface on a custom designed basswood (linden wood) panel.
The portrait was created between 2005 and 2014. Size of the artwork - 15" x 20" inches.
Over the years, Elena developed her own new style of painting, perfecting and championing the mesmerizing egg tempera fine art medium in our modern society. In 2013 she co-founded the Egg Tempera Movement with Anastasia Elena Baranoff, in an effort to revitalize the rare fine art tradition. The portrait "Anastasia" is the inaugural masterpiece of the Egg Tempera Movement.
"Anastasia" Copyright © Elena Vladimir Baranoff
Please Visit The Official Websites-
wn.com/Anastasia Portrait Masterpiece By Egg Tempera Master Elena V. Baranoff Opera Palekh Artist
BP Portrait Award 2014 - Entry - "Anastasia" -- A double-sided portrait painting created by master fine artist Elena Vladimir Baranoff, of her daughter fine artist Anastasia Elena Baranoff, in centuries old technique of hand prepared egg tempera, incorporating ground rare semi-precious stones, such as lapis lazuli and other natural mineral and earth pigments.
The delicate floral border surrounding the portrait, emblem and text, were created and painted by the fine artist in 24ct. yellow gold, 12 ct. white gold, 20 ct. dark lemon gold, and 23 ct. moonlight gold. The portrait was painted on hand prepared marble gesso surface on a custom designed basswood (linden wood) panel.
The portrait was created between 2005 and 2014. Size of the artwork - 15" x 20" inches.
Over the years, Elena developed her own new style of painting, perfecting and championing the mesmerizing egg tempera fine art medium in our modern society. In 2013 she co-founded the Egg Tempera Movement with Anastasia Elena Baranoff, in an effort to revitalize the rare fine art tradition. The portrait "Anastasia" is the inaugural masterpiece of the Egg Tempera Movement.
"Anastasia" Copyright © Elena Vladimir Baranoff
Please Visit The Official Websites-
- published: 13 Jul 2014
- views: 443
Les Choeurs de l'Armée Rouge - Danse "Souvenirs de Palekh"
Subscribe and stay tuned : http://bit.ly/18RdjFe
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Les Chœurs de l'Armée Rouge (The Red Army Choir) - Danse de...
Subscribe and stay tuned : http://bit.ly/18RdjFe
Suivez-nous sur Facebook : http://on.fb.me/1h06O8r
Les Chœurs de l'Armée Rouge (The Red Army Choir) - Danse de Souvenirs de Palekh
wn.com/Les Choeurs De L'ArméE Rouge Danse Souvenirs De Palekh
Subscribe and stay tuned : http://bit.ly/18RdjFe
Suivez-nous sur Facebook : http://on.fb.me/1h06O8r
Les Chœurs de l'Armée Rouge (The Red Army Choir) - Danse de Souvenirs de Palekh
- published: 02 Mar 2012
- views: 587
Яблочный Спас 2015 в Палехе (минифильм от Life in Motion)
Этот интересный минифильм про наш фестиваль подготовил Николай Солилов из Life in Motion (https://vk.com/limivanovo).
Международный фестиваль искусст...
Этот интересный минифильм про наш фестиваль подготовил Николай Солилов из Life in Motion (https://vk.com/limivanovo).
Международный фестиваль искусств Яблочный Спас 2015
Палех, 15 и 16 августа
International Arts Festival Apple Feast 2015
Russia, Palekh, August 15 – 16
Palekh summer festival: exhibitions / concerts / workshops / lectures / walks / market / fun & games / communication
VK http://vk.com/palekhfest
FB https://www.facebook.com/pages/%D0%AF%D0%B1%D0%BB%D0%BE%D1%87%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9-%D0%A1%D0%BF%D0%B0%D1%81-2015-Apple-Feast-2015/128189243916479
Дизайн: http://makkaronina.blogspot.ru/
wn.com/Яблочный Спас 2015 В Палехе (Минифильм От Life In Motion)
Этот интересный минифильм про наш фестиваль подготовил Николай Солилов из Life in Motion (https://vk.com/limivanovo).
Международный фестиваль искусств Яблочный Спас 2015
Палех, 15 и 16 августа
International Arts Festival Apple Feast 2015
Russia, Palekh, August 15 – 16
Palekh summer festival: exhibitions / concerts / workshops / lectures / walks / market / fun & games / communication
VK http://vk.com/palekhfest
FB https://www.facebook.com/pages/%D0%AF%D0%B1%D0%BB%D0%BE%D1%87%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9-%D0%A1%D0%BF%D0%B0%D1%81-2015-Apple-Feast-2015/128189243916479
Дизайн: http://makkaronina.blogspot.ru/
- published: 16 Dec 2015
- views: 757
MINIATURE PAINTING WORKSHOP: Practical drawing and painting technique
Gill Whitworth leads a one day workshop in the art of Oriental Miniature Painting...
Gill Whitworth leads a one day workshop in the art of Oriental Miniature Painting
wn.com/Miniature Painting Workshop Practical Drawing And Painting Technique
Gill Whitworth leads a one day workshop in the art of Oriental Miniature Painting
- published: 13 Jun 2011
- views: 16634
Barumini . Sardinia in miniature . Comments in russian
In this video we visit Barumini and the park Sardinia in miniature. Speaking in russian....
In this video we visit Barumini and the park Sardinia in miniature. Speaking in russian.
wn.com/Barumini . Sardinia In Miniature . Comments In Russian
In this video we visit Barumini and the park Sardinia in miniature. Speaking in russian.
- published: 23 Apr 2015
- views: 245
Lacquered miniature Nadezda Strelkina/ Лаковая миниатюра Надежды Стрелкиной
Надежда Стрелкина продолжила династию Федоскинских художников ( в девичестве Бурбышева). закончила Федоскинскую школу миниатюрной живописи. Основными своими учи...
Надежда Стрелкина продолжила династию Федоскинских художников ( в девичестве Бурбышева). закончила Федоскинскую школу миниатюрной живописи. Основными своими учителями в искусстве она считает старых классических мастеров. Вдохновленная ими, а также старинными русскими сказочными и духовными преданиями, она создает образы, пробуждающие в зрителе добрые и светлые чувства. Художественный стиль Надежды своеобразен и делает ее работы сразу узнаваемыми. Манера ее письма очень деликатна и знаменита мягким, нежным изображением лиц, как бы светящихся изнутри. Это – воплощение русского идеала женской красоты.
Работы Надежды Стрелкиной находятся в Музее Федоскинской фабрики, а также во многих частных коллекциях в России и за рубежом; она принимает участие в выставках прикладного искусства по всему миру. В 1995 году работы Надежды были лицензированы в США и сразу завоевали огромную популярность. Крупнейшая сувенирная компания «The Bradford Exchange» выпустила серию музыкальных шкатулок, фарфоровых пластин, ёлочных украшений и т.д. « Симфония Ангелов». За эту серию Надежда была награждена хрустальным кубком « Новое имя года».
wn.com/Lacquered Miniature Nadezda Strelkina Лаковая Миниатюра Надежды Стрелкиной
Надежда Стрелкина продолжила династию Федоскинских художников ( в девичестве Бурбышева). закончила Федоскинскую школу миниатюрной живописи. Основными своими учителями в искусстве она считает старых классических мастеров. Вдохновленная ими, а также старинными русскими сказочными и духовными преданиями, она создает образы, пробуждающие в зрителе добрые и светлые чувства. Художественный стиль Надежды своеобразен и делает ее работы сразу узнаваемыми. Манера ее письма очень деликатна и знаменита мягким, нежным изображением лиц, как бы светящихся изнутри. Это – воплощение русского идеала женской красоты.
Работы Надежды Стрелкиной находятся в Музее Федоскинской фабрики, а также во многих частных коллекциях в России и за рубежом; она принимает участие в выставках прикладного искусства по всему миру. В 1995 году работы Надежды были лицензированы в США и сразу завоевали огромную популярность. Крупнейшая сувенирная компания «The Bradford Exchange» выпустила серию музыкальных шкатулок, фарфоровых пластин, ёлочных украшений и т.д. « Симфония Ангелов». За эту серию Надежда была награждена хрустальным кубком « Новое имя года».
- published: 02 Dec 2015
- views: 147
St Petersburg's most famous sights and the whole of Russia in miniature | Russia Year Abroad Diary 2
Check out my blog for some photos http://alicesjournal.com/2015/11/08/sunshine-in-st-petersburg/
Thank you for watching, don't forget to give this video a thumb...
Check out my blog for some photos http://alicesjournal.com/2015/11/08/sunshine-in-st-petersburg/
Thank you for watching, don't forget to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it :) xxx
Where else to find me:
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/alicesjournal
Snapchat: alicesjournal
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/alicejournal
Blog: http://www.alicesjournal.com
wn.com/St Petersburg's Most Famous Sights And The Whole Of Russia In Miniature | Russia Year Abroad Diary 2
Check out my blog for some photos http://alicesjournal.com/2015/11/08/sunshine-in-st-petersburg/
Thank you for watching, don't forget to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it :) xxx
Where else to find me:
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/alicesjournal
Snapchat: alicesjournal
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/alicejournal
Blog: http://www.alicesjournal.com
- published: 08 Nov 2015
- views: 254