Return of the Living Dead III (1993)
Christopher Roth (editor),
Mike Moroff (actor),
Anthony Hickox (actor),
Brian Yuzna (producer),
Jayne-Ann Tenggren (miscellaneous crew),
Brian Peck (actor),
Sarah Douglas (actress),
Christopher Landry (actor),
David Wells (actor),
Michael Deak (actor),
Sal Lopez (actor),
Brian Yuzna (director),
James T. Callahan (actor),
Rob Hampton (actor),
Dana Lee (actor),
Plot: Colonel Reynolds and his group of government scientists continue their work on re-animating the dead for military use. His son Curt and his girlfriend Julie use Dad's security pass to sneak in and watch the proceedings. Later when father and son have a disagreement, Curt and Julie take off on a motorcycle and Julie is killed in an accident. Grief-stricken, Curt takes her body to the lab and brings her back to life. Curt must help Julie deal with her new existence as military agents and local gang members try to find them.
Keywords: back-from-the-dead, bitten-in-the-throat, black-comedy, blood, body-mutilation, boyfriend-girlfriend-relationship, brain-eating, corpse, cult-film, cult-film
Taglines: She's To Die For. Back from the dead and hungry for more.
Julie: The pain... The pain keeps the hunger away...
Curt Reynolds: I liked you when you were... the way you were before.
Curt Reynolds: Julie, are you eating him? You should stop it.
Curt Reynolds: How could you... eat that man?
Norman's Awesome Experience (1988)
Tom McCamus (actor),
Peter R. Simpson (producer),
Marcos Woinsky (actor),
Paul Zaza (composer),
David Hemblen (actor),
Ray Sager (producer),
Jacques Arndt (actor),
Paul Donovan (director),
Paul Donovan (writer),
Paul Donovan (producer),
Brian Downey (actor),
Marisa Urruti (costume designer),
Ilana Frank (producer),
Armando Capo (actor),
Stephan Fanfara (editor),
Plot: Through the experiment of a crazy scientist, his colleague Norman, model Erica and her photographer are sent back in time to the Romans. They arrive in a small village, controlled by the Roman Septimus Fabius and a fat village mayor. They teach the people the Rock'n Roll... and revolution. Of course the Romans don't appreciate their efforts - will Norman's Know How save them?
Keywords: character-name-in-title, independent-film, roman, time-travel
Taglines: Norman thought the 20th Century was bad. But now, he's got a date with the Roman Empire.
The Right Stuff (1983)
Lyndon Johnson (actor),
Christopher Kriesa (actor),
Royal Dano (actor),
Scott Glenn (actor),
Nikita Khrushchev (actor),
Lance Henriksen (actor),
Ed Harris (actor),
Jim Haynie (actor),
David Clennon (actor),
Edward Anhalt (actor),
John Dehner (actor),
John F. Kennedy (actor),
Jeff Goldblum (actor),
Scott Paulin (actor),
Donald Moffat (actor),
Plot: Tom Wolfe's book on the history of the U.S. Space program reads like a novel, and the film has that same fictional quality. It covers the breaking of the sound barrier by Chuck Yeager to the Mercury 7 astronauts, showing that no one had a clue how to run a space program or how to select people to be in it. Thrilling, funny, charming and electrifying all at once.
Keywords: 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, adultery, aerospace-film, aircraft-carrier, airplane-accident, astronaut, australian-aboriginal, aviation
Taglines: By flying higher and faster than any other man had ever dared before, Chuck Yeager set the pace for a new breed of hero. Those that had just one thing in common...THE RIGHT STUFF. How the future began. America was looking for a hero who had what it takes to become a legend. America found seven of them.
[first lines]::Narrator: There was a demon that lived in the air. They said whoever challenged him would die. Their controls would freeze up, their planes would buffet wildly, and they would disintegrate. The demon lived at Mach 1 on the meter, seven hundred and fifty miles an hour, where the air could no longer move out of the way. He lived behind a barrier through which they said no man could ever pass. They called it the sound barrier.
[about Yeager's bruised ribs]::Jack Ridley: How bad did you ding 'em?::Chuck Yeager: Well, you might say as I broke a couple of the sons-o'-bitches.
[repeated lines]::Chuck Yeager: Hey, Ridley, ya got any Beeman's?::Jack Ridley: Yeah, I think I got me a stick.::Chuck Yeager: Loan me some, will ya? I'll pay ya back later.::Jack Ridley: Fair enough.
Gordon Cooper: You boys know what makes this bird go up? FUNDING makes this bird go up.::Gus Grissom: He's right. No bucks, no Buck Rogers.
Chuck Yeager: Hey, Ridley, make another note here, would ya? Must be something wrong with this ol' Mach meter. Jumped plumb off the scale. Gone kinda screwy on me.::Jack Ridley: You go ahead and bust it, we'll fix it. Personally, I think you're seein' things.::Chuck Yeager: Yeah, could be. But I'm still goin' upstairs like a bat outta hell.
Chuck Yeager: I'm a fearless man, but I'm scared to death of you.::Glennis Yeager: Oh no you're not. But you oughta be.
Alan Shepard: Dear Lord, please don't let me fuck up.::Gordon Cooper: I didn't quite copy that. Say again, please.::Alan Shepard: I said everything's A-OK.
Pancho Barnes: What are you two rookies gonna have?::Gordon Cooper: Rookies? Now hold on, sis. You are looking at a whole new ballgame here now. In fact, in a couple of years, I bet you're even gonna immortalize us by putting our pictures up there on your wall. [unwittingly referring to the dead pilot memorial over the bar] What? I say somethin' wrong here?::Pancho Barnes: I tell you, we got two categories of pilots around here. We got your prime pilots that get all the hot planes, and we got your pud-knockers who dream about getting the hot planes. Now what are you two pud-knockers gonna have? Huh?
Chief Scientist: I agree with those who say we could launch a pod.::Lyndon Johnson: A pot?::Chief Scientist: A POD - a, uh, capsule. Now, we would be in full control of zis pod. It vill go up like a cannonball, and come down like, uh, a cannonball, splashing down into ze water, the ocean, vith a parachute to spare the life of the specimen inside.::Lyndon Johnson: Spaceman?::Chief Scientist: SPE-CI-MEN.::Lyndon Johnson: Well, what kind of spe-ci-men?::Chief Scientist: A tough one. Responsive to orders. I had in mind a jimp.::Lyndon Johnson: JIMP? Well what the HELL is a jimp?::Chief Scientist: A jimp. A-a-a jimpanzee, Senator. An ape.
Game Show MC: Major, Eddie here has a little problem with his girlfriend. Did you ever have a problem like that when you were 10?::John Glenn: Yes, I did, Bob. I liked a girl in my class, but all the other guys liked her too and she didn't pay any attention. But, I kept after her, Eddie.::Game Show MC: Did you finally get her to notice you?::John Glenn: Yes, I did. In fact, I finally got her to marry me.